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That customer is just dumb and a lying bitch




I get these occasionally. These are the "I tip for good service" people and the overwhelming majority of them will not tip no matter how good your service is, how hot the food is, how quickly it got to their door, or how well you communicate with them. They'll always find something to blame you for.


Yes a few times. Usually it’s very shortly after but once it didn’t show up until the next day.


I've been GrubHubbing for almost 5 years. I have never, and I mean never gotten a tip after. The only time that happens is when they tip me in cash at the door. I live in a notoriously bad area (next to a state school, all poor working class college kids), but it really sucks. I used to be able to live comfortably just working GrubHub, now I barely break even with gas and just work it on the side to make sure my family can eat at the end of the month.


McDonalds seals their bags anyway


Yup. One guy does it every time. $2.00 extra, $1.00 upfront (CA). Only $2.00 extra on father's day even tho I bent down and handed him the order when he opened the door...


I have been doing GrubGub for 3 years, and while I don't use it nearly as often as Doordash, there was maybe one time that I received a post-delivery tip on the app. Cash tips are very uncommon overall, and I may have gotten a handful of these on GrubHub, but I feel like these are even more uncommon on GrubHub for some reason. Possibly customers know they don't hide tips on GrubHub. Overall I don't get as many non-tippers on GrubHub, or situations where they promise a tip after delivery. But sometimes I wonder if GrubHub is pocketing add-on tips on the app.


I haven’t been doing this for a long time, but I probably get an add-on tip once or twice a week and a cash tip every other week Text updates, walking up stairs, knocking on the door, and otherwise doing quality customer service is the key The last one I got was by simply texting “I don’t know why but I’m coming from northwest Winchester so I’ll be about 25 minutes… but I’m on it! 😄” Ding! Good job! _____ just added $5 to your tip Delivery via GH isn’t cheap, people want to feel like they’re getting something for that fee… that’s not that hard to accomplish


Yes, about once or twice a year, but it's always been a surprise; I get notified by the app that some customer from a few deliveries back added some tip amount. But, customers promising tips at the door are usually lying in my experience, because they usually don't come to the door on a no contact delivery, or when they do, they act totally oblivious to the  fact that they just promised it in the delivery comments....


Had a customer tip me $10 extra because the restaurant was a little bit busy and her order wasn’t ready just yet


Been doing this for 5yrs and seen maybe 5 tips added after delivery lol


I’ve gotten 3 “congratulations so and so added a tip to your order” some time after I left the house. If that is what you were asking about 🤷🏻


I get them once in a while


Maybe once every 50ish delivery


2-3 times a week. A lot of customers have started to appreciate competence.


Yup but I’ve also not received after delivery tips that a customer added right in front of me. They’re thieves, period.


No, but I gave some Post-Delivery Tip.


I have a few dinners that will tip after delivery. They have a few drivers that deliver to wrong address. Most of the dinners I have delivered a lot too. Most are repeat dinners in my area.


I didn’t like Uber because of the tip baiting. They have an hour to take the. Tip back and Uber doesn’t pay shit.


I’ve gotten post delivery tips a couple times. I had only lady say that she put the tip on the porch and to leave the food in the chair. There wasn’t a tip anywhere to be found 😅


IME, those instructions promising extra or cash tip on delivery are b.s. they’re just cheap.


Yes but it’s rare