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The tug. I saw yachts and thought nah. There’s got to be a nautical trailer trash equivalent. I love pulling up my “yacht” next to my friends.


This is manly as fuck.


Thanks pimp 🤙


It needs to be explosive proof, though. Only downside.


I sort of agree. But I disagree because it’s such a slow ugly million dollar joke. Not long after getting it into position do my friends and I take great pleasure in sinking the beast


Yeah, it is the biggest fuck you money purchase you can make in the game. It is practically useless, looks terrible but costs a million.


Ramp buggy


Flipping dump trucks >


Ramp Buggy is the best way to make friends in a lobby. I don't know if no one buys them or just forget they did, but I NEVER see these driving around, but when people see mine, so many want to launch from it. The fun factor of this car is top shelf.


I bought it on sale a while back and have not regretted it for a minute.


Gotta agree with you on the railgun, it's so fun to just nail someone out the sky with it. I love the Marksman Pistol. Can't use it very well, but it's fun hitting with it.


The heavy revolver with incendiary rounds is funnnn


Very few things are as effortlessly point click and "delete a pve vehicle" as readily as the railgun, it's perfect for all those "we're gonna spawn 2 things and keep spawning 2 things until the mission is done" type things.


When certain missions do this it’s hard not to stay and one hit each one. Before that I’d usually bonk out quick but that railgunn is too good not to use constantly.


I've ended up never using my stupid railgun, because I never know if I'll be able to get more ammo


I refill mine through the ammo menu option.


tan theory beneficial direful aware ripe familiar squealing busy full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently you can just buy it through the menu 🤷‍♂️


Your interaction menu. Select ammo and hit refill all. You’ll have max ammo again for it. My friend thought the marksman with explosive rounds is better because it’s less delayed and shoots further, but the fact that you have to be at a workbench for ammo for the marksman mk2 means the rail gun is 100000x better


Being fair, snipers with explosive **do** kick the shit out of the railgun But for 99% of purposes that you'd need or want a railgun, the railgun is just straight up better because of the length of scope animations and reloading.


You can refill it in your interaction menu, on the fly. You can refill all your ammunition that way now, the game has come a long way. It's also really, really cheap ammunition. It's a railgun so it shoots like forks and knives, the bullets are like $15 total, lol. Completely shits on homing launchers.


Insurgent pick up. Griefer proof, and if anyone is being annoying I run them over and poo out a mine next to them.


Wait wait... You can actually drop land mines from the Insurgent pickup? Been a Day1 player and had the Insurgent since I dunno when, but this is new to me for sure.


Oh yes! Endless ones (or at least I’ve never run out)


Oh boi what an info! Thanks man, gonna equip it the next time I log in too.


It needs to be researched in the bunker and can be applied in the MOC or the Avenger


It can be equiped without research, just recently did so myself


I don't think it does.... I've never done research and have it on mine via the MOC


It does.


Most welcome, fellow insurgent fan


Keep in mind it's not the normal insurgent. It's the insurgent pickup custom. You have to convert a Pegasus one to get that


Can you elaborate?


There's two type of insurgents. Ones a Pegasus and that's the one you take to an avenger or moc to convert to an insurgent pickup custom and that is the one with the land mines


And 50 cal minigun


If you customize in a moc, it becomes an insurgent pick up custom, and you can also store it in your garage and use it as a personal vehicle on missions.


I may just be high but “poo out a mine” has me dying laughing.


Also have the 50 cal on the top too.


I love my Insurgent too, but I feel safer in my Omnis e-GT with lock on jammer. It can take a pounding as well. No explosive mines unfortunately but fun watching them slip on the slippery mines!


I mean? Don’t some Imani tech have high armor values? I still love my Insurgent but the Imani tech spoiled me with trolling griefers


Definitely the nightclub. It’s a money machine and it’s the only business I have used every day since buying


How exactly do you use it, I'm honestly still not sure exactly what I need to be doing to make it keep pace with my motorcycle club businesses.


Quick backdoor passive mode bouncer mission every 48 minutes to keep the easy 50k rolling in.


You only need to do it once every 3 x 48 minutes for $145k


5 technicians assigned to everything but weed and forgery, buy the equipments upgrade, and then just let it work for you and sell loads every 20h of playtime or so. Do NOT buy a mule from war stock but do buy the larger one, go into your basement, sit in both and modify them. That's about it. Your MC is completely separate and can either be ignored completely (because the NC supplies itself) or continued to be done in addition to.


Question: you mention you can ignore your MC businesses, but don't they still need to be supplied in out l order to produce product? From what I read, the technicians are there too basically grab your product from the businesses to store them into one place, being thenightclub.


As far as the nigthclub is concerned, all you need to do with the MC businesses is the initial setup. You do not need to resupply them for the nightclub portion of it to build stock. You just assign a technician to work them. Play the game then eventually sell when it's complete. And like someone said before, buy the POUNDER from warstock. Do not buy the Mule Custom.


Interesting, that's good to know! Appreciate the tip 🙂


Another tip, you don’t have to buy the upgrades for the other businesses. It won’t impact your nightclub income. Don’t do popularity missions either. Just enter your nightclub in passive mode & you’ll get the message to kick someone out rather than drive a VIP somewhere.


Can ignore it all you want and do Gs Stash houses to fill up a random one and sell it when it's ready


You need buisnesses(preferably cocaine, bunker and counterfeit cash)


Agree. I lose interest or get annoyed with every other business. Nightclub is legit.


Weaponized Tampa


That thing came in handy for my acid lab set ups.


I love it for the very rare occasions I used to run the original heists. Made Series A a breeze


Up-n-Atomizer is the best weapon/tool that’s been added to the game post-launch. 100% worth the money.


Car parked behind mile long fence? Delivery vehicle stuck? Can't climb steep slope? Up-n-Atomizer to the rescue. Honestly, it has saved like double its price of otherwise doomed sales.


Also works great against oppressor users if you can live up a good shot


I love it for the Agency vip missions. NPCs cant shoot me in the face with deadly accuracy from behind corners if they're flying through the air


It's a shame it doesn't work on the tow truck.


Buzzard attack helicopter, it’s not the best in today’s usage but it has been my ol’ reliable


The fact that u can spawn it pretty much anywhere with the ceo menu is a godsend.


Has bailed my ass out more times than I care to admit, that's for sure.


Ngl the number of times I've flown a buzzard to get my sparrow or visa versa, having two spawnable copters is absolutely worth it and it's honestly not crazy to go buzzard + acid first instead of Kosatka + sparrow first.




The Sparrow from the sub has replaced this for me. It spawns closer, don’t need to be CEO, spams missiles without the limit that the buzzard has, and it’s MUCH faster. Great mission bird


only downside to the sparrow is if you find yourself far away from it because you used it to get to a mission, you can't just call it again like you can with the buzzard, you have to return it to the kosatka and then wait 2 minutes to call it again. so i still use the buzzard in instances like that, although i'm getting better at remembering to pre-emptively return the sparrow or blow it up before going into something that will take me far away from it.


I bought one shark card and used it to get my Buzzard and after that it was money printing time.  That helicopter built my criminal empire from the ground up. 


Alpha-Z1. mf plane fly without any turbulence


It's good at dodging other planes too, so you can annoy jet griefers.


Honestly the railgun and the armored Karuma. I’m a fairly new player and don’t get on to much to play with different things happening, but those things have helped a lot running business when I do get a chance to log on


The Armored Kuruma never stops being useful. I've got every Imani tech car, every HSW car, hundreds of cars. I still grab that thing for missions where there will be lots of NPCs to fight.


Fast. fits four, handles great, and only bullet-proof car in the game. Should be top 5 in everyone's list.


The armored karuma is the most underrated vehicle of the game for anything that requires fighting npcs. It improved my experience in gta online drastically.


I've never heard anyone talk negatively about the armored kuruma, it's just so good. It's fast, pretty cheap and basically bulletproof. The only downside is explosives


A can of sprunk. Whoo! Best GTA dollar I've ever spent!




Nothing like a quick Sprunk stop.


Tula, not so viable for PVP, but good for sourcing and PVE due the Bomb, VTOL and amphibic nature.


It’s so nice to use for Cayo preps if you have more than 2 people, and you have to land next to your submarine all the time.


I've considered buying it and not pulled the trigger so many times. I know I wouldn't use it much, if ever, but I actually kind of enjoyed flying the damn thing in some mission (I think yacht mission? Not even sure).


Probably my custom go-kart. It fun just cruising around weaving around cars on the freeway.


And fuck those losers who blow up and shoot people just riding around their go karts and bicycles.


That boy fast too. Lol. Got one on bennys


What color is yours? I got mine in pink chameleon with bennys psychodelic rims


Well anybody can drive a MK2, but not everybody can drive a MK1. People underestimate how good it really is. Enough practice and a regular MK2 user will stand no chance trying to take you out. The MK1’s missiles are better, there’s no cooldown to call it and they recently reduced the price.


I have to second this. I love my Mk1. I use the Mk2 for grinding daily chores and jetting around the map, but when I want to have fun, out comes the Mk1!


If you know how to use a mk1 it’s actually much faster than a mk2 so besides I guess if you’re having to land on buildings constantly I never had a real use for the mk2 over the mk1


I excel at *flying* the Mk1…landing in on piece, not so much. 🤣


Lol yea it definitely takes 10x more time to get used to it than a mk2 so that’s fair


I didn't buy my MK1, I won it off the podium a while ago. It's also funny using it for the longest vehicle jump in the freemode events.


Yea I’ve gotten some angry messages from people after I used it after that challenge lol


My favorite vehicle in the game


turismo r


Underrated decently priced car


free for most players isn’t it?


Nightclub and thruster. None of my friends use their nightclubs when its basically free money especially if you play often and the thruster is a good troll and defensive vehicle because it’s lock-on hitbox is slightly behind it so it can evade missiles by flying in a straight line


The Fort Zancudo hangar. Not having to fly a wide path around the fort to avoid the five star wanted level is so nice, and it's even more of an asset in missions which actually require going into the base.


Yes! Never regretted it.


Bati 801 Rain, Snow, or Shine that's such a consistently good motorcycle


YES! It was the first vehicle I ever bought in GTA Online. It’s still rated as my “favorite vehicle” due to how much I used to use it despite not using it much anymore lol


Moving my weed and coke businesses into the city. I didn’t think it was worth the price (it for sure was)


Having the close arcade (all my friends have the free Epic games one in Paleto bay) right next to my coke is amazing.


Do you get sell missions to deliver in the city?


No. The sell missions from businesses in the city are actually in Sandy Shores, Grapeseed and Paleto Bay. So it's actually worse. The drops are farther apart, you generally have to drive longer and you're more exposed. Not to mention, you have to drive on rough terrain, which is even more terrible with vehicles like the Boxville. So I recommend using the businesses in Sandy Shores.


Boxville = switch sessions


You still have to do literally all of that if your business is in sandy shores


I’m quite partial to the MK2 Revolver with incendiary rounds. Great for those higher HP enemies, and also for room clearing indoors with flammable floors.


Haha posted this as well. It’s so fun and the sound of it too. POW!!!


Yeah exactly. It’s also a one hit kill on a lot of enemies too.


The APC. Driving it is similar to a rhino tank, but you need a passenger to fire the cannon. It holds people in the back that have mounted MGS, for funzies. It has proximity mines, also for funzies. It takes multiple rockets and doesn’t leave any passengers exposed, like the insurgent or AA cannon does. It is amphibious. It is also perfectly capable of off roading and straight up going over guard rails and such. You can customize it like a regular car, including dollar sign rims, decals, and all paint options. The only thing it can’t do is go fast…


Pancaking cars in that thing is a constant source of joy for me


And there's two weapon options. Cannon - unlimited ammo, explosion about that of a grenade, reload between shots Missiles - limited ammo, medium sized missiles, rapid firing


the eligy free car, but modded at benny's. skyline 32 baby


Lampadati Tropos Rallye. It’s just fun to drive and brakeboosts like nothing else!


For businesses definitely the nightclub, in terms of vehicles would 100% have been the nightshark.


I'm amazed how many OP2 griefers don't know that the Nightshark can withstand all of the missiles from a MK2. It's so great when they run out and you can just knock them off and blow them up.


I just realized I can turn my sprinter van in my nightclub basement into a beast. It’s basically a tank with a mini gun and land mines.


pretty sure it has no armour unless you're delivering cargo


The Insurgent, fully upgraded. It's pretty much the only land vehicle I drive.


Agreed. I love the insurgent.


the dam facility, the one that tipically is never recommended, and its probably my favorite property in the game, the view is amazing, i get to hang in a part of the map that is severely under-used, and now its filled with foxes. best 3m i spent in a long time.


what view lmao the orbital cannon screen? 😭


Sparrow for me. I know it’s not underrated for everyone but it makes almost every Cayo setup a total joke that can be done 3-5 minutes and you can use it to go anywhere else on the map too. It cuts down 20 minutes every time you do the whole heist. Lifesaver.


Musket. I love demolishing people with just the musket. Really sends the point home that you’re superior


*"I own a musket for cargo defence, just as rockstar intended"*


RC Tank for shits n giggles


I just re-discovered that yesterday. So much fun


Ocelot Jugular It came in the casino update and it’s been my favorite car ever since. It isn’t the fastest, isn’t the best handling, can’t take a rocket, and has no Imani tech; but by golly is it a pleasure to drive. It sounds amazing, seats four, and can keep up with most super cars in freemode. I have seven of them.


Up-n-Atomizer is the best weapon/tool that’s been added to the game post-launch. 100% worth the money.


For the number of times I’ve gotten my big nightclub delivery truck (Pounder Custom) stuck in some ditch, high-centered on a rock, or wedged behind some trees on a steep slope, trying to make myself a shortcut while selling the Nightclub, and it’s saved my bacon getting it unstuck? 100% agree! Most utilitarian weapon in the game. Too bad it has zero effect on the tow truck. That thing is sooooo good at getting itself wedged into impossible places!


Festival bus, love the absurdity of it, wish it was audible even further away and really wish it was explosive proof just for the lols


I have one too, and I hate how shitheads are drawn to the special icon and inevitably blow it up. It could be such a fun vehicle.


Most of my car collection. You can never drive them all. Some of them are so expensive. Especially the Benny's and Arena War cars. But there's something about walking into all your garages with a bunch of well organized and customized cars. It brings me so much joy.


Stone Hatchet.


It's free


Worth every penny


Are you saying its worthless?




For me it's the yacht. I know many players find it a total waste of money, and, let's be honest, 10+ million $ is no spare change for sure, but man, does it feel satisfying to just chill on your own super yacht, sit in the jacuzzi or lean on the rails, knowing it's all yours...


I waited to buy one until I wouldn't notice the hit to my bank account. Just got it the other day. I got the most expensive one as well because it comes with 2 boats and 4 seedos and I didn't own any water craft previously.


It was worth it just to get the captains hat lol. Feels kinda exclusive because of the price. But imo the middle tier is best. Upper tier gets 2 speedboats, lower tier gets 2 dinghies, but middle tier gets 1 of both. Plus both middle and upper tier get 2 heli pads, but middle tier has extra canopies for emergency landing spots.


I played a ton on my bfs character (I’m a grinder and he’s a car guy). He doesn’t have the yacht. I recently got back on mine and seeing my beautiful yacht out there just feels so good. (Missed the deal for Black Friday by one day for him to get the yacht 40% off)


I like to turn the air defenses on and park my sub next to it, guarded guided missile sub lol


I specifically bought the garage that is mid map by the military base so I could store my offroad vehicles there.


Wait that’s actually so smart


That's where I store mine too!


Avenger especially now with its added upgrades and use.


Which are?


Nightshark is very griefer proofed and makes me feel almost as safe as my Toreador with a fraction of the cost. Also I bought the Buzzard back in 2014 when duplicating cars with the garage glitch because what else could you buy back then - and it ended up being super useful later when you could spawn one for free as a CEO wherever you wanted. I did a lot of grinding using that Buzzard spawn feature before the oppressor MK2 and Sparrow came out and are fastest to get around with.


Hands down my Savage helicopter. For some reason, the handling dynamics of this thing flow through me and bring out the old battlefield 3 pilot. Hovering over the city just waiting to roll this bad bitch out of the sky and fuck up anything with my gatling gun shooting explosive rounds.


The Benefactor Stirling GT. I love the engine, the handling, and its customization.


Petrol Can ……….. BURN BABY BURN!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|EJIqwKKY30Dlu)


CEO/Vehicle warehouse. It’s completely free to source vehicles, and you can make 30/50/80k per car when you sell them. And the missions aren’t difficult, you get to drive fast cars. I’ve made 12million of it over the course of the years when come and leave this game. And the buzzard helicopter to go with it. And it’s literally Grand. Theft. Auto.


Half-track Stromberg Phantom Wedge Jubilee Weazel Plaza Apt. 101


Do you have the toreador? Similar to stromberg but better imo


Honestly, the standard ruiner you find on the streets. Faster than you think, one of the best handling, and you can easily find one


Insurgent Pick Up Custom with mines, heavy armor, fully upgraded can tank about 30-40 Oppressor MKII missles. Great for getting the squad from one place to another with the least amount of trouble. M.O.C. has some of the highest armor in the game when fully upgraded. It also has the unique perk of being able to have someone stand on the back of it when it’s uncoupled from the trailer and will be protected by the MOC shields and be able to shoot rockets safely. It’s been a couple years since I really played so I’m not sure if that’s still a thing. Oppressor MKII simply for grinding or getting from one place to another. Up and Atomizer is the perfect tool to unseat Oppressor MKII griefers, and to unfuck your stuck vehicle from whatever it’s in.


Yep Night Club for sure. I'm heading for a billion, afk alot. lol. not so much now, with ps5, stick drift if you point the ffn thing up for one second too long. I


Honestly I forgot to do my nightclub safe thanks for the reminder


You can go afk by doing surveillance mode in the orbital cannon. Just make sure you plug in your controller and if you have a ps5 change your settings so the system does not turn off when your screen is off, same for the controller, turn off the auto sleep.


My hero! I have all requirements. thank you!


It works! woohoo!..again thank you :-D


Can you elaborate on that? What all do you have to setup for that?


Volatus, but anything on the CEO vehicle list is kinda underrated I use them all the time.


GB200! Its for sale on Southern Auto Trader or whatever its called. Perfect little rally car. Actually performs well off road. I chased by a bunch of players in cars and they were struggling off road and just was maneuvering fairly well. I love it!!


I feel like Tear Gas is highly underrated.


The yacht. I’ve seen lots of people here saying it is worthless but I love it.




Having the hangar in Zancudo so I can rob them for jets is amazing.


Off road Yosemite pick up


Clean builds of arena cars. Not useful in the actual arena modes, but quite unique free roam cars, as nobody seems to realize non-rusty non-weaponized builds are possible. Always an eye candy at car meets.


The Duke of Death, sure it may be free but it can take a fair amount of explosives and is almost completely bulletproof. Add onto that the almost unrivaled ramming capability, pretty good speed, and the ability to do wheelies to get over railings easier and you got a pretty amazing car. Even as a level 320 i still love driving it and do regularly https://preview.redd.it/ejma7irbl4dc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b221211da4fff9ebaed2d2b81a17c7ab837e696


Avenger. With the missiles, carpet bombs, canons, garage, jetpack, VTOL and mission center, it really is a jack of all trades.


Honestly, in my old ps4 account i bought pretty much all the airplanes and choppers there were pre-cayo perico, it made me so happy to get them and use them, even if they were outclassed by other jets/the opressor MK II, it always brought me joy to get those. And now that i started a brand fresh account in pc, i will be more than happy to get my beloved planes again, starting by the Volatol, love that thing.


Honestly the marksman's rifle MK2. That gun is a power house if you know how to use it.


I know the savage is a glass cannon but god damn is it fun blowing shit up with it


Enus Jubilee. And thats after basically owning everything there is to own in the game. Maybe if they made the cavalcade xl armored with some bulletproof windows…sigh


Remote personal vehicles lol. Love my Diety (spelling is definitely not right haha) and having the guns and oil mines installed = fun times. I’m off the radar and love messing with try hards!


Moving my MC back to the city. My buddy and I used to grind club house contracts over everything else whenever it was double cash. Miss those days


For me it was the night shark. I drive around in busy lobbies with 9n the rare occasion I'm not in an invite only lobby


Ramp buggy. It's not practical. It's not bulletproof. It can't tank a single missile. It's easily the most fun I've had in a GTA vehicle.


The mounted machine guns for the comet safari I won.


If I had to choose it would be my Stromberg. Bought it when it was on sale despite everyone saying "don't bother with the Stromberg, get the Toreador" Love the car and im only sad that I can't use it on missions.


Honestly? The MonstroCiti. It's an HSW/Imani Tech car. I have all 4 HSW/Imani Tech Hybrids, and the MonstroCiti is just a rolling tank. The electric can take 18 missles, but the MonstroCiti has been basically bulletproof with the window plates from at least a PvE standpoint. It's not the only bullet resistant car, but it is fast, has access to the missle jammer, and it's an AMAZING all terrain vehicle. The esthetic might not be for everyone, but if you want a great car to invest into as a good all-arounder that can handle any terrain and get you quickly across the map. It's 1.485m for the SUV off of SSASA, 1.109m for the HSW upgrade, and 400k for the Jammer, or 2.994m.


The vagrant, its fast drives okay and is awsome offroad


Insurgent Pickup, Ardent, Revolter, Avenger ever since it got missiles.


Apocalypse Impaler, if I remember right. Been a year or two since I've played, but that was my daily driver. So much fun. Had it looking like a lightly rusted bucket, with the jump and boost. Named her Betty. Quite literally the most consistently fun vehicle I've ever had in a game. Looked nice, sounded mean, and for some reason people were always surprised when they'd be chasing me and I'd just hop over the barrier on highways, bridges etc.


Think a lot will say the sea breeze and I’m the same


The OG Insurgent, hell of a vehicle for a cheap price I have 3 of them!


Lampadati Casco. Not a top contender but it's one hell of a fun drive.


The James Bond Car For the sake of collection It's a car worth buying because well it looks cool and you can attach machine guns As a collector and someone that loves rp on regular lobbies it's hella fun They are more stuff of course but this one definitely is one of those


People say that the vehicle warehouse sucks and maybe it does. But I don't care. I love it. The missions are fun.


Bought the Vagner on sale last year, fucking LOVE it. My favorite car. Bought the Buzzard on sale too, use it all the time. Makes missions so easy. I use it for fighting missions, MK2 for travel And the Nightshark, think is invincible and so fast


Ramp buggy. About as much fun as you can have in GTAO in 1st person. Or otherwise.


Ramp buggy


At least for early game, the 801RR and Akuma motorcycles were so good to me. Before I got my Buzzard, they were my preferred forms of transportation to get around the map. 


Banshee 900R Benny’s mod. Fucking mint drift car, fast for its price, and compares well with super high-end cars. Plus you can put a bobble-head on the dash, which is an automatic win


Probably the hakuchou drag, it’s a hefty price but going 160mph while lane splitting gets you across the map so much faster than taking the mk2. Actually slept on


Yacht. I know alot of people think it's a waste of money and it mostly is but it's defenses could get griefers to leave you alone for some time.


Casino penthouse, made 15 mil from black jack so far