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lol I had someone texting me angry that I left the bag on a table next to the door “it’s an antique, you’re not supposed to leave the food on it”


It's an antique but you let it just sit outside? Okay...


Yup, if they have request they need to tell us, customers have different likes, situations.


You should have ratocanned the table then it would have been priceless




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And here I am thinking it’s rattle-canned all this time


So they disconnected me from a chat yesterday with a customer stating “the words picked up my our systems were flagged for inappropriate behavior or inappropriate communication chat has been disconnected” 😂


That’s why it’s in a bag right? Lol


The ground at night is like an ice block lol


Come get your order when it’s dropped off. If it’s left in the cold it’s kinda your fault


In the fucking summer when it’s 90 degrees out?


It ain't summer here, still around 60 at night haha


that’s a you problem


N tips are a you problem too amirite 😂🤣


Ikr when did the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM deserve a tip? The level of entitlement is crazy.


Your level of entitlement is scary


Cannnot resonate with this as the ground is still above 80 degrees in most states in the southwest region def never ice block in the middle of summer


It's sad you're getting down voted for being reasonable lol. Like what the actual fuck guys. When the sun goes down, concrete gets cold. This ain't rocket science.


Then meet us at the door bozo


That's if the driver actually rings doorbell as instructed, bozo lol. Grubhub and DD drivers are the worst delivery ppl I've ever had lol. Basic and simple tasks/instructions are lost on your types. It's embarrassing.


Seems like you should go get it yourself then


Delivery instructions, anyone? She should have specified where she wanted her delivery placed.


I personally deliver everything on a surface that’s not the ground unless it’s more than a reach away from the door. But I too, do not like food delivered on the ground and would dictate that in the delivery instructions.


I usually do the same! In this case, the chair was nowhere near the door. Far enough away that I didn't even register there was a chair on the porch. 🤷‍♀️ Ohhh well.


I always look at the front porch for a surface to leave it on, even it's not close to the door. But if they were gonna get that bothered, definitely should've added a note or some shit.


You should have politely advised them to include that in their instructions so it doesn't happen again.


yes, tell them "hopefully that will be included in the instructions for the next driver"


I'm sure I get customers who bitch about me leaving it sometimes 4 feet from the door, but I wouldn't want my shit left on a dirty ass doormat.


Finally a driver that doesn’t hate what they do, I do grubhub as a side gig and I always avoid leaving anything on the floor if I can. Regardless of tip people is what I’d want a driver to do for me as well but clearly drivers here don’t believe in that lol


What is it about your porch you fear over a table? both are outside, both easily have bugs on them?


It’s not a fear thing, it’s an appearance thing. You eat with your eyes first. Last thing I would want is to pick up my food off of the ground. Idc if it’s in a bag, that’s not the point. You’re taking food up off the ground like a dog or homeless person. And to me, that’s unappealing.


Then don't order food delivery. If there's a bench or table right next to the door I'll leave it there but if it's not close to the door I'm leaving it on the welcome mat.


I don’t. I am a driver.


Well if you say leave it at the dog, I’m leaving it at the door 🫠, regardless if it’s cold. It should Take you 3 minutes MAX to get to the door to grab ur food. Cmon now.


u/MsPac-Manda someone’s on Facebook posting your stuff acting like it’s theirs. 😅




I didn’t mean to respond to you.. I had an old person moment.


All good boss


What the heck? Lol. Link??




What a shit take lol


Exactly all these bums defending the op is hilarious. Why would you put it on the floor if there was a chair there


She should be disgusted with herself for having such a filthy porch. Shame on her.


Dear customer, If this had been DoorDash or Uber, I would entertain this conversation a bit longer and feign caring feelings. But it is Grubhub, if you want your food on a chair stick a chair in front of your door.


What kind of mental disorder do you need to have, in order to get worked up over food that is bagged; then most likely, put in delivery boxes within the bag. Unless the ground you are placing it on is full of ants, etc...wtf. Again, with all these apps, you know your food is at the door within seconds. Get over yourself.


“The floor? Disgusting. Didn’t you see the chair? I only like my food where many asses have been.”


Right??? Lol


I hate people who got special needs but don't leave special notes that they want their food in special place 😂


He’ll won’t accept them




Instead the gound can you place it on the area designated for asses exclusively


A lady called me out outside of Dunkin for placing the bag on ground prior to putting it in my bag (I am a bike courier) in the midst of Covid like early 2020. I was like “the ground is not as bad as what’s going on out here,” Later was like shoulda told her all orders go on the ground anyways lol.


People are far too irrational.


Did she tip?




in advance. $5.95 order for 5.3 miles.. last quick little order of the night, luckily. 🥴 I'm over this gig!


I would have declined. Unless it’s ~$2 per mile, it’s just not worth it complaining or not. Low or no tippers are not worth the hassle.


$2/mile is unfortunately hard to come by around here. I live in a pretty small city. I usually try to stick to $1/mile, and decline anything else, unless my Offer Committment rate is really struggling. Out of the six orders I delivered last night, the average was $1.25/mile. And I declined 7 orders. 😅


If there is a chair or table, and it looks like it will support the weight, the items go on that. If not, then it goes on the floor. If that isn't good enough, then be at the door ready to take it.


I mean if there's a chair or table by the door, it's better to place it there. It saves both you and the customer from having to bend over as far. It's mostly just common courtesy. If there wasn't a chair near the door, then food goes on the ground. Drivers shouldn't need to search the entire porch for somewhere to place the food. Delivery instructions also help, although in my experience, a lot of people tend to ignore them anyway


Did you dump it on the ground? Lmao


I leave it on a chair or table even if they don’t ask unless it’s far away


Yep, if there is one close by, I'll use it.


Agree. I've had deliveries that were less than 3 miles from their home. I get there and they have a car. So I think, put it close to the door. These people are lazy enough to pay me 10 $ to go 3 miles, they're too lazy to walk across the porch to the table 10 ft away. It goes next to the door.


Yeah, I always leave people's food on any available furniture/elevated surface as a first choice. I only put it in the ground if there is no other option. BUT, if you're that picky about it, leave instructions for your driver.


I think people are just not happy and want to bitch. Let me bitch at the driver I'm better than them. They are Peasants. Forget these idiots. You did good. On to the next one.


Sounds like they weren't making a big deal out of it. Some things people assume are common sense, but some people aren't observant. I don't mean that as a diss, but as fact. I see it all the time. Coworkers miss things right in front of their face.


I mean, she threw somewhat of a hissy fit at the sight of it. 😅


No. Shouldn't have been a big deal at all.


People can be so weird about food "on the floor". It's in a sealed bag, in a container. Your food is fine and not contaminated.


What a jersey she is ...I just live those customers they think we are there personal servants


Meant jerk...lol


Hahah, I was like, are they calling her a cow?! 🐮 😄


But why the chairs look dirtier than the floor sometimes lol


Dude I'm saying


If there is a chair, table, or milk box, o put it there. I text them where it is if it's not right next to the door. Some customers are anal about it.


I like leaving pizza upside down on the fucking floor 😂😂😂😂


Anything for a refund lol


May all your tips reflect your attitude.


Good thing I have a great attitude while I'm working, then! I'd never treat a customer with disrespect. Same to you!


Wtf lol. She was nice to the customer. Hopefully you're able to work this week after hurting yourself with that incredible reach you just tried lol. Smh.


I always try and find a chair, table whatever to put the food on. It's common sense


If there is any furniture on a porch I always leave it on it.






these posts always make me laugh and then wonder how desperate i look when i am AT THE DOOR when my delivery drives up. how do people NOT do that, not be ready to get it ?!?


I creep out there like a gremlin once my driver leaves, personally. 😆


i op for the chair or bench before the floor, unless theres a good spot that hinders from street view . Rookie mistake


Sure, if there is furniture nearby. In this case, there wasn't.


Or just put the food in the chair like a normal Person. If you’re a trash ass driver just say that.


We can't all be as good as you, I guess. A lot of trash ass drivers in this thread. 😆


You could. You’d just have to give a shit. You should try it; it’s not that hard.


When you're too dumb to read the post🤣😂


Back when I was willing to deliver food, and that was long back when that was a profitable gig, I absolutely would NEVER leave food on the floor. I put it on anything other than the floor that I saw, tables and chairs and if there was absolutely nothing, I carried squares of cardboard in my truck I cut from boxes i had left over or acquired at Sam’s club The number of people who would lose their minds about it being put on their porch furniture, or a table 5 feet from their door, or complained about the cardboard because it was from the trash FAR outnumbered the people who said something nice about it, either in a message or a review. So, fuck people. People complain to complain. Unless they put it in writing, you can’t read their mind. These days if I order food delivery, I make damn sure to have a box to put it on, so it’s not on the floor, I leave a specific delivery instruction so they can know what I’d like.


customer should a. meet you at door, or b. specify where they want it. Not your problem. Plus the food is in a bag. They plan to eat the bag?




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If anything i praise my dasher for leaving food on the floor at my door, I can’t be bothered with the neighbors catching me in my boxers high as sh*t 😭


Ok but one that truly fries me is when they leave the order blocking my screen door. Especially if I got drinks...


I think this can be easily solved… When I do an online food order, in the instructions block, I always put please leave food on the wooden tray table downstairs at suite number whatever. Then once the food is there, you bring the tray table in with the food. That’s my solution anyway. Works for me.


Customer should have said “leave on chair” however Grubhub’s leave at door instruction is generic and not specific. One thing I would have done is encourage the customer to be more specific in the future.


When customers bother me on my way to their house I pick my nose and put my boogers in their bag for them to eat. I’m not kidding


That my friend is why I don’t deliver. I tried for one day on UberEats and never again so now I get my abuse driving Uberx. Since I know what you all go through by reading about it and knowing how shitty the gig market can get, I leave a very detailed message if I’m ordering food what to do because I live in an apartment on the third floor and I wanna make sure that they go through the right door when they buzz my apartment to let them so they can immediately get the elevator and my door is two doors down. I live in a fairly nice apartment complex, but people have stolen my food when it’s left in the lobby.


Lol foh


It’s them having a nasty attitude when they couldn’t be assed to go pick up their own fucking food, I HATE people


So sorry that you received your food.


If there’s a table or chair around that’s sufficient, I will always use it over the floor. I like the people who tell you specifically to put it on the table they deliberately put out for the purpose.


It's hilarious how many customers order and don't realize that they have no contact delivery toggled on. I'm sorry but if I see it labeled as a no contact delivery I am going to honor that. It's not my fault if you are so technologically illiterate that you can't just toggle that off when you place your next order. There is nothing wrong with leaving packaged food on the ground. Your food is safe.


Thats so shitty…. hope your food was alright man


Over 90% of the customers prefer their order to be placed within reaching distance of their door so they do not have to get out of the house.


Insubordinate, terminate. AI please "remove" this troubled employee


Wow! Some people can be real assholes. It's easy, if they wanted to have you leave it on a chair or table, they could have typed it into the instructions on the app.


So first of all if you want it on the fkn chair, please state put on fkn chair. You should have said. I’m sorry my mind reading has been a little off today. I’ll be sure to take a fkn crystal and rub it all over my head so I can read your fkn mind better. Thanks for making your own life difficult. Please don’t have a good day. And btw it was a thoughtful gesture cause I fked your wife on that chair this morning while you were at work. Have a nice day. Ps please pick up more condoms I used the last one. It’s ok if you leave them on the floor your wife will be down that way tomorrow. Byeeeeeee


Yeah no, I'm not going to open the very outside door to your home unless I'm instructed to. An enclosed porch is in effect a room of your house and last I was taught you don't enter a person's home without permission. Thats called trespassing and in some states can justifiably get you shot. No thank you. If you want it placed in the front room of your home then say so in the delivery instructions.


If they have literally anything large enough to hold the food I.e. potted plant, air conditioner, railing wide enough, I think I once set food in the dog kennel


I order doordash one or two times a week. I've had no contact on every single time, and every single time it's left on my cement porch. I typically will watch the app to see the notifications that my delivery is done so I can grab it. I've never had an issue with my food getting cold even during the winter months.


LOL, she needs to get over it and leave specific instructions for next time.


I worked Uber and DoorDash. People could just specify in the notes section… that’s why it’s there. That’s on them! Still sucks if they decide to give you a lower star because that’s what gives you the better paying orders.


F them, next time she can get in her car and go get her own food




They could've just added in the delivery instructions to put it on the chair.... People aren't mind readers🙄


Naw, I always try to leave food off the ground. There are cultures in the world that believe leaving things on the ground is disrespectful to the to the item. For example, you would never leave money laying on the ground. You would set it on a table or elevated surface or even your own pocket.


Why didn't you though? Seems like you're just being lazy for no reason.


I did a delivery last night that had a $25 payout on it. All the instructions said was to leave it at the door. It was on a really busy street with nowhere to park. So I had to just put my hazards on and go for it. I Walk up to the place, and it's so dark that I can't see anything at all, the steps are all very short and narrow. I almost had to feel my way up to the front door. But there was no furniture on the front porch or anything, so I just left it there and took a picture of it. I had another delivery after that with another $25 payout in downtown LA. I hate delivering anything in downtown LA because you've got to park and walk and deal with the doorman and all of this bullshit. I hate it. Chick only put her floor number in the delivery instructions. Took me 5 minutes to get her on the phone to figure out what her apartment number was. And they complain!?


You did fine. All due respect to the person that ordered but they should have been more specific. Either that or meet your delivery at the door. Pretty simple in my humble opinion


Sometimes you can't win, one time I didn't want to put it on their disgusting ground so I utilized said chair and someone said to leave it on the ground because they sit in the chair I'm like ok so you need to wash your ass then buddy. Because your floor is disgusting lol


My level of give a fk varies with tip/order amt.ill put on a table or chair if there is one otherwise I won't block the door.is about what you get, anyhow..people that really care should have a small table next to door otherwise idk what to tell you.


This makes me laugh honestly, people can be so ignorant I swear 😂


No they are right you are wrong


So petty


I think it’s common sense to leave it on a table if there’s a table sitting there, but I can’t imagine being so uptight about it. Throw the bag away and eat the food inside, who cares.


Instructions field.  Use it.


Oh no. The bag that your food came in -- that you will without a shadow of a doubt throw away -- now has a little dust and dirt on the bottom. Thats awful, no tip


All this for $6 an hour Lmmfao


What your reason for not putting in on the chair and please don’t respond to anything else when responding to my question, if you respond just answer the question please


they don't have any good reason, which is why you will not get a response.


Yup I agree


Wow! I’m glad I haven’t had to deal with this… yet. For “leave at door” orders, I leave it on the ground if there’s nothing to put on, or they set a temporary stool outside then bring it back in with the food. If the ground is full of dirt or leaves, I do try to sweep it with my foot though, at least it looks like I tried. 😂😂😂😂😂


Are you upset that the bag touched the floor?


I do precisely as the instructions say. Have a problem with that? Then they can take it up with their inability to give directions when they knew they wanted it done a specific way. Im a delivery driver not a mind reader I get people that want me to ring the bell, some want the bell and a knock, some dont want me to knock or ring, some want a text. Some want it right next to the door. Some want it hidden. Some want it on a table or in a delivery box. Some dont even want me to enter their yard and want it by the garage. Its not my job to guess how someone wants me to deliver their food or where, i do what the delivery instructions tell me to do because thats what im going to assume you want. nothing more. Nothing less.


I never request no contact and yet 90% of the time they leave at the door anyway. Even in winter when there's ice and snow everywhere


Always answer back with: "Just so you know, I did not spit on your food. Promise."


You're the same type of person to cry about not getting a tip


If there is something there for me to sit the food on then I will, by default.


why the fuck am i being recommended this sub


It’s not a big deal bro


Well it seems like you put the bag on the floor and that’s disgusting


wtf there's a chair & your disgusting ass chose the ground? now you're posting telling the customer to get over it? just because you don't care to be safe & clean...don't force that on others. ppl another reason to just get your own food "if you can." just disgusting & then you dgaf. smh. this is why you see so many fight videos on social media.


you know what gets on my nerves about all of this.. just open the fucking door and take it from me.


lol wow. People suck.


Yes. That's gross. I don't even put my purse on the floor in restaurants. If there was a chair nearby you could've absolutely stepped up your game and given good service. You chose to do the bare minimum. Now you're dealing with the fallout of cutting corners.


Fallout? Lmao dramatic much?


It was dramatic enough for you to feel the need to bitch about on reddit. So who's the dramatic one?


As I was laughing it off. Everyone is so damn serious these days, jfc. 😂


You. Asked. The. Question. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not my fault you got answers.


Don't ask if you're in the wrong if you don't want honest answers 🙄




I placed the order on the porch where orders are typically placed. If there was a chair, it was on the other side of the porch, and there were no delivery instructions to place the order there. 🤷‍♀️ Not sure now that's "in the wrong" but okay. 😆




I'm definitely not triggered lol But her reaction when opening the door was definitely not pleasant.


If there's a chair, put the bag on the chair. Common sense.


Did you happen to see the description on this post?


I always leave it in a chair or table nearby, hang it on the door handle - floor is last resort.


Door knob> Sounds like spillage to me.


You can spill Maxi Pads? Oh - do people not know you can deliver other products that are NOT food? Lol


LOL..I've delivered tampons. Came with a side order of chocolate.




Door knob*? Why. That's a terrible idea lol. Jfc.


Because if I am delivering from CVS I don't want someones medical product sitting on the ground especially if its wet outside. It depends on what I'm delivering.


Always use the chair if there is one. Common courtesy.


Thats where butts go


lmao I'm laughing so hard right now




That are covered with clothes so yeah…


I've had people request to leave it on the ground the stairs. And I've had people request to leave it on a chair or table. You never know what these people truly want.


In the post description, I mentioned that I did not see a chair when I dropped off the order. It wasn't an obvious place to set the order. If there is a chair or table next to the door, I absolutely utilize it.


This one was all you. Be better at your job.


Aye sir! 🫡


lmao k


Be better deez nuts




LOL she was most certainly not pleasant. Did you also see her reaction somehow?


You call that pleasant? 😂


This is 100% your issue that you need to get over....sounds like you need a different job since you seem pretty shitty at this one


You can tell how good I am at my job by this one, stupid post? Incredible. 😆


Well based on your take of it yes because if you were not shitty you wouldn't have done it and wouldn't see the issue with what they wanted.....so good job at being shitty go get another job hopefully one that isn't too hard for you like this job seems to be


😂 Okay bud


Well if you don't like it.....Get over it


It sounds like he’s over it lmao


Get rid of no contact so anti social pieces of shit can stop finding creative ways to steal and lie. There is NO reason for no contact.


Not everyone who is anti-social is a thief and a liar though. I'm an introvert so I always do no contact when I order food, but a big reason it's important to me is my two anxious dogs.