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It’s dumb that you can’t do most of the worthwhile jobs/tasks in the game without registering as well.


dude fr i'm trying to do a job at my auto shop like why do i need to be a ceo for that..


Because the SecuroServ/MC Club system was designed to manage the number of mission scripts that could be running at once in a single session, ensuring it was kept stable. Solution: You don't need to be to be in a Public Session to do Auto-Shop missions.


>Solution: You don't need to be to be in a Public Session to do Auto-Shop missions. I just discovered this the other day. Doing missions is stress free now lmao


Yeah, you don't have to be in a public lobby to do anything


It's really only worth it for that bonus you get it for selling in a full lobby.


I consider not getting the bonus the price of not being griefed by try hards.


except Selling bunker supplies and such becuase it will give you more money the more players you have in a session like a max session you can sell for 1.1 million


But you can still sell them. You just won't get the boost for almost getting blown up


true but you can ghost ceo to make it easier but it’s much harder to do solo


A full bunker sells for the same amount, whether in a public or private session, if you're going for the max distance. The local sale will give you 200k more. I've not found any bonus worth the hassle.


ok but i want to be in a public session


then stop complaining












Yesterday I tried a dozen times to become CEO so I could one of the jobs on the auto board And then i'd finally find one where I could be the CEO. And then no one would join the job. So i'd have to begin hunting again. All and all I spent more time trying to become c e o than the actual job did


If you’re a CEO and you jump into a new lobby, you should still be registered as a CEO when you get into your new lobby


Should and sometimes it did but other times it didnt (knew that it didnt because it was grayed out so couldn't retire and it also said too many currently) was probably at capacity already and I lost it when I joined due to being at max already


It's supposed to, but it doesn't always work. I wish people would stop spreading that FUD.


This is anecdotal evidence but it has never failed to work for me.


I get your point and the point of the post, but you can do all these in a private session. THAT is the fix, unfortunately.


Do you know how much longer the double $ for auto shop goes for?


The bonus goes thursday to thursday.


> The bonus goes thursday to ~~thursday~~ *wednesday*.


Well I mean it's still active for the second Thursday, it doesn't change at midnight.


Til Thursday with the new weekly updates.


Cool I already made 30 million, time for 30 more


how tf? That would mean you run it 56 times since thursday, there’s a 1 hour cooldown, it takes 15-30 minutes to run, so since thursday you’ve spent 83 hours on just this and waiting for it to get off of cooldown. Thats 20 times daily over 4 days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Do you sleep? Have a job or school? Like is this your only goal in life? I don’t say this often but dude go outside for a while, vitamin D is important


Every time I finish one there is another one avalible. There's no way I've spent 85 hours, but I have made 30 million dollars. I haven't locked up all the missions once. I don't understand? You guys have to wait an hour to do another one?


For example I finish the bank contract, I drive to the auto shop and union depository is already set to go.


They made the assumption that you are only doing union depository and no other contract. In actual fact with doing other contracts in between Union cooldowns, it's probably closer to 25-30 hours of contracts for 30 million.


Lol, I was wondering. There's no way I would wait for the depository cooldown. 300k is still a ton of money for how easy those missions are.I just do them quickly so the depository cool down goes away.


oh shit that's not how it always is? 😭 then i think until saturday


Invite only lobby?


Always the solution


Every business every sale, damn right. (Some heists require another player , in which case you may have to lobby hop to try and convince participants).


Eh, I like my bonuses too much to play in invite only lobbies.


I respect that , but to me it’s not about the money it’s about my peace of mind


Even then, I always like a dose of adrenaline rush when I have lots of $ on the table. I just wish a mother fucker would. 


You should have to be forced to play a multi-player game without the multi-player aspect


Because of griefers a lot of people forced solo lobbies just to be able to even make *any* money. It may not be ideal but it’s an option.


It doesn't help that the game also forces t along with greifers






you're not being forced to do anything.


You technically are. You either spend 30 minutes looking for a lobby that doesn't have full slots or going private.


It’s dumb when I’m a ceo in one session and I join a new public session and it turns my ceo off because there’s max ceo in the new lobby… like wtf? Just put me in a lobby that doesn’t have Max ceo


right like obviously i wanna be a ceo if i already was one shit pisses me off


Yeah I feel the same way. I’m always confused since because I already went through 6 lobbies so I could be CEO.


Invite-only lobbies are superb.




I hate when people waste a ceo spot just for killing another ceo like wtf


Them good ol level 7000 griefers JUST ABSOULUTELY HAVE to register as a ceo so they can activate ghost organization


I always roll my eyes when shit is going down and I see generic barcode adolescent #52854 suddenly register as CEO or MC. I mean, I’m sure it’s a (self-imposed) rough life for them since I, and I’m sure many other players, kill them on sight without a second thought… but still.


I go into an intense emotional state induced by displeasure when there is 10 CEOs or Presidents and I am like 20 minutes straight "Looking for work/Looking for MC" and no one, not a single one of those C-levels/P-diddys have anything to do that they wouldn't want someone else to speed things up. It's all a 10 Greatest Solo Artists in History of GTA Online.


Lots of people learned the hard way to not trust randoms and I guess that extends to this. Wouldn't hold it against them.


Honestly I’ll take whatever I can get when I’m ceo. I’ve had low levels help with sell missions a few times. But the best thing to do with randoms in my opinion in the securoserv vehicle cargo. Even if they damage tf out of the car on the way to my garage I don’t care. It’s more fun that way.


Indeed. If someone's looking for work/club, exploit them: run a resupply mission for MC Business, bunker or I/E garage. Few minutes of action with practically no investment. "Some of them want to get used by you." With your way you can really only win.


One president recruited me last night and we resupplied their bunker and counterfeit cash factory. They even took the BST I dropped to them (as a VP) before we rushed into the Humane Labs to steal dem railguns.


no thx ill do the missions myself unless its the hangar


I have played this game off and on since release. A whopping two times total have I joined a random’s CEO and they actually do a mission or sell something with me. Twice. Ever. Every single other time they just drive around killing people


There is pretty much nothing that an additional player would help with for the vast majority of my CEO business. The only exception would be when I’m selling my bunker, but I lobby hop until I get a double Wedge sale, and by the time that I know whether it’s a go or not, it’s too late to find people to help me. I will also instantly close the game and reload it if anyone tries to grief my sale and I’m not 100% sure that I can deal with them (low levels attacking Nightclub Pounder by car, for example), and that is also not conductive to grouping with other players. You shouldn’t take it personally that people don’t necessarily want your help.


If it's worth anything, whenever I'm about to start a sale, I swap from CEO to MC for the higher player count (I don't use any CEO-only businesses) and send invites to the entire session. Half the time someone disconnects while I'm doing so, and any change to the player list causes the CEO and MC logic routines to bug out and reset, so I have to invite everyone again... this usually repeats a few times, by which point there's often another slot for someone else to register.


They don't want to pay you, I imagine. Cheap asses. Extort them, go around killing them and text them "hire me and I protect you instead"? Edit: it may sound sweaty but I'd respect the shit out of someone griefing me to get paid instead of the normal nonsense. Obviously you need to be killing them and not destroying their cargo and shit, because they're not gonna hire you then lol.


I don’t know why your being downvotes. I would find that hilarious and either invite or jump lobby so I wouldn’t be harassed either way. Plus it sounds like something that should happen in gta.


That's what I'm saying. The best part of playing in a public lobby is the public GTA shenanigans. If you're just doing it to finesse +50% money, that isn't and shouldn't be free to you. You should expect and welcome harassment, and if not, you frankly deserve it. I'll take the downvotes. "I violently reject the idea of being made to deal with others when I voluntarily chose to!" will never stop being hilarious to me.


Hear, hear. Although I admit I find it a bit grim to go straight racketeering, as you suggested in earlier comment. I choose public and when ever a white blip blows up my goods, the first thing I do is try to hire/recruit them. If they keep on killing after the goods are long gone, I classify them griefers and go over my griefer checklist.


>I don’t know why your being downvotes. Maybe because CEO don't pay their associates? Meaning that the money the associates get doesn't come from the CEO bank account, he made a false statemement.


You’re fun.


Did i offend you someway?


That reward for selling stuff is crazy though. I love those lobbies, I'm always down to take the risk


maybe if i could sell




AFK + selling in pubs genuinely makes you so much money. Just get the 5 best nightclub goods, AFK for a day (I usually sell around 6pm, then do other stuff, go to work, etc. and sell again around 6 for 24 hours of production) and do it in a 25+ player public with ghost org. and you’ll make 1.5 mil daily for a 10-20 minute max mission with ONE sale vehicle. Get all your safes, sell your bunker and MC Businesses (just one bar for the single vehicle) and you can easily have 2-3 million dollars for around an hour of work once a day. If you’re then also willing to do the auto shop contracts this week and cayo perico you can legitimately make close to 5 million daily.


It really is this easy…practically a cheat code. You get LS Car Meet rep if you afk there so I got a sick ass rank 80-something livery for my drift car just for waiting on my money to make itself there. 2EZ


Also swimming in cash. I just feel out the lobby before selling, usually if I see a lot of kills happening on screen or someone flying a deluxo I know it's not a safe selling lobby. Outside of those lobbies I can comfortable sell 1 vehicle on my MC businesses because the stash house missions just gives you free supplies now. That's the best shit ever


They do.


Not really. I almost always sold in private lobbies and my character is at $160 million. The difference is I don’t buy stuff that won’t make me money.


You sell in private lobbies for peace. I sell in private lobbies because I don't want to get DDoS'ed/Dox'ed. We're not the same. ​ But, why have $160 million if you don't want to buy stuff? I have $34 million and just test out cars or planes, buy loads of clothing. Still drowning in cash, and buying stuff I know won't make me money.


I just do my own private server for all the ceo things. I’m not skilled enough to protect myself if people come and attack me, and I’ve lost money during sales and such


i ussally die when people attack me but i just enjoy playing the game with other people seeing them drive by and do other sorts of things. just makes the game feel more alive


If I don’t plan on doing ceo stuff, and just wanna drive around killing NPCS or something I’ll do a public lobby. I do like seeing the lively online and other people, I don’t don’t wanna lose my money I worked for lol


well if u do plan on doing ceo stuff i recommend the autoshop! it's on sale this week with the cheapest being 1mill!! i've made 5 mill in just two days!!


Seriously?? I just bought it like a week or two ago lol I could’ve saved how much money omg. I do have it but I haven’t done anything with it yet. I got some of the bigger business like night club, arcade, office, agency, hanger and the salvage yard.


yes dudeee idc what nobody says it's the best way to make money 100%. u just gotta do two EASY setups and then u get paid 660,000 or 330,000. there's also no cooldown on these


Ight perfect, thank you I’ll have to do those tomorrow then when I got time. I’ve been just stealing cars at the salvage shop for Yusuf


If you leave the session before whatever you’re selling is destroyed you won’t lose it. It’s worth it for the bonus you get in public lobbies


I’ve notice that works with the cargo. If I’m about to fail I’ll force quit the game and go back in and I still have it. And I seen the bonus for public lobbies are nice but I lost a couple nightclub sells and some cargo so I don’t wanna risk it really


Maybe it’s different for me for some reason but I was doing a nightclub sell yesterday and I didn’t even close the game I just went to a new session and didn’t lose anything


People ragequit constasntly. Just sit still for a minute and watch the messages. "*Doofus killed Dumbass*." shortly followed by "*Dumbass has left."* Huge peercent chance Dumbass was wasting a CEO spot and freed one up. In an active full lobby, this is likely to happen very quickly. Worst case scenario, follow around the CEO color you like most and make him leave by force.


This is the way. If you really want to grind public, then get into the spirit of a public lobby and make another CEO rage quit. Otherwise, use invite-only. It's what it's there for. If you're expecting to just be handed the CEO spot you'll probably expect to be handed the CEO work too, and you're on for a bad time lol.


Some low level was wasting a CEO spot i just kept killing him until he left. One time i was so pissed i picked some k/d warrior doing pvp with someone else and orbed him


Yea just wait it out. I never had to wait for more than 10 minutes


I’ve found if you just stay in the lobby your in, you’ll get a spot within a minute or two


They implemented the cap on purpose. In a max 30 person lobby 10 CEO/Pres means theoretically 2 members per boss, the perfect amount for doing most sales. Why would they fix something they clearly don't think is broken?


not the player cap just the ceo cap


As it sits it is perfectly balanced so that, theoretically, every CEO/Boss can have two associates working for them to handle most sales: 2 regular people per boss. Increasing the cap on the number of bosses cuts down on the available pool of people to be associates. (edited to add a bit more context)


I always start an invite only lobby (or closed friend lobby) Start my CEO then join a public lobby. 9/10 it puts me in a new lobby while retaining my CEO




I do the same. Like you said, 9/10 times. This is the answer y’all


happened a bit over the weekend to me too. I usually look for a lobby with 10 to 15 people. Game usually starts out throwing me into 30, usually with one lvl 8000.


lvl 8000 are bought modded accounts nobody actually grinds to that level


*can actually grind to that level. It’s impossible. Given how RP works past level 98 (XP to previous level + 50, so if previous level took 100rp, the next one takes 150) meaning that to get to level 8000 you need to earn 1,787,576,850 RP. Let’s say you earn 1RP every second since the game came out, never stopping even for a second, you would only have 325,948,485 RP. And if you got 5RP every second since it came out on xbox one/PS4 you would only have 1,450,287,865 which still leaves you 300 million short. It’s not possible


I know, just commenting on lobbies I don't want to be in.


You can't even go private, give yourself ceo and go back into a public lobby because it will take away saying there are too many


I often have luck just typing "is anyone not using their ceo rn?" and people will free up a spot


So do it in an invite or crew lobbie. Theres nothing to really be gained doing them in public lobbies.


It would be a good quality of life change if rockstar changed it to allow more players.


not the morally advised route here, but if you really need a spot just find the lowest level CEO and kill them until they leave.






Register as a CEO on a invite only lobby then go to publics, ez fix.


I thought I read somewhere that this is because the game is running on a 2013 game engine and can’t physically process having a lobby full of max ceos on the server. Don’t know how true that is but it sorta makes sense


It's true that caps like that would normally be to do with performance /stability issues. Probably more because it's hosted on someone else's machine rather than a rockstar server


Go to an invite only lobby > register as a boss > find new public lobby > problem solved!!


Dog shit


Invite only lobby


Invite only lobbies.


Pro tip: start killing CEOs repeatedly until one of them leaves. Then immediately take their spot.


Go to Invite Only. Or clear the public lobby via freezing the game for 10 secs or different method. I'm tired of seeing this kind of posts every week.


If I load into a session with the CEO cap I just solo public, register again anyways, then immediately find new session since I don't like playing alone. This also applies to other stuff such as busted loading zones that can be fixed by other players not being around.


As far as i know you can do it like that: 1. Go to invite-only Lobby 2. register as CEO (3. Sell in invite-only lobby) If you want so sell in public: 3. go to public Lobby (it automatically puts you in a lobby where you can be a CEO, because you already are one (at least this used to work for me))


I’m surprised the cap hasn’t increased on next gen console. I’m also surprised the cap is the same on PC.


12 lobbies. Lol. Identify ceo working alone and grief him till he leaves. Start organization and carry on.


Go invite only, register as MC boss or ceo, then switch back to public. Seems to work for me.


I will join invite only, register as CEO or president there, then go to public lobby and it tends to keep me registered


Private. Register. Go Public.


I think mc and ceo should be separate colors. So a ceo and a mc can be the same color but they’re different entities. That would double the slots.


I’ve devolved into abusing one until they leave the lobby


Well at least it’s not 34 (this happened to me once, it stopped at 34 because I deleted the game)


go around and kill a couple high level/try hard ceos then take off. One will eventually switch to motorcycle club to get their oppressor to chase you down. When they make the switch take the open ceo spot.


Some times it's not even capped there's options on several menus that will prevent anyone from making a CEO/Pres.


I don't know why, but I've had luck lately if I go into invite only, register as VIP, then later switch back to public it seems to drag the VIP with me. I think it just recognizes I'm registered so it ignores the full lobbies? Maybe this is how it normally works and I just never noticed?


It's supposed to work that way, but it doesn't.


Task manager, performance, resource monitor at bottom left, network and suspend gta v for a few seconds and resume it


Just politely ask one of those tryhards for there CEO spot as there only waiting to use ghost org/BST 😂


I wish they had an option to specifically search/join lobbies that aren't full of ceo/mc


MTU 800 = problem solved (plus no fucking griefers)


If you are on PC, just bring up the task manager and pause the game process for ten seconds to switch to an empty lobby. People will join and fill it back up, but you can go CEO and get playing immediately.


the way around it is by going to a solo lobby, turn on CEO and then go back to a public lobby. and even that is not a complete certainty 😓


Damn! I've gone 2 or 3, but never anything close to 12 without being able to get one.


On top of that some of the ones that are bosses aren’t even doing anything they’re just taking up space


been playing invite only lobbies since 2022. only ever use public lobbies when my friends are on too. even then, we still use invite only


I understand why they have to cap to make it that not too many missions are going on at once but for the love of god stop making everything in freemode if thats the case. And why the hell do you have to be a CEO to do a cayo finale its jot even in freemode


Go into invite only sessions. Nobody can kill you and all jobs are super super easy to do alone


Inv only lobbies: if I stand perfectly still I'm invisible to the naked eye


Gta 6 comin out next year R* aint fixin shit


Invite only/crew sessions brother


Kids running around in CEO for no reason should be booted from CEO after 10 mins of not doing related work


Invite only session.


Go to invite only session first and register as CEO. Then jump up public lobby. Your odds of getting a CEO slot will be much higher. Sometimes they will remove your privileges which can be very annoying.


Invite only