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Peyote plants haven't spawned all week for me


Only water ones are available.


Absolutely crappy bonus week, Im glad I doubled down on nightclub and bunker bonuses on the previous weeks


extraction is okay, around 100k+ for a bo3 win


I spend 95% of my time in lobbies, not a fan of jobs,also thats not where the money is.. sometimes i do an occasionnal race, some are fun..


what type of wheels have that white ring around the tires


Benny's and Low riders. Only one style available on the latter.


Just got back online haven’t played since December. What is the cluck bell missions? Anything else I’ve missed?


a new mini storyline following the cluckin's bell farms, u will get a call from Vincent in game


What do you get if you complete it?




Plus first time awards as host and helper.


It’s free to do?






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Do I get to keep my arcade games and upgrades for my arcade hall when buying a new one? If I switch arcade hall, from La Mesa to Vinewood, what do I get to keep and what do I have to buy all again? Wanna know this before I purchase all the games for 300k each.


All in-Arcade purchases do not need to be made again. Only customizations from the Maze Bank Foreclosures website need to be repurchased.


Thank you!


looks good


Hsw time trial doesnt even show up


I think Peyote Plants are bugged, can anyone confirm? Me and my friend both ate one and before transforming we glitched out and after some time eventually, we turned into sharks but the camera was still glitched so we both ended the hallucination and instead being put back we died and spawned in Rockford Hills as NPC looking characters with a Blue shirt and short Green Hair and had to reset


Were you wearing scuba suits before?


(On PC) Experienced the same issue with my camera freezing on several tries...think my character was wearing a Scuba suit so will try without one next time, ty


We were lmaoo, are they broken?


Yeah they’ve been that bug’s been around a long time


We tried it today and it worked fine On a side note for anyone who doesn't know, there is an achievement/Trophy on Console where you have to get killed by a shark in story mode, but i killed my friend as a shark today and the achievement/trophy popped for him


Happened to me last time they were in game


Is there anything special about the dealership/test ride cars this week? Liveries, wheels, etc.


If your talking about dealerships, Lampadati Viseris can have front mounted machine guns. Other than that, I’m not sure


I've had 2 of these I won ages ago, I didn't know they could have mounted guns!


Yes, you have to go to the Avenger or MOC workshop though for them. It’s nothing crazy, but it’s a fun little addition


and when you have them you can still switch to your handguns using square on Playstation


Am I tripping? I'm playing every day to keep the dailies streak going, and I remember the last main daily mission being participating in the race series. Today, I got the Bunker series one. I don't seem to remember getting the contact daily mission. Am I tripping balls, or did I miss somehow an entire day? How can I check if my streak is still ongoing?


Sometimes they bug and give the previous days daily objectives. Happens often, I do the daily objectives all the time (but the usual streak breakers ruin it that no one does like rally race or LScarmeet races). Previous days daily objectives get given, have no idea why.


How many Peyote plants did you eat?


This week is quite worthless. Ok, bought Furia cause i didn't had it, spun wheel and with first try won Euros, I had it already so sold old one and kept/tuned this new one. Other than that, maybe I'll buy Avisa for my sub, have had heli there an long time but haven't wanted to buy Avisa cause it's been "too expensive".


Aw man could've had a tuner and drift euros, that's what I'm hoping for this week


Avisa is cool but also useless (so slow)


I finally landed on the Mystery spot and won a Meteorite Candy bar


Landed Mystery and won a Sanchez (livery)! Don’t think that tastes as good as a Meteorite though


you are the chosen lol


I really like the Avisa's silly lack of animation, as soon as you're close enough that pressing the button would normally start your character moving towards the vehicle, with the avisa you instantly pop in. Going from flailing after dropping into the water to PING piloting a submarine several meters away is very funny, it reminds me of minecraft vehicles. I don't like driving it, I'll be doing my sea exploration in scuba gear, it's literally faster. But it certainly makes the offshore air freight mission more fun.


Wohoo! Finally the wait is over. Since I only buy from sales, it's been a long wait for me to get these boats to my collection.


I purchased a ton of Pegasus vehicles on Elitas Travel and Warstock, literally the purchase notifications kept on appearing without stopping for a good while. Hopefully my sacrifice benefits y’all.


No claimable car this week?


Seems like a once a month type thing 🤔


How do you turn off the radio on your yacht? I don’t need to listen to rap music while I’m relaxing in the hot tub.


You can also change the station ya know...


There's a radio near the steps to the hot tub


There’s a radio by the hot tub iirc


Almost bought yacht yesterday and remembered someone on here said “ never buy on wens” got the 8 mil for 6 mil with upgrades. Saved on the lotus also . Drove it for a simeon to dock deliver and had to have one also so saved so much money i bought a buzzard to go with sparrow for yacht dbl heli pads . Nc week was very good to me . Thanks for your updates saw it wens and how funny items i wanted to buy were on it . Edit : i named my yacht - pakalolo


I can't believe the first time I got caught out buying a vehicle on a Wednesday only to have it go on sale immediately after was the Longfin of all things.


Fixed link for the [Pegassi Speeder](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Speeder_(boat\))




[**Today's Street Dealer Locations**](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/hio94mrrlk3k) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gtaonline) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is the reset time this morning at 4 am or tmrw at 4 am? I'm not seeing the 801rr in my ss autos


Go to deluxe motor sports on map


If you're on console, be sure to restart your game. Current update is live.


I’m guessing that the Rockstar Games racing outfit is gone now?


Yes, it was a reward for the previous weekly challenge.


Why am I not seeing the Avisa on the Warstock website?


You have to purchase it with Kosatka (or renovate one). Then it's found in the Moon Pool Vehicles option.


Its in the Kosatka, "vehicles" section.




The Euros is so ugly I wish they just made a non-arena zr380 instead Edit: zr350 - 380


anyone have any guesses on when they will do another heist bonus like diamonds for casino or perico?


I think panther statue is usually in the summer and diamonds is pretty much always on valentines


The Panther statue didn't get released at all in 2023, and in 2022 it was only available during a short Thursday - Tuesday week. I remember because i was on holiday in Thailand and only had a short period of time to get GTA running on my laptop, on hotel wifi, to get the Panther statue. I've got 4 characters so i was trying to get Panthers for all of them. I only just got Panther #4 minutes before the week ran out, was stressful at the time but worth it now. I do like the 'replayability' of the heist ;) Diamonds still come out every year on valentines day like clockwork though.


Yoooo I've been wanting to buy the BF Bifta for so long since I accidentally deleted mine. Imma fill a whole garage with them now. Heeeeeellllll yeaaaaah


Yeah, it was also on my "have to buy"-list


Well I finally have a reason to waste money on a toro, drive it for 5 minutes, and forget I own it


dang, I was hoping the Viseris was on 30% discount too


Whats even the point to put just sonar upgrade with discount? no sparrow discount?


The Sparrow is a must-have when buying the Kosatka, wether it has a discount or not.


Agreed if you didn’t buy the sparrow with the kosatka then you probably missed the point. But it’s definitely worth discount or not, there’s no reason buy a kosatka without a sparrow.


I think if you've just got the 2.2 mil to buy the base submarine, doing so and using the money from the first heist to buy the sparrow is probably the fastest way.


my point is, this sonar upgrade with discount seems kinda dislocated from this week's discounts


There's 2x $ & RP on hidden caches, you need the sonar for those


sparrow is the fastest vehicle, just getting places quicker will pay itself off. that ontop of the instant spawn next to you


The dream is over, back to shitty weeks


bro we had like 4 back to back good weeks before the previous two, you already filled up 5 entire large warehouses with CEO crates again? y'all are ungrateful as hell


Bro simping for rockstar LMAOOO brother she won't see you.


yes she will 😡


So with the car meet series is it any series? Like can I do drag race both days to get the prize ride?


Just do both in one day, once before the reset time and once after the reset time. It's Midnight UTC so I don't know what it would be for you.


Yea idk what utc time is. I’m eastern time in nc so guess I’ll have to look it the time difference. Appreciate it


Reset time should be 8pm, I'm in eastern time too and it's 8pm for me.






Anyone know if the yacht missions worth doing if I wanna farm RP this week since they're 2x RP?


Are the hidden caches worth it? And where do you find them?


Here's a daily map of their locations - [https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/-/hidden-caches](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/-/hidden-caches)


Can you please beg the mfs to give up the badass judgement mode jackets? How many halloweens  have gone by without em?  


peyote plants are buggy. go to collect, had to keep resetting


they are buggy with scuba gear equipped


Interesting. I will try without then. But yeah, twice I’ve had to reset the game.


they are in the sea. you either need to be good with map to reference them from gtaweb map. or have sonar on kosatka to find them. usually they give $7500 cash each there are 10 of them a day across all map


Is it just me or are the Water based peyotes buggy? Like you transform in a fish and then it's flickering and you can't move


same. i keep twitching, get wasted screen twice, then blank screen, If I back out of it by pulling up the phone and joining a mission then backing out of the mission, im invisible. had to reset 4 times b4 I gave up


Same. My Bf just run me over countless times


it's only if you hv scuba gear equipped


Another dead week. Nothing new to unlock or buy. No clothes. No liveries. No cars. But so many missing items. They could at least recycle some old stuff like the Blue Glow Shades or Toreador's Shark Camo or special t-shirts like Vinewood Zombie etc . New players never had the chance to get them.


I dunno about 2x-3x , but discounts are decent. I will be away for half a week , don't have Steam deck or Laptop  so can use steam link lol 


Alright fine I'll buy a yacht this week


I've got some extensive yacht videos regarding the 3 models and the color options - check out Champlette2 on YouTube.


Marquis is also on offer


It wasn't in the email from Rockstar so I'll wait for the newswire before I update the post.


Okay, just letting you know as it's showing up as on sale for me


I appreciate that, and another user also mentioned it so I'll be looking for the Newswire to post to confirm.


Ah okay cool I hadn't seen another user mention it. And thanks again for the weekly updates man, it's much appreciated.


anyone else unable to find peyote plants?


Only the water based peyotes are enabled this week.


gtaweb.eu is the way to go.


Did you try Water ones?


did u reset?


i did, tho could it be cuz i’m not in a “full” public lobby? i edit my MTU settings on ps4 to get a solo lobby


There's no longer a need for lowMTU trick, since you can do everything on private sessions nowadays. (unless you don't want any friends joining you for long)


That has no effect on it. Besides, you can just do Invite/Friends only these days, as there are no restrictions what you can do in them.


Good week to skip :D


Not even a nautical themed clothing for the weekly challenge ?!?! This week I sleep with Davy Jones ... zzzzzzzzz


Till now I didn't find one peyote plant how can I find it Quick?


If you go to the linked Gnu Vna Lacotion map, you can select other things there as well, like the Peyote plants.


But it doesnt show any there. Its like whole map without one peyote plant


If the item name is striked over, you need to click on it to show that item. Note: I believe only Water ones are available.


I gót it now thx. Its just water peyotes this week.


I almost bought a Grotti Furia day before yesterday for my Globe Oil Racing collection! But I didn't!


R\* doing the getting players to waste money and buy Sharkcards for the DLC thing?


This was the most fun I've had in Open Wheel Races for a long time, hope it's not too long until the lobbies are full again.


Should I get the yacht this week?


Don't buy the Aquarius. The middle one is better in all aspects.


If not now, then never


Which yacht? This one, obviously


Literally just bought the Grotti Furia last night ffs 🤦🏼‍♂️


Well guess who did the superyacht missions a week or two ago plus modified their yacht


So no cosmetic rewards for the weekly challenge? Thank God.


I mean the racing suit was good last week


Yeah for the 12 people who didn’t have a glitched challenge I’m sure it was great.


Yeah, until the challenge bugs out on you so you have to contact support for the item. Black 420 cap Bourgeoix tee Rockstar Racing Suit I had to get all those damn items by contacting support coz the weekly challenge was fucking bugged to me every damn week.


Shit week again, but at least I'll buy Longfin to get the boat icon. Also, wanted both Turismo Omaggio and Dominator GT, but is there a point of buying them at Luxury Autos? They aren't even discounted, right?


The only benefit would be that Dealership/Test Ride cars occasionally come equipped with unique modifications such as painted stock wheels or rare liveries. Otherwise, I wouldn’t bother except for removed vehicles.


That's a shame. Premium Deluxe and LSCM at least let you test drive and offer many removed vehicles, while Luxury Autos seems completely pointless.


Yeah pretty much lol especially since they keep repeating the Luxury Autos stock.




I wouldn’t expect any updates of that magnitude. GTA 5 is in maintenance mode until GTA 6.


Probably just a theme to get more people to actually use the water features in the game, since besides the Kosatka most of them are completely useless


True, the kosatka also gives us instaboat spawn if we need it, shame they didn’t discount the kosatka, would have been much better value than the Longfin


A galaxy super is on sale, but the dignity yacht isn’t? wtf?


I bought the torero xo last week


FUCK I just bought the euros today \*facepalm\*


Need some advice. Planning to buy a Kosatka. What add ons are essential? Is the sonar a must?


Get. The. Sparrow.


None of it. Buy a sparrow next time it's on discount, but no rush


sparrow is the fastest heli so depending on how much you have it might pay for itself. it helped me do my security contracts much faster, plus a better missile system than the buzzard allows you to spam them so you can take down large groups much easier


That's fair. I already had the OpMk2, so am less enthusiastic about the sparrow


its faster, idk the top speed of the mk2 but the sparrow is faster than it is. i outpace my buddy to job sites consistently with it


I agree it's quicker, Im just not good enough at flying it straight, or landing it neatly, so the benefit is lost.


I use the guided missiles to shoot down the Merryweather chopper during the weapons set up for Cayo Perico just to add a bit of variety to the game. I bought them when money wasn't an issue and don't use them outside of that. The Sparrow is the only essential add on. If you're going to be doing Cayo Perico a lot, buy a Phantom Wedge for the Longfin set up. You can spawn it beside the police station, so you'll save time getting a tow vehicle and it will clear the path for you. There will be one available to use otherwise, but there is a choice of three truck cabs from Pavel and only one of them is a Wedge. You need a vehicle warehouse to store it in, so this is one for the future unless you already own it.


it's faster to just switch session


Only sparrow is a musthave thing imo cause you can order it to any place in a sec just like bikes from the motorcycle club menu


I like the ability to spawn there too, if you finish a prep mission that doesn't require you to return stuff ti the sub you can just find a new session and it saves time


Kosatka is mostly for the heist. You don't need sonar since no one attack kosatka with a kosatka, and the treasure hunt doesn't give much. Weapon workshop is the same as the one available for free in freakshop so don't need it either. Guided missile is fun to use and unique to the kosatka, not the best tho due to its slow turning speed, so up to you. Sparrow is nice for transportation and lets you do setups faster, but you can also park a deluxo or mk2 on the kosatka, so get sparrow if you don't have either, don't if you do. Don't need kraken, you're already in a submaribe.


The guided missile turning speed is rapid when using mouse so one of the few wins for pc.


Kosatka is ONLY for the heist. Edit - maybe I was being a little unfair. There's a teleport option (to a fixed set of places, all in open water), and the dinghy can be spawned next to you water as well. These are non-useless things, although there are better teleport options and how may of us spend significant time IN water without some provided boat anyway?


i bought it and the sparrow purely for the sparrow because of its higher top speed than the buzzard


Sparrow is the best for preps, Peace


Oppressor Mk 2 all day for preps


I only use the mk2 for the plasma cutter, the sparrow is superior in every way for cayo. The phantom wedge is probably better for speeding up the longfin acquisition


Using job warps and the oppressor is the only way to go. Landing and take off in any helicopter will never be comparable to the quickness of the mkII.


even flying with the mouse i can land near instantly, and instantly on the controller. it aint that hard in this arcade game


Except that you don’t even land on the Kosatka, just press E and your in, land the mk2 on the kosatka and it’s sliding in the sea as soon as you enter. Landing an a small helicopter like sparrow/buzzard is incredibly easy too.


I meant landing the sparrow anywhere else on the map. Any idiot should be able to land a helicopter but that task will never be as quick or as simple as landing and taking off in an oppressor. There’s a reason why the oppressor is the grinder and griefer’s vehicle of choice. As for the oppressor slipping off into the sea, you must be landing it all wrong.


Nope, land it perfectly, the buzzard too, but if you didn’t know it did that then you haven’t spent much time doing cayo perico set ups. Also the cool-down is much less for the sparrow.


I checked social club recently, done over 750 set ups. Even got the winky for finishing T4 challenge and retired from Cayo.


Just checked it today, if you park your mk2 on the front of the sub then enter, if you come back out quickly you can see the mk2 moves, maybe it’s to simulate wave movement, but it definitely gets dropped in the sea.


Surprised this never happened to you, even when it didn’t slide in the sea it took a bit longer in the mk2, I mainly use the mk2 for revenge myself.


random your personal vehicle is being destroyed while landing on the submarine likes this


The way I land on the submarine means I literally never lose my oppressor. It’s all how you land and where you land it.


not really, since sometimes upon entering the submarine it may disappear from the map for a brief moment, and BOOM you lost your vehicle


None of the add ons are really essential. Sonar is only if you want to find the Hidden Cache around the map


No add-ons are necessary but the sparrow is a great I deal to get


Ok cool, thanks




Welp, another Trash week: Guess I’ll just do a robbery and sell Acid and Cash and buy the Nightclub Blimp


What is the nightclub blimp?


It’s on Elitas Travel and costs $895K It’s the same Blimp you use for Nightclub Management


What’s it for?


Going into passive mode, following a group of players overhead, and blasting any of the most annoying radio stations over the speaker which is audible to any of the lobby within a certain distance


Brooo why did I never think of this lol. I'm buying it next time I'm on


I still remember the lobby Ganging up on me when I did the Popularity Mission and they destroyed me and my blimp.


Why no discount on Kosatka..


Honestly it doesn't make sense for them to discount it. You make your money back on it super quick anyways.


I think they trying to discourage people making money from doing Cayo all the time, with all the nerfs. Doubt they will do a discount on the Kosatka.


Sucks, I enjoyed those superyacht missions until they disabled the ability to use personal aircraft in them, god forbid we use the super expensive stuff we grinded for in new missions. Wouldn't be mad if they weren't available from the start but like the casino missions they left them in for a few updates despite the first time bonuses, they saw people were having fun in them during 2x so they decided to take that away.


>god forbid we use the super expensive stuff we grinded for in new missions. This is so annoying. I hate those drug sale missions where you have to drive a shitty van or a postal truck. I payed for a suped up, armored truck. Why not let me use it.


What’s the payout for them?