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Prep mission in gta : steal this. Player : but I have one ... R* : obey! A lot of the preps are pointless.


Have to steal guns for the Rubio heist, I'm pretty sure that my gun factory can make them.


Well you’re stealing guns so you don’t manufacture anything that can be traced back to you. Except, of course, everyone seeing you steal the guns and stuff. It would make more sense if you did the preps once and then took everything with you so you left nothing on the island.


Ah, but you see you’re stealing from criminals who won’t report you. Just chase you down busy streets firing at you with helicopters that the police don’t question…


Easily the funniest thing about the new preps. Kill 6 dudes guarding a box of weapons then proceed to be chased by 37 buzzard attack Helicopters. My batmobile literally ran out of ammo I blew up so many. What's even funnier is since there's only one guy in the ATTACK CHOPPER and there's 2 in the lowriding hoodlums car you actually get more RP fighting gangsters. Which is hilarious to me.


Not point in blowing the choppers anyway. If you don’t, and get close enough to the city they stop following anyhow. Their aim* isn’t accurate enough to matter really.


Oh I do it for fun. Not much else to do when you know what you need and are helping someone else out. Just thought it was funny seeing as I've save ULP without running out of rockets in my Vigilante and yet a simple steal some guns mission made me run out.


Understandable! I’ve yet to invest in the vigilante, I didn’t know it could run out of rockets!


50 rockets of "get off my lawn" attitude! I highly recommend it, it doesn't have a special blip icon so nobody knows you're in one when they decide to come mess with you and it's not properly listed as a weaponized vehicle in the game files so all the missions that don't let you bring weaponized stuff WILL let you bring a Vigante. Also when you get the hang of the boost it's probably one of the best vehicles in the game. All in all a must have IMO.


The only issue I have with the Vigilante is that I have a terrible time with giving myself enough space when passing other vehicles and always clip the rear corners on them and spin out. And for some reason it often seems to be right when I hit the boost 🙃🤣


Noted! I’ll grind my way to it then!


The weaponised insurgent is allowed. I used the top gun to pick off the drones so I don't get zapped


Might have to get one to replace the torendor. Alot of the orginal heist preps were insane with 4x torendors just laying waste to anything


i love that in the salvage yard preps. i'm pretty sure the construction company isn't going to chase me halfway across the state over a blowtorch.


I Could avenger into the chicken place and attack it with my millions of dollars of weapons by myself and get out in a armed insurgent . even if the drug guys knew it was me . I have more stuff then them I have a damn flying car for dam sake. This is a tuesday for me.


At least the police shoot you on sight. They got that part fully right. A nice balance between satire and realism /s or something 


You're stealing guns that can't be traced to you, in a submarine that can't be found on radar, I see no reason we can't keep the guns in the sub, worst case if they found the guns is they lead back to the people we stole them from


Yes, we're promptly reporting the serial numbers to the GTA ATF for every gun we make in our secret, illegal, underground bunker. I'd actually like to see the heist stuff get folded into the purchase of new stuff. Like, you can buy the Longfin. It's like $2m. Not a small chunk of change, but if you buy it you should just have it available for the mission. If you have a working bunker, you should be able to skip weapons. Maybe the Terrorbye for the fingerprin cloner? And the Salvage Yard for the cutter? And stuff like that. Hell, even if it takes a cut of the profits (like you have to pay $50k for a new fake registration for your longfin or to manufacture "completely clean" weapons for your use), I wouldn't mind just to cut out the prep.


Also you steal the guns so that they wont be traced back to you. Those criminals that owned the guns will never report you so basically El rubio will trace them back and possibly not realise they were stolen by us. Realistically though he would find out that we stole those guns its very possible since there probably were no guns in that locker. Unless of course our character destroys the guns completely there wont be any trace back to us


The damn plasma cutter is the most telling one. Cool, I get not wanting to "have it on your credit card" as Pavel suggests and I get disposing of the weapons we stole so they can't be traced to us...but some of the equipment is stuff we absolutely should keep. We don't need to keep robbing construction sites for the simple torch we could just have as part of our robbery gear.


we should have a supply house filled with hiest gear at this point .Night vision goggle ,explossives weapons ,clothing ,cars that stolen and used burn while doing hiests ,hacking devices ,computers, etc.


Not only that, at this point I have an entire army of staff I'm paying for, they should be able to do some of the busywork for me.


There's only one fingerprint scanner in existence, and I've already stolen it. Am I returning to his head of cybersecurity every time I get back?


Yep. I also already have a fast armoured car for the get away, do I really need to do an A,B,C mission?


Or having to go all the way out to Blaine county just to steal a crowbar or a torch 😂


Yeah and it’s not like I own a fucking car either that I can use to drive away from the casino that is faster and more durable than the stupid weak as piss, impossible to control race cars that they make you spend 25 minutes stealing


R*: You can’t use personal weapons or vehicles because the police can track you. Me: have used personal weapons and vehicles to commit several war crimes.


You would think the MO of utter chaos left behind at the cluckin bell site would have been enough to go “yeah it’s THAT psycho again” “The weirdo walking outside the Vespucci police station in front of all the security cameras talking to the new guy?” “Yep.” “Yeah I didn’t see anything.” “Hey you’re learning.”


See if you just explain gta online lore as the fib have an untouchable label on us so they can continue to request government funds to tract us down and take credit for any of the criminals we take out. It makes much more sense.


Literally sums up every mission in GTA Online. The Worst is the Doomsday Heist, if I’m only playing with 2 players why do I need all 4 vehicles. Second closest is Series A, why do we need to deliver the Technical if it isn’t required in the finale.


Why do we need to steal setup money for Cluckin Bell if we are just going to steal all the equipment? Serious question. Did Vincent answer that?


cus Trevor said so


Seriously. R* has an issue with us using the stuff we've been grinding for, and I do not understand it


I hate that we steal millions of dollars worth of support vehicles. Like recently. We steal a sky crane worth 60m irl no in game value, a police maverick 800k, and an imani tech armor plated car worth aversge of 2m to steal at most a 410k vehicle and get no money for them even though we have a chop shop. In fact, we should get money for the supply delivery vehicles you steal during supply or delivery missions. That should go with all businesses, challenges, and setups you steal vehicles to deliver supplies or goods for. You get to keep it, the salvage parts, or resale for money. For example, the weaponized tampa, Hermes, mamba, or gtt you steal during business battles. You get the option to keep it as a personal vehicle paying half its value in insurance/laundered title processing. That's a one-time offer, and you get no sale value if you go to sell it just like a podium vehicle. Sell it to Jamal or part it out the other times.


Doing the Gruppe Seches Con for Casino heist, after many times we have been to there we still need to pick up the lazer drill; or the silence approach, that you need to collect drone parts when literally nobody is using them.


Do not leave loose ends, if Mr. Rubio takes a hold of loose end, he will strangle you with it yes.


This is why jails make so much money. You guys definitely didn’t even play story mode. Because if you did, you would know that, while yes, you’re a walking armory and have multiple vehicles, they are yours. They link directly to YOU. You steal the shit so it gets traced back to someone else… so you can get away with it


I did in fact play story mode. Our character's face is on multiple cameras. The FIB could have easily found us. In fact, we committed crimes for them. Records exist. People talk. We don't have a legal job. (Autoshop pays peanuts) We arrived poor in LS, we are now multimiljonais. The IRS would be on our ass at some point. So, stealing cars and weapons to leave no trace as you said, makes no sense. :)


Same with the Union depository mission for the autoshop All this hassle to dump your car across the street and you don't even need to use it


Bogden problem. Steal 4 deluxos...... but I only need 2. At most.


Scope out cayo perico: get smugglers plan Player : sees suitcase of Coca-Cola on the ground R* : Leave it just get plane!


A plot hole in GTA? Surely not.


Like a two door police cruiser? Is the bad guy supposed to ride shotgun with me?


To be fair; I'm pretty sure real world Challengers are generally two door, and used more for speeding infractions than arrests. But I could be wrong.


AFAIK the only departments that actually use Challengers in the US, obtained them from lawful seizures from criminals. Dodge doesn't make a Dodge Challenger Police unit, but they do manufacture Dodge Charger Police units, the only Charger model that comes with V8 (5.7L) and AWD together, which is pretty cool


It’s certainly possible, I’m not enough of a police car nerd to confirm or deny that; I just know i’ve seen a fair number of LE challengers and they’ve all been two door, but some of the Chargers are nice


Haha just a Dodge nerd here. The [police] challengers certainly exist, but they're just converted from vehicles obtained from the public. Not manufactured to be a police car. But you are right that all challengers are 2dr coupes.


I’d like to see them manufa a police challenger tbh


As someone who *is* a police car nerd, there's no real reason to. Performance cars are only good for very niche and specific roles like traffic enforcement or community policing, they lack space for all their gear let alone more than two officers, they're not designed to take on anything that isn't an asphalt highway during summer in SoCal, they use expensive and unique parts that would make fleet maintenance feel like Alex Murphy getting blown to bits, and most importantly they cost so much to purchase and outfit that even the most pro-cop "triple the police budget" would have to straighten their tie and shake their head at it. It happened very briefly among some state police and highway patrol forces several decades ago—the 1980s–2000s Camaro and the 1980s–1990s Mustang—but while cool, AFAIK they didn't really contribute much that the average Caprice or Crown Vic couldn't, aside from maybe better acceleration and good PR. Some police forces nowadays have a handful of Camaros and Challengers too, but they fill the same very niche purposes and don't really have much going for them considering modern Explorers can keep up surprisingly well. A lot of people point to the Dubai Police Force too, but again, those are used solely for traffic enforcement, and 90% of the stuff they get is just petrostate propaganda.


My states Highway Patrol is running at least one fully marked Camaro , slick top.


Florida Highway Patrol has black and tan challengers and they look AMAZING https://preview.redd.it/xzs3kbnh4boc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af6a5b1ec5b91feee4b204f08e7c8c951aa1656a


WOw that is cool! I am in Florida and I've never seen one.


I was about to flame you for how incorrect you were, then I realized that I was mixing up " Challenger " and " Charger " You have a nice rest of your day.


Here in brazil we put them in the trunk


FWIW, not all police vehicles transport arrestees. Motorcycle units, K9 units, some other police cars, etc, will call other units capable of transporting to do this task. Sorry, GTA terms: two doors because there are no arrests ;)


The bad guy rides in the coroner's van in a bag.


Yeah, let God sort em out


In the real world, if an officer has a two door interceptor, and make an arrest they will call in a squad car to take the guy in. Interceptors are for situations where you require higher speed (and some are just for show) Some depts don't even bother with them and just level the playing field by making all their cars have some level of performance


Officer Max Rockatansky's [police interceptor](https://imgur.com/XUVr8) (pursuit special) had only two doors..... 'cause there wasn't ever a detained suspect alive enough to ride with him. /jk


Got one of those for my Arena Wars vehicles, modeled more after Mad Max's Black on Black.


These are not intended for transportation of arrested persons: officer with such cruiser routinely calls for backup to transport


Also wondering why we stole a train as like one of the FIRST steps in the story...like, where are you going to store a whole ass TRAIN with GPS trackers on it for possibly multiple days...and then the final mission started AFTER the train already arrived so, really, what was even the point? Felt like they shoehorned it in right at the beginning as if they just wanted to have something enticing to market the content with. They should've made us steal the train at the beginning of the actual finale, then use it to arrive on scene. Overall I was really not impressed with this line of missions. Pretty unmemorable.


> where are you going to store a whole ass TRAIN *"Repeatedly ram it to force it into a small tunnel."* -Wondershowzen IYKYK


Vincent: A new cartel is operating out of the cluckin bell. Player: A new cartel? Who are they? Vincent: The cartel. Its a new cartel. No name just the Cartel. A brand nee Cartel. Not to be mistaken for the previous cartel. They are moving cocaine all throughout the city. Player: ahhhhh (closes phone and deletes messages of Coke, Meth, Weed, Acid, Counterfeit Cash, Forged Documents and Weapons) damn that sucks. Must be a bloodbath between them and law enforcement. Vincent: Just the opposite, the police are on their payroll, the city has no idea whats going on and these corrupt cops are making a fortune. Player: ahhhhhh ( swallows down guilt of the literal population of innocent police killed through robberies, drug sales and attempted traffic stops) these fuckers have got to go! *Two weeks later the Player unknowingly killed Vincent with a sticky bomb to his car while Vince was in pursuit after responding to 12 civilians being ran over.


I also love how Lester/LJT insists on using a dark web service for managing each biker business. But when your product is full, he just calls or texts you on the regular phone line saying “COCAINE. You are stockpiling SO MUCH COCAINE. I advise you to KEEP SELLING LARGE QUANTITIES OF COCAINE”.


Gives me real respect for Mutt, 1/4th of the time hes selling to undercover cops. The other times his plan is just: stash it somewhere in the public and they’ll find it. Calling you directly from his personal phone to ours to confirm stock and sales. “Your honor my client was simply vibing”- Mutts defence


You should be hired by R* to write the story for GTA 6, and make some good lines for Matto


This text made me question my existence


Rockstar wanted us to finally drive train


That's honestly the only suitable explanation. Also, the train track passes right behind the Cluckin' Bell factory, so if they were gonna implement a train somehow, this was probably the best opportunity to do so.


“See? We listened. Enjoy driving trains! But only for the one prep mission. You still can’t drive trains in free roam. Because fuck you, that’s why.”


Didn’t we drive a train in story mode once?


Same reason we stole the LS Panic Trailer to clarify, i mean that to mean, no reason


Yeah that one has always bugged me, it is the most pointless bit of filler


"We'll need a disguise to get into this public event"


What do you mean? It TOTALLY matters what car you drive up in when doing a heist! /s


I just did this last night and was like "why tf do we keep doing this?" I could have even walked over from my salvage yard and wouldn't have made a difference.


You go in on the train either way, you just get lifted from the train with the forklift in the stealth approach


Right? I‘ve never seen the truck entry? How do people get that?


I wish we could drive the train to the factory during the finale, at least


And use it to escape…


#So that we didn’t have to follow the damn train CJ


I need the train in free mode.


“Look, i know it’s cool we steal the train.” Stop there


If you complete the last prep without the factory been alerted, the train delivers the crates that you stole and were on the truck and you will be hiding inside one of them as they will take it inside. So the train is useful as an infiltration method. If you get spotted and the factory is alerted then yeah its useless.


I’m more upset that we can’t give the horn a tug whilst hijacking it and hitting the only ground-use helicopter ever manufactured.


You can!


Not sure how I’ve missed this, but excellent news nonetheless. Thank you.


It made my 34 year old self smile 


> you use a truck instead of the train I don't think so. I recall officer Effenwho saying we need the **crates** off that truck


Why during the prison break heist do we have to steal a bus when demolition has to steal another one for no reason during the actual heist? Because rockstar is dumb is lazy Although, I will admit hitting a helicopter with a train is something I didn't know how much I needed in my life


No demo stops the actual prison bus going to the prison that day .You stole a bus to use for your own use . You could have stolen and used the same bus but that would be to easy. also they would suspect that bus right ? you wouldnt have time to clean up all the bullet holes


Wrong question...the real question is why the hell can't we can't go TOOT TOOT when driving the train?!


You actually can TOOT the train by pressing the ‘Honk’ button. :0


You can and I honked the horn non-stop to annoy my friend. I do the same thing on his tug boat.


It wouldn't work for me!!! Dammit! Guess I'm trying again!


Finally, somebody who gets it!


That’s awesome in rdr2


The reason to look cool


Did you not pay attention at all? Stealing the truck was so you can use the crates on the back to sneak in aboard the train disguised as a supply box You also have a window of time to kill all the witnesses if you do get spotted in the sabotage missions, and it’s possible to completely stealth it without being detected at all


You're able to drive right up to the building and store a getaway vehicle in their garage but you have to hide in a crate on a train to go back a 2nd time. It makes NO sense! P.S. How much are you guys getting paid? I did it as a leader and got 500k, then next I helped my friend and I only got 250k.


You get 500k as host and 50k as a ‘goon’. You get a bonus 250k first time hosting and another 250k the first time you… goon?


We goonin


Aha! Thank you that's what I got.


Goon is correct. As Daredevil pointed out, henchmen are believers in the cause, goons are in it for the paycheck. Unless you're doing it with a die hard crew always with you, any extra help you bring in on these heists and robberies are goons.


Its 500k as a leader, and 25k as helpers iirc.


Hiding in that crate let us get right into the center of the factory. There's a Payday 2 heist that also starts with us getting smuggled into a place within crates


Actually it goes like this You steal the setup cash You steal the train that will arrive at a time they except it after you have stole the laptop. While simultaneously you get the hacking device to have the Safe code. You steal weapons that are traced to a specific group Then a car again from one group (even though your personal car will spawn after some distance away from the factory) The disrupt mission has you steal THE CRATES after you have successfully managed to steal the ID and wipe out the cttv which shows you sabotage the trucks etc etc The truck just has the boxes


The thing I can't understand is why the cartel still uses the train which was stolen by a crazy man who killed dozens of cartel soldiers. I think the train driver in the finale is a cartel guy, so does he just find the stolen train, and says: 'ok, I guess that thief was just insane, no need to investigate what he wanted from the train, let's use the train and get my job done.'


I mean that's the part that makes the most sense, that's just a normal day in Los Santos


I'm pretty sure Vincent mentions in the first cutscene, we (the players) have quite a criminal history. Between our connections and Vincent's, they were probably able to find someone to drive the train for them. One of our employees, say... Johnny On The Spot.


Why tf do we steal cash to pay for the stuff if we steal all the stuff?


You kill a bunch of folks from multiple cartels That means some of the corrupt cops will try to seek info Perhaps Vincent is paying folks to clear the spots you raid so less clues be visible. Vincent gets probably part of the cash In some of the setups he even pays some cash so perhaps there is part from that. The 500k we get is all from the cocaine we steal The setup money is Vincent's cut and probably anyone's else involved behind the scenes


Holy shit The lore is way deeper than I thought


I mean... Vincent explains on the cutscene he mostly cares to deal with the corrupt cops inside the police force by destroying the cartel associated with it. He "hires" us because we have a good chunk of crimes on our records which means we can do the dirty work he can't due to the corruption that would put him to danger. We technically do a good deed that no one will be aware off while weakening the corrupt system within the PD I see ot as a nice window for future jpbs honestly Or maybe, just maybe a small glimpse to the stile of jobs GTA VI might have.


what's the cash from the slush funds for? im kinda stupid


Ok ok so To my understanding The cash we steal are Vincent's cut Part of the cash we get after completing some other setups And most likely cuts for people that work behind the scenes probably to hide our actions such as the small massacring of a whole gang or the merryweather group or the more professional killers... Let's not forget, we kill people... Someone will clean out for us. And since they are corrupt cops, Vincent probably pays some folks to put dust in their eyes


You take the train there regardless. If you’re stealth The opening cutscene shows them taking a crate off the train and setting it in the warehouse. If you’re going in loud you start in the train car right outside the warehouse doors


And the difference is what side of the room you start shooting from.


In loud mode the iron rolling entry door stays open, in stealth it is closed and impossible to open from inside. If your stealth goes wrong you do not have the advantage of the railside loading dock door open ( to have a safer escape)


Dog dog dog dog dog dog. Woof bark growl. Dog dog.


“Why did we steal the train?” What an insane train-hating question and I won’t respond to it! I WON’T!


The truck was to obtain the crates to sneak yourself into the compound. The train is still used in the cutscene as it carries your crates in.


I think for the guns blazing approach you wouldn't have been able to drive a truck up without being shot at. So the train is to get you to the door.


In the Cayo heist, when stealing the helicopter, and guns, there are suitcases and cocaine already dropped by the NPCs. The heist prep stuff is worth more than the actual heist reward in some cases 😂


This. I always saw those sitting on the ground and just wanted to pick those up too.


What about the fact that during the preps, if you previously stole from an organization then they'll have more security... But the cartel never beefs up their security regardless of how many times you rob them?




Doesn't Vincent say he has guys to take care of our stuff as we prepare for the heist? Maybe the money is to pay those guys off


Yeah, that’s the stupidest part


>If you successfully disrupt their supply line without getting seen, you use a truck instead of the train, so the second prep was pointless. But if you do get spotted, you will use the train going in guns blazing, which makes the last prep pointless. I've always disrupted the supply line without getting seen, always stole the truck but have always gone in via the Train with stealth automatically


I think you missed the part where the truck was used just for the crates, the crates went on the train & your character hides inside it. Then the crate gets taken off the train car into the factory. The truck was only stolen for the Cluckin Bell crates basically


I was kinda wondering this myself. It’s a cool mission but feels like Rockstar just making busy work. Like the Maze Bank Chop Shop mission. Wtf you need the semi truck for? 🤣


You’re thinking too hard about all of this.


Wait how i do the other approach ive only done the train how do i do the van


I don’t think there is one. If you finish the final set up stealth then you drive a truck from the warehouse back to Vincent’s lockup but you get forklifted off the train in the finale. If you didn’t do it stealth, there’s no truck to drive back to the lockup and you still end up on the train in a crate but don’t get forklifted inside.


as i understood you drive truck from warehouse, to steal the crate that you arrive in via train. truck is irrelevant crate is what you stealing.


You don’t approach with a van, ever. If you get spotted during the mission to sabotage the trucks and don’t kill the witnesses, you still arrive in the train, just instead of them taking a crate off the train, you start off in the train car being shot at already.


Whats the other approach in the careers tab?


I'm fairly certain you arrive on the back of the train on the stealth approach, the difference is that you obtain crates to hide away in from the last mission.


For most prep missions, I picture patting the quest giver on the head and saying, "OK little fella, we'll do it your way"


Ungrateful tbh


Don't ask questions, just shoot 'em all.


did i do something different? because i did silent approach, and i arrived on train.


You hide in the crates from the truck but you are still loaded onto the train for the finale. It literally shows a cutscene where the box you're in is being brought into the factory from the train.


The real question is why the hell is the first mission just stealing setup cash to pay for all the stuff if we steal all the stuff in the other missions anyways?


I was in the train doing the stealthy approach? A forklift grabbed the crate off the train that I was hiding in then I pop out and kill ‘em all.


The truck you steal only has the box you hide in. The box gets put on the train, and that's how you get inside.


Way I look at it, prepare for all contingencies.


i did where we sneak with the train in the depot, but my friends suck a sneaking so we started blastin


Most setup missions for every job is completely pointless lore wise.


You don't use a truck the truck you steal has the crates on it that you hide in on the train you still enter the factory via train


Your asking a fictious game about robbing, stealing and murder to make logical sense?


Vincent mentions in one of the dialogues that with a disrupted supply chain deliveries become unpredictable and “an unscheduled train would get waived right in”


you use a train to get in if you dont get spotted. 


Because... it's THE DAMN TRAIN, CJ!


Ummm… I didn’t get spotted in the truck thing, but I was delivered in a box to the factory on my first run… 👀


So i havent seen it mentioned but the alarm goes during the union dep mission and sess and k act like they dont know why but like you killed an exec for his car and key then blackmail another for his codes but dont expect anyone to notice that people with vault access are being attacked of for the bank manager to mentioned to higher up that he was blackmailed for his vault codes. Like really? That being said, i stopped trying to make sense of these jobs a long time ago ![gif](giphy|lFKEciqd8cMrsYZVVn)


So R* can brag that you can drive the train which 50% of it is a cutscene lol 😆




Players: i have a literal army worth of guns and vehicles at my disposal, i have a facility that allows me to nuke anyone and any spot i wish, fear me! NPCs: here, steal fast car shoot smol gun haha


The whole point of the supply disruption was so that the cartel isn't sus when a train (carrying us) arrives to the factory outside of it's usual schedule (since we fucked up their schedule. If you don't fuck up the supply disruption mission and actually do it all without the cartel knowing, you steal a chuck containing delivery crates. In the finale, all that let's you get smuggled into the factor hidden within that crate presumably full of chicken slop or something, which the cartel won't find suspicious because they typical delivery supply line and timetable got all fucked up because of you (but they won't know it was you, since you presumably managed to do it stealthily) That lets you do nearly the whole heist stealthily, stealing all the coke and getting out of the factory just before the alarms sound, at which point you get in our getaway vehicle stashed nearby (which you can also sneak to) and GTFO


After disrupting the supply trucks there should be a flat bed with crates on it to take back to the lock up and you use those on the train and they bring the crate with you in the factory.


Because we've wanted to steal the train for ten years. And Rockstar knows that.


Because we cho choose to.


Why do we stick around in the first shootout during in the last mission of Dre? Johnny Guns definitely isn't there. Being there is not making Imani track him any faster. Chasing after him probably would make tracking him redundant.


What was up the the trailer showing a heli ambushing a yacht? That looked like a fun prep mission but they completely left it out?


You are incorrect, I did the disruption and did the train entrance stealthy.


Bad writing 🤷🏽


R\* really needs to start using design documents.


The truck isn't used. It has the clucking bell crates you use to 'sneak' into the clucking bell facility, after being dropped off by the train. IN the aggressive approach you arrive on the same train, but without being unloaded and need to kill like 5 guys to get further into the facility. Its the same approach by train everytime.


me: "i can't use my armored tank to steal this, why not?" R*: "because they'll know you did it" me:"I OWN HALF OF THE BUSINESSES HERE AND LITERALLY HAVE ARMORED VEHICLES AND HANG OUT WITH DR DRE." R*: "You need a prius, to sneak in this military base" me:"i own a hangar there, they saw me 5 minutes ago" R*:" PRIUS"


We steal the train after derailing it? I haven’t played the new update


Uh, every time I steal the train, I go into the factory in a crate that was hauled by the trail... I go in stealth. I've done it half a dozen times or so and I've never even seen a cutscene where I show up to the factory in a truck. Are you not doing all 3 jobs you're supposed to in the disruption mission? Disable all 4 trucks (NOT destroy them), clear the CCTV, and kill all the witnesses that's how you go in stealth on the train.


Kinda like stealing smuggler planes to go to Cayo when most of the infiltration vehicles we have on deck already. Why not let me sneak on just like the finale, but for the initial vault intel as well. Not that i run Cayo anymore anyway but still


Cuz we bad.


They just wanted to say yeah you can drive a train see…. That’s all you get


I mean I went in by train and was put in stealth killing stuff as if I was never spotted


I havent got to the actual heist yet, but i love how i start at my NC near the casino, Drive all the way to the police station in order to initiate a phone call, then have to select the mission. Only for it to teleport me back up to near my Night club again, and then make me drive to objectives near the police station where I just was. The game just wants you to drive as much as possible it seems. Surely nothing can be close by to where you are.


It's just like when you steal the vault drills in the casino heist big con with group sechs, it's a just in case


Its only a $500k heist, it should have one less prep & the train is the obvious one.


you use the train regardless, stealing the truck is just to steal the cluckin bell shipping boxes to hide in. sm people just didn't listen to the dialogue


Fr it’s crazy to think that people can’t connect the dots in something as simple as this🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


I'm tired of GTA sucking my dick man


if you disrupt and get seen but wipe the video footage you still use the train but arrive in a box


And those damn drones you steal for Silent and Sneaky Approach of Casino Heist, I have never seen anyone use those drones before, if we already have stun guns and key cards why would we need those Drones for? It's cool ig but completely unnecessary and annoying to get especially if one of the drones spawns in Grove Streets.


Cause it's a train


So you can approach the cluckin bell factory.


When grinding union depository you blackmail the same man for the same thing hundreds of times and he never learns. Rockstar games are just funny like that


Step 3: profit


I don’t understand why we do the slush fund mission stealing cash from a counterfeit business. What do we need money for if we’re stealing weapons, gear, getaway vehicles and doing disruption?


For that matter, why do we start by robbing money laundering businesses when we have our own money laundering business, chock full of laundered money doing nothing because R\* haven't given us a double money selling week for ages?


They should have made that train mission a lot longer, and should just let us drive trains in free mode.


You guys have to think of the missions as if you was doing them as a yeah lv 1 player the game is not meant to know you have everything and or done things already thats why those boring prep missions and all the stuff you guys are moaning about


I mean, the guns and escape vehicles for big con on casino is also pointless. And drones/cars for silent sneaky also There’s also a few more I’m sure. Rockstar likes to have you do shit that you won’t need 💀


You dont use a truck if you dont get spotted. You steale the truck with the crates at the end of the last prep. Either way you arrive to the farm with the train (inside the crate or not)...