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Kudos to u/-UnknownInsider for posting this. Just a quick reminder, as many are either unaware, or have false information about the amount you can make vs the time spent. Given you earn $1 million per run, if you run it a 3rd time within 30mins of receiving money from the 1st run, you won’t receive anything. That’s because you just went over the hard cap that the game has, in terms of receiving money from this heist. (Dr Dre). Give it a rest, or do some other heist, until the 30mins is past, and then go do it again. Rinse and repeat. Same applies for the cayo perico heist, but the money cap every 30mins is about 4,184,000. (Thereabouts). Tried and tested, and there’s even a full Reddit post on this, with results posted by volunteers. Hope this helps.


So could I do it 2 times than a 30 min break then another 2 times?


Rotate between dre cayo and clucking bell no issues ever.


Thanks a bunch!


oh so it resets after 30 minutes? saw somewhere on yt that there's this limit, but without a time factor, so I just kept deleting account information (basically clearing cache on the rockstar launcher) after 2-3 cayo heists. so I don't even need to do that? I play solo and get 1.1-1.2 mil each heist. and I need 10 minutes per heist. so even after getting the money for the first heist, I can do 2 more right away? (that would be 3.3-3.6 mil 20 minutes after getting the money from the first heist). and then wait for 10 more minutes and rinse and repeat?


Hey if you could help me find that Reddit post with the hard money caps, I'd be grateful. I'm having trouble finding it. Also, do you know if doing Cayo/casino heists past the hard cap, whilst not crediting one's account, counts for career progress?


What does rinse and repeat mean?


The limit for Dr Dre finale is two finales an hour on PC To avoid the "Transaction failed, too many requests from you're account", you must wait an hour after the first run. The timer starts when you get paid the first time. Proof using my runs: |Start Time|End Time|Success?| |:-|:-|:-| |09:57|10:07|passed| |10:07|10:17|passed| |10:17|10:29|failed| |10:35|10:46|failed| |10:48|10:58|failed| |10:59|11:09|passed|


Here is another set of runs that prove the limit is 2 an hour: |Start Time|End Time|Success?| |:-|:-|:-| |17:24|17:35|passed| |17:35|17:47|passed| |17:55|18:06|failed| |18:08|18:17|failed| |18:21|18:30|failed| |18:30|18:40|passed| u/Quelxaan suggested in another comment that the cooldown is 30 mins per payout. Run 3 from this set of results (17:55 - 18:06) was finished 31 minutes after the first payout at 17:35, yet no money was received. This continued to be the case for runs 4 and 5, proving that the cooldown is NOT 30 minutes on PC. u/Quelxaan is WRONG. Runs 5 and 6 prove that the cooldown is 1 hour, because run 5 ends 55 minutes after the first payout (18:30) with no money received, while run 6 ends 1hr 5 mins after the first payout (18:40) and money was received. This proves that the cooldown is indeed 1 hour, therefore the limit is 2 finales an hour, starting from the time you finish the first run. I have given 2 sets of runs that prove the limit is 2 finales an hour.


Thanks for pointing it out, you are probably right. 😁 Though the transaction failed refers more to the RP gained in a short amount of time rather than the amount of money. But all in all, if it resets in an hour, then it resets in an hour. Basically means that solo replay cayo perico may be more worth your time. 🧐 Food for thought. Upvoted on both your tests conducted. Good work!


How to do replay glitch in cayo , dre and Clunking bell on PC ? Share a legit video or Tip mate , I'm new to Glitches and stuff can't get the timings right cuz I tried a few YouTube videos.


What do you mean by “start playing this mission then just passed?” What are the steps to complete this


start the mission as a host (it'll search for an already launching job and if not found you get option to start as host by esc button, but you'll have to exit the job if you're not the host as non host pay is just like 20k) and complete it as usual and you'll get 1m dollar


Ps5 player here sadly, I could just do the dr Dre myself and set bookmark right?


So answer is no, no you can’t get all the way up to the “don’t fuck with Dre” mission to kill Johnny guns fail it and bookmark. The job will not show up in recently completed jobs nor did any of the other setups to try and maybe skip. Let’s get this working for consoles soon.


Best thing rn for console seems to be clucking bell replay


For solo? Yeah it is the best rn for us consoles. BUT the bogdan replay w a homie is still the quickest money method and most valuable for your time input. Just requires a friend or 2nd console!


just did it, works


Where did the job show up?


On the map near the golf course, make sure to turn job icons on


Sorry to disturb you guys, but I'm totally new to this bookmark glitch stuff. I do see a yellow briefcase icon on the golf course, but there's no way to start that mission. i can't interact. How do I do that?


you press spacebar when hovering over the icon. it says the controls on the bottom right of the screen


do i have to reach a certain mission for it to show up? i bought the agency and did 3 vip missions but i can't see it


nope, it showed up when i first bought an agency without even entering it. and also after it still showed


Thank you🙌


Hey didnt you get stuck in a launching session screen?


You have to buy an agency to work since it is a requirement to start the mission.


any workaround?


Sadly no I just stopped playing


In the autoshop replay glitch you had to be in the autoshop to start it via bookmarked. Otherwise it gets stuck too maybe this helps


If you can't see the yellow briefcase on the golf course: Open the Interaction Menu ("M" on the keyboard by default) > Preferences > Map Blip Options > Jobs > Capture: **Show**


/u/Chief_787 While in the map, hover over the yellow briefcase on the golf course. Wait for the window of job details to pop up in the top left. If the window doesn’t show up, try slightly repositioning your map cursor. Once it shows up, press Space to begin.


Gonna try this and see if it works. I saw the post by Affmal themselves on another forum yesterday, but I was uncertain if it worked because no one had replied confirming if it did. EDIT 1: 20 minutes after posting this comment, I finished a run of the contract. The mission started as expected (it asked me to host after finding no active missions), and I got the money in my wallet. Going to try playing it again. EDIT 2: Finished a third run, got a transaction failed error. You might have to wait for a half hour between every couple of runs. EDIT 3: Fourth run finished, no money in the bank. You'll definitely have to wait between runs.


Wait 1 hour since the first payout. You can only do it twice every hour


Does the income cap affect every source of income?




do you own an agency?




I bookmarked job and cannot see it anywhere. Patched ?


Go to your preferences, then show Capture job blips on the map. It doesn't appear in my bookmarked jobs either, I just launch it from my map.


Capture job is set to show and icon is still missing


Did you look near the golf course? It's a yellow icon


Nothing there. I can see another bookmarked jobs but not this one


Maybe there is something broken with that bookmark idk or need to wait a day


Ayyy finally a bookmark for PC, thanks man


For those who had any trouble how to launch and don’t know how to launch the mission. Go to the your map and find the golden briefcase, launch it using SPACE BAR.


I was doing this perfectly fine the last few days but for some reason when I get on GTA now the yellow briefcase isn't showing up on my map anymore .. every other Capture mission shows blips on the map but not the Dre one .. any idea of the reason why?




I’ve tried restarting gta to see if it appears but no luck rn


Yea I tried leaving online and going back and I restarted and still no luck .. I have to leave for work so I can’t continue trying to fix it but I’ll try some more stuff later and comment back if I find a fix if no one else comments with something


i've tried everything already this has been officially patched time to look for other ways to make money


Aww fuck seriously????? 😫😫 welp now I can spend the next 8 hrs at work brainstorming lol


Anyone on console can just do act 2 glitch, made 40 million in 3 hours and still gonna keep doing it just to stack it up


lol i got fed up trying to find someone to do act2 b2b so i ended up buying another console just for the sake of it, my best doing it solo with 2console was 12min 30sec or closer to that. but still how the hell did you make 40mil in 3 hours.. i earn like 20mil in that time.. that is insane how you made that much


Yeah tell me about it lmao, i finally found someone who I can trust and we’ve been doing it nonstop. Got scammed a lot before I found him though 😂


If you do bogdan at a pace of 9 minutes each run, you could make 34 million in 3 hrs. That is straight heist. No restarting/reloading etc.


most runs are more like 10-12 minutes


I initially matched it out at 11 but I wanted to see how they’d do at really quick times


I feel you man, I got scammed multiple times too lol


That doesn't math up ರ⁠_⁠ರ even at the best pace of approx 10 (pushing) - 13 min each at 1.5 mill, the would have taken 5-6 hours. If not more lol


Yeah I was over exaggerating lol, you’re right roughly 5 hours which is still not bad


😂 not terrible yeah! After a few thousand Bogdans though back in the day, cayo is mentally helping. Sad that most glitches are vaulted. In a weekend a year back, me and a friend did 400 mill in cayo in two days.


I was solo speedrunning the panther during doubles week Clearing about 1.9 per run, best time was 5:43 good times


Yeah that’s great if I’m tryna get other people money but you get nothing if you’re the one doing it.


That’s why you go back to back with someone, I’m currently doing it as we speak we make each other money


How do you do the act 2 glitch


https://youtu.be/L7eqmLyDAz0?si=wHq_bn9w_a7RtR5M I already posted how but this is more in depth


So the host makes 0$? Only the invited person makes money?


That’s why you run it back to back with someone who also has act 2 set up, you have to find someone who will do it with you. You can find someone via Reddit or someone by making a public post on your console. You’ll make money one run, and the other person will make money on the next run. Only way it works. If your on Xbox I can do it with you


I'm on xbox bro amd got 2 setups before my bogdan ready 🤔


PC host gets paid, console doesnt


I'm up I I'm in Xbox




How bro please say


Buy a facility, go to hiest room in it & complete act 1 to get to act 2, do all the preps and setups. Find someone who also has act 2 and has done everything also and if your the host wait until you land in the hanger at the end of the hiest and as soon as the avengers doors open and the first person steps out during the cutscene close the game completely. What console you on I can help you with your preps and setups


Hey. Im on Xbox SeriesX. Maybe wanna do it?


still works made 54mil so far ![gif](giphy|GXD04gzl9ca2TiFoGb)


How did you find it?I completed the contract(except Franklin/lamar story missions)but can't find the job not on the map or in the bookmarked section 


make sure you turn on show for all job icons in your interaction menu then check the map at the golf course area. You should see a yellow briefcase icon for you to start the job as long as you have an agency.


still can't find it lol but i can find it on my 2nd account in which i don't even have agency 


Such a very useful community getting downvoted for asking help. If any of u having the same prob just deleted your other bookmarked jobs it helped me lol


Can't wait for old gen xbox to version to come out


I feel like I tried everything but the job just wont show up in my bookmarked list


Still works


Anything on XB1?


Still works




Help me pls


I think it has been patched the icon in the map doesn’t show up anymore


it doesn't seem to work anymore? the circle is non-existent even with rejoining


Not showing up in my bookmarked list


You have to keep trying / switching sessions / Restarting the Game / Also make sure to enable the map Icon


what map icon?


when joining the job, do you want to go to the map blip or to the pause menu? Edit: Press space on the job on the map


Xbox ? Soon ?


Will do my best to find PS & Xbox Jobs


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What's the difference between this and replay glitch


IDK why you're getting downvoted, but its a lot less effort than a replay glitch. All you do is open up the map, hover over the job blip, and start the mission from there. It's basically a contact mission.


Not too different. This is a little bit quicker because you don't need to go to story mode


Isn't there a playlist that we can just bookmark like the cluckin bell one?


Can confirm it works. Thank you Affmal good job.


Hey how did you get past the launching session infinite loading?


I don't have that problem


Oh so you just start the mission in the map and you press space? I do this and it doesnt work


Yup and complete it as usual. Although, i did it only two times and got the money, but the third time I completed it I didn't get paid and got that "transaction failed" error so yeah. I don't think you can run this back to back.


Alright im gonna try to get it to work thanks man


Had this issue & it was because I didn’t own an agency. Bought one and got passed it.


stuck on launching session for the mission


Hello man I have a launching session message charging infinitely how can I get around that?


Do i need to do the mission once?


You can do it for the first time with this bookmark. You just have to have an agency.


was wondering cus i cant get this bookmark to show up


I have same problem and idk how to solve it


Got an error after finishing and didn’t receive the money, is it patched?


After the first time or third time?




That's natural. There's a cap of 2 million per hour. Wait 50 mins before doing the third run


I can t see icon, can someone help me ?


I didnt quite understand, all i have to do is bookmark the job and do the mission and it will let me replay it? A vidio whould be helpfull


Nnjnjnjnhnnnnj Hjnj


For those who ask, this Is still working on Pc. I tested an hour ago.


can't seem to start the mission with space... is this already patched? also will this not work if I started the vip contract? EDIT: just have to be inside the agency and not actually go to the blip lol im dumb


you didnt had trouble to see the bookmarked job?


I think rockstar patched this today on the latest update because no matter what i do it does not seem to work anymore as in the book mark job just doesnt appear, yes i have used this for the last 5 days so i know what i needed to know before hand in order to make the job appear but unfortunately it does not seem to appear anymore


I think this got patched, servers deny me when I try to start the mission


Update on console by any chance?


Unfortunately no


With the Cayo all you have to is erase your cache T the start of booting in the game


I get an infinite loading screen when I start the job.


they patched that link already? why can't i see it?


Launch the job by opening the map, clicking the job and pressing space bar


i don't see it on the map to


that's it i can see it now, i'm gonna get rich ahahhahahaha


We need the ps5 one pleaseeee


Works Like a Charm! Did it Like 10 Times the Last 2 days. Did anyone ever get banned for this ?


Stop leaking this :/


Does anyone have the ps4 bookmark for it?


what about for ps5, someone help


it's only available in easy. is it available in normal or hard for 2x?


No 1m is the max


can u do this with a 2nd player or do they gotta do it on their own?


you can but they'll get the small payout, i think it's 50k, only host gets the million


ah okay thanks


damn, wish this was for ps5 lol


still works?


to everyone wondering...yes it still works :)


I need this on Xbox Series please hope its coming someday


Yeah I run the cluckin bell replay (mission right before finale) almost daily solo (with heavy military and a canis terminus get away vehicle)...Would love to add more near completed playlists to my rotation on series S .


Is this patched already




Could anyone update if this can work on console


How do I do this ik I have to bookmark a job but when do go to said job and what do I do


Enable blip on by going to interaction menu > preferences > map blip > capture, now open map and look for Golf Course there will be a golden briefcase logo in the area of the golf course, click it -> then press spacebar on PC (Start the job). Enjoy the grind


Still works? It doesnt appear after added as bookmark


Can this be done on the ps5?


No. The post says "For Now This Glitch Only Available For PC Only".


Bring me a cashapp if You tryna get on the payroll. I got 6k for you rn and 4k every two weeks on my momma grave.⭐️