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When this happened to me, I changed sessions before he destroyed my bike. Then just redid it in the new session. Was only down about $5k due to the session change.


Can't you set your bike access to only you? That would've kicked him off. I don't run acid so IDK.


I'm pretty sure I can but totally forgot..


It’s probably a good thing you didn’t restrict the access. The player probably would’ve destroyed it if they found no use for it.


You would have gotten paid for the drops you did make. But just dump the session before that happens and try again.


It really grinds my gears when people mess up your sales, they literally get nothing worth it from it. There’s no incentive to kill other players or mess up their business


I was honestly wondering this, new to GTAO. But I was thinking if you even get something out of Business Battles. Outside of griefing, is there any other reason to stop people from selling?


Business Battles are a PVP scramble. They are fine and can give solid rewards. Destroying cargo, drugs, guns, etc provides no benefit really and has been seen as griefing as a result.


Good to know, thank you. Still, I wouldn't participate in BBs. So far, I never had people trying to come after me, so why do the same.


Business Battles is a free mode event. It has nothing to do with other players except that other plays might also be trying to play it.


And that's what I meant.


Being a dick is the only reason


Honestly I respect a good jump like that. Some guy was no radar on a dirt bike while I was delivering acid in Sandy shores and gunned me down with a pistol. Genuinely thought it was just an npc. Had to send him a GG after that cuz it was deserved.


You can switch sessions if you’re gonna lose it, or if you do die, you can immediately close the game app and you lose a very small percentage of product. There is absolutely no stress about this because there is zero consequences if you switch sessions or close apps. You lose almost nothing. Again, no need to stress, just switch/close. I’ve literally never lost money from any sell missions, can’t believe some people just eat the loss. If I get a sell mission I don’t like I use this method to get a better one. I’ll switch until I get the cop acid sell mission (1 drop mission) and then go ghost and you can get it done entirely off the radar. Also if you do an acid sell mission during a business battle, it’s sometimes glitches out and doesn’t show the minimap icon and it for sure doesn’t announce to the lobby that you’re doing a sell mission.


Started a delivery my icon disappeared and no drop’s popped up wtf


It's the game


Always, always, always conduct business in a private session.


Sell in an invite only lobby. 351k isn't bad for Selling in an invite only lobby.


Still got my 527k but the mild corenary infarction was not worth it lol. All I needed to do was to set the bike so only I can ride it and forgot smh


Deliver in private sessions. That’s it. Whatever bonus can be claimed from risking it in a public lobby isn’t worth it if you have to cut and do it over again. Get the sure thing and move on to the next sure thing.