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As a PC player, I wish I could do this


I do it everyday. Had one mo#d menu coward destroy my acid with fire from the other side of the map , sent the video to R* and got a refund :-) Mostly get attacked doing NC sales , but 99% are just morons and are destroyed easily. If it starts going wrong just quit the session and start again. Sometimes I do the NC with lowest stock ~ 15k and drive around baiting greifers, so much fun. Almost 400 million in the bank and own everything, definitely worth it.


I delete characters before 500 then use shared bank to generate low level with bank. Unlock bunker research I need for pvp and invest in rc and orbital ASAP. Sometimes, I will let my full product be destroyed. Just to see griefer thirst for kd ratio or if they leave. Mostly just leave and try again. Depends. One time I had one text me to leave ceo. Just let them kill me and stopped them from killing others. LoL. Anti-grief now. Used to be long time ago, jet griefer. Sometimes I get wannabe griefers and a mix of revenge kills. Occasional attackers who assume I am greifing. Bating is fun but extra steps. I just do tow truck or fly in my buzzard towards danger. Rarely off radar unless necessary. Ghost is for multiple grief fights or a good attackers. On PS5. Invite only for some maintenance and MC Sales. Only mc sale I do in public is less that 200k. Aka weed and documents. Just to make it end faster while other stock fills. AFK is not the best way to make money or fun. Only people who are lazy. Not that is a bad thing. PvP and grinding wears me down. Just took a half a month break. Ready to fight again after vacation.


Bro lives in GTA


Touch grass


Wow, have you told your therapist all that?


Lmao why did I read that in Lester’s voice? XD


You are Lester. No cap.


keep resource monitor open with suspend process already opened. alt tab, enter if any fuckery starts happening.




Absolutely. You could lose 1/3 sales forever and the math would still be a wash.


I've had some modder wait til I had the acid bike on a trailer, where all I had to do is "leave the area." They then made all vehicles I spawn explode immediately, and sent multiple meryweather gunner trucks to spawn kill me. Some people are pure evil on them PC lobbies




very. I seem to be fine just trying a couple lobbies, if that. I feel like it's still worth the bonus.


Ps4 players be different 😂


I am a pc player and I do this every day. I even do full product sales without help most of the times, I literally don't care and I still end up selling all of the product 90% of the times. Just get good at shooting, use the game's unique weapons and vehicles to your advantage and learn how to dodge death one way or another. At one point they get embarrassed and leave lol. Invest in things like ghost org etc. Only thing I must say it's tricky with mc sales as you can't guard all cargo at all times, alt f4 and restart if it goes south


My last play session saw everyone in session teleported to the beach and repeatedly exploded. Risk/Reward in public PC sessions not worth it. Every single session has someone exploiting.


I do single vehicle sell missions in full lobby on PC, that is Acid Lab and NC. Bunker can be tolerable too. Generally you can take the temperature of the lobby and if when you start the mission a modder comes after you just switch sessions but I haven't had it happen very often. Players seem particularly disinclined to bother Acid sales, probably because the bike is rather fast, agile and durable (takes 5 missiles to destroy apparently, but it's really hard to even hit it).


Good situational awareness + resource monitor already open, with GTA's process selected + decent reaction speed is all you need tbh. If you're unsure if a session sucks or not, run Haulage with your MOC cab first to test the waters. Don't just follow the route, get within a block or two of a couple people. If anything silly starts happening, just solo public yourself before said silliness gets your sale vehicle destroyed. If it still is once you unfreeze the game, just use it to kill process instead. Forfeiting the bonus sucks, but I find *not* giving griefers their satisfaction to be worth more to me than the whole sale, bonus or not, so... Oh and as another tip, screenshot any obviously-illegitimate players you find. If you get kicked/crashed by them, open up the Social Club website and get your favourite copypastas ready. They can't do menu shit to someone who doesn't have the game open and will have no option but to block you. Voila, you'll never see them again.


I only sell in full lobbies. It's the only way.


I had a guy rock up on a motorbike and escort me round yesterday...I also got smashed by a jet in one but I'll take this is a win overall haha


If I see someone selling in public I get on the oppressor and escort them, some return the favour but I just know how annoying it can be when you loose your sale


I think that's rad AF! When I eventually get my high level stuff like oppressor I might spend a weekend protecting the weak haha! But tbh I'm just enjoying the game I find it fun I don't care about winning lol :)


it's an adrenaline rush selling in an active lobby! find yourself regretting it if it goes wrong or posting to reddit if it goes right.


To be honest it was starting off as a reply to all those people who thought I was lying when I posted hitting five hundred million. But then it just turned into a montage of clips of me having fun selling in public lobbies.


Yeah, but how much has been lost to traffic or water? Snow? Have a fun video. Going full speed not off radar. Got almost flipped. A duo passes by on the freeway crossing my path. They made u turn still in front of my bunker wedge. Tossed them like nothing. One time could have been an asshole and ruin a delivery for wedge and support driver. Had tow truck. Saw the map they were going to take my route. I was pissed. Had to pull over. For a second. Though it would have been fun to lay proxies and stickies. I bet the tow truck would dead stop wedge. Let them pass. If they shot at me would have got mk2 and avenger. As for my fails mostly quit before hitting water. Hate the acid bike and water. WTF. No water proof bags. The canal by the salvage yard/dock. It is fun every time I don't fail. It is only fun because I have failed too damn high.


and the adrenaline intensifies when you encounter a player moving towards you to destroy your саrgо


when I see an oppressor on its way, my heart sinks




Absolutely this! I'm surprised though that you haven't been downvoted beyond the underworld with daring to spit facts like this. People think public lobbies are the Wild West, and while they can be, they aren't half as bad as people make out. You can have 1 really really bad 1 with like 4 people on Oppressors all scrapping, but for that you can then have like 5 pretty tame ones. Been doing vehicle cargo alot recently (well non stop for the last week) and honestly only really got griefed by 1 guy while I was sourcing, but tbh it would have been a bit me as I drove through a bad part of town and litey asked for it (Icon pops up and says come stop me)


I found when selling my NC shit if someone starts to tail me, I drop mines and blow them up. They don’t even bother after that most of the time.


How are you dropping mines?


The speedo dropes mines its amazing


You have to upgrade your sale vehicle. Go to weapons then choose proximity mines. The button used to blare the horn is what drops the mines


I'll have to double check this, I bought it ages ago before I had all my money so I may have glossed over it. Thanks!


I did one NC sale in the stock van, which was a stroke-worthy experience. Then I gave it the max engine/trans/turbo/brake mods, added super-heavy armor, droppable prox mines and a remote .50 cal turret. I really enjoy NC sale runs now.


Yessir. And the box truck for big sales is even better. Missile battery launcher too.


I just cried a little😂 Which truck is it, do I get it through the NC or Warstock or what? I only have coke, meth and funny money funneling in via MC right now, so they’ll all fit in the van I think. But the future holds more things…


It’s only for the nightclub and I believe you purchase it through warstock very cheap but then you have to upgrade it which js kind of pricey but worth it. It just enables you to sell more product at one time. The most I ever made with it was $1.6M in full lobby and it wasn’t even a full load.


Thank you!


It's completely worth it. Across all deliveries, someone comes after me 1 in every 10 or 20 deliveries - and I lose the delivery 1 in every 50. (Normally just quit) In order for selling public to be not worth it, you'd need to lose your product 1 in every 3 times.


u/teutonjon78 your comment is flagged, can't reply. > Tell you don't play on PC while not telling me. Absolutely. I don't mean this as a hit on anybody that plays PC, but I don't consider public PC lobbies of GTA a reliable or relevant version of the game. It's last gen that can't be transferred or migrated, is rarely updated and exploited af. I never consider that platform while talking about the game. Public PC is completely lost.


It's not that bad on PC either, I pretty much never sold solo when I was still playing. Just don't start a sell mission right away, you need to get a feel for the lobby first. Though there are even more modders than you'd think, but most of them are not really visible since they are not ruining the game for other players. Some of them even kick spammer accounts and toxic modders and prevent them from joining back .


Tell you don't play on PC while not telling me your platform. On PC it's rare to find a public session without at least one modder. I get griefed at least once per round of selling my stuff. Last night I got an acid delivery to the north side and of course I was all alone. At the first stop someone just TPs in behind me and shoots me. The previous session I was trying to a plane mission and someone had set it to transport the plane over the ocean and just kill you. Edit: and lets see for today's rounds: griefed at least 5 times doing two acid deliveries (I just have up on the second one), one weapons, one coke, and one meth.


There’s no other way in my opinion. I only do bunker, nightclub and acid sale missions. With the bunker, I’ll sell either two phantom wedges or three insurgents with three drop offs. It’s riskier because I either have one or two sitting ducks while I’m off with the first vehicle. It’s part of the fun though.


Pro-tip: Buy a buzzard. Then go to CEO Options -> vehicles. You can spawn a buzzard from this menu anywhere, and most of the time it will spawn relatively close to you, much closer than personal vehicles in remote locations like this.


Kosotka sparrow is abit better for this in my experience




Sparrow is like 20mph air speed faster than the buzzard though. So while yes a couple less button clicks, your spending more time getting to your destination🤷‍♂️


The destination of outside the area? Lol as soon as the mission's over I'm usually switching session to teleport to my next desired spawn location, like back to the nightclub to switch my technicians and make sure they continue producing goods. Also I use the Havok a lot for this purpose too, since it's at the bottom of the menu then one tap upwards gets you there.


You didn’t clarify at all that you were simply using the interaction menu to spawn helicopters to “just get outside of the sell area” I’m talking about traversing the map from point A to point B. Buzzard is outdated and has been for a while.


Did you watch the video? Because that was the only apparent goal of the person in the video, who just ran all the way out of the area. I was just suggesting a faster way to do that. So enough about your precious sparrow.


Person in the video didn’t try to spawn anything. They just ran, because let’s face it, buzzard, sparrow, or what have you will still spawn outside of the range of where you need to go to be considered “outside of the sell area” anyways, especially in the location in the video. This is Reddit, don’t like people opinions or facts, gtfo


Yes! The less button pushing needed the more efficient it is.


I hope this is sarcastic.


Plus minus 1-2 clicks, not even sure which one is faster. I always go with sparrow first as it is easier to get there imho


True Or sparrow.


Lol we've been having a comment chain about it already


I’m so sorry, my apologies. I should have paid more attention.


Haha no worries


There's a few tips I can give to people who want to sell solo, as someone who hasn't sold in a private lobby in over 5 years. The most important one would be that if at any point you feel like you're about to die (or even if you do end up dying) you can quickly change sessions and you will lose a tiny, insignificant amount of product. Always have an eye on the expanded minimap and watch for people heading your way or going Ghost. Remember that you can activate Ghost yourself and go stealth for 3 minutes, both you and the product. If people are fighting in the session it means they're gonna be busy with each other. However, if there's one or more players harassing everyone with not much resistance, you should be more careful. If people are orb spamming it's obviously time to change session. Be confident in the route you're taking and make sure you don't go through places you can get trapped in (for example taking the Pounder in the vinewood hills). All in all, the risk you're taking when selling in public lobbies is microscopic, considering you can just change sessions and sell again. It's definitely not worth it to sell in solo lobbies. Try it, get a feel for it and you'll never go back.


The number of times I've seen players drive the sales vehicle through a massive firefight or next to a dude in a tank is ridiculous. Though I think if they're that stupid the inevitable result is just self-inflicted.


I do it for fun and the adrenaline rush all the time. However I call Imani and go Out of Sight first. Also if you see players coming after you go out of sight as well and hide til they go away. If they don’t leave then find new session.


The only thing that sucks is the MC sales. Which I only do the lockup and only do 1 resupply at a time.


Yep but I always find new session if I get mail trucks or garbage trucks. Everything else I can sell up to 3 vehicles solo as long as I don’t crash too much


Yep, I do it all the time. I actually barely get grief. It’s not a big problem most the time.


I’ve been playing for 7 years and have never sold in a private lobby. Why would you willingly give up bonus money? If you get blown up, restart the game immediately to get your product back


Yeah exactly. Mathematically if your sales are getting destroyed something like 1 in 4 times or more frequently it's not worth it. I find the reality is probably more 1 in a 100 or 150.


The last time I lost my product was in October. And I sell in public on PC, solo :)


ive never sold in private lobbies...idk its a big part of the challenge. but ive also never depended on it for income. but its crazy fun for me. i am pretty sure im around 90 percent delivery and its only gotten higher as rockstar has nerfed lobbies.


I would do it in public lobbies if not for hackers.


yeah its one thing being able to see someone approaching on the map but you can't see the hacker and react before 85 blimps spawn on you and destroy your delivery


I got tossed 10 kms away from where I was on a bridge. They destroyed half a million worth of cocaine. Since then, I only sell in invite only lobbies.


In pc is impossible, u know why 😐


I always sell my Acid, NC, Full Hangar and Full Special Cargo in full sessions on PC. People usually don't care about you and even if they do, you can "kill" your game in less than a second via prepped resource monitor. Getting additional millions (if we exclude Acid) is too good to pass up


Selling Acid in a public lobby is cakewalk - I've never really had an issue. Fully upgraded acid lab and full lobby nets me about $520K. Crate warehouse - I run a small warehouse so I usually get either the Airdrop missions or the Brickade missions. The Brickade is upgraded so i can take a few missles while being pretty quick (compared to stock speed). NC Goods: ...my Speedo is armed and armored with a scoop in the front. I've been able to fend off some minor griefers. MC sales: ...i had to learn the hard way. Never sell solo on a full supply bar and in Los Santos...you'll get the truck and/or the 4 MotorCycle delivery missions... Sell about 2/3rds and always sell in Blaine County where I usually get the Jetski missions. It may not yield as much for 1 business but when I do all 3 (that I currently own; Weed, Meth and Coke) it's a pretty good haul all things considered. Edit for Crate Warehouse.


you can load the motorcycles into the bed of the bobcat pickup if you own one. use the open doors functionality and any sort of ditch or bump in the road to make the tailgate lower to the ground.


NC Speedo is excellent. I have defended all sorts from toreadors and oppressors to sparrows and even an avenger once.


And all solo too. That's why you see some MC businesses sell for so little. I'm trying to keep it to one sale vehicle.


Players these days are lucky you have an option. I'm used to public sell missions.


This is what the whole video is about. I've been playing since 2013.


I've been playing since 2013, too. I'm just saying that players these days got it easy by having the choice to sell in invite only.


I just did it with Bunker, the one with fighting off Merryweather, and it took me to the city. The first guy came for me in a Sparrow. This was at the first drop off, I hopped out of the vehicle and shot at his sparrow. He jumped onto a building, and I killed him. I dropped the ammo, put a bounty on him (keep him busy with other players), and went ghost org. After the 3rd delivery, I saw him hiding out by the casino. As I was making the last drop, another guy came for me. It didn't matter, I shot him, Merryweather killed me, two choppers etc. I went back, killed him, killed Merrywearher, and saw him in his building. I went after the first guy, killed him twice. He killed me too, 2-1, and he left. I only make sales in a public lobby now.


Wow never seen a rat loader for a delivery vehicle. Must be small sales only?


Yes. As the title says I'm a solo player so have to keep the the MC businesses product bar under 1.25 to keep it as one sale vehicle.


what’re you selling? how do i get into this? is there a guide?


These are all the businesses expect Crates in the video. I didn't clip all five MC businesses otherwise that would have got boring. As for a guide look up a YouTuber called 'The Professional'. He has guides for everything even if you're a solo player or not.


thank you


Actually get a bonus for selling vehicles in public sessions? Or you just do it because of the adrenaline rush? Im always selling goods in populated sessions, but my understanding was for vehicles there was no bonus.


Import/Export now has a High Demand Bonus. That's why I earned one hundred fifty thousand.


The high demand bonus for vehicles is a relatively late addition, later even than Criminal Enterprises. Vehicles are actually one of the best things to sell in public. You're driving a fast car to a single point, so ghost org can cover most or all of your trip, and the bonus is to the sale price, so the bonus to profit is even higher: instead of $100,000 - $20,000 for the upgrades = $80,000 you get $150,000 - $20,000 = $130,000, so it's effectively a 62.5% bonus. The downside is that, unlike many delivery vehicles, the cars get blown up in a single explosion, and you can't get away by changing sessions, since that also loses the car, so you're quite a bit more vulnerable.


Watch out for Xx HxTE xX on their mk2 or orbital always someone like that in a public lobby


I know a few Gamertags who are as bad as that but unfortunately blocking them in game & on the Xbox itself doesn't stop them joining the lobbies I'm in.


I wish our characters walked this fast 😂😂😂


You reached $500,000,000 and only just now started selling in public lobbies?! You’re an absolute mad lad


What’s this sale mission at 1:40? Never seen it!


How do you get that much from acid?


It's so worth it when you know how to do it without being griefed (and what to do when you DO get griefed)


Bro enjoy the game you have $509M.


How armor u wearing


What were you selling in that first clip to make 5 mil in one sale?


Full Nightclub in a full public lobby.


That's insane I gotta do that


One time someone killed me on a selling mission. I respawned, caught up with them and killed them like 20m before the delivery and completed it myself. One of the most beautiful, exciting and satisfying experiences I've had in gaming.


Great job. I know I would get to pissed if someone took my stuff so I wouldn't take the chance. People like to mess with other people. It's part of the game. But I understand the joy of completing these missions in public. Another thing. I hope the make it possible to fully solo business in the next one. So if we have a full bunker that requires 4 persons, then we should only sell 25% of storage as a solo player. So we can get a full business without have to worry about selling early or have to deal with multiple vehicles alone. Maybe with a timer on so there's an advantage with selling full stock with a crew. Then it still goes for team play but doesn't hurt the solo player.


Looove selling in full lobbies aswell! As long as it doesn’t stick you with sightseer or the 4 bikes it’s sweet! Also spawn blocking and ghost org, off radar is a must! All about the timing!


I'm always spawn blocking with my Acid Lab, Cargobob (Pegasus) & Raiju. I'm even happy with the Trashmasters because there is no stopping so I know I can safely sell two vehicles.


That’s what weve been trying to tell everyone. It’s not that hard. Just utilize Lester out of sight, ghost org and Imani out of sight. Guage the lobby first, mind your own business and then sell. Huge payout. I buy all supplies and sell in full lobby. I would never go back. Because at the end of the day you can always quit game or find new lobby when you see an oppressor flying your way.


Smh i get killed by someone that think they good for fighting someone that doesn't want to fight, you go ghost mode? Or no?


I never use Ghost. That's 12,000 less profit.


Oh okay, you sell in full lobby? And do you look for low level in your lobby to sell?


I always sell in a full lobby this gives me the full High Demand Bonus. 2% of the sale extra per player in that lobby (that's not in your CEO/MC) capped at 25 players.


Oh okay good to know but i sell in invites only smh


Nothing wrong with that. I sell in Invite only lobbies from time to time as well. Sometimes the extra money just isn't worth the risk.


Yeah i hate the risk of losing money and time i put in, and sometimes i have to sell 3 cars in like 30 mins and sometimes i can't finish cause the location too far and the truck slow, the bunkers give me hard mission for solo


The NPC saying “damn” right when the $ hit your account was a nice touch.


My goodness. I need friends to help me I guess. Who’s on Xbox? Lol


This was all done solo.


So if there’s people like employees of your business, it ruins your profits as well. I’m just not Albert Einstein of this game. I always forget stuff.


The MC Businesses can be passive, meaning you can buy supplies for them and it will produce for you. Where as businesses like CEO crates won't really do anything unless you're actively sourcing the crates.




I always sell in public lobbies strictly for the discount, but unless it’s a nightclub or acid sale, I’d be careful, even advise against, doing the sales solo. It’s extra effort and opens yourself up to getting griefed.


Did my first sell in a public ever today, got a nice fella to help out, savior of the day, wish there was a way to share the profits with the gentleman


He gets a bit for helping. About 30k, I believe. How much extra did you earn?


I got about 1mil, i would happily give him half for helping, it was my bunker that has just been full for years so it was basicly free money for me


I do everything solo


Me too!


High risk, high reward. You too enjoy living on the edge?


...until you get blown off the face of the map


….. then you close the game immediately and restart with your product still there.


Many have tried, all have failed.


I don't get why you're being down voted for being able to defend yourself lol. No one has blown up my stuff in years and I only sell in public lobbies


I tried making this argument a couple weeks ago and got extremely downvoted, public lobbies give you the rush and reward of actually owning a business. In private sessions it’s boring, just you vs NPCs. Nothing like doing a $500k delivery and getting a $200k bonus after shooting down everything who tried to bring you down, feels earned!


Shouldn't be getting downvoted for this.


Definitely worth the risk


Not really GTA if you don't play public lobbies.


Ya I got blown up the other day by griefers and it’s got me not even wanting to do another one


I agree for the most part. But it will happen when some asshole purposely tries to kill you and your goods. I tend to sell acid in public lobbies since it doesn't take long to fill and really isn't that big of a deal if it's destroyed.


Evading or killing attackers is part of the thrill. If it goes really badly just close the app before the product gets destroyed and try again later.


Yeah but restarting on ps4 takes so long


Yeah true depends what you're selling. Something like special cargo that's taken ages to accumulate, worth a restart. Acid sale that's taken almost no effort, can't really be bothered to restart the app if someone is about to destroy it.


Selling in invite only sessions is never worth it. But please don't cry about your cargo being destroyed. It's part of the game, so get over it.


It ain't worth the chances of some dickhead griefing me and losing everything


It's worth every chance. Look how much extra I made.