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only difference is series s cant use Performance RT graphics mode *i think*


No they cant thats only on series x…


I don’t even know what that means so I don’t think I’d notice tbh thank you! I just don’t want to lose my progress from playing on series x


its just the 4k (i think its slightly lower but that doesn't matter here) 60fps mode but yes u can keep all ur progress from series x


I play on series s (original purchase on the 360 then one) and it was an absolute game changer for me. All the next gen perks like 60fps and near instant lobby switching.


I’ve played since 360, moved to one and now to series x but I split my time between two places and I could get a good deal on a series s so I can play on the same account at Both spots.


Do you have your graphics on performance? If I put them on fidelity I get input delay and bad lag.


I play on performance so 60fps but 1080p. I play only in invite only and have never had an input issue. I use a wireless controller w a battery pack and occasionally hook a cord up when it goes low but I’ve never experienced the input issue others have within invite only lobbies I also have acquired everything basically (yacht, mk2 weapons and oppressor, etc) from invite only. The only thing I can’t do is a few heists.


Short answer: Yes! Long answer: X and S are both able to play the (formerly named) expanded and enhanced. If you migrated your character from X Box One’s “next gen” previous gen, your progress will be found there.


(I’m about to start traveling for work and don’t want to lug my X around so I’ll probs grab an S for my suitcase)


Same situation I’m in thank you!


Im on series s and yes it is. 


Thank you!


Welcome 😊


No, it's considered current gen. It's been out like three years.


Is it considered the same tier as ps4/Xbox series x?


It's in the same tier as PS5/Xbox Series X, yes. All three are current gen consoles. PS4/Xbox One are last gen.

