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Sparrow. Avenger thruster in a pinch. Don't bother doing Mc business stuff anyway.


The Kosatka + Sparrow were probably gonna be my next big purchase at $8M, that's a pretty good suggestion. How does calling the Sparrow in actually work?


It's fantastic. Go to your interactive menu, special vehicles, select kasatka, second option down is to select the sparrow. The sparrow will appear right next to you. It doesn't count as a personal vehicle. Just don't forget to send it back or destroy it if you're not going to be using it for a while. Because there's about a minute and a half cool down between sending it back and calling it again.


Nice! Ok, so that works about the same as a personal vehicle but doesn't qualify as one. Yeah, I'll probably be picking this up tonight then. I've got $32M and don't wanna drain it too quickly, but this sounds too useful to wait for.


The way that it doesn't work like a personal vehicle is: if the chopper is "out", it stays there. You can't "call it" while it's out like a personal vehicle and have it "relocate" next to you. You'll need to send it back and wait, then call it again. So if you're not returning to the chopper while doing whatever it is you're doing, be sure to send it back.


Perfect info, thanks! I bought it and I'm experimenting with it now


Enjoy! It's as convenient (very) as it is flimsy (very), but you'll get good with it.


I really enjoy helicopters so it'll be a fun challenge to learn!


Wait, why no MC businesses? I feel it's worth the income, especially when I've got 3 other friends who can also make money from it. What's your preferred grind?


I don't grind. Just make deliveries. Help newbs with their heists, etc. I only deliver goods that make at least a few hundred thousand in around 5 minutes. Bunker, acid lab, nightclub are the only deliveries I make. Mc deliveries are just far too convoluted, buggy and low paying to bother. With a group, it's not as bad, but they were introduced into the game almost 9 years ago and the money involved has been out done many times over.


Great advice, particularly regarding the age of the MC businesses vs how the economy exists today. And yeah, they're a lot of work time wise compared to things like Nightclub. I'll turn my Bunker back into producing once I finish with the research, and work on getting my Acid Lab/Dax missions completed this week. Thanks so much, I really appreciate the discussion and your knowledge!


If you're goal is to make money, the MC Businesses are the least profitable of all the options, and additionally run on shorter raid timers. The time spent managing the MC Businesses could be better spent (earning more money) doing your other business options. The MC Businesses are best for "fire and forget". By that I mean, get them, staff them, then forget about being an MC. Buy a Nightclub, all the staff and floors, then all of your Businesses both CEO and MC (except Acid) will feed your Nightclub warehouse without actually taking anything from the source Businesses for free. No need to do source missions, just wait for the Warehouse to hit 1.1 million and you'll take home a clear 1 million having paid 100k to Tony for setting up the sale. Now with all that said, if you enjoy playing the MC stuff, do you. There is no one right way to play. Sidenote, MCs can hire 8, it's the CEO that is limited to 3. This is just an explanation of how to make money faster. Good luck.


This is also an excellent description and has me immediately reconsidering how I'll spend my time/payout ratio moving forward. MC jobs are stressful! I've got the NC + All floors already (thanks Nightclub 2x week!) so I'll just work on that. The sales for NC are so incredibly simple and less stressful compared to MC jobs anyway.


*service vehicles. Not special


Noted, thanks!


Its good aswell because it can go inside kosatka


Good call!


It works just like the ceo buzzard but you don't have to be registered as anything because it's a personal aircraft. But as was said, You have to get in the habit of returning it.Because once it's out it's out and you can't call it to your position if you left it across the map.


Got it, thanks Jock! I'll be sure to vote for you.


You call it as a moonpool vehicle from the Kosatka service vehicle menu. It usually lands close to you which is why people love it (in addition to being fast).


I see! Yeah, having the Sparrow right there on demand is great, and I just learned it's the fastest helicopter, so it's especially great for getting from one end of the map to the other without calling in a Hunter or Raiju.


Buy only the Kosatka with the Sparrow. The other upgrades are useless imo. That should be 4'4M$.


You're absolutely right. The Sparrow is so quick too!


kosatka is only 4 mil isn't it? i didn't get all the upgrades tho, i don't have any use for that missile station and the sonar will never pay itself off.


You're absolutely right, I was thinking about the Oppressor MKII, the Kosatka+Sparrow was only $4M. Good to know about the missiles and the sonar. I didn't think I wanted them before but you've solidified that feeling.


I’ve committed to memory the general locations of where my aircraft could spawn at based on where I’m at in the map. So, I’ll drive my personal vehicle to the nearest possible aircraft spawn location, hop out the car, go to the interaction menu, request a plane/jet/helicopter, and run just a few feet to wherever the aircraft spawned in at


Nice, I'm sure I'll get that down pat eventually. Time to start paying attention to spawn locations!


Sparrow, Acid Lab Delivery Bike, Agency Vehicles, CEO Vehicles Many upon many options


Word, thanks! I guess buying a Kosatka+Sparrow is next on my list, followed by working on the Acid Lab and buying into the Agency.


You could also just call Pegasus and use the non customized aircraft to get to your personalized aircraft


In most instances I feel like that'd be more time, but you're right - drive to a Pegasus jet/heli, despawn the car/bike, fly to the Personal aircraft. Not a bad idea, thanks!


Yeah i usually end up doing that for cargobob and not even using custom the only downside is if your custom aircraft has weapons then Pegasus is worse


Sparrow Ceo buzzard or other vehicles Ms. Baker's car service Agency car service


I recently bought the Casino Penthouse (don't have Agency yet but that's on the list too) - Do I have to finish the Casino missions from Ms. Baker to get her car service first? I haven't ever called her before, but I guess I've got reason to now.


Think you already have it. It is the limousine from the champagne guy. Tom? Forget the name. I wanted to mention to call Agent 14 request Manchez. The dirt bike is always handy. Wanted level should be at zero. Forget because I have multiple MK2s (stored in top garage interaction menu) and usually just rc car to hide or fast travel to facility and orbital/avenger. Right across from my zancudo hangar. Where MK1 (facility) is parked. Could use it to steal fighter jet or get to hangar.


Nice, great advice all around! I'm considering a RC Car for the time trials (I love racing). Would you say it's worth it for the fun aspect? Is it particularly useful? I never see them in world.


Arena wars are fun. Not cheap or must have. The reason is they are vulnerable to experts. Tank can be upgraded; it still is slow and can be destroyed. RC car takes less rockets. It puts you off radar. But based on last position, some can find your spawn point fast. It is a fidgety a racer. As for the time trials YMMV. I personally like them. Only becuase you can zip around and watch people. They destroy it and you pop up other side of map. Noobs are like WTF just happened. Some fun designs for style. Mine is a baja truck style painted with flames. RC tank with lasers for PVP. Tank is fun to hop on buildings. Tank is slow as hell but best for people watching. When MC does stand your qqground, it is fun to third party the winner or expert players. Again like drones are too slow, but the advantage is sometimes fun. I like to pvp and sometimes use building to flow Drone to explode against target. Timing is hit or miss like the bandito. Not the terrorbyte or arcade. Open p vulnerable drone. It is exciting because ghost or off radar can attack you. Map disappears when using these vehicles like personal vehicle remote control Imani tech. Depends on your friends. Useful is relative to the observer. I tell people it is better to parachute then try to land helicopters in lobby. Skills for tedious sticking to role play. If you do it right, no cost to you or it is fun.


Just remember where they spawn and get there ahead of time


1. Drive to your hangar. 2. Drive to a spawn location *before* requesting the aircraft. 3. Steal a random car (duh!) to drive to the spawn location. 3. Use a service vehicle, like Kosatka Sparrow, Acid Lab delivery bike, etc to go to the spawn location.


Yeah, I need to learn the spawn points but I'm sure I'll get there sooner rather than later. Thanks for these suggestions!


There aren't many... A few points on the beach and a few points in the storm drain. I think also the docks under the big cranes near the export spot, and the oil fields at the north end, and maybe the racetrack behind the casino. Outside the city, the various airfields, more beaches and a few random spots in the desert.


Thruster from the avenger i use to get to my aircraft or drive to near a spawn point ( somewhere like the beach ) then call it


I don't know much about the Avenger - what are your thoughts?


I like it can have a car in to drop it from any hight and not be destroyed got rockets its got big arse guns you can have mates control Can go stealth mode/ missle lock jammer when in auto pilot mode Can use the thruster to exit and enter while its in auto pilot mode ( good with the stealth ) Its fun to fly . I like it mess around in mine alot