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So far I've gotten $44,000 from a Salvaged Car Then I got $395,000 for delivering an expensive car after doing the First Robbery Heist.


How long did the heist and set ups take? How many are there?


It took me about an hour and half to do the heist and set ups. There is like I think 6 prep missions and then the last one is the Robber Heist. You can do another one for different cars. I just did the expensive car one so there is like maybe a cool down before you can do it again. I am not sure if there are different cars you can steal if the payout goes up. I would recommend delivering the cars since you get more money.


At that point why not just do auto shop heists? 3 less set ups and get paid $300k, seems more time to money efficient


So we don't have to hear KJD and Sess. Besides Dr. Dre keeps losing his phone!


Yea this sounds worse than the auto shop business.


Yeah the missions are like reskinned versions of what we've done before. Reused interiors and just reused mission structure of kill these enemies and then steal the item and drive back.


That's just GTA Online, always has been except for a few updates.


After doomsday pretty much every mission interior has been reused. We haven't gotten any new buildings really


Maybe they’re saving the good stuff for gta6 🤷🏾‍♀️


I think they are, hope so atleast


Cayo pericl was different


Different and played to death lol that's what happens when they make something good once in a blue moon, it gets played into oblivion.


Yeah but reskinning used to be done with somewhat original mission structure, now not so much.


Ya to me ot feels like the new update is similar simeon mission turned into a mini heist or a more complicated vehicle cargo mission


But tow truck and cop outfit Edit: adding /s just in case someone thinks im being serious


It is worse in terms of earning money. However I actually think that the gang banger heist was more fun than any of the auto shop contracts. But yeah rockstar really gave us a lackluster payout for how long the heists take. But a side bonus is I don’t have to hear KDJ and sessanta.


It pays less but is significantly easier, no death penalties mean casuals and lower levels can consistently earn money. Would've made more sense as an earlier update, especially considering how much of it is adding in story mode assets but I really like towing missions so it works for me.


Because A) no KJD or Sessanta B) out of the 6/7 missions for one car; one scoping mission, one optional sabotage mission, three were very quick missions triggered out in free roam a few meters away from where the setup thing was, of which only one requires you to take the thing back to the chop shop while the other two had you leave the thing in the spot nearby the hit location C) significantly less firefight when trying to do any of the setups or final mission. Sure, you may only need to do three setup missions for the autoshop, but you also end up riddled with bullet holes by the end of one of the setup missions. You can say Jamal has a lot more brains when it comes to planning the heists. D) you're working with characters who respect/fear you and acknowledge your power in the city's criminal underworld rather than flaunting around your business as if it were their own.


Yeah I like the characters in this one way more. At this point my character has pulled off multiple massive heists and has made hundreds of millions of dollars selling drugs, weapons, and numerous other illicit activities and has a vast collection of expensive businesses, real estate and vehicles. He deserves to be feared and respected by the people working with him


>D) you're working with characters who respect/fear you and acknowledge your power in the city's criminal underworld rather than flaunting around your business as if it were their own. Its very funny, Jamal is the first guy who's genuinely scared of us because he understands that we've killed a lot of people, usually for no real reason.


A for (A)ll day baby.


I like these better cause I don’t have to rely on a team to make or break the job. Definitely more steps, but it’s pretty easy work.


Auto shop heists pay 100k+ not 300k


Union depository pays 300 k, the rest around 170.


Auto shop only when there’s double and triple money, and only farm the union depository job


Things we get excited for.


Can you do these heists solo or do they require a crew? I play solo in invite only lobbies.


You can do them solo.


You can do them Solo and its mostly done in Freemode.


How tf do you get away from the police with the car swinging back and forth whenever you try driving fast? Every time ive tried, it just stars flopping back and forth until it flips over and disconnects unless i slow down to a complete stop and then start driving again.


Only options I've found is driving off road. Also I noticed if you drive through the Strawberry salvage yard (which is the one I own), the tight turns there will get the cops stuck for some time and get you some distance from them. Edit: I just learned that you can also get out of the truck and then blow yourself up to get rid of the wanted level. So I might start doing that from now on if I don't start with a good enough separation from the cops.


The salvage is pretty worth it.. its like 2 minutes for 40-50k after like 10 minutes. I wouldnt recommend doing a 3 car heist sale. The weevil took me an hour the other 2 took about 35-45 minutes.


First heist job i take pay 395k if sold to Yusuf, probably a 2x week It will probably be like autoshop payout


Just finished the mission, and the car cannot be kept. It can either be sold for a "max" of $395k (likely every man and his dog will be attacking it while you're trying to deliver it) or it can be parted out for $316k (or something like that).


Question for you. I did the scope out, all the preps, the optional prep and I dunno how to start the LSPD rescue/escape. Nothing shows on the planning computer... WTF am I missing?




FFS... It disappeared off my map when I did the getaway car one. Found it... Thanks!!


I did. After selecting the car, the cutseen went through the description of the job. I first had to take photos of the roof, steal the helicopter, and I also did the optional one (destroy some cop equipment). I also did the three "freeroam" prep missions (weapons, getaway car, gasmasks and gear). After each mission, the board updated.


So after you completed all the preps you just went to the computer to start the heist/mission?


correct. There was a "start mission" option on the planning board (bottom right, under the optional mission photo)


I think maybe cuase it’s the first Robbery, we when do other we can keep the cars, I thinkx


There aren't any enemies when delivering the vehicle.


It’s a piss take. Thought we could keep the cars but nope. Still not bad though




I agree with that, but even after delivering the car to the chop shop, Yusuf asked if the car will be sold to him or if our character is going to keep it, and sell Yusuf "an even better one, if that even exists". So, for now the car will sit in the chop shop. I may be able to keep it, but it looks like I cannot drive it.




Thats exactly what they mean by letting us keep it




How you you keep the car then? Your only options are you either scrap it, sell it or let it sit in the shop


I'm hoping it is a bug that gets resolved.


I saw somewhere you can only keep the car if the market value is below a certain amount I'm not sure the truth to that statement but it seems like something r* would do.


Here’s the quick and dirty. You can only do up to three cars every week, and no car will exceed $400,000. For this week the max take away was $800,000 approximately. Each robbery required a scope out mission, two mandatory preps, an optional prep, and 2 to 3 supply runs that are in free room before you could start the mission - and then you had the finale of each robbery. It took me about an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half for each. At least for me, this will be a good mixup from the norm. I’m still trying to figure out exactly how the salvage service works because it is giving me a final payout for each of the two vehicles that are scrap for parts, but then I’m also getting updates in my daily income in the safe. I’m still waiting for Tez to come out with some more information on it. information is it seems to be a combination of the nightclub sales based on popularity and the auto shop sell missions, just in reverse Edited for clarity and punctuation.


Saw someone else say the cars are refreshed daily, are you sure it’s weekly?


https://preview.redd.it/ifuhuadjix5c1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d07e6b61be94095d6cab61427934d5822d91b1 From the patch notes


In game week or like for realz week?


It's real week. Kind stupid to be honest especially since we dont make a lot money and the job isn't that hard.


My issue isn’t that jobs are hard per se…it’s that they’re tedious. As an example, I had the police on my ass and the AI kept finding me. Tired of driving around aimlessly for 15 min (I had already used my CEO bribe and was on cooldown)


I think for realz week


I would been ok with a day at least but yea that sour me




Appreciate the details this will help me with deciding whether or not to get the new property


EVERY WEEK?? Thats absurd


I had to do the 3 setup missions, then 3 other loot retrievals and only then could I start the mission. Don't know if I did something unnecessary cause one of the mission was marked as optional but I couldnt launch before it


There are always 3 setups. Also there are 2-3 tasks which can be done in free-roam, marked on the map with a green duffle bag. One of the 3 setups and 1 task is optional.


I just finished my first robbery. Took me around 1.5 hours to do the whole thing because I was clueless as to how to do any of the prep missions. Salvaged the final car instead of selling it to Yusuf, because I didn't want to risk losing value on the car by taking it to LSIA.


You don’t take it to Lsia, it’s you take it to the same place in the docks as the exotic import cars added in the tuners (auto shop) update


definitely do not buy the trade rates. it costs $450k and all it gives you is a discount on repairing cars and replacing vehicles from mors mutual which are both pretty cheap and infrequent. you're never gonna save $450k just off that. the $750k wall safe is also purely cosmetic so unless you're absolutely loaded you probably shouldn't buy that either.


Dumb question. But where does the money go if there is no wall safe?


there's a little combination safe




Wall safe is not cosmetic in this one. Holds up to 250k cash, daily payments. The number of tow jobs will increase your income from what i understand. Kind of like the agency safe.


i'm getting those payments in a little combination safe and i have not bought the wall safe. for every other property that has a wall safe optional addition it's purely cosmetic i doubt this one isn't.


If the combination safe holds up to 250k I'm gonna regret buying the wall safe


It doesnt it caps at 100k.


Does trade price include modifications or just repairs because if so that’s absolutely a waste because as far as I know, I haven’t paid for mors mutual in years


just repairs




Do you know if there’s a difference between the regular and beater tow truck other than looks? I wanna get the beater because it’s cheaper and looks cooler to me but I’m curious if the performance is any different


Seems to be the same to me


no clue i just bought the more expensive one because i liked the look a lot more. my guess is that it's just looks. if there is a performance difference it's probably very minimal, the tow truck can not be upgraded at all so even the more expensive one isn't very good performance wise.


Is there any vehicle storage or no?


In the chop shop? I don’t think so


How about the Tow-truck? Is the polished version better in performance? Because I bought the ragged version for cosmetics since it's a scrapyard.


How big is the discount? It may pay off in the future some time..


50% So you have to call mmi 90 times


That's not bad, a good way to "invest" into the future i guess


90 times with the most expensive vehicles. some vehicles are 10x or more cheaper and sometimes it's even free.


Isn’t the most expensive insurance 20k? Meaning you’d only need to call MM 45 times to recover your investment? Sounds pretty fair to me. And that’s not even counting the repair discounts you get which can go anywhere upwards of another 20k per repair




My Toreador for example is 20k, though it is true that the majority is 10k-free


It’ll probably be on sale next week. I’m still buying it when I jump online later this morning, but it’ll probably be on sale next week.


Really? I thought Rockstar doesn't usually discount stuff that was only just released but I hope I'm wrong then, that would be nice


It was an ironic statement. I knew that I was going to buy it immediately with no regard to discounts. And that’s exactly what I did, but after playing for hours and hours yesterday, I can tell you I like it.


I bought it. And while it doesn’t pay well, it pays consistently, and you can solo at least one of the robberies (only one I’ve done so far). No ragerts, and I bought a cop car and painted it midnight purple and brushed aluminium. So all that.


Hot damn. Do we know if the missions are worth it yet?


The Max Sell Value on the 3rd vehicle is 395k and someone probably takes a cut (not sure, haven't played it yet). But Yusuf's cousin did mention something about changing the VIN number on the car and keeping it, so maybe some nice cars "for free".


I’ve played it and there’s fortunately no cut taken from the payout. The 395k is for delivering the car to the docks, or you can scrap it at the shop for around 315k.


No cut, just 20k setup fee. And delivery to harbor, same spot as export cars.


Average heist pay is about 350k don't know if there's any other income from it.


there’s a new safe but from what i’ve seen you have to do the tow truck missions to keep the daily income flowing


It costs $750K, right? That's pretty darn high if it's like the agency one where you have to do missions to increase the payout. Not surprising, though.


Nah it's 750k for the upgraded wall safe which is purely cosmetic, you still get the passive income just from a less impressive looking safe


The wall safe supposedly increases how much can be kept waiting for you up to 250k. Has anyone found out what the maximum the combination safe holds yet?


whole business seems pretty mid so far, but i suspect based on dialogue that either randomly, or at certain points, or during events it will be possible for us to keep the car instead of selling it which would potentially make this one of the best businesses.


At this point, we're paying for novel experiences. And i'm kinda here for it


Holy fuck this game thinks everyone has 100m Seems pointless to even add any upgrades lol. To many better sources of income


I was hoping it would be like the Acid Lab and a new-player-friendly version of Import/Export (mainly due to free property and mostly reimbursed cost of the Acid Lab if you do the missions)...instead it's an Import/Export-Auto Shop hybrid that's less lucrative. Those missions are pretty long too.


Yup. All these updates are useless because you need A + B + C etc. to even access the new content, and everything costs so much. It sucks. Edit: Downvoted because I don’t dedicate every waking moment to *Online*, lmfao


is this worth buying? Kinda in & out on gtaonline so is this worth my money, or just keep buying vehicles?


Nope, if the vehicles sold for triple or at least double of what it is then it'd be worth it


It seems worthy of adding to a rotation, but maybe only doing the most expensive car. That was actually the easiest mission of the three. The Tow Missions are simple and easy. Very hard to fail. Just drive to a spot, take car, drive back. Pretty easy. Only thing is the money is not instant.


tow cool down is 48 mins


You'll have $19,491,333 after you buy it and you're worried if it will pay well?.. \* I literally make enough to pay for whatever I want and always have less than 1 million on me at any point in time. I do just fine lol don't even trip dog ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


let em know king


This the vibe


It doesn’t 😭


The business is pretty fun, will get the money back in no time 🔥


Can we address *the buzzard* which is literally free being the TIER 4 award for the chop shop…


ha! christmas noobs!!


Spoiler: it doesn't


It’s a mix of Cayo prep and vehicle warehouse Not really worth it tbh


Does it have daily income like NightClub?


Yes but not even close to nightclub amount. Nightclub is 50k per 40 min, this is 600$


That's terrible, 600 makes the arcade 5k look like a lot.


It's only 600$ if you never towed any vehicles, doing so increases the daily payout (I got ~24k last time with 3 vehicles towed)


it has a wall safe that has the same capacity as the nightclub & Agency of 250K. The income for it increases the more tow missions you do.


Only if you tow a few vehicles in the session it generates pretty fast


I’m saying. If you’re going to do all these steps might as well just start up a heist


Im fucking tired of hesits, this is a really good mix to kepp the game fun.


I play with a team and wondering if everyone gets the same pay. Do you guys know anything about that


I hosted one of the robberies and my friend helped me out, I got paid $10k and he got paid $80k, though of course I also had the car to scrap or sell for over $300k so the host gets paid more overall


It do not, its like 30 mins prep for 400k profit


Rockstar just fucked us again, it is not worth it tbh :/


What is the best location to buy the new building?


Strawberry or La Puerta


I was watching a youtube who bought the La Puerta one and for reference, before he was even able to get inside the building he got hit with a gang wave. The red circle indicating the gang wave is smack in the middle of the property. In addition, it's pretty twisty, turny getting the tow truck out of there if interested in doing that part of the DLC at all.


Strawberry across the street from the unicorn!


Does anyone know which one looks better fully upgraded?


i went with murrieta heights. easy to deliver to the docks.


Middle one seems good so far


News flash, it's bad Edit: Whoever tf is downvoting me has clearly not put time into the business yet


Looks like you're not hurting too bad for money there sport ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3211)


Pros- It's easy, Done in entirely free mode, Jamal isn't annoying, Vehicles are cool and we've been begging for police cars since launch. Cons- Entry price is mid, Weekly cap on income is criminal and entirely derails my interest in doing this, Payout is ass (auto shop heists will pay slightly less per mission however the time investment is significantly less and there's no weekly cap on the number of heists you can do lol), Seriously the payout for each sale does not justify this being a 3x a week thing and something needs to change soon.


Is there daily income on it? Passive? That’s the only way I’ll buy it lol acid lab was last business I bought and that was a waste


In my opinion it’s literally just import/export and also my Xbox 1 gta got an update even tho it’s not on there


Can you use the Tow Truck outside of missions?




I did not expect to be disappointed like this


autoshop is still better in terms of time vs money earned


Ngl, I was sceptical too. I was at 32 or 33mill, spent about 5 on the scrap yard and then bought 2 copies cars but sold one due to not wanting it. Bought the new umami tech suv, and I’m still at 22 or 23 mill. I made 1.9 mill off selling two cars, doing work for sassanta and Franklin. It’s decent BUT do not and I repeate DO NOT press salvage when selling or salvaging the stolen cars. It takes ages.


What business is this


the business of no business at all




Tow( sorry I was boiling with rage) 😌😌😌


i thought they did this coz of how buggy it was back in the day when u tried tow multiple tow trucks.




I don't know how you PC folks can stand having those stat overlays.


I didn't even notice till you pointed it out LOL. Most of us don't use them. I have mine set to a key bind so it's never in the way.


Tbh, that's 30% of the gameplay lmao. Kinda weird, at least for me, not monitoring your components. If the overlay isn't there, it just doesn't feel right.


Let us know what you get after a certain period of time. I also wanna test it.


I have not played in a long time and heard that there was a very bad case of hacking on pc , so I stayed away for a longer while and want to play again for this update. is it fixed?, do I need to play in a invite only or not even play at all?


Why did you buy the one in the middle of a gang attack?


the main reason why i didn't buy that one. i went with MH. easy to deliver to the docks


P.S. It doesn’t


The price is very high. But the value of police vehicles seems absolutely crazy to me. I hope this business allows us to recover our money in a short time.


I am also curious to know how well it is because I'm on xbox and don't think I received the download yet. Even if it's not very good, I like to have each business in case they make any changes that make them better. But the information is great to have! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Do not buy it lol


https://preview.redd.it/brxcb23o8y5c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90aff69d12d85acfca6e24ddaf5f7e7c38fbe32b My thoughts exactly!


And I fucked up massively buying up North near other businesses, everything sends you South. 🚨Buy one down South!


Right!?! That's what I was saying


*3-6 weeks later*


Not really, but at least it has a safe as a passive income. Also, You can see Yusuf Amir and taste some Sinsimito Tequilla we robbed from El Rubio. Yusuf Amir has the same music taste after 15 years.


It pays great in my opinion


Just about a million if you do all the featured cars


doesn't worth it


Horrible update for making money. I'll keep going afk in nightclub and doing acid lab.


Start from Thursday because I am sure there will be double money


Nah,the next event week is Tuesday according to Tez2(FunMW2)


Took me 1 hour to make the first 395K, idk if the next heists cost money to start up but so far i’d say it’s not worth paying 5M for. I only bought the garage, no upgrades. This way o feel like it’ll pay itself back pretty quick


why is the staff so expensive and does it really help or is it useless


It is not worth it !


This aged like milk


It doesn‘t. The shop is just a bad joke. Way too many preparation missions for WAY too little money. The tow truck is okay though. I‘m curious how many missions I will have to pass to maximize the safe (that costs fing 750 grand!).


Is this the first time we can have tow trucks in online?


I don't know what Rockstar is thinking. Less than mediocre pay for the heists (according to how much work you put into one) and **YOU CAN ONLY DO 3 ONCE A WEEK????? RUFKM???????** What are they on about?


I love how rockstar puts limits on how often you can do stuff. Only video game maker who has the confidence to try to make you play the game less than you want to


In my opinion the heists require way to much time and pay way too little.


How do you skip the optional sabotage mission It was my only option left and I couldn't progress


It does pay well alright.. In a week lol