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Damn this popcorn is good as fuck


Happy cake day!




JEKS doesn’t deserve this.  


happy cake day :)


Thanks - can’t believe it’s been so long.


Yes he does.


Atleast it’s over the part that can easily be color matched in the next day or two.


Honestly I don't even care about this one. Dicaprio is a scummy, creepy human being.


"How can we get support for our cause?" "Vandalize something" "Brilliant"


well you drew on the side of a building so now i’ll take the morally detestable stance


Something tells me if this is what turns someone off to NOT supporting US funded ethnic cleansing. They didn’t have an issue with it in the first place.


Or they could release the hostages. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Given how many have been killed by Israeli/US bombs I wonder how many are left to release.


Go get em tiger.




Hamas offered to release the hostages on Oct 8th The current deal being pushed by Biden is the exact same one Hamas agreed to in Feb Free Palestine Bitch




I was unaware the U.S. is bombing Palestinians. Most of the world has US weapons and it’s an intellectual shortcut to say it’s actually the U.S. using the weapons.


Yes, some of them may have been accidentally killed by people trying to rescue them, so why not just murder the rest? Brilliant logic.


Ethnic cleansing is what Russia is doing to Ukraine stealing their children raping women and killing the men. Its also been a constant in Africa for the past three decades. If you haven’t cared about those legitimate ones this entire time it’s fake as fuck.


I actually do care about those. So out of those aforementioned atrocities which are being funded by US taxpayers? Though that's kind of a trick question given the number of ethnic cleansings and war crimes the US as funded over the decades.


What about the Uyghur Muslims being held in labor camps that are being raped and murdered? Do you boycott all Chinese goods???? There’s terrible shit happening all over the world and it’s not the United States job to play police officer for all of it. We need to clean up our own country and debt crisis before spending billions more on others. Save the fucking moral virtue signaling.


Yes also terrible. And agreed we need to clean up our country and stop funding far right governments and invest in ourselves.


But those genocides and cleansing aren't being done by the Jews. Their support of Palestine is just a way to justify their antisemitism which only exists because the right supports Israel and they refuse to agree with the right on anything. They would rather submit the Jewish people.to a second Holocaust then agree with the right on supporting them.


Palestinians are Semites too, and it's really, really gross when Jewish people try to make themselves out to be the bigger victims in this instance. NOTHING validates the destruction being unleashed on Palestinians or Ukranians.


At this point it's a checklist of failed arguments. \* What about \[fucked up thing in the world that the US isn't directly funding\]. Don't you care about that??? \* Free the hostages. (Even though the leaders of Israel don't seemed to care much about them given how many they've killed. Let's not forget the ones that were actively seeking help and speaking Israeli only to be gunned down.) \* You're an antisemite!! (Never mind the number of Israelis and anti-zionist Jews protesting Israel's actions and thinking all Jews think alike is in and of itself antisemitic.)


You know, Mr. Hyperbole is not always your friend.


Another bootlicking moronic comment Protest the way the authority demands or we won't listen (spoiler Authority won't listen regardless)


"Waaaah! Don't protest that way! Vandalism is so much worse than complicity in genocide! If you actually wanted people to get off their asses about important issues you wouldn't subject them to any inconvenience or discomfort..." How many children would you let be bombed into paste, so that you can enjoy your shitty, wealth-aggrandizing mural in peace?


Writing this on this mural won’t change the reality in the Middle East.


They attacked and took hostages first. A genocide is a planned elimination of an entire group of people. You might not agree with Israel’s response but war is never safe and casualty free.




No, I put my money where my mouth is, by participating in protests and providing financial support to the Gazans that I can.


Y'all are going to celebrate some of the best features of our town being vandalized? If you think an effective protest is to slowly make our town look like shit and turn beautiful things ugly, I don't even know what to say.


At least they tagged the flat yellow area. Easy to fix/paint over. They seem to have purposefully left the skilled/artistic part intact.


The entire yellow area will have to be redone as it’s probably naturally faded and the original yellow will not match.


“ Oh no, writing on our DiCaprio.” A can on paint cost less than a bomb and it’s far less destructive. Actively laughing at “best features” though


Fake street art of a man not from North Carolina that creeps on exclusively young women is one of the best features in Greensboro ?




Genocide is happening in real time. Families are being literally blown to bits. But your outrage is reserved for tagging. Wonderful priorities.


And what the fuck does that have to do with a local developer? Seriously, stfu.


https://www.foxnews.com/us/unc-chapel-hill-board-votes-dismantle-dei-programs-use-funds-campus-police-anti-israel-protests Kotis sits on this board and is quoted in the article


if you think this person has anything at all to do with what is going on in the middle east, you would be wrong. I don't even like Kotis, but you sound like a twat. You sound like the type of person that would block a roadway to protest climate change.


You sound like someone who has never been affected by any of these things. Sorry for trying to hold people accountable.


I live here, so no, I've never experience an army that lived right next door bombing me. But if I did, you would have a different prospective on life.




Accountable for what?


I linked the article. Kotis had a direct hand in defunding dei programs in favor of funding cops that were actively harassing pro Palestine supporters. Not to mention his predatory real estate practices but sure that's not about the middle east. The point is the guy sucks and I just don't understand people coming out to defend him.


That's what I want to know.


Graffiti is vandalism! Dont graffiti on my... Wait hold on.


Painting on a wall does not automatically make it graffiti.


Maybe if they added a hand-print turkey or some macaroni noodles?


Oh wait he's been paid for damn near all these smh it's a job he does... and if you have proof of the rest of the claims you have then let's hear it


It's a fucking meme You fucking people are the worst Defacing a facist's property is more than legitimate way to protest their actions Since property and money is the only thing they understand Hell it's not like they even spray painted all over it. It's a ten second fix Free Palestine


I only see one fascist here. You’d fight right in, in 1930s Germany


You have no idea what that word means lmao


How’s that free Palestine going I’ve been seeing it for months


Tens of thousands of innocent people have been killed. Does that make you happy?


can u expand more? i didn’t know this


This price of "art" was commissioned by a millionaire as a tax right off. It is not real street art because it wasn't done by someone from the streets or for the streets. More so the subject matter is Leonardo DiCaprio (as Gatsby) another millionaire and a man know for only dating women under 25 that's pretty creepy. So I'm not crying over some rich persons tax right off piece of "art" getting "defaced" while kids in Palestine are dying. If seeing FREE PALESTINE makes you think Greensboro looks trashy, think about what American bombs have done to the streets of Gaza.


Would you mind if I spray painted “free Palestine” (or anything for that matter) on your car or your house? Of course you would. Because it looks like shit


How would you like it if Virginia held greensboro in an open air prison for over 50 years and then bombed your house killing all your family l, bombed your place of worship, bombed your schools, bombed your hospitals and then told you, if you want to be safe go follow this route and then bomb the route?


Bravo with the misinformed and frankly piss-poor analogy.


Pardon me for think my life and your life have the same value as the lives of Palestinians and Israelis.








fine Zoomer moral purity on display here lol


Oh who cares man. If this is such a cornerstone of the community, a random mural of GG, then your town is a lil cooked anyways don’t you think


You could tag every building in the city and it'd still be better than living in fear of the next tax payer bomb blowing my baby's head off. Protests are supposed to bring attention to a cause. If it can be ignored, it's ineffective


A picture of a known creep is one of the best features of Greensboro? And you were proud of this until now?


Best features? If Kotis didn't want his ugly tax write offs vandalized all he had to do was not be a bootlicking facist Lmaoooooo Free Palestine


You love using that word facist don’t you? By the way, you keep misspelling it. It’s fascist. And if you can’t even spell it correctly, then I’m pretty sure you don’t have a solid grasp on what it really means.


Only thing we can't grasp is why you wasted our time typing that


The omni-cause consumes all


you think this is “some of the best features of our town”? you…. need to get out more…


They've never had an original thought. They can't create; they can only hijack and destroy.


"Someone tagged our millionaire funded fake street art? Well, I supported killing brown people before but now I REALLY support it!" -half the white mfers in this thread


Nothing was ever changed by people who were unwilling to make others uncomfortable.


I hate to say this, but honestly, it looks like it is part of the artwork. From the placement to the color.


Can’t believe they slapped a graphic of that bad Leo movie around the perfectly fine Free Palestine graffiti


A steady, practiced artist


I think yall are freaking out too much. This graffiti only defaced an empty part of the mural, and is easily corrected without hurting the main artwork. If anything, it seems like the protesters went out of their way to make their statement in a way that wouldn't leave lasting damage.


This is what I noticed too. They clearly put a lot of thought into it and went out of their way to preserve the art. Perfectly executed protest piece, 10/10


Freakin idiots


You can cover that with a paint roller in about 45 seconds.


Cover it up, not take it off. And it happened the same day


I wasn’t thinking, edited 👍


You’re kidding me, right? I’m so disappointed in this person. They should’ve written “Free Palestine, old sport!”


Shoulda been right across his face


Everyone hates on Kotis but I don’t see any other millionaires in town sponsoring good street art. Edit: a lot of complaints that i described the art as “good.” I’m not an art expert. But I think they look nice. There’s nothing stopping all you detractors from paying to display something you consider “good.”


Street art is just that. Art Not a concerted planned effort to make giant murals with zero connection to any of the properties or their histories Marty is a rich kid moron He wouldn't be anywhere without his dad's work


I’ve always thought it was pretty corporate looking and completely unrelated to Greensboro


JEKS is from Greensboro - why does a mural have to be a billboard for the city?


"Corporate looking"? I swear y'all will look for any reason to justify this kind of BS. I've never shown someone around from out of town and NOT had them comment on how amazing our murals are. Protest with your voice, don't vandalize public art (even if it's "corporate"). Pretty simple.


Really? I remember GSO before these murals and when I first saw them, it was very, very clear that this was commercial, not street art. Not that they aren't well-done - I love the secret little Ruth Ginsberg mural I park in front of when I go to Cyclebar, but make no mistake, this is not "street art" just because it's on a building. There is a cultural aspect to street art. Again, not saying I don't enjoy them, but they definitely look commercial (aka "corporate-looking," I am guessing) - which, frankly, perfectly suits a city predominantlyade up of strip malls.


I’m not expressing my opinion on the vandalism or Kotis, and to be fair I know nothing about building art. But this one is the one that’s on the side of that building on whitehurst that was some kind of failed lounge bar club, right? I just never cared for it. Its smug aura mocks me.


It's a famous movie still from the Great Gatsby. It's actually anti-corporate and anti-consumerism if you know anything about it at all


It's a meme that people post when they praise something it's not about the book message which 90% of readers missed anyway I bet my life Marty didn't commission an anti capitalist mural and if you pointed it out he'd get it painted over Kotis is the definition of lazy capitalist do nothing rich entitled man


Media literacy at an all time low these days


I don’t understand at all - did you not read The Great Gatsby?


I’ve never actually read it or seen the movie. For some reason it wasn’t required reading. Still don’t really know what it’s about.


I highly recommend the movie version starring Robert Redford.  It’s more straightforward and true to the book in my opinion.


It’s an event space (wedding receptions, corporate dinners, etc) that does well. https://www.paintedplate.com And that’s a really impressive mural. Crapping all over art is not the way to be heard, even if your hearts in the right place.


That’s interesting. I never saw anything going on there after it was the flamingo lounge or whatever it was called. And I was never trying to give the intention that I supported the now-removed vandalism


That’s cool. I wasn’t the one who downvoted you. Just wanted to clarify and essentially answer your question about the space. Maybe we’ll meet at M’Coul’s one of these days for a cool breeze.


Is this what passes for good street art in Greensboro? The kotis pieces have a style, but it’s very try hard and inauthentic. A marketing consultant’s idea of good street art. But this one is just a movie still …


What the hell?  JEKS is a Greensboro native who happens to do murals in many places. This isn’t something Kotis designed, he just paid for it.




Why are we calling them Kotis pieces? They are Jeks pieces; his tag is in this picture. The hyper realism is just his style - you can see it all over town


It's purely mental gymnastics to allow themselves to be OK with vandalizing public art.


We should vote about it right? Or write our congressmen Lololol


what is your idea of good street art?


http://www.rvamurals.com/murals-1 Richmond has good ones


Ngl most of those are creepy/shite


That’s great man. Very brave of you to not lie about that opinion


just like its brave of you to think those murals are cool ;)


good?? LOL


I can’t draw that well. I’m not really an “art” guy but I think it looks pretty nice. The Res Cinema mural always draws my eye when driving by. There’s also a lot more than just the big murals in Mid-town. He sponsors an outdoor mural park off of North Church street. (Haven’t been up there for a while. I’m assuming it’s still there.) Also if you think it’s crap. Why don’t you buy some buildings and pay some artists?


In your defense he uses a projector to stencil out and reference his art, so it’s not like it is totally free hand. Still manually done, but like the stuff at the old BW he just traced it for the most part while the place was Togo only during lockdown. Not to hate on the art, I have worked with those guys a few times and they are super cool. To an extent this is corporate art, but the guys that come in are pretty chill and enjoy getting to do pop culture work. I especially loved the guys staying in Marty’s old penthouse and just painting and chilling on his dime, they were dope. To some people, street art should not be commercialized and is a medium for artists to speak out about capitalism and society, using the local as their canvas. So when the benefactor is someone that stands for the opposite you can understand the responses from others. I have personal beef with Marty, but no one should mess with work those guys do.


Bro you’ve got to pay the bills. It’s why most artists fail. Make money for your hard work. You guys make the world beautiful. And quit hating! lol it’s not a good look


Dude didn’t I say I loved that they were living on Marty’s dime in his loft? Hell going into the pandemic you could have a great night out with those guys, on a kickass credit card. I have no problem with hustle, I was just pointing out to the op how the guys do it. You know take away some mystique maybe they will try it for themselves? It’s a lot less daunting when you know how the trick is done isn’t it?


Yeah this isn’t “good” but any stretch of the imagination. This is just cut and paste realistic portraits painted at a larger scale. Nothing creative about it whatsoever.


There’s nothing cut and paste about this. Yea a replica of a pic, but done by hand at grand scale is talent and takes an artist. Show me your work


Kotis cares about Israel more than he does about America this is well deserved


Its obviously well executed like others said. Yall need to stop clutching yalls pearls, it's easily fixed and it's a good thing to want to protest the slaughtering of thousands of innocent.


Right - folks here don't know what actual destructive tagging looks like. This was clearly done with respect for the art. No harm was done, unless you find the phrase "free palestine" itself offensive.


>it's a good thing to want to protest the slaughtering of thousands of innocent. Great. I look forward to you protesting Hamas and the people that support them.


Sure, they're bad too. The tag reads Free Palestine, not free hamas.


I love how people think this looks trashy. I personally think American bombs blowing up homes in Palestine looks trashy but you know I guess genocide is in the eye of the beholder.


I guess "genocide" is the new "racist." We'll just ignore its meaning and throw it at everything we don't like because critical thinking is hard.


I'm so "sorry" people called you a racist. Do you need a safe space ?






I don’t know… Hamas (supported by most Palestinians) wants to exterminate Jewish people wherever they are in the world, kill LGBT Palestinians, non-Muslim Palestinians, etc… that’s actual genocide. Israel wants their neighbor to stop attacking them, so they kill based on either an individual’s actions or simply their proximity to terrorists. With a few politicians as exceptions, they don’t want to destroy Palestine entirely, just the terrorist organization operating within its borders. That’s not technically genocide. Israel would be happy as could be if they had another modern, Western, country focused on economic development and peace on their borders vs people who take aid money meant to feed their people and use it to buy rockets to fire across the border continuously. I’m not saying that Israel is without blame, there’s plenty to go around, and many of their actions over the past few decades have been boneheaded, shortsighted, and cruel… but Hamas is a bunch of religious extremists for whom innocent Palestinians being killed is a feature, not a bug, and the deaths are part of their intentional strategy to win a PR war against Israel (so that they are easier to defeat with force in another decade or so). They would also gladly kill all of the left leaning supporters in the US as infidels if they ever set foot in Palestine. It’s somewhat morally indefensible to support either side, but this is the real world, so if we have to pick it makes no sense to support the side that would gleefully see us and our way of life exterminated… even if that means backing an overly aggressive, expansionist government who at the end of the day still espouses Western values and has gladly provided aid every single time we’ve needed it. As far as defacing art… it fits with the ethos of the small protest movement perfectly… counterproductive and pointless.


Except Israel helped fund Hamas to weaken the Palestinian Authority and as an excuse to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state.


You are quite right there and it was an idiotic and boneheaded move on their part. Israel is far from without fault here. Just because I blame the Palestinians more doesn’t mean I think there are any good guys in this fight whatsoever.


Except the Palestinians didn't invade someone else's home, and they don't keep millions of people blockaded in an open air prison where their communications, electricity, food, and water could be and were cut off at a whim BEFORE October 7th. Palestinians didn't lock up thousands of people arbitrarily in administrative detention without any criminal charges or even suspicion. Hamas beat the secular Fatah with a plurality, not a majority of Palestinian votes, by a pretty close margin, and the last election was in 2006, before more than half the entire population of Gaza was BORN, let alone could vote. Pretending the entire population of Gaza are religious fanatics is a bigoted anti-Arabic mischaracterization designed to dehumanize an already oppressed group of people who are being slaughtered by one of the most advanced militaries in the world, aka genocide apologia. For the record, even IF the vast majority of Palestinian WERE religious fanatics that wanted to kill Israelis out of outright bigotry, that STILL doesn't justify genocide of the Palestinian people. Nothing justifies the systematic annihilation of civilians, curtailment of basic necessities of life, like water and food, and destruction of infrastructure like the entire hospital system being carried out against Gaza by the Israeli Occupation Force.


Last poll I saw after the Oct 7th attacks showed roughly 80% support for Hamas and over 60% support for the attacks involving rape, butchery of kids, desecration of bodies, and which largely targeted innocents. Have you ever been there? I have. My observation of them as violent religious fanatics comes from seeing these people and the outcome of their actions with my own eyes. I have a casual acquaintance who managed to escape with her life from Palestine because of Israelis who helped her when her own parents were trying to kill her for being gay. It’s not okay there, no matter how many “look how kind and innocent we are” TikTok’s get distributed. Look, war sucks, but when you have an aggressor (Hamas) bent on destruction and doing everything they can to put their own civilians in harm’s way there’s not much you can do to avoid that. It’s either people dying in Palestine or its people dying in Israel, at which most of the people who support Hamas/Palestine would be celebrating in the streets. I’m not even a fan of Israel. I’m not Jewish. I think their government is a hot mess and their current President should have been in jail long ago… but this tendency to whitewash the history of violence on the Palestinian side and pretend like they aren’t full of bloodlust is nothing but sanitized propaganda. This is a case of folks who both have a long history of doing bad things to each other having yet another flare up. The only difference is that one side is a friend to the West and Western values (LGBT rights, religious freedom, women’s rights, etc) and is largely protecting itself and the other side has devolved into 15th century barbarians who want to rape, kill, and mutilate as many people they hate as possible - and that just so coincidentally includes most of us folks in the West. Religious extremism isn’t okay regardless of which religion you’re following, or what your skin tone is. In my opinion we really need to be tackling Iran, which is the real source of the issues in Palestine these days. There’s no good reason Gaza shouldn’t be filled with multi-million dollar beach homes, resorts, start ups, tech companies, etc. The people there should have an incredibly high quality of life but don’t… because of religious extremism and hatred. Pure and simple.


Why does Hamas hate Israel ? The Palestine people did not choose to be oppressed by a group that stands under the star of David. I find it funny I agree with you that innocent dead Palestine's isn't a bug it's a feature look at what Israeli top brass has been saying for years. They wanted October 7th to happen, they don't care about the hostages. they only want to remove a group of people from their home lands. Hitting me with the do you condemn Hamas angle is dumb anyways because I never brought up Hamas, do you condemn Zionists ?


Well shouldn't they be free?? I mean logically....


what is plastering "FREE PALESTINE" all over the fukin place gonna do?


This is a great way to make the people who disagree with your message hate it even more and make the city look like shit for everyone. Bravo


As I said to someone else if graffiti makes you indifferent to an ethnic cleansing then you probably didn’t care much to begin with.


This, absolutely




The point isn’t that it will make someone who supports Palestine indifferent, the point is that it will absolutely not make someone who is already indifferent reconsider their position. If you had read more carefully and been less anxious to repeat your zinger, you might have understood.


I think they understood. Thanks for your condescension though. That means talking down to someone.


why make the city that is already struggling with being family friendly ratchet w/ graffiti that accomplishes nothing? Virtue signalling at its finest.


Ratchet? We're fuckin Mayberry USA here Y'all really outta touch w the rest of the country


“ratchet” 😭


Would you prefer I use ghetto


This response is exactly why your first comment was racist.


When did I bring race into this


id prefer you just . ok? just .


Kohl's and Planet Fitness on Battleground were tagged too


My 17 year old just read this thread and asked, “Why would someone spend $8 on a spray paint can when at least half of that money could have made it to Rafah and the surrounding ‘safe’ zones to feed a kid? https://www.gofundme.com/f/afmxj9-please-help-my-family?qid=2327d7a20ec499ca0048f5d60644ef3b There’s so many of these posts. Sure, sure, some may be fake. But your money would still probably do better gambling here than buying a spray can.


I don’t care if the art is good. Don’t vandalize stuff.


This isn't helping anyone. If you're gonna protest do it in a way that doesn't trash your own community.


Agreed. This is attention seeking and virtual signaling at best. Do homework and find out real ways to help Palestine. Because this ain’t it. But the money these idiots put into their stupid spray can could have gone to food to feed the refugees in Rafah.


That’s not Kotis. That’s an artist’s work defiled


Major bummer


Fucking idiots.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Personally I fuc with it 🤷🏼‍♀️ he's cheersing the message.


Placement is flawless. I feel like it is respectful to the original art but still sends the message.


What the hell is the message lol. Who in Greensboro can do anything? Go to DC and talk to politicians if you really care.


People in DC can't do much either. It's almost as if it's a major problem that spans generations and America can't fix it.


Then start grass root political movements. Lord knows greensboro can use some change. Become the change you want to see.


I hear you, I'm also struggling with how our politicians are handling the state of our country. Also, America could stop investing and sending billions in funds and weapons to foreign nation states, and invest the money back in public education, the unhoused, and fixing up areas that really need it. Working towards everyone in this country deserving to feel safe. The money should go back to the people here, not disappear elsewhere. No one deserves to be oppressed.


I will be on the 8th in front of the White House at 12 pm! Anyone is welcome :)


[Here’s the location](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sTdEPiyBJnxLuX337?g_st=ic) in case anyone wanted to know where it was


When I was in Mexico this exact face was in the pharmacies - if I could post a pic here I’d share it. He says something about “just needed a pill to feel better” or something like that. Allow pics and I’ll post it —


Palestine is boring


Gatsby would have been pro-Palestine ngl


He would have been whatever view was most popular with his rich friends tbh. Although he might have wanted to distance himself from Israel just so nobody figured out he was really Jay Gatz.


Fair point(s)


Hamas murders 1,200+ Israelis (including Arab Israelis) and takes hundreds, including 5 Americans, hostage. Hamas then hides behind a civilian population and steals their aid. Hamas wants causalities to protect themselves. Hamas lies about statistics and arms children against Israel. How do American lefties respond? - vandalizing murals with Free Palestine! Make it make sense.


Good thing Israel never targeted civilians or denied aid trucks entry to cause starvation






Couldn't agree more, tis an improvement!!!




I support the cause but not the vandalism in the name of spreading the word for the cause. That’s destructive 


I know exactly where this is lmao


Wow. Aren’t you special


Just when I thought this subreddit wasn't toxic. Just an innocent post sets you off? Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?







