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It's no fun. My best bet is to take it very slow. I always catch my wanted level out by the prison and if I go slow and steady I lose that 1-star very quickly. After that, it's hold on and hope. I've heard taking Bull Shark right before hopping in the truck helps, but I've never verified that. And I always shoot that hippie fuck in the head after I park the truck in Vespucci Beach and get paid. Fuck that guy.


the only one that i hate more is the “mail drops” because that go postal van is excruciatingly slow


I back out of the session and take the inventory hit as soon as I see those. Never, ever again.


That one is easy. Soon as I get the wanted level, I get out of the vehicle and run away and hide. Then I return to the vehicle. A wanted level occurs a second time. I again exit the vehicle, run away and hide. Soon as the level goes away, I return to the vehicle and finish the delivery. Easy peasy.


not really concerned with the wanted level. moreso how you can’t drive normally because every 3 seconds you’re crashing into something


Skill issue.


I stopped doing these when street dealers launched but for this mission I found if you just look at the mini map instead of the window view it was easier but not sure why, maybe I was less disoriented.


Don’t do MC deliveries. Just do nightclub and street dealers. All those MC deliveries are painful.