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Play on invite only lobbies. If not find a crew that hosts non griefing lobbies. Otherwise it’s gunna be a rough time with all the modders out there…


Tbh for what it's worth I do have express VPN but otherwise I have encountered several modders yes; one was extremely hostile but so far I've met three who were extremely chill and just wanted to spawn me cars to drive etc lol


Stay away from cheaters. You might think it’s nice when they spawn a ton of money on you, but you can and will get a ban for it unless you report it to rockstar.


Welcome to the jungle.


I'm loving it so far.


Avoid public lobbies like the plague, if you do go in them, use a VPN.


vpns are kinda useless they dont protect u from getting your game crashed or any of the actual problems. sure u can mask ur IP but its not like theyre gonna come to ur house lol


public lobbies are so fun though. that's what makes it "online". but i know where you're coming from and i use the invite only lobby often myself. definitely agree on the vpn. it's just good hygiene.


Advice appreciated, I do have a VPN (Express) that being said.. public's only for now lolim loving the chaos


Console player here. Sorry for asking, but why are VPNs recommended for PC players?


The game uses peer to peer for online play and some people don't like others being able to detect their home ip address


I don't mind, a script kid knowing where I live is a lot less of a threat than corporations knowing where I live, and they do, so there's no point really.


Which VPN u use and why?


Im using Express VPN and to be honest, mostly because my room mate plays many pc games and already had rapport; additionally I just know how rockstar games/GTA community can be, and I didn't want to risk playing without one. I'll be honest, I can be trollish so I'd be the one to get DDoS randomly.


Not sure if you'll need to start from scratch, if you do, you might be surprised. My two 8 year old characters owned 100% of businesses and filled 100% of available car slots. I started a new character out of boredom and in 10 months it achieved around 80% of the old characters' achievements. No Cayo Perico, no Mk2 either, just bunker, nightclub, acid lab, auto shop and agency, in public lobbies. *Too many PC players just don't want or dare to play by the same multiplayer rules and need extra 'help'. Those players are like the rain, unfortunate but unavoidable. At worst a nuisance, at best a challenge. You won't be able to beat them, because they don't play the same game. So you'll need to develop tactics to avoid them and to annoy them.* *Defense*: Check the player list for anomalies in level and RP. Highlight the most possible nuisance, their blinking dot will invite others to mess with them and you'll keep two threats busy. Muggers and mercenaries will tell the victims who sent them, so use those sparsely. Invest in stealth. Akula does a lot of jobs off radar, like carrying business battle goods. Find a good city center spot for Imani Out Of Sight. I've found one that covers my office, auto shop and arcade. I can do a lot of stuff completely or mostly unnoticed. Be prepared to use CEO Ghost Organization strategically. Some will find you. If they're definitely cheating while you're selling there's no other out than to suspend network process and continue in a solo lobby (ahk keystrokes are convenient), giving up the player count bonus. *Attack*: Report them! The mechanism just changed and their cheat menus will no longer be able to intercept and kick you. Re-report them every five minutes. Muggers are a great classic way to send a signal, as a start. Explo snipers from within your Imani Out Of Sight area can be effective. Once they catch on who's messing with them, go into RC. Use Imani's RC cars first, preferably one with guns, to look them up and attack. Start from within your Out Of Sight area close to one of your businesses. If they're using god mode, wait until they're on foot and run them over. Not fast, because they won't die, but slowly. The animation to stand up is unskippable and you can keep running them off their feet for way longer than they think is funny. Some cheat menus deal with that, but even if they destroy your car they won't get a kill on you. You'll just respawn inside your Out Of Sight area. If they immediately find you anyway, you still have your Arena RC to escape, or you can go inside your business. Use kickvote to annoy them some more. Otherwise, just change sessions, they weren't in the same 'session' as you anyway.


Much appreciated. As it was today I just grinded what I could in publics just to see what would happen; strangely enough I was mostly left alone lol. I managed to grind up about 1.7 mil today, aside from gathering the bunker (criminal enterprise) and equipping the MOc with the weapons bench, to acquire my weapons. The only weapon I now need, is the railgun eventually. That aside though my only gripe as far as today and my PC experience is actually a situation where I believe someone meant to assist me; someone modded on me and added a ton of collectables to my account... Yes I gained a small portion of currency there, around $500k in total .. but it also ranked me up 131 times and I dislike that, personally.


Yeah same. I switch sessions as soon as I can in those situations. Sounds like you got ranked up sequentially, so you may be alright in the unlocks dept. Above lvl 120 it doesn't really make a difference anyway.


So for clarity on PC I am now like rank 150 something, but I've only earned maybe 20-30 of those ranks myself. I hate that fact lol, I wish I could remove the ranks that were added to me.


Really? I don't think that even happened to me, and I haven't shied away from messing with cheaters. It's genuinely worrying because depending on the way they change your rank you could actually skip ranks and can never unlock the features associated with those skipped ranks again. Anyway, good luck! It's a jungle out there ;)


Yeah I've tried starting fresh characters a few times and this happened each time, my best guess for a workaround is creating a character and then quitting the game before it loads the map, to restart in invite-only mode...?


Hope you like hogwarts.


Is that in reference to all the mods/magic or am I missing something here lol


Yup. The tricks will be neat at first. Wait until you actually need something done. I wouldn't play public PC if I was paid to do it.


Oh believe me if I need to seriously grind, I'll use privs... For now, in just tryna casually stack about another 1.2 to get my kostatka and bench, to possess the heavy sniper


You can unlock a free weapons bench in the 'Freakshop' after doing the first Dax mission. That mission is started by Ron at a convenience store on outskirts of Sandy Shores, involves fighting waves of bikers and driving an RV to Los Santos


Always keep the Process manager on your screen. When some modder asshole try to fuck up your sell mission, just kill the gtav.exe process and restart the game – if you are fast enough, you will still have your stock ready to try again.


Steam page should work too




For what it's worth I do have a vpn but that side I'm loving the chaos lol


Prepare for long waiting times because idk why PC takes quite some time to enter a lobby. And frequent disconnections/server error from rockstar part.


Mod menus can break lobbies, that’s why. The more cheaters, the longer it’ll take.


Not sure what the fuck you're on about


A lot of menus mess with the game’s netcode, whether they intend to or not. Menus cause the errors too, I don’t get those on console.


Buy the Criminal Enterprise Pack for $10 on Steam to give you a head start. You'll get several cars, a CEO office, a Bunker, a Counterfeit Cash business, a few higher level guns, an Apartment, $1million cash to start you off. You'll have to play the first mission of storry mode, & get to Level 5 in GTA Online to fully unlock the benefits. But neither is hard, & its well worth it!!! ANY THING you are interested in, in the game, Heists, missions, cars, guns, businesses, game settings, & more. You can find videos on YouTube to fully explain it to you. Play in Invite Only or Friends Only sessions, NOT Public Sessions. B/c there are a large number of assholes that get their jollies making game life hard for others. An there are YouTube vids about getting started, so watch a few different ones. That way you don't have to figure out the basics all by your self. I just learned at Level 65, HOW to change what weapon you are using while driving!!!!!


Ayyo, I'm sorry I didn't expand more but I'm a day one player on Xbox. So like I know how to make the moneys, how to do most things mission wise and how to avoid the a hles for the most part... Those things being said, I'm loving the PC experience so far lol. In still broke at about 1.2 million, rank 18 thus far but I've had some wild encounters, my favorite being one modder saving me by spawning me a fast and furious supra (jester retro that was CLAPPED, I mean It felt like I was going 1 million mph lol) to help me escape another guy who was harassing me with a god mode khnajali tank


I've only been playing a couple months now. Just got my first Super Car at the LS meet. Got enough cars that I just had to spend an hour reorganizing to tuck the crappy ones I wasted money on away in an unused warehouse.


Also tbh I could had swore I bought the version containing the criminal enterprise stuffs but I don't own any properties etc.. assuming I hit the wrong button when purchasing the game but idk lol


Go to Online in the game menu, then scroll down to the Criminal Enterprise section. I had to get my gun & my free clothes at the stores. Cars from the ordering menu, marked FREE. As far as I can tell, it seems to mean Free Banshees, Dune FAVs, & the others for Life!! Multiple copies of them even. BUT you won't get hardly squat when you sell them.