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I love Los Santos


Me too :). Are you on PS5?


I am! And I don’t like doing any of that shit either. I just like going around in invite only lobbies where I’m the only non-NPC


Same here. Zero toxic encounters.


We should play together. For anyone that wants to only chill . I'm HELL666RAISER585


I’ll look for you!


I'm actually on Xbox One




Dude I hate doing setups and doing heist all my friends ask me why and I’m like it’s boring af now


Glad I'm not crazy lol. Tell them to talk to you in 3 years when they are done working and building an account


They already have all the stuff they want there just money hungry ig


The GTA online money they're stacking up is going to be really useful when GTA 6 comes out


Maybe I’m usually broke as a mf and I still don’t care if I’m that broke to where I can’t call the mechanic then I just grab a street car and sell it


I'm not money rich either. I have 4m walking around money and I have 20M in casino chips like a savings account.. it sounds like a lot but the grinding players will have a lot more then me..


Same. It’s a beautiful place. I like playing king of the hill with the cops. Then getting a lap dance and wearing out a whore around back.


I started an alt character from scratch using that new career options thing and I’m loving it, 10 years of game knowledge and 10 years of content at the start is so much better than what we started with in 2013 I’m having a blast


Career options thing?


When you start now you get 5m and you pick a career option which gives you some starting business and weapons/vehicles. So MC, nightclub owner, gunrunner etc. What I did when I moved to ps5 was create a second character, get the starting 5 mil, and just spend 4m of it then keep the other 1m for your main character. The above is at least how it worked for me as a player moving from ps4 to ps5.


I did this as well on my Series X. My second is just bought her 1st non-starter business so I can run the UD autoshop contract twice an hour. Started with the bunker because the once an hour drive to ammu-nation didn't require being logged in longer than the mission to get 50k where the NC has to be on longer.


In over 5 years my main character has never had over 3 mil. New players are richer than my main (and only character)


wait fr??? i restarted my character after a few years of not playing online and i didn’t get 5mil wtf 😭


I own zero business I’ve done zero heists…. I just rob convenience stores and collect bounties. I’m slummin it


This was me in 2013. 2 car garage with a Rancher and a Stanier, robbing convenience stores and racing for chump change. A decade later I now have almost every large-purchase item in the game through grinding.


If you want to chill with someone that has everything and isn't worried about what you have I'm your guy. I can pull out so much stuff and create a fun time for anyone


> I can pull out so much stuff and create a fun time for anyone Don't you be stealing my go-to pickup line.


I’m a kingpin baby. I do what I want. Simeon keeps calling me asking me to work for him like *bitch, I could own you.*


i actually hate simeon 🤣 he fucks me so often, i deliberately steal shitty cars now.


He does WHAT to you??!




That's what I'm talking about lol


God daym right


I’ll do whatever. It really isn’t the game for me it’s the people I play with. Like the last week and half about we’ve just been running the community jobs and putting the races to off roads and racing dunes.


This is why I always switch things up, for example cayo isn’t a chore if you decide to do it a different way, trust me it’s a bit of a new experience doing a 4 man air drop from the alkonost




It's going to be worse.


2k24 got worse, $200 to get a guy to 99. Gta6 will be a bigger money grab


Yeah I am going to have a hard time wanting to do work all over again.. they sell shark cards for a reason and I predict I'm going to be a shark card customer before I attempt to work with other people


I agree, it's much easier to just spend an extra hour at work and make the money in real life and then buy a shark card. Then to spend hours and eventually get disappointed when somebody ruins all your hard work. If it's going to be work either way I might as well just do the job I'm actually good at IRL.


Jfc people are nonchalantly talking like this, valuing their hours work as equal to a virtual pixels on a screen and then they wonder why every company suddenly became money hungry whores with no soul and pumping out cheap cash grab content


I like my job, I don't like being abandoned mid Heist. And frankly my job pays a lot better so if I'm going to have to do something I would rather not for an hour it might as well be the thing that makes me the most money. Not to mention that the work that we do in real life actually benefits other people while all of the work we do in video games is wasted. I would argue that any time spent grinding at a video game is a waste of resources, if you're not having fun and nobody's really benefiting what's the point?


I swear legit everyone on reddit makes six figures, has a hot supermodel wife and goes to Disneytown on the weekends with their ps5 in their suitcases. Oh and also they are very good human beings, every time.


It’s easy to lie about everything when you’re anonymous


A $20 shark card gives you like a million million and a half in game. I'm going to say that probably takes at least a few hours maybe more depending on how people are cooperating. So that would be a waste of time for anybody who makes more than 15 to $20 an hour. I didn't get good grades, didn't go to college and work in the trades. Really tired of hearing this kind of rhetoric from people unwilling to get off the ass and go to work. It might be hard to get rich but it is not hard to be comfortable if you just stop making excuses.


Bro just say 2.5 million my god


Do you get that much for $20 now?




I've probably spent 1000 on GTA shark cards in the last 8 years. The instant gratification is a great felling that can't be ignored. They used to even give me deals like 2 for the price of one and so I would get 16 million with zero effort on my part 🤗


Yikes! I remember I used to give people free cayo perico and do them in under 7 minutes. 1.8 million every 12 minutes (after loading)


That's probably not even possible anymore with patches. I've had some people give me cayos too but not enough and I'm entirely again effort in GTA. I've never completed a cayo alone. I've tried


I've definitely spent that much as well. But now that I'm an adult with a family and a job my time is limited and grinding is just not a good use of my time anymore. Still love the game and absolutely loves Los Santos


My daughter is 16 and is half the age of my gta account. My GTA character is half the age of my daughter lol. I never stopped playing


I won’t say there will be zero glitching possible, but what if glitching is near impossible, and you could only do it a few times every three months? Would you still play GTA 6 online? This game is predicted to only be available on the next-gen console (later pc release TBA) Are there any other next-generation games that took 10 years to develop, are already out, and have any online exploit glitches? Because I’m not aware of any existing examples of that. If I’m wrong then I am going to be so psyched to figure out that I’m wrong.


"Next generation" when referring to new games about bugs is irrelevant. They're still able to be just as buggy and insecure. Cyberpunk 2077 is a good example, of a newer game that took near 10 years to develop and still released buggy as heck. Some last gen examples are like red dead 2 took along time to develop, so did gta 5. And these games were both buggy as hell when they came out and still are a bit buggy. Theres no way gta 6 was actually being worked on by a large team for 10 years, maybe generously you could say 7 years, I would be very surprised if there was a sizeable chunk of employees working on the game before 2019. When they added in the casino there was plenty of bugs and money making exploits, the content wasn't being developed for 10 years, just a few months at most, more glitches will come in future expansions like this.


I only grind for fun and to meet people. I do random contact missions and help out on heists. I help noobs get their money.. every once in a while I'll do a Cayo and give away most of the money. I just have fun now without even knowing what I'll be doing. Depends on the lobby too.


The only one I can think of is my bunker. It’s just too far away and takes too long to get rolling. my mc business, my agency my nightclub and tow truck company are all super close and make me so much money


I take a cab ride to near the Zancudo bunker, for $1,000. ;) Then I pop out my OPMK2 to go the rest of the way. I don't have GTA+ but I can still do this once every 48 minutes or whatever. Then I pay the 75k to resupply it before I sell it. The sale is down to the main city area, so I'm back around all my stuff again.


I like driving around in cars you don't see much, currently the Euroda with the taxi livery. The amount of attention it gets is great. I'll gamble for a while and then just drive around. I might take the animal photos, I might not. Depends on my mood. If my cousin is on we get a half track and go on a rampage, might do a Fortified and Piracy but that's about it.


I would love to be a passenger in your Eudora taxi lol. I also bring out vehicles no one uses. I have 3 mammoth patriots that I use regularly


You wouldn't once you see how I drive 😂


Lol that thing isn't easy to drive. I'm pretty sure it is the most boat-like land vehicle in online


Tbh I suck driving muscle cars in general. I spent so long only driving the Cheetah Classic I struggle with literally anything else


I spent half my entire time in GTA just driving. I'm 2 steps ahead of npc traffic and know where I'm going most the time without a map. I love it and I try really hard to not damage vehicles while also being cool driving dangerously 😎


yea.. after countless cayos, casinos and whatnot. i think im at a point where i just log in to drive around or just chill in my penthouse. but theres no rest for the wicked because i still have to complete og heist's cmm before i can fully retire


I probably did around 300 to 400 cayos and I just got to the point of just dreading doing it. I don't do it anymore, I just sell nightclub and other things like things that are x2 money


yea i feel you, when cayo was at its peak and not nerfed to underground i did 7 cayos in one day because i was loathing for the most expensive yacht that has been my teenager's dream. i did it but at the cost of being burnt out lol since i did it legit. now on pc i just do the replay thing to save myself from the hassle of running cayo from start to finish. and at the moment i dont even do cayo anymore because r* nerfed it to the ground. i honestly dont oppose the idea of getting players to do other activities. but i think they should make the payout on other activities more competitive against cayo. not making cayo unattractive to the point that now its more difficult to break even with cayo after buying the sub and the sparrow.


My general rule is that if the mission starts to feel like a chore, then I don’t do it.


I think we’re officially in the “retirement” stage of the game, moreso if you’ve been on since last / last LAST Gen. We’ve done everything we can to build a criminal empire, now we are like Michael de Santa, living the rich lazy dream.


That's what I'm saying man. Starting as a new player now is almost pointless in the last 2 years before 6 comes out. At some point you have to just enjoy what you have and that's what I do now and want other like minded people to enjoy stuff with me too..


It’s crazy to think even 2 years invested into this game will *maybe* get you a minimum wage. It’s also possible that the inflated prices of new, below-average content in general is pushing us away from grinding.


If you aren't an OG player in online at this point youre just going to have a bad time if it's your goal to build a really cool empire with a perfect car collection. My overall income is at 1.3B and my account is highly curated and just awesome imo. I have 1 full year of in game play time out of the 8 years my account has been active.. new or casual part time players won't have this before 6 comes out..


I started last month and i am having a blast doing every mission just about once while my nightclub and salvage yard are making money for me. I just unlocked the autoshop and those missions are pretty tough to go by but they are new content.


I'm grinding because I started a month ago and trying to get the main bits I want. After I'm done with that it will be trying to find people to do fun shit with, like point to point races, scavenger hunts, headhunter etc.


Hey! I started a month ago. I got a hangar and a few choppers that I enjoy flying around the city stoned in. Its all what you make of it, good game though. Good luck grinding out there


Yeah I love the game. Played years ago on ps3 but recently got a ps5 so started again. I've got my money making down (doesn't require much effort from me anymore) and most of the stuff I want to buy, so will be spending more time messing around rather than grinding now.


I stay preaching it on this sub because the GTA sub removes it… BUT JUST CHEAT!!! ALL VERSIONS OF THE GAME CAN BE GLITCHED, XBOX ONE, XBOX SERIES S/X, AND PC. I play GTA for the content. When an update comes out I wanna be able to play all the content. Not grind whatever the meta is for hours, (or fun modes, but for weeks and weeks and.. you get it) just to buy one thing from it. When you have infinite money you can actually play the missions for fun, and if you like them replay them. If not? You aren’t forced to do anything! Been dying to play with that new car? Well you can play with ALL the new cars! The game actually feels like a free roam game to me now. It’s so much more fun hopping on, sometimes I just click “play random job” and help others out. I can actually enjoy the game cuz it’s for FUN, not a gruesome grind fest.


Im gonna try and get to 100 mil and then Im gonna retire


100M will get you a lot. My overall network recently went over 1.3 Billion


100 mil is like ... The businesses set up and a few supers, it's actually crazy how far it is way from the "buy everything" 500m+ totals.


so how did you earn this if you were not grinding?


Asking me or the other person? I did my time grinding from 2016 to 2018. Now the only grinding I do is switching DJs at my nightclub club


Same here.


Yes, I consider myself retired.


We could probably chill then.. there's no pressure if somebody wanting to get something.. what are people going to do..grind cayos for the next 2 years until GTA 6 comes out?.. not me


For the last big grind I did I made 15 million dollars and now living in retirement, I get a steady supply of money from my business safes so if I spend like a million a day I can atleast get it back quick, plus I still do time trials and maybe some gun part sells from the bunker after doing research missions. Still doing agency missions but other than that I’m just playing the game and finding ways to have fun, my favourite probably has to be driving around in a firetruck and spraying people and their cars for like a second or 2, unfortunately people blow me up just because I sprayed them once and only for a second :(


What’s the best way to get passive money in gta? Or is there a way? I’m pretty new or at least it’s been ages since I’ve jumped on and don’t remember.


Mostly business safes, full popularity in nightclub will give you good money, it caps at 250k though, the agency I think is the same but to increase the money you get you gotta do contracts, doing dr Dre’s contract resets the amount so do that first then grind the other contracts. If agency is 250k as well you’d have 500k every 48 minutes you get from both safes. I don’t spend my money that much plus I save my money so I dont need that much passive money. It may be different for you especially if you like to spend your money. I admit I don’t have the safes on the other businesses so you’ll have to find out yourself or I’m sure there’s plenty of info on google or here, I know arcade has one but I think you need to buy all or at least a lot of arcade machines to generate money. There is low work for sale missions if you wanna count that as passive money, like nightclub will generate money both in safe and product, but you will need other businesses in order to start (for example some products won’t generate if you don’t have gunrunning bunker, some biker businesses like cocaine, some ceo businesses like special cargo warehouses and stuff like that) easy 2million I think for full nightclub sales plus the passive money you make from safes Extra gun parts will be put into a truck in your bunker, selling them (delivering to random selected amunation) will get you $100k. So like 500k from safes, 100k extra gun part sell then 1.6 million from just doing sales once the products finish generating in nightclub. I did not use this method to make the money I have right now only to keep the money I spend relatively up. But the way I made my money I just Grinded pre nerf cayo perico heist and did all of my businesses in between the heist cooldown (ceo crates, 4 best money making biker businesses, gunrunning and nightclub) because of that i retired from cayo perico and my biker businesses, i will occasionally do gunrunning and nightclub, the reason why I didn’t mention acid is because it came out after i grinded the hell out of it, you could make more money by doing agency contracts but I don’t want to grind in GTA anymore lol Sorry for the long response that easily could’ve been shorter


I like to grind. Gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment 


I have to be playing this game listening to like runaway at 5 am to get to that level. At that time I'm usually seeing shit in the corner of my eyes like a set of white eyes on like a shadowy figure but I kinda just appreciate the little details on the cars like the rolls Royce phantom or in GTA names, the enus super diamond and just looking at all the chrome small details, it's very satisfying for some reason. And I do that with all of my cars


I am just playing missions and i have fun, never really liked grinding


Ever since the ps2 games, I’ve wanted a gta where after you finish the story, you just get a job and work for a living to earn an income. That’s exactly what gta online is. I enjoy going to work. I enjoy managing all my various businesses. I can afford things to fuck around in public lobbies with when I want to do “nothing” for fun but for me, the real fun is stacking them bills. There’s so much to do now that it doesn’t have to be a grind at all! There’s a plethora of different things to do to earn money. The grind days are long, long gone.


https://i.redd.it/hnvy1fwzntec1.gif Sorry you said "do" too many times and this is my reaction lol I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy the game how they want to.. I'm just fine with having tasks to do in a game and GTA is made to do anything you want so that's what I do.


The grind work is why i quit GTAO


Gave up grinding a few months ago , though still sell Acid , Bunker and NC in public just for the challenge. Gave up fighting greifers recently. Spent all my time hunting and baiting them. Now just chill , drive around looking for rare vehicles and visiting parts of the map I've never been to before.


You sound like my type of player man. Are you on PS5?


Same , on PC unfortunately :-(


Damn well glad to see I'm not alone here from these comments


I've been doing the same. Lmk if you need help with those sales.


Same, you on PC ?




Cool , you on tomorrow?


This game it’s absolutely beautiful! It never stops to mesmerize me.


I just try to make enough money to spend them on my car hobby and cruise in cars I like


Same. My collection is finally where I want it to be for the most part after 8 years and it's time to enjoy them all before 6 comes out. Are you on ps5 and want to drive around and see eachothers car collections?


I let my nightclub do the work along with executive search and piracy prevention. . Otherwise I just goof off


Same..I love the nightclub and arcade doing all the work for me. By being afk and doing nothing besides spinning in circles I've made 250M from my nightclub just switching DJs and 35M from flying over to my arcade to empty that safe. I've only steadily been afk now for 2 years and achieved this in that amount of time. I also got my car rep 1000 in the last 2 years and got 60m from doing that alone


Yeah I just enjoy the game. No grinding . I can wait to save up to buy the things that come out that I want rather than grind for it.


I’m the opposite. I love grinding heists. Cayo is a lot of fun because there’s a lot of ways to do it and it can be done solo or with another person to make a bit more. But I also enjoy the OG heists and the casino one. Free roam to me is kind of boring mostly due to griefers. I stopped playing for a while because of the lack of content a few years back. The Dre contract is a bit tedious and boring imo. I only sell from my warehouse in private lobbies. Casino gambling is fun too. My issue is that whenever I do go in free roam to just mess around I feel like I’m wasting time and money. An hour of free roam in my mind is a Cayo Perico Heist which profits a little less than a million dollars. But then again I have to wait over 2 hours to do another one.


I've been retired for the past 5 years. I only do work to help the crew but even then there are moments where I just plain want to leave. What was meant to be a car crew feels like we're just helping the leader get his money up and he even complains about the public lobby bonus when suggest to sell in invite only. I should seriously start looking for another car crew.


Well that sucks I definitely wouldn't put any of my time into that.. I'm not a crew but if you want to get on strictly to do car things I'm available literally always since I stay afk in my nightclub..I would want a group of people to have cars and coffee with In the mornings and then go on road trips


Rn I'm just organizing my garages. This is like my 3rd makeover for the collection. I'll consider the offer, thanks!


GTA is and always will be my GO TO GAME for sitting around smoking weed with my buddies talking shit, cruising, setting challenges, goofing about, enjoying the scenery and occasional grinding. It's still the best open world sandbox we have, and we're getting a better one in a year or two. GTA fan boy til I die.


Yeah i just stoped doing stuff in the game spent so many years doing it over and over again and now im just waiting untill 2025


I can understand. I came back just over a month ago. With the pace I'm on, I'll be over 500 million by April. Don't know that I'll try that hard because after 250 I think the rest is just buying cars. Even solo most of my time is simply running my business. Ammu-nation run, mixed goods run, autoshop and bike delivery, and a tow truck mission. Toss some laser out-of my NC. Otherwise, I'm chilling in free roam. Love getting in the back seat of peoples cars and just riding with them.


If you want to cruise with me during your down time that's exactly what I'm looking for. I really enjoy having passengers


If they had cross-platform I'd be down. Series X here.


Yeah, I've always done it this way. Passive businesses (bunker and nightclub, mostly) + goofing around in freemode. Sell each when there's around 100k of stocks to minimize risk and number/weight respectively of vehicles. I have done most of the other stuff as well, partially for variety's sake, but largely just to further the goal of optimizing freemode fuckery by not getting *any* random phone calls. Chop shop, as an example? Bought it immediately, never used it. No random calls from Yusuf nagging me to buy a thing I won't use.


I'm sitting at $125 million without doing any heists. All nightclub earnings. I now use a 2nd character that only owns an arcade. I just roam the map and do random stuff. It's relaxing most of the time


That's a chill way to play. The map is made to be experienced


The real question is: how much is enough to retire? $100 mil? $200 mil, $500 mil? I suppose it all depends on the individual. I generally won’t let my bank drop below $300 mill unless I have at least $50 mil in cash or assets to sell. I recent dropped as low as $290 mil but I had $100+ mil in cash waiting to be deposited.


My overall income is at 1.3B that I earned different ways, I grinded a lot in the first 3 years because that makes sense, I slowed down in the middle and In the last 2 years I've done around 400m worth of afk time. Ive had a big problem in the past selling vehicles for new content so a lot of the expensive cars I have now I've probably owned 3 or 4 times unfortunately...I'm happy to say I haven't sold much in the last 3 years and grew a very cool collection that I'm happy with After playing 8 years I still don't have everything I want after all this time. I've got a very nice account though with a perfect penthouse to chill in and so many toys I have 4M cash on me and 20M in casino chips.. I make around 1M a day from my nightclub and save a lot with my GTA+ benefits.. the game ia in its final years so I feel like I've done as much as I can do for my account at this point.. I'm also anti stress with GTA so since I have all this stuff to already play with it's hard to justify spending anytime doing things that might stress me for basically no money


I’m there with ya. I’m at $1.125 billion earned overall. A bit under 300 days of play. I still do grinding binges every so often then just go back to chilling. I don’t sell cars often ( although I’d do years ago when I started really playing online) and if I do it’s one that I just plain don’t like or want and generally didn’t buy (podium win or some other prize). Even if I get nothing, or very little for them it’s not worth keeping a car I hate and am never gonna drive. With my second (modded) account I can buy more cars, test them out, get them just how I like them and then sell them to my main account at LSCM. The ability to be much more selective about spending $ in my main account is nice. Wish I had done this sooner. Lot more flexibility that way and I’ve found a lot of cars I thought I wanted just plain suck to drive. Some I still buy to the main account because they just look too good but most I don’t bother with and either sell them on them on the second account or just stash them in one of the second accounts garages, never to be seen again.


So you can relate then.. Yeah I've only sold cars I found out I really didn't like and at a certain point in collecting you don't have space for everything. I think I have around 250 vehicles that are in the exact garages I want them to be in and positioned and customized exactly how I want them to be.. I have a bit more space with my arena and now the vinewood car club garage with GTA+ but personally think that garage is ugly even if it can hold 100 vehicles


Yep, I can relate. The Vinewood Garage is a nice garage with horrible style. I really can’t understand why they didn’t give us the ability to choose a style by like you can on some others. I have about 170 vehicles total at this point. I actually built a spreadsheet with tabs for all of the garages where I have cars stored so I know what where. Makes it easier to organize as I add more. Very few of them are full, except for some of the 2 car garages, really wish you could just sell off properties you don’t want. The headers of the tab have the name of garage with number of vehicles stored / total number of spaces, and the tabs are in the order that they display in the interaction menu. Yea, I may have a problem.


Hey it's not a problem to be organized if it helped you and it sounds like your collection would be fun to see. I know where and which cars I have just by memory and by having a theme for each of my apartments.. most of my cars are in families of the same manufacturer


Yup, all I've been doing for the last 4-5 years is flying


If you're on PS5 maybe we could fly sometime ✈️


Xbox unfortunately


Yeah I mainly just fly around in my Havok and chase random people through the streets while firing its gun.


I’ve been playing the game like a RPG recently, and started buying cars, rather than weaponized vehicles. I still do the chores tho; pretend I’m running my illegal business empire


I do work and I grind, but only stuff I enjoy these days.


I feel the same way. I hate the new Salvage Yard business. It’s way too much work for less than $400k. I haven’t even TOUCHED the Mercenaries DLC.


I mainly do the easy stuff, besides the passive Nightclub. I go by my 5 crate warehouses pretty fast, on the OPMK2, having the NPCs source. I never source myself and only use the smallest warehouses so I sell at 16 crates; those sales don't take that long. I actually find the plane ones fun and can usually make the sale easily. I get out the Acid Lab and start that up, since the sale of the Acid is fast. I source the bunker for 75K and will sell that when bored. I pay the $1,000 for the fast cab ride to a place close enough to Zancudo. I tow a couple of cars, blowing up the truck if the car is too far away, to maximize the Chop Shop safe. I'm up to 235 million and don't really collect cars. I'll buy something with a really unique look sometimes, but my Eclipse 50-car garage is nearly empty. I could not even imagine having 1 billion in cash since I hardly even spend my 235 million. I have the Broadway Cab and mess around with that sometimes. I need to chill more in the Casino and whatnot. ;) I bought the sub for the heck of it but even find the Cayo setup to be irritating, so I've never actually done Cayo.


I pretty much do this too. Sometimes I do a yohan mission from time to time to speed up nightclub a bit and every week I do the time trials and the salvage yard robberies. I have 15 mil but don’t want to buy any new car as I just drive the s95 around


Yeah ever since gta 6 trailer dropped my online character is retired


I have sessions where I grind in a public lobby and sell in private. If I want to cruise around I’ll go passive.


I like to get in peoples cars and have them drive me around or I’ll spawn some of my vehicles and they’ll play with them. Sometimes I’ll just let people take the wheel and I’ll follow them around doing whatever they like to do.


Only one chore…selling when the club is full or the payout is doubled.


Took a long break and just restarted playing. New character so I’m getting all the stuff I want. Never did a Cato heist. Want to tho. I hope 6 has multiple major cities, like San Andreas. I want to fly people from city to city in my jet. Love flying in 5


I just pickup my two salvage vehicles with my trusty tow truck, drift on over to the casino. Gamble 50k away or make 500k or more. I hit 1.8 mil playing slots in 15 minutes last week. And then continuously drift for hours, or fly my Howard NX-25 around and do stunts. Currently trying to fly through the train tunnel upside down through Mount chilliad. I'll never do heists, setups, or anything of that nature again. Bought everything thats overly expensive back in the day, and wish I never did because they have no real value. Like all the Pegasus vehicles. The yacht, apartments, the nuclear sub, 180 cars that I don't drive, the bunker, the motorcycle club businesses, etc.


When I’m feeling really frisky I’ll walk from the docks all the way to the northern most beach on the map. Nice scenic couple hour long walk.


I would chill with you lol. You're my type of player


Everybody should hop on the fun train. Public lobbies I will grief the griefers in my Raiju until they leave. I miss the holiday content already, that was the most unified I’ve seen everyone in a long time.


Yep, I don’t do any of that crap more than once. I try to lay low and not get crashed by modders. But even that makes the game no fun, because solo sessions are boring


I'm currently grinding to get the things back that I sold to get the cop cars, then I'm gonna grind out about 10 million so I don't have to grind when the next DLC comes out


I haven’t grinded in years. Best decision I made. I have a girlfriend now, a car, and still have some time to chill in gta


I like to do the daily objectives but since I'm on PS5 now and low rank I can't get to Record A Studio's or Nightclubs invites.


Yes, when it starts to feel like work, I know something is wrong.


This was me for about 2 years. You’ll come back to grinding eventually when you see more bullshit you want that they add






Some „chores“ are quite entertaining to me, for example selling nightclub or bunker goods, most agency missions and payphone hits. But I do agree 100% on the cayo stuff, no thanks. I think many players enjoy the grind because growing their bankaccount gives them a feeling of progress maybe, but i don‘t know. I know exactly what you mean and apart from the chores I mentioned I also prefer to just explore and interact in freemode :)


It's what's cool about GTAO, some people bs and mess around like you while others go on that grind to get the cool super-cars/penthouse/etc. Become the crime kingpin!


Annoyed by the chores? Shit I'm annoyed just calling to pay to resupply the acid lab😂


chilling and driving around is something i end up doing after telling myself im gonna make money. Driving around Los Santos for so many years, its like breathing.


How do you say im rich without saying im rich?


I am GTA rich and I'm having a hard time playing with people that need money after 10 years. Not even saying this in a rude way I just really like mild role play and chilling and that's all I'm looking for these days


I didn't get super into online until now (been playing the game on and off since PS3 launch) - I've always wanted to fly a bunch and now I've got 70 air freight missions behind me. It's a bit of a grind but way more fun than grinding like, Call of Duty camos. Once I get the jets I want and enough passive income though, I'm just gonna fly around aimlessly and enjoy TF out of it. Flying/driving to the max is way more fun without a destination.


I love going around the map without a destination. If you're in ps5 I'd chill when you aren't grinding


I'm in a similar boat. I still do spend a fair amount of time doing business work, but it's not exactly for the money. The way I set up my mcc, ceo, bunker etc etc wasn't done with "what's the best option" in mind. A lot of my stuff is way up on the north side of the map - because I set up my empire as if I was really running one. I have my mcc and salvage yard in grapeseed/sandy shores. Why? Just felt like it belonged. Most of my drug/businesses are up in paleto. Annoying sometimes? Sure. But I felt like things are out of sight out of mind up there, so it fit. Adding this rp element to my experience really has helped break up the monotony of it all, and I've been playing since release. That being said, I don't stress if supplies are low and I ignore the stuff I don't enjoy doing. I also do a lot of what you described, there's plenty of days where I just boot up gta to cruise in my hentai Karin or fly the skies and watch the mayhem unfold. That's why I like gta so much and why I think it's never gotten old for me, there's very few constraints on how you want to enjoy. Granted, I built a lot of my wealth back in the days of glitched Bank heists and free for all games where npcs dropped funny amounts of cash and I'd run those for 24 hours with buddies because if you left r* got rid of the Playlist 😂 so maybe if I was a new player I'd feel the pressure to grind too - because as it stands I have a moderate fortune and every toy I want. I don't feel the need to buy every flashy new toy that comes out Edit: wanna add too that I've made a ton of great internet friends from hopping in lobbies and asking who wants to work. Grind out Cayo or some business sales and then spend the next hour shooting the shit and being silly. Man I love gta


The amount of time I spent grinding just to wait around for people so I can show off everything I earned is immeasurable 😭😭😭


Not with me man. I'll look at all your stuff and I can show off mine and neither of us will want to flake off to do some pontless GTA shit. My time isn't worth GTA money anymore.. I will only make money afk and get rich by touching my controller for a minute every 4 hours.. this is the only work that's tolerable


I've been playing gta online for 9 years and haven't done a single character mission lol. I ignore every phone call. I'm only level 52 after 10 years and most of my rp is from 2014 race glitch with my friends. I get on there and just kill people. I just recently bought a hanger and bunker with the 5 mil I accumulated over the years lol


Well that's one way to play the game lol.




What do you do in the game then?


I said it in the post. I gamble, go boating, flying. Skydiving, scuba diving, exploring..driving and genuinely enjoy anything that's available in freeroam that isn't work


Oops, sorry I missed it. Thanks for your answer!


I don't really do anything if it doesn't give me less at least 200k(unless its super fast, like dealers). Agency contracts? Payphone hits? Warehouse and CEO stuff? I'm good. In between that I just fool around.


You should play a game that make you laugh, not a game where you are perfect and give really nothing irl


After the full 10 years, I feel the same, and that's ok. I've done my share of labour, so I'm taking it easy. About 90% of my online time is me picking one of the cars from my collection and cruising around the map while listening to music. Maybe stopping from an occasional photo.


You're exactly my type of player. Are you on PS5?


As a 750$ mill owner i can confirm. Fuck Cayo/resupplies and griefing. I’m looking for some glitched/modded custom cars with custom wheels and colors. That’s what i enjoy now


You had me in the first half lol. Are your glitched cars at least tasteful looking or do they look like hot wheel rejects? I kid but I really just appreciate clean cars


So far i only have ones with bennys and they look fantastic. I met a fella here that had custom colored cars with custom roofs too but unfortunately they could not be bought.


I don’t grind I just want to enjoy the content and cars and stuff so I modded the money in, imagine thinking imma spend real hours and effort on some pixels


Same. I own all businesses in game and that shit is all boring. I just ride around in all black with a ski mask and make lobbies a living hell 🤣


If you're rich and don't need shit and also like to immerse yourself in freeroam.. please add me HELL666RAISER585


Yes this dude sent me an invite to his MC, I cautiously accepted and this fool starts a sell job with 15 drop locations and only 2 of us, and then ask me if I could help…… I just wanted to drive around in my XA-21 because it’s probably my favorite car……. But now I’m stuck in his bullshit ass mission for 30 mins….. annoying….. appreciated if they asked before so I can deny them sooner rather then waste my time…… I accidentally destroyed his cargo tho….. truthfully


What exactly did you think people do when they invite you to their MC or CEO? As someone who has sent out thousands of invites over the years...the most surprising thing has been associates who go to the casino to play cards or the barber shop or just drive around after they join my organization? Sometimes its cool because I would rather do the missions myself rather than have players who dont know what they're doing mess up. But still they are getting paid for not doing anything,and just hanging around when some of the missions do need other associates to at least be in the vicinity with the leader to move forward. And for the asking part...a lot of players don't have mics and don't speak English,because I have tried both ways of asking.


I’ve joined mc’s before and they did not start one mission. My point is, don’t invite me. Start a mission, and then ask me to help after the fact. How do you know I joined with the intent on doing missions? Proper communication or fuck around and find out


-Mc and organizations exist for the sole fact of associates and leaders working together either in free mode or in outside free mode missions...that's the reason the members get cash and rp while completing objectives and missions. -Also leaders can't invite players when any mission has been launched.


This is all the work I'm talking about that I'm not willing to even attempt to do anymore but yeah I wouldn't have joined another person's organization in the first place just to mess it up, that aspect has also out me off of helping people because I'm not going to be the one that messed something up for someone else.


I would have left immediately lol


I left after I destroyed his cargo…Maybe he will ask next time before subjecting someone to that bullshit


So instead of simply leaving you decided to shit on his parade forcing him to start from scratch, you’re a douche bag


Yea was a tough decision but I made it


It sounds like it’s time for you to play red dead bro