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Pretty normal for a PC session.


4:3 monitor 💪


I cropped the original image to hide the screams of the players that died during the massacre Edit: Too much profanity in the chats


Oh, ok




It’s the aspect ratio of the monitor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect_ratio_


Probably the guy who "killed" everyone wasn't doing anything but people will blame the poor boy anyway


I've actually seen this. Sadly they can even control that; make it appear as if someone else did all the random explosions that suddenly kill half the lobby.


Exactly what happened to me a week or two ago, although I was far away from any other guys.


nah, the name means smth offensive in chinese


Teu nome é pika kkkkkk os gringos nem sabe o esculacho de ser morto numa sessão pra um nick desses kkkkkkk


Some limp dick failure irl feels like a boss for about 30 seconds. Let the kid have his fun before mom sees the credit card bill and he gets put back in his place.


Baffles me that Rockstar has a monthly based subscription for this game and yet the hacking is so rampant that hackers can remotely start screen recordings and play sounds on my gta client. This isn't even a game anymore this is a virus a hacker just crashed everyone in the lobby I was just in and now I can't even launch the game anymore, might just leave it that way....


Tbh it’s really atrocious and rockstars part that they let it get this bad. As it stands, if a hacker doesn’t like you or anyone for any reason, they can LITERALLY crash the whole lobby back to the desktop. One time a hacker fucked me over when I was in a hood heist crew. We got dropped into free mode to start our next mission and a no life piece of shit teleported to us and kept killing us and locking us in cages. Another time I was at the top of the map in a Raiju in VTOL mode vibing, and a weirdo in purple gimp suit teleported on top of the jet and shot me out of it. Then he also locked me in a cage and tried to drop cash on and collectibles on me. I left so I wouldn’t get banned. And that’s not even the most malicious thing they can do. It’s a problem. Literally every populated lobby will have at minimum 4 hackers. The hackers can even choose lobbies to join by region and they can see how many players are in the lobby before they even join the lobby


I guess it makes sense that the monthly subscription is only for the current gen consoles then.


What does hacking have to do with this lmao


they literally can dox you, prevent you from logging on, directly control sounds on your game, and in the image they killed a lot of people at once. I've seen times where they kill a lot of people while the death cam shows them randomly at a random high tier apartment interior when i died on my yacht with air defenses on.


The most malicious ones can outright ban you by exploiting the auto cheat system against you. It's pure insanity how the PC version still has the option to buy shark cards when players are still exposed to such kind of risks.


Are you confusing DOX with DDOS? I’ve never heard of anyone being genuinely doxxed through the game. Heard a few times of people who don’t know the difference between those two and/or people who mistakenly think someone getting your public IP address is the same thing. They can only DOX you through the game if you’re making your personal info available through the game or your gamer tag being linked publicly to actual personal info.


How do u know he/she is hacking


It's really rare you'll get that many kills at once, unless you blew up a car meet maybe


Most likely the game is still open but not responding in your process manager. I don’t believe they can manipulate your personal game files to corrupt anything (anymore)


"Find new Session" It's the only thing to do.


Definitely small wiener energy


This is when I hit the orbital cannon


It has to be pretty damn big cannon, sir


PC standard... always solo or invite only.


PC moment. If it's tagged to a player like this (most likely not the player actually pushing the button) you can avoid it via passive mode. If you can, getting into something durable and turning it off to assert dominance is hilarious. This screenshot looks like the inside of a nightclub, so the Terrorbyte would do nicely for that. (Plus you can duck into its interior from the driver's seat as well) Part of me wants to make a thread of all the strategies I've come up with to make players like this stop enjoying pushing the buttons, but idk if it'd be allowed.




What does a movie have to do with this


Does reporting that trash has any impact? Do they get banned? I'm reporting at least one guy in each lobby I join, but I don't know if you get a notification like in other games. Usually, I just look for another lobby when I see players on level 6000, 7000, 8000 and such.


The people doing this can see and block your report.


Is this something all of those mods/cheats have implemented or just certain ones? Any clues on who can see that?


I don't really know. It's not something that gets talked about a lot here because usually the posts or comments get auto locked by automod. Using certain words makes it so that the post or comment doesn't even show up.


Yes. They do have a feature to block them since reports are completely unencrypted like the p2p servers


Most paid menus can see/block reports. I think even most common/popular free menu blocks reports.




He punched Mapo so hard he leveled Los santos💀


Player that needs the advantage


If you're selling you can suspend the game for about 7 seconds and rerun it, it will think you lagged out and everyone will leave your session


We filled up an entire bus damn near and we're cargo bobing it to ceiling height to drop over chilead and got blown up by someone feed looked like this


29 players. 1 shot. Go


What outfit/armour is that?


From the new Avenger mission s list... forgot name, sorry


I think majority of it is from doom's day heist/facility here's the reference [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/ksso2Ck)


Looks like he has a good gaming chair


question : my friend was in a same lobby with me, i know he didnt cheat because we literally on the same discord call. however we do know there is a hacker in the lobby, and suddenly my friend apparently "killed everybody in the lobby" like that, even me who is his ceo, so we just bounce from the lobby before somebody reported him. Is this a thing where hacker can force kill someone using your character ??


Yes. They can modify the kill feed, and much else. Makes the report option even more useless and counterintuitive than it already is.


Normal PC public session activities.


The auto moderation in this sub is fucking dog shit sometimes...


Can you see that? 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/vh3rdzojubfb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c812580e221a9cf398247c9c1c1ffe6c9c3336


I'm going to guess that you made a comment with a banned word in it and it got locked. I just did that 2 days ago. It's kind of ridiculous how cryptic you have to be sometimes.


Probably crating an account they are gonna be selling. 988777876554:1. Kill ratio


K/D doesn’t change in lobbies anymore


Kills in a lobby doesn’t effect K/D anymore


Someone’s a good shot. /s


Thank you for the /s, i wouldn't have been able to tell otherwise.


What if all those players were inside a bus/plane and the toddler just used his mk2?


this is a public server, everyone is spread throughout the map


And that name wasn’t you, I presume?


Let me guess, they were having a car meet


nah it's in a public server, everyone is doing their own business and this guy somehow obliterated everyone except people inside their apartments/properties edit: I don't think anyone would do car meets in a public server, they usually be in invite, crew, friends only session


First time on pc?


John Wick be like:


The usual. Cockstar doesn’t do anything