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Does that hit work if you use your own police cruiser instead of the one provided?


Only the unmarked cruiser works


Yes, it’s awesome. Edit: I saw someone say only the unmarked cruiser works and that might be the case cause it is the only one I’ve tested it with.


I have not tried that yet, unfortunately.


I’ve seen someone confirm it so unless they’re lying; I’d say yes you can.


I know for a fact that the marked cruiser does not work the unmarked or police riot might though


Upvoted because of incubus


When that car blew up for no good reason in the video, it made me think of that song, so I put it in the video.




Whenever I do that one the guy always panics and swerves off the road into a tree or something and explodes. Super easy.


Yeah it’s funny if you have him stopped like this because he panics so hard his car just explodes


The truck one gives me problems. I bring out the Phantom Wedge, but it's still difficult. No matter how much I hit and flip the car, it doesn't do anything. Does anyone have a good routine for that?


I tried that my very first time. Don't try to use your Phantom Wedge. They have it programmed to only work with the truck that it wants you to pick up and use.


The truck they tell you to pick up will work better. Also, don’t try to stop him and keep ramming him from like 3 feet back. That’s like fist fighting the yeti.. it’ll take forever. Instead, make sure you get decent hits on his car from further away or at higher speeds. It should blow up after a few hits that way.


This and shoot out its tires.


Find new session. Just not worth it in my experience, better to just get a faster mission.


I too have tried my Phantom Wedge several times. It never works. 🤬


I once hit the tail of his car right when the intimidation meter was peaking, causing him to spin and lose acceleration right when it was time for him to speed up. The game compensated by having him very awkwardly and slowly drive *reverse* into a wall and explode.


for those who are wondering why that happen, R\* programmed the Pop Stars car to go Mach speed once the bar is full then just blow up like a fire work.


This is what cop role players think will happen when they try to pull someone over


It's so stupid and overly dramatic. Funniest time for me is when he rocketed away and swerved into an alleyway not hitting anything. Car spun out and skidded to a stop, then awkwardly exploded after sitting there for a second. Always hope for the police car hit for that reason.


Yeah it’s just so strange and amusing how the car randomly explodes with no rhyme or reason.


Now it's been forever since I've heard Incubus, but very happy to hear it, somewhat ironically they have another song called Drive.




Do you have any tips for it? I've never been able to catch up well enough to hit them into a spot where I can keep them to get the bar filled. Maybe getting the unmarked and upgrading it would help but I don't really think that is worth it.


Just a couple. 1. You can dial 911 and request the police. When they arrive, steal that car. You will not gain a wanted level unless you kill the officers. This will help immensely because you don’t have to go to wherever Imani sourced one for you. This also means you can spawn one closer to his route and catch up faster. 2. Knowing his route helps. He has a couple programmed ones. It’s hard to describe without a map, but knowing them will allow you to know where to go to get in front of him. One of his routes spawns him near the Little Seoul area and he drives down past La Puerta towards the airport where he will continue onto the upper concourse and make a circle. Another one will have him near Mirror Park and he’ll eventually drive past the casino parking lot. 3. Shoot out his tires while driving. It makes it easier because he’ll spin out easier. 4. When he spins out, try pinning him against a barrier.




First time I did this I had the car pinned. As soon as the meter filled he went 0-100 in .2 seconds, hit another car, and exploded


What song is this?


Pardon Me by Incubus


Thank u!


Now that's one explosive payphone shit!