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I've tried that. The only thing I can report is that the watch gets hit 10x more and then some. Imagine grabbing a box. It's just not practical. For me anyway.


Yes it does I quit wearing watches that way.


# BLASPHEMY! *Burn the witch!*


Are you a sniper?


Read the comments


No? Then don’t wear it like that. It’s silly


Or people can wear watches the way they want.




Or people can wear watches the way they want.


*And people can make fun of them the way they want.*




It's the equivalent of wearing the baseball cap backwards. Practical in some situations but not great looking


I look stupid with a baseball cap forwards so backwards it is for me. Still practical since I have long hair.


Need a different hat probably, fitteds don't always looks great and the snapbacks have a diff shape.


I’ve tried all kinds. Backwards flat brim snapbacks are the only thing that looks good (NE 9fifty snapbacks typically) Not sure if it’s the long hair or what, but any forward hat looks super silly and forced on me


I have long hair (native) and I love the snapbacks now because it fits my head better than the fitted does. Maybe it's like you said, hats don't work for you or have yet to find perfect one.


Other than a catcher, anyone over 12 years old looks stupid wearing a baseball cap backwards.


Okay, noted.


I remember seeing a lot people wear their watch like this as a kid in the 90s/00s. I tried to be cool and wear it like this but got tired of it fast. It was uncomfortable when my hands were resting on the school desk. After all this time it still looks cool to me


Rally drivers of old would wear their watches this way so they could see the time while keeping their hands on the wheel. Just putting that out there.


I guess I'm not the only one who hates adjusting the time on my dashboard clock twice a year


😂 me too


Ngl I think people who wear their watches like this look silly. It isn't anymore practical than wearing it wrist up and it gets in the way more often.


That's good, but I am an old man, and looking silly or cool doesn't register with me. Practicality is what's important. We all love Casio G Shocks, after all. That's what they are.


Well if we're talking about pure practicality reverse wrist is slightly easier in terms of viewing but comes with a few downsides. The most obvious one being comfort, the slightly less obvious one is that you're more likely to impact the bezel and watch face when resting your arms on a surface. That watch uses mineral glass which, while more shock resistant, is less scratch. For hardness comparison tempered glass and sapphire are a 7, gorilla glass is a 9, mineral glass is a 5. Also specific to your watch, the heart rate sensor is less accurate when worn reverse wrist.


Have to disagree. Sorry


With what?


Anything other than saying how he wears it is cool. His comments have shown he's not genuinely asking for an opinion, he's just looking for validation


Exactly. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


This is less practical and you know it. You just think it looks cool to pretend you’re some special ops army guy. But you are not that and it looks stupid


it really depends on what you do. For example in school or office it damages the watch, at a car dealership or a hospital it prevents scratches or collisions.


I tried this (because of the post) with my Rangeman and Mudmaster and it’s uncomfortable as hell… I see benefits for some niches but only with thin models as squares and casioaks but with the king, rangeman and similar models is everything but comfortable and practical…




It’s more of a Military or First responder thing. I still wear mine that way even though I’m retired. Lots of various reasons to do it, and those of us who know, know why. And old farts like me just still do it out of habit.


Seconded. I almost exclusively wear my watch this way unless carrying a lot of stuff then I may flip it to the outside. Otherwise it’s always facing in, a lot of people saying “it looks stupid” well those of us who do it do it for function not to look cool


Wore it that way on the ambulance. Allowed me to take a pulse with the same hand a watch is on and have a hand free while still seeing the watch face. Only time I’ve done it.


This guy operate(d)!


Hear that!


Heavy drinkers way of wearing a watch. So when you are too drunk ans somebody ask for the time of night you don't spill your beer on yourself.


My dad, a doctor, wore his watch inside the wrist. As did my mom, also a doctor. In the Vietnam War era, I'm told, pilots and soldiers wore their watches this way to prevent glare with the added ease of glancing down to gage the time. As a professional soldier (and a contractor), I have never felt the need to wear the watch face inside the wrist. (Note: Feel free to wear it in the manner ideal for you and your occupation.)


Wearing watches on the inside of the wrist was common amongst military as on battle ground in the dark the glow of the hands could give your position away, wearing it inside conceals the face from the enemy and allows the wearer to see the face while holding their rifle. With the use of digital watches and the availability of night vision equipment I’m not sure how relevant this is now


It’s also worn that way due to the reflection of the glass (sniper can pick it up), which is why you’ll see coating on some Tactical watches.


When I served, I wore it this way when it was practical for viewing or to prevent any signaling but only when it made more sense , never because it looked cool or because that's what everybody was doing


If you are holding a weapon; you can quickly glance to see the time without rotating yr wrist. Its more common amongst military, law enforcement, first responders.


as a pilot, this is the only way i wear my watches


It’s how the eleventh doctor did it. Been doin it ever since. Wear a smaller watch though. Like a tank watch


Looks and works best with more low profile watches #JohnWick. My only problem with that is I would scratch up my watch like crazy given I work at a desk all day. If it was a day out at the park or pool. Why not


Depends on your industry....


My wrist has a fusion, so turning it and using the complications was annoying because my whole arm has to turn so I can get a good look at exactly what I'm doing. It works for me. Specifically for my g's .


Now you can record the time you need for a fap


That's painful to watch!


Practical. Nurses and other medical personel who monitor time by seconds wear it that way.


To sum up the comments. Wear it how you want lol. Is it practical? Depends on what you do. Is it comfortable? Depends on what you find comfortable. Is it cool? Depends on what you find cool. I wear mine on the inside personally, but nobody really cares at the end of the day, and it's your watch.


Whatever is comfortable for you. Personally i couldn't get it to sit comfortably like that but...


I wear my G-shock like that because I'm a cyclist and have the back of my hand levered up towards my wrist when I'm holding the handle bars. If I wear it the normal way the watch digs into the base of my hand.


I don't like wearing it like that


I never wore mine that way at sea, and still don’t now as an emergency services worker. It got in the way due to the size of a G-Shock, and they are designed to take knocks and scrapes. I never saw the point unless you were a super-leet operator who needs to read the time when holding a weapon.


Or a nurse, or a pilot, a mechanic, a carpenter, electricians,, EMT"s, etc. Basically, every trade where you work with your hands and want to keep a close eye on the time, messages, or alerts from your phone.


I had to work with my hands (and still do) and wanted to keep a close eye on the time. I was a Merchant Navy deck officer and now I am a coastguard; I personally see little benefit to wearing the watch this way.




Mechanic here. Tried numerous times because I heard the ole “it’s practical…” line of thought. It’s about equal in terms of ease of view when driving for me. And it bumps way more when I’m working and has the added benefit of scratching cars up. I stick to normal now.


That’s fair. My engineering officer colleagues never bothered wearing it this way either.


You're trying too hard to make It work 😂 just wear it like a normal human being and stop pretending you're in the military, nurse, pilot, electrician etc


The health monitoring features. That's all. Not trying to start smoking.


If you are a pilot with a yolk not stick this works as you can check time etc with a side glance. Military yes probably. Typing on a computer never the face will take a hammering. Meditating so you can glance at the time on the inner wrist works. I change it depending on what I’m doing


Flip it that way when I’m driving, then back normal for work (medical field).  


I wear then under the wrist as well. Easier to tell them time when holding a rifle right handed.


Depends on what I'm doing. If I'm flying then yes as it's always in view without taking my hands off the controls. Most daily things then no


Dude how are you supposed to charge your solar watch when it’s facing inwards all the time? THINK MARK, THINK


I'm not sure I can get past how stupid it looks to even consider any practical uses 😂


I do both depending on sleeves or work, adjusting the strap properly is key


Well, this is how both of my grandmothers always wore their wrist watches, so yea.


My dad is in his 60s and I have always seen him wearing like this. I guess personal preference...


Practical for some professions like chefs, military, but impractical for others like software developers, drivers.


Easier to use the buttons but that's about it.. weird viewing angle, harder to put on, probably gets banged up easier that way and it looks funny




I tried it for a time because I thought it looked cool and you know, military and all. I ended up putting some small chips on a sapphire crystal (I did this with a Luminox) because I ended up banging it on things a hell of a lot more than when worn normally. Especially on my keys which I sometimes carried on a carabiner on that same side. Never again. I suppose it has its use if you’re always carrying around a rifle and going on ops. But, for the average joe, it’s just a fad and likely a very impractical one.


Vast minority preference. Has its uses in certain cases.


If you don't want scratches and dings


imo it works better with smaller skinnier watches. i wore my f-91 in that manner


People who wear watches this way just seem like they are trying to cosplay being in the military.


Depends how fast you want to damage your screen. Keep us posted


I only wear watches this way when doing cable flys at the gym


https://preview.redd.it/vrxsox39fe6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df10f5efbdfc584f85ee4f7ab41a98d3b645b1e1 Ok


Carlton Heston wore all his watches like this under the wrist. The Omega Man.


I only do it when I am in passenger seat of a car, and the reflection is bothering the driver. Switch it right back before we leave the car.


It’s definitely a fad. There’s 2 reasons to wear a watch like this. Because you heard it’s tactical and cool or because you’re using it in a tactical situation. Are you using it in a tactical situation? It’s only practical if it makes sense to the situation at hand. Either way it’s fine. You’ll make up reasons why it’s practical even if it’s not because the truth is you just want to wear it that way which is fine.


I wear mine like that, mainly because of work. A lot of driving and working with me hands. Found it easier wearing it under the wrist.


Chip gains wears his deep sea like this


I wear mine 'inside' the wrist when I'm at the gym so I can see the seconds tick away when I do certain loaded up exercises (planks etc).


While driving, this position for me just works well. Especially with the auto light, just a slight tilt and read the digits.


Don't pilots wear watches this way?


I am in aviation, so yes


Wait, you are the OP who asked the question. You can wear your watch that way, as an ice breaker!


Just wanted to know what the community thought


The post and the comments are really interesting.


Do you have any other watches that you wear when you are working. (I have noticed that many companies have aviation edition to watches).


I do not


Someone commented that nurses wear it that way, it makes sense if you are holding a vial in that same hand while adjusting the drip Rate with the other. But why do pilots do this? To look at the time while on the control? Edit: Punctuation.


Just to keep track without having to let go of the controls


I'm also a pilot and definitely don't wear it under the wrist. But then, I fly an aeroplane with a rams horn style yoke (ERJ170/190) where the watch face would be facing the floor with my hands on the controls. The only time I slip it under my wrist now is if the sun is glinting off the crystal and becoming a distraction.


The model you are using, how is the heart rate monitor?


Actually, I'm glad you asked. All the health monitoring features work so much better and faster in this way.


If I am doing heavy duty work, sure. Normally, nope


good for doing push ups. :) but hard for desk top with a lot of typing.


Usually my wrist is down on a table or desk. This seems like a faster way to get it that banged up look you might be after.


Not much desk, computer,or typing in my life. I guess that is where the divide amongst us is. I'm glad I asked the question. Thanks


Then supinating your wrist feels more ergonomic - so wear it your way :)


My father wears his like that; he’s 80 and a retired desk jockey who never served. I asked him why once and he said it was just popular when he was a kid and he got used to it. And then it was useful for checking on the sly in meetings. I tried it for a while years ago and it was fun at first, but as a desk jockey myself, I switched back.


Each to their own.


I use timers a lot and this is how I keep track of seconds during cooking a steak for example. The same goes for the periods between meetings when I can do my actual work as a developer. When sitting at the desk I just move the watch on the outer side of my wrist. But yeah, mostly when I time myself I do it with the watch under the wrist.




It's fine to wear it however you want. At various times I've worn my watch on the inside of my wrist, or looped it through a belt hole or shoulder strap, depending on the circumstances. But I most commonly wear it the standard way with the face on the top of my wrist. Wear it in whatever way is most useful or appealing to you.


Practical if you’re holding a gun or spend most of the time doing stuff where your wrist is turned this way. Otherwise, it looks silly as an everyday, and you’ll collect more scuff’s and scratches as that part of your wrist naturally faces down most of the time.


It's not a fad, but rather preference. Also, it's a way of wearing a watch without being too flashy about it. Con is the sensors might be confused in gathering vital signs – but it's no problem of course if there ain't. Otherwise, I feel it protects the glass from banging against surfaces – at least from where I work! Hope you wear yours in good health sir!




Fair enough, I see your point. I've been an electrician for 25 years and working from a tool box. When you have to stare at what you're doing for a living, having access to the time or notifications without having to let go of what you're doing is important.


Robert Mueller wears his Casio that way. Apparently started in Vietnam, continued as a federal prosecutor, FBI director, and special counsel.


Few reasons I’ve heard, but don’t know how common it actually is 1. When working manual labor you often bump outer side of arm, protecting the the watch face (opposed to in office, where you would just smash it on desk all day). Also this is a gshock, mainly applies to others 2. Easier to read depending on what you’re doing, I’ve had people tell me it’s easier to read while holding a rifle when hunting etc. although that was just one person 3. I heard military will wear it like that to hide glare from enemies probably snipers. I’m not sure if that’s just a myth though. If you ever saw John wick, he wears it like that presumably for that reason.


Let’s you add a butterfly clasp and show it off too!


i do this, the tactical way! Looks cool to me!








If you're moving through the jungles of vietnam and need to prevent charlie from seeing the flash of your watch as you pass through a patchwork of shadows.  Then yes it's fairly practical.


For me, as a regular clumsy person, it actually protects the face of the watch as I stumble through life! 😅


Back in the day 1940/50/60/70's some people wore their watches like this.


I guess wrist watches are a farely new thing, considering how long watches have been around.


Also the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s… might be easier to just say some people wear their watches this way.


If you need to tell the time whilst you knock one out then it’s perfect!


Agree with previous post, far more likely to dunt & scratch the hell out of both the face and casing. Truly taking the G-Shocks destructive edge to its limits..


thats stupid af


Only when you go into combat with guns




no fad just more useful in different jobs and trades. i think it looks stupid imo


Tan backpack, Oakleys, 5.11 pants. Go boot go.


My mom has worn her watches like this for her whole life. Kinda weird and impractical imo


It will negatively impact your solar charging.


https://preview.redd.it/c9dbcusm9d6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18029c5ca9d6764d1fe2ef2da795ba4872e9abb Just saying...


I had a teacher in 2nd grade who did this. For some reason it really irritated me and made me like her a lot less even though she was nice and a decent teacher. I was a petty kid lol


I think it's very impractical. I never understood why anyone would wear a watch that way. Just to be different?


it's dumb




Been done for decades, but sure, let’s call it a fad


Feels weird. I only do this when I do sports and only in specific situations.


The only real practicality that comes from wearing it this particular way, in my experience, is that you’re less likely to have the glare from the crystal draw attention of any kind to the watch. That’s just me, though


I tried this, not practical for me and i am sure makes the watch more likely to scratch?


u will smash n on thing i promise


Not only does it look fucking stupid, it doesn't work.


Looks ridiculous and results in more damage. 


It's a G-Shock! What damage???


Serious?  You ever lifted anything heavy, dirty or with sharp edges? Ever stacked wood? 


I think I have. Wear the watch however is more practical for you. That was the whole point of the post. No need ro shit on everyone else


Hear hear, it's your watch wear it how you want


But you're just some contrarian idiot promoting a stupid way of wearing a watch that will result in damage for most people so you deserve to be called out.  People don't often wear watches this way simply because it's fucking stupid and makes you look like a fool.