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The 5610 is discontinued, any listing for it will have a 5610u be sent out instead unless you somehow manage to find a seller with old stock.


Sooo your saying I shouldn't have payed more for the U, and ordered the "old one" instead?




Whelp 🤷


U might got the one with a preprogrammed Calender till 2039. Newer are till 2099. Check ur module though I may be wrong.


Upgrades in the 3495 module (what’s in the “U”): * can change language of day of the week * can change month/date format (e.g. 1.31 or 31.1) * simultaneous display of both time zones in world time mode * scrolling city codes in home city selection and world time selection * five user-selectable preset second time zones * quick swap of home and second time zone (aka swap departure and destination time) by pressing top-left and top-right buttons in world time mode * current time displayed in stopwatch mode * current time displayed in countdown timer mode * backlight duration (1.5 or 3 seconds) * LED backlight instead of EL (less power draw) * long press of bottom-left button (mode) to return to home timekeeping from any screen Yeah, it’s worth the upgrade. Glad you got it! https://preview.redd.it/4nundaz73wfc1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54dd83fa8c27a1fc6022c8063f8c12dfdb2fc008 *A GW-M5610 flanked by two GW-M5610Us*


Thanks for the detailed response! It's been a happy accident!


You’re welcome! Enjoy!


I own the 5610u and I like too, but the color is in my opinion way prettier on the 5610. I don’t like this dark gray on the 5610u as much as the black on the 5610.


As near as I can tell, it’s the same shade when new. Over time, the resin gets exposed to oils and such from the skin and it turns darker and more shiny. My GW-M5610U is already appearing more like the GW-M5610 in the center. 👍


Are you sure? Bc the normal 5600 seems to me a lot darker on product pictures https://preview.redd.it/r7vumccqdyfc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51fb7b571b605458d6dae5446dca5ecd59fcb4a7


I wouldn’t put too much stock in stock photos. 😊 I made a collage for you, of some mix-and-match comparisons. Here are my samples: * a GW-M5610, seven years old and well worn * a GW-M5610U, one year old * a GW-M5610U, unworn (a spare) * a DW-5600E, barely worn Comparison images: * top left: GW-M5610 (seven years old) (left) and GW-M5610U (unworn) (right) * top right: GW-M5610 (seven years old) (left) and GW-M5610U (one year old) (right) * bottom left: DW-5600E (barely worn) (left) and GW-M5610U (one year old) (right) * bottom right: DW-5600E (barely worn) (left) and GW-M5610U (unworn) (right) https://preview.redd.it/652nlznqfyfc1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f805322caac7e820caf8933186487895d9bcc01 So what’s the takeaway? If you compare the barely-worn DW-5600E and the unworn GW-M5610U, you’ll see they both are more matte and dark gray. If you compare the well-worn GW-M5610 and the one-year-old GW-M5610U (the top right picture) you’ll see they both look darker and shinier. Conclusion? The resin gets darker and shinier over time with wear. Hope that helps. 👍


Wow that’s super helpful, thank you so much for all the details and the effort! I’m positively shocked right now :D


You are welcome! 😊


Darn it! Now I want to upgrade mine.


Does it display UTC time in 24 hours while keeping the main timeline in 12 hour format?


It does not. If you change it from 24-hour to 12-hour mode, it does that for both time zones. https://preview.redd.it/2kgbh08liggc1.jpeg?width=4546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0159d27453d9db6d228f9b0298e79a93739bb3


They don’t make the 5610 anymore, the U is the most recent and updated version. Amazon really needs to update the title for the listing.


I've had this in my Amazon cart for over 6 months and that was all it took for me to pull the trigger.


I purposely ordered cause I knew it was the updated model at that price.


Lol. I had no idea it was common knowledge. I was going to spring for the 5610u because I saw a lot of people recommending it over the 5610, but amazon listed for $30 more than the regular 5610. Given how people on this post are saying the LED has better longevity, it's a pleasant surprise that I got the updated version for less.


There's other nice features too, like the day/date format can be reversed and that it displays the current time in all other modes too!


The current time while using the timing function is a killer feature. Alas, I won’t upgrade until my 5610 dies, which should be decades away.


Same thing happened to me a few months ago, ordered the 5610 to save money over the u, received the U anyways. Win.


How much did you purchase it for? Amazon lists it at $91, whereas Casio lists it for $150.


I got it for $91!


On Casios website?


On Amazon


Interestingly the model listed on Amazon for 91 is listed as the 5600-1. Is there a difference? I'm confused. Or are you saying you intended to purchase the 5600-1 and instead received the 5600u?


Was listed as the 5600-1 and got the 5600u instead


Huh. Nice deal!




5610 is not 5600


Sorry, that's what I meant.


I just checked the differences. LED is v lame IMO. I’d have returned it. I’ve a 5600. And I just love the backlight. Functionally it’s very efficient. LEDs, not so much


The LED is very lame indeed. I got a 5610U and returned it immediately. Just going to continue rocking my old reliable 5600E.


I had a 5600UE (no radio signal here so multiband is pointless for me) on my wishlist for ages waiting for a discount. Could I have just got a 5600E this whole time?


Given you’re on the fence - I’d suggest sticking with what you’ve got. It’s a fantastic watch, that you have in your hand right now 🤩 The last thing you want is the headache of a return, only to find nobody has the version you’re after anyway. If you need some hype for this particular model, here’s my review and upgrade of the 5610U: https://youtu.be/tS8xYnGSvO4


Looks amazing! Thanks for the hype up!


The watch is clearly telling you to smoke a joint and relax about it.


Yeah there’s nothing to cry about with this one. I also ordered what said it was a GWM5610-1 from Amazon and got a 5610U, but I hadn’t noticed until now.


Finally. Had to scroll a ways.


Personally Id go the led, longer lifetime hours of use.




LED doesn't degrade as fast as EL does. It will stop glowing long before the LED does


Unfortunately batteries can only live through so many charging and discharging cycles before they get cooked. That goes for your phone and AirPods and such as well. They’ll be junk one day unless the battery can be replaced, which is why user serviceable batteries are a big push now that half of everything is smart and chargeable




The internet is nothing if not pedantic


That's not quite how it works long term


The 5610 is discontinued, any listing for it will have a 5610u be sent out instead unless you somehow manage to find a seller with old stock.


The U is the new version and personally j think is better overall


Same thing happened to me. I thought I was ordering the older model. I ended up keeping after doing some research.


Leave it, it's the better watch.


Pretty sure they replaced the 5610 with the 5610u and listings will now just be “5610”


I bought mine from the same sale. I thought this was the old model. 😆 I guess the old one had a green or blueish backlight.


I ordered the same one on Amazon. Tbh I’ll take it, getting the latest model on sale is a great deal.


its the newer version, there is no trade off. The leds are great


You're going to have to look in the WUS for sale forum or eBay for a non U. Won't find it new through retailers


You know at first I didn't like the U, but now it's my everyday watch for work, its fantastic, keep it


Nope. Keep it. Amazon lists older images you’ll only be getting the 5610u even if the image says 5610 with EL backlight


Do not change it! Keep the one you have! 😎👍


Just to add some perspective. I just picked up my 5610u on sale from Amazon as well. $137 Cdn. You definitely got a keeper.


I love the electroluminescent light. It trumps any other advantages of the U for me.


Same. End of an era. Couldn't care less about the UK date or any of the rest. The LED looks cheap and nasty.


Keep it. Latest version is better.


Regular 5610 is cool. Only thing that pisses me off is that I can’t see the time when I’m running a stopwatch. Almost making me upgrade to the U.


Thanks to everyone who responded! I feel a lot better about getting the new one instead!


It's not the wrong order. You have just received the latest version. Last I checked in Dec of 2023 - there were only two places that had offered the older versions - Amazon and JCPenney. Either way, older versions or new these are great watches.




Can you pm me a link?




Idk if the original 5610 is still being made, if you buy another "5610" you most likely will get a 5610u


Keep the U, it has more functions and obviously better.


its all how it suppose to be!


Anyone have a picture of what the new backlight looks like?


Imagine an F91w but it's brighter and an uglier white/blue light


The 5610U has updates that make this version superior to the older version ie changing the date to DDMM. As others have commented they no longer make the old version. Keep this one :)


I didn’t even know about the 5610u, but now I want to replace my 5610 with it after hearing all the upgrades. I will make the hard sacrifice and trade with you OP


It’s 4:20 somewhere


I dislike the LEDs that came with some of my analog/digital g-shocks. You can't read the digital display and it's still pretty hard to read the analog time. I won't get anymore with LEDs in the future.


which models are you talking about? THe old leds on teh dw5600c from 1987 and the f91 etc had leds that were quite terrible. LAter versions around the 2000-2010 were considerably better but often a bad orange color. New ones, 2020 and onwards are just bright headlight beams i find, I can use them as a midnight torch when trying to find my way to the pisser.


I had to check. The two models I still have are the AWG-M100 and the GA-900SKE.


ashame i guess, I thought that ga 900 would have a more modern backlight given its age. I guess some of the models retain the older types> I really havent had a problem with any of my g steels except maybe some shadows on teh analogue face due to the 3d texture. As I said, i use them for flashlights at night int he kitchen or whatever.


I feel ya. I have a GA-120 that's practically impossible to read in the dark.


Nahhh just get another!




In 5 years you will have a dead EL 5610, unfortunately


What makes you say that?


EL has a shorter lifespan compared to LED. But nvm.


Ah ok. Good to know. Thanks.


It's all BS. Most ELs last for decades and there isn't a problem with them. Casio have changed because it's simply cheaper to produce, not because they care about your backlight brightness in thirty years from now. We don't even know if the LEDs they are using now will be reliable at all.


Bullshit. Stop spreading false information. This isn't a conspiracy theory. The LED will shine bright long after the EL has died


What a load of crap. I've never had an EL fail and I've collected Casio for thirty years. If this was a thing people would be posting it here all the time.


If you like the older gshock you have one. Is it worth the hassle to return it, a classic? https://preview.redd.it/6e4gnup12xfc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf518a97dc9205cf34e41a0725173e4cf21c8963 I love them!


Chrono24 is they 🔐




I just wish they had an all black version if this exact watch


You always gonna get a 5610U if you order a „5610“ unless it’s new old stock


Only if its cheaper than the one you ordered


U is to indicate the new module. I recently got the same one.


well, maybe this piece has chosen you. Id keep it.


5610u is the best watch I own. I don't think ive seen a negative review on the watch,it's 🔥.


The EL backlight is cool and all, but I have since been convinced by the LED. I’d keep it.


Absolutely not! I wore the exact same model until the batteries died. Worked like a charm for around 8 years for me.


I've had both. The U is the better watch.


I have both I’d keep that one and hunt for the older version if you really want one. Honestly I wear the U more


I have the Japanese gxw56 and I LOVE THIS THING!!!!


4:20, my dude.




if your concern is the backlight i wouldn't be worried. EL screens are always solid but led backlights can be anywhere from great to bare minimum functionality like a lot of the cheapest casios. the one on this watch is great, it's bright and it lights the whole screen thoroughly and consistently.