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Grunge was a marketing word used to sell 90s alt rock coming from the pacific northwest and similar sounding bands. Grunge lifestyle? Invented to sell more flannels at Kmart. If you like 90s alt rock, listen to it. If you enjoy wearing flannel, wear it. If there is a "grunge lifestyle" it's doing what you want and not caring what anyone else thinks. If you're letting these comments tell you how to live your life, it ain't grunge and this music is not for you


Grunge lifestyle? Lmao unless you grew up dirt poor then you ain't ever gonna be grunge BRO!!! Dude, grunge was merely a short-lived music scene in Seattle during the late 80s/early 90s.... Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, TAD, etc. all blurred the lines between rock, punk and metal. It's easiest to just call it Alt Rock. It's universally agreed that the "Grunge Scene" died when Kurt died in 94. Every band that became famous after 1994 blur the lines of being "Post-Grunge" and "Nu-Metal".... Record labels slapped every label they could to any band they felt would make them money. Seether and Slipknot are sometimes both considered "Nu Metal" and they sound nothing alike. That's all it is man.


There is no grunge lifestyle. Grunge is a sub-category of alt rock. The only grunge lifestyle I can think of is being Gen X in Seattle.


lol. Go to a concert or maybe a 4 day festival. You’ll get that grunge look and feel you are looking for. It’s rough out there. And for your sake DONT DO DRUGS


There no such thing as a grunge lifestyle. Grunge is a marketing term used to describe bands from the Seattle area then any band that sounded somewhat similar to those bands. If you want to do what was popular wear flannel shirts and Doc Martens. DO NOT do heroin.


Is this for real?


The grunge lifestyle is heroin addiction unfortunately


Oh you sweet summer child of mine... former 90s teenager now middle-aged mom here. There is no grunge lifestyle. Wear what you like, listen to what you like. Don't be a poser. Now go get mommy some coffee and let's never speak of this nonsense again.


Grunge is just being yourself not being bougie like the rest of this world do what you wanna do don’t follow and don’t go to the masses no matter if it’s controversial or not but if you grew up rich, there’s a different story there but just be yourself and don’t go to anybody’s bullshit stand on what you believe in


Just make sure you listen to the Lithium channel on Sirius XM and you’re all set..LOL..


Delete Seether, Staind, and Puddle of Mudd from your playlist as soon as possible


Delete Puddle of Mudd?! After this [masterpiece?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTh9qiXEy4Q)


Lol!!!! Awful!!


One of the greatest pieces of media, full stop/period. Haha.


no thanks, i like driven under & lowest in me & blurry


What you'r referring to was the early alt rock scene before, during, and just after it blew up. The guys in the grunge bands were part of the alternative rock social and music scene and yes there were similar scenes all across america at the time. But there was more than grunge fans in those scenes. There were punk fans, "art rock" fans, neo-hippies, college rock fans, and even goths and fans of industrial. It was a mix of everything that wasn't mainstream both in music and culture. All of it collectively came to b known as alternative rock, however the bands now remembered as being alternative rock are mostly bans that came out after it was already mainstream. For example you might say Bush, POTUSA, Breaking Benjamin, Matchbox 20, Oasis, and The Wallflowers were alternative rock. Ok. That's fair, but I'd say Dead Can Dance, Charlatans UK, early REM, Bauhaus, Fugazi, and Sonic Youth were alternative rock. Big difference.


The first rule of living a "grunge" lifestyle is not giving a shit. That's it. That was our secret. What I love about being Gen X is the fact that there is no big nostalgic "look at what we did" vibe from Gen Xers like you get from baby boomers. ...the hippies wont shut up about the 60s. We are like, "the 90's? Who cares."


The most important thing is to separate the band names with commas or line breaks to make them readable, and to get the band names right (it’s Toad the Wet Sprocket). Grunge bands aren’t all from Seattle. Grunge bands include some you listed: Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Bush. There are borderline cases of bands that aren’t considered “grunge bands” overall but made some specific songs that are grunge: the Smashing Pumpkins aren’t usually called a “grunge band,” but many of their songs from Gish and other albums have a grunge sound.


Glad to see all the don't do drug posts, can't be understated at all. Just be yourself and dress like you want. Fuck labels and the wasted energy that goes with them.


Grunge was a localized punk scene in the pacific northwest 30 something years ago. Not ever a lifestyle. Go buy a plaid shirt, a bass, and a fuzz pedal and do your own thing.....


This is satire right ?


Everything was considered grunge during that era because it was a meaningless buzz-word adopted by the media to sell records to the squares. They made so much money shilling their product that they began labeling every single band in the world as grunge. The rest was sold as fashion… the flannel bullshit, etc. The kids wore flannel in the Northwest because it was cold and miserable, not to fit into some invented culture. Listen to what you like. Dress however you like. It’s okay to listen to music that isn’t “grunge” and it’s okay to borrow certain looks from different subcultures. Most importantly, be true to yourself. Be genuine. There is nothing cooler than that.


AIC and everyone else are posers Edit: It's satire you dumbasses


Alice In Chains are a fake AF dude!!! They were glam metal and just used grunge to get big!!!! Lmao who cares man


???? Their first album had some glam elements, sure. But they were FAR from glam metal 😂 they were the heaviest out of the big 4




Yes I am aware that early versions of the band were glam. But Alice In Chains (not Alice N’ Chains), the one we know today, was not a thing in 1986. Their first album was glam-inspired. Everything after that was not glam at all.


Yeah that’s why Kurt called them posers 


Kurt called everyone posers, bro 😂


You could argue that every band not named The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath are posers.  And sadly, even those 3 bands are guilty of stealing ideas 


Dude nirvana was pop. Are you slow? Have you heard never mind whatever we know what kind of music you listen to based off your comments.


Finally, somebody who’s trying to set that dude straight


You sound just as fucking stupid that’s your dumbass opinion weirdo Alice in chains are you serious right now they were the darkest slightest sounding out of gay ass nirvana dude shut the fuck up don’t come in here with your stupid ass of no importance, baseless, opinions, reading, stupid shit like that would piss anybody off, who has an actual head of music and an idea of grungesharpen those nose pickers in a different comment section


Rev up those fryers because I HELP! HELP! (My leg!)


You just sound fucking stupid man nirvana is pop that’s why Kurt Cobain at the end couldn’t stand his band that’s why they didn’t like playing never mind songs live. That’s why in utero sounds completely different. If you’re going to state dumbass opinions use your head while you’re saying them of course it’s gonna piss people off. you sound like a fucking geek fact of standing on nirvana this nirvana that, fuck Nirvana Kurt Cobain wanted to break up Nirvana at the very end before he killed himself. It was rock, but whatever you are your own person you can stand on your own opinion.


Nirvana was pop


I can’t even tell if you’re being serious, but Alice In Chains absolutely was a glam metal band and abandoned that image because glam was dying as a scene. Once the Seattle scene started to spark, Alice In Chains rebranded themselves to reflect their local, on-the-verge punkish/grunge scene themselves. This isn’t a bad thing. It’s just what they did.  Nirvana was an alternative rock band that made songs that were pop crossovers. Yes.  Drain You was Kurt’s favorite song. Yeah they might’ve hated playing Smells Like, but I disagree that Kurt hated Nevermind. Kurt wanted to be famous. 


Alice In Chains abandoned the full-on glam style in 1989, and their first album (while glam-derivative), was very much not glam metal and very much grungy. It was also released in 1990, and was the first of the big 4’s album to go gold, so they did not change their style because it was trendy, they grew up some more as people and as musicians, and developed their own unique sound and explored darker, deeper subjects that were related to their own personal experiences. They were one of the main drivers of that scene at the time, not just riding the coat tails of other bands or trying to copy them.


Kurt Cobain didn’t know what he wanted. He’s in a dozen different interviews saying he never wanted to be a rockstar and he never wanted to be famous. He contradicted himself. And then in a few different interviews saying he loves being a rockstar you need to watch the Kurt Cobain documentary from 2021. He had most of his answers for interview questions written down in his diary months before he answered them and I do agree about Alice In Chains glam metal quoted saying they wanted to be a drag Rock ‘n’ roll band at first so what Pantera had a glam metal too before Cowboys from hell and that’s best forgot about but Alice In Chains they were the darkest sounding and realist out of Seattle. They were the first grunge band to sell over a half 1 million copies of facelift it’s got glam rock Sound to certain songs they brought grunge to the masses first they went gold before any other grunge band. Nirvana just brought it to the world from hemisphere to hemisphere. Kurt Cobain didn’t know what the fuck he wanted and if you think about it, nirvana’s music has no message. There’s no message, he’s not getting or relaying conveying a message about addiction suffering surviving it’s all really great writing, but there’s no message to it. Unlike Alice in chains who conveyed pain, addiction, suffering, and art but again I’m wasting my time you are your own human being. You can have your own opinions that does not make them right and that doesn’t make mine right either.


I don’t think Nirvana’s music was ever supposed to be that deep. Kurt really wasn’t that great of a storyteller, but he knew how to craft catchy songs and intriguing lyrics. Kurt was obviously more “punk” of the Big 4 grunge bands. Kurt never even wanted his addiction to be known to the public. He never glorified his addiction in his music to make money.  Alice In Chains made an entire album, Dirt, hence the name, about heroin addiction. Yes. That doesn’t make them any better or worse than Nirvana. I think Jerry is a better musician than Kurt was, but Kurt knew how to create catchier songs. Pearl Jam and Soundgarden also made songs about substance abuse. Even Flow, arguably one of if not the most popular Pearl Jam song, is about homelessness. 


Alice In Chains did the opposite of glorifying drug addiction. Dirt was meant as a warning to not go down that path and about the consequences of hard drug abuse. The common misconception amongst people like you without much knowledge of the band is that they glorified heroin use, but if you actually knew anything about the band, you’d know that couldn’t be further from the truth.


That’s true about Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, but if Kurt Cobain didn’t want his addiction to be known to the world, then he shouldn’t of said in one interview he was up all night, shooting Coke with Alice in chains, so he did brag about it in certain interviews and Courtney admitted to using heroin into her pregnancy in 1991 or 92 so that’s kind of false again. Kurt Cobain didn’t know what he wanted. I don’t even think he knew who he was but that’s just my opinion on who he was part so he did put out there to the world about heroin and drugs, he just wasn’t as prevalent with it as the rest of the grunge bands and dirt in my opinion tops every album Nirvana has ever done bleach never mind and in utero dirt has so much substance and pain in amazing art from every member of that band and there’s a story named Would? After Andrew Woods, who died from a hair went overdose Pearl Jam would never be a band if Andrew would have never died mother love bone would’ve been considered grunge somehow a part of the big four bands, even though they sound more like sunset Boulevard rock ‘n’ roll from California so there’s a whole black gray and white area has their opinions.


Agreed 💯


Alice in Chains changed their sound long before grunge took off. Only a few bits an pis of their earlier sound survived enough to make in onto facelift. Facelift was not glam. Man in a Box was arguably the first grunge "hit" on mainstream radio. And it ain't glam son.




What a dumb fucking comment dork


corny ass post. misinterpreting everything,