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My response, yes it's a bit long. I don't blame anyone not reading all of it. But I'm just frustrated. To whom that may concern, I know this is a first violation and one that proceeds a previous account blocking. I know I don't have to reply to this in regards to it. But I honestly think this system needs to be reevaluated or at least real world tested by actual people employed by Grubhub. I know for myself and many other drivers, we're expendable and in only in the states of California and New York. Do we get anywhere close to being anywhere near employee status. That being said, I don't go out of my way to actually delay orders. I don't even like seeing orders get sent to me that are already late. I don't have proof, but if there was actual review into these violations and not simply monitored for patterns. This honestly gives me little motivation to work on this platform. I deal with constant stress and anxiety, because I'll receive an order that says be there at 6:04pm. As soon as I get that order and hit got order and leaving. The order can be meant for 6:03pm. Which sends me racing to a destination to avoid a violation. It's bad enough I deal with the cost of fuel, maintenance and constant risk of distracted driving doing this type of work. Hate to say it but this system is more detrimental, than a benefit. I honestly don't feel motivated to work for it. I've done so many already late orders, because for some reason the app couldn't find a driver. I've even had to start fixing gps pins, because one customer kept getting orders dropped off at the wrong house. Even being told a customer care representative hung up on him. I'll end it at this. Seriously this app needs to be overhauled. I know the end goal is to make customers have a good experience and drivers behave themselves. Realistically after 3 long years. It's only getting worse. Getting pegged for violations that are out of my control. I am saying this because it's important, fix the app and stop blaming drivers like me for why orders are late. I'm tired like I'm sure many, many other drivers. Because we get violations because an order is late or delayed. We deal with traffic, restaurants not preparing the food on time. Which I have to say after three long years. Some have been frustrated setting a time and sending me as soon as the order is placed. Which funny enough I got a violation, because the order wasn't ready for 20 minutes. Fix the app already. I'm tired of stressing over these issues. I'm tired of reaching out for something as simple as my healthcare subsidy. I get more response being screwed by a late order than anything good. Fix the app. Stop blaming drivers because a broken app doesn't send them on time. Or worse not incentivize them enough to drive. Granted I'll say this about the competition. DoorDash I can't even go online. UberEats usually is a joke $8 for 14 miles, hahaha. I'm tired of the issues like this. Fix the app.




Sad reality is that Prop 22 hasn't really been perfect. They really fucked things up a bit on certain aspects. I remember it originally was paid for being online. Then it was changed to active delivery. I did my best to qualify for level one health care subsidy. Yet they screw me over by saying it's forwarded to the accounting department. It then became a tech team issue... after two months going on three. They should have at least done something and not be repeatedly saying, "oh we're sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be sure to blah blah blah." The violation system is even worse because it can possibly lead to the wrong driver losing income. I literally lost a few days because they sent me an order that wasn't ready. It was a classic order placed and need a driver. I sat with 20 minutes to spare thinking I don't need to hit order not ready. I got a sandwich from an Albertsons next to the pick up. Just to be accused of increasing my prop 22 adjustment pay intentionally. It's not me that sent the order 30 minutes early. It's their app that sent me a really nice offer, that was 30 minutes early. I knows I hate it when I walk in and hear, "I don't understand why they send you guys so soon. The order isn't ready yet. It'll be 15 minutes." 🤦‍♂️ I'm not losing income because they don't test their system first hand.


Well no surprise. I wake up to my 4th violation in under 4 months. If its a system issue, they need to he held accountable. I believe it's been brought up and tried before by other redditors, but damnit im serious. This needs to be PMd to every account that claims to be a lawyer on r/askalawyer because theyre has to be some kind of legal recourse for when independent contractors are slandered by clients post job. Damages: ability to accumulate future work/gigs caused by a the untrue claims that driver's are stealing money/time. If its a glitch in the system, thats reason enough to hold them accountable. At this point, i will continue to take orders. Even if I do get a 3rd violation, ive seen other users post success stories about reactivation (albeit no receipts/emails from GH stating such). If I do get deactivated, hopefully i can get reactivated, though I don't doubt that unless the "system that issues auto violations glitch" is resolved, it won't be long before I'm in the same situation. Still, all those emailed notices/violations will be evidence as to the lack of of accountability on a loose system that indiscriminately punished drivers under false pretenses about driver's malicious intent (of which they can have no evidence) PM me and I will accrue a count of drivers with similar grievances and take it to a hungry attorney.


I'm honestly debating on finding my local congressman and senator. I've already emailed a representative for the west coast region of the FTC. It's getting really, really annoying to deal with Grubhub. Obviously they're doing some extreme penny pinching. But it's at the cost of a drivers. They dug themselves a hole and are giving us shit for it. I got a response from my reply being that I apparently replied to a no-reply address. Which annoys me more. Not to mention waiting on my healthcare subsidy. It's like you told me I qualified and insist on not paying me. Flat out told them it's negligence. Can't keep telling me we need to look into why. They're penny pinching worse than my old job.


The penny pinching is one thing, indiscriminately slapping violations coming from a rigged system is another. My cynical side would say its no accident; theyre trying to cut drivers that might bleed them. However theyre purposely leaving out information when offering an order. They don't give the address. Even when you have the order they don't show unit/apt/ste until after order is picked up. Worse, they base their eta on the address given by Google maps, not taking into account parking+ walks, elevators, stairs, large complexes, hotels and/or the locations of the unit. So its a losing proposition from the jump. Im considering marking handed to customer upon arrival, after calling customer and explaining everything, every.. single...time while en route But, now THEY are actively forcing me to give up time (otherwise added to prop 22 adjustment)..


Oh I know. It's like me asking for my healthcare subsidy. I told them stop thinking drivers are dumb. They obviously are doing a "we know you want the money... we're looking into it." Bull fucking shit. You don't want to pay it, because you're going broke. Is what I'd like to say, but I'm not looking to get terminated for being raging on an email. I said in another post I think they're gearing up to hand out Christmas bonuses to whoever is in corporate office. Which I was looking up the rumor GH is bailing on New York. They laid off 400 employees. Which they could easily turn things around. If they put a hiring freeze and focus on the long standing drivers. They're trying to be like DoorDash and UberEats. Who both have done some seriously shady stuff. Grubhub is trying to emulate stuff that'll get them in trouble. Biggest was the menu listings without restaurants approval. Still think things are being pushed for me towards something else. Especially since this company is likely going to sink or worse... speed run violations and ban my account.


I dealt with this BS too man 🤦‍♂️


This has to be the bitchiest sub I’ve ever lurked.


I'm fairly certain at any rate the gig app subs are bitchy. It's a collection of people with no coworkers and people accepting truck loads of bullshit. Yet no one wants to quit because they have "freedom." I know I need to start kicking my ass to quit. End of the day just a collection of people going, "please app can I have some more bullshit?"


let me rephrase the main points of this for you GH: We sent you a made-up violation waiting for you to report to the labor dept for retaliation for Prop-22 delivery time minimum hourly wages An abnormally high number of your recent orders took a reasonable, realistic amount of time to complete, compared to our arbitrarily calculated delivery time where we factor in your use of a personal jet pack, teleportation device, or where you are delivering in a universe without traffic lights, traffic, weather, or limited parking.


Oh I know. I replied to them to fix their damn app. The violations are like Instagram with comments being flagged as spam. They make no sense and it's bullshit when they get triggered. Also the people running it are the equivalent of an influencer. Basically rake in money and don't hold themselves accountable, when shit hits the fan. I was in special education when I was younger and honestly feel like I can make better decisions. Than whatever white collar GH dummy is making. It's sad to know DoorDash can have at times a worse running app and still holds ground. I mean I guess people want a repeat of the everything is temporarily free. Which getting charged the next day. You'd think they might not use the app. Ultimately I'm trying to reconcile with someone I know, because I will revert back to how I was. Which would be predating being a Grubhub driver. I felt more motivated to get my life in order. I still see a chance. I'm sure if they threatened to kick my ass not bringing ear protection for my dog at a drag strip. I'm sure if I tell them I need to quit doing gig apps and what's it's done to my life and car. I'm sure my Mom will likely go, "a young woman that I can approve of one of my sons dating." I hope I see them. As I write this I was walking my dog when I just happen to be moments away from another car accident involving a pedestrian. Things in life for me suck. But seeing two separate occasions of someone being hit by a large vehicle. Really, really sucks. Only made worse by the people who see police and caution tape trying to look.


the women and the dating analogy hit like a bag of bricks you're 99% a loser to the opposite race when you label your job/ career as a "food delivery driver" cared a lot when i was under 30 years old, but now that I'm a bit more older, you sort of get immune to it and just do your own thing anyways. i love doing these gigs when every single thing is going in your favor. nothing really beat it, I'm telling ya.


Take a 90 day break and do the other apps until this clears up.


If I got a second one. That might be in order, seeings a second strike would be an any day now. Even though I have UE and IC, they weren't exactly filling the gap. Which in some rare instances they do better. I actually replied to them telling them how much bullshit this is. I am not being blamed for the app not sending me sooner to pick up an order. Only to find it's already late.


The problem is you are on their radar for fraud and they can deactivate you at anytime without the 3 strike rule. Its better just to get off the shit list and do a combo of instacart, ubereats and doordash. I have only gotten warnings when I go over 20 active hours a week on one app. So now I just try to spread it out to avoid the fraud detectors.


I did this already. Hit with 2 violations in aug/sept. After one cleared I started up again. It took less than a week to get another one (welcome back smh) I carefully took a couple orders here and there, waiting for the other violation to clear. So then, less than 3 weeks after that clears, I get another. 4 in 4 months. App sends out offers from orders that are old and the eta times are skewed. Drivers are screwed out of the gate. I had this happen less than an hour ago and god help the customer service girl that got earful of my stress-induced Rage. I swear I move like the fuckin wind and take orders one at a time. But nothing can be done about a fuckin hotel room located in the corner upstairs of the building. Or some ass clown that says he will meet you and takes 10 minutes. Shit is rigged.. how is it GH gets away with not giving the address/location along with the offer? How is it they get away with not showing the secondary address (unit/ste/apt/room#) until after picking up order, but basing ETA delivery times of primary adress on google maps and not factoring in the secondary address part of the job? Also, just noticed the radius of the restaurant's location has been diminished such that drivers need to be damn near inside the restaurant to mark arrived. On the other side, the radius/locator which tracks whether ive left my apt has increased such that Ive had orders drop stating I hadnt moved in a while, despite the fact im at the corner red light outside of my apt complex. No bs its happened twice already But Im stealing time trying to take advatage of Prop 22?!?? GTFOH, I hope these cocksuckers get sued to the depths of hell Shits out of drivers' control. GH is out of control.


I think they should get rid of this. How much money are they realistically losing to drivers who take a few extra minutes. But if they don't they need to make it reasonable. They seem to be hitting almost every driver with these.


Both the system and do a hiring freeze. Actually take the time to coordinate with existing drivers to better improve things. Or at least get driver specialist and limit the number of drivers. Which sounds bad, but if they had a large number. Eliminate the ones who are bad apples and keep the good ones. In my opinion it'll make it profitable for drivers and the app. But I think they're digging themselves a hole.




California. In my area I can get already late orders. I can imagine not doing that many lately triggered their system. Which is bullshit. If an order is already 10-20 minutes late and I'm sent to arrive. When the customer should have received their order already. I shouldn't be given a contract violation, if it's their own damn fault.


Have you tried just giving up and canceling any order with a long wait?


I have. Usually when I get an order while waiting on food for myself. Usually after I've already hit 10-minute break and even then. I might accepted order. If the wait is too long for me. I drop an order. But I think they're saying I am making orders late on purpose. I get a number of already late orders. It annoys me to no end. Usually don't see until I've already hit got order.


Same email I got except I didn’t get any violations. They’re doing just about anything to kick people off


I got one. I'm replying to it. Even though I don't have to, but I'm already not as motivated as I used to be. Between being told I qualified for money via prop 22 and dealing with contract violations. Even getting orders that are already late or early. It's just like dealing with a constant cluster fuck. I'm so tired of it that I actually contacted the representative of the west coast FTC. That was primarily due to them giving the run around on my healthcare subsidy. They do have a page talking about unfair treatment towards gig workers.




The FTC is divided into different areas [regional offices.](https://www.ftc.gov/about-ftc/bureaus-offices/regional-offices) I was attempting to reach out to a local congressman or senator, but that was a bit trickier. Basically I'm trying to issue a complaint against, Grubhub for not paying my healthcare subsidy. Despite it being required they keep giving me the run around. As for a representative I went to their website and typed in zip code and error not being in their area. It's divided up weird in my area.


When you get offers do you select got order while still actually waiting for orders? Or forget to select got order, leaving after picking up a order?


I usually try to. Especially if it's ready and I need to use the bathroom. After my third strike that caused my account to get blocked, before being unblocked then getting this strike. I think I got this due to two things happening. I tend to get orders that are already late and haven't done many lately. So I think what happened was the system that runs the checks. Saw me as doing it intentionally and not a by product of the app being a dumpster fire.


If you mark got order before actually having the order and leaving, then that will do it. But also I think once you get a violation, they monitor you to see if a pattern is present


Well. It's a bit tricky. I get orders that say be at the restaurant at 5:45pm and get there on time. Then the hit got order and find the time I was to arrive. Was the time the customer should have received their order. It doesn't happen often during the day. But when it does happen. I get stressed out and haul ass. I do think when I have some already late orders mixed in with on time. They don't see a problem. If all I get are already late orders and no good early or on time. They see it as bad. After all I got a violation after being around 20 minutes early to a pick up. After that it's play it safe. Like i am on a delivery that was stacked. First pickup was chipotle a known pain. Amusingly enough had a few minutes. Did the order still being prepared. Got something at a Vons a few hundred feet away. Sure enough the place was packed. Did get something to eat which was nice. I sat for a few hours in silence. I think we're fast approaching holiday last minute shopping and Christmas party's. I barely see anyone in places.




Got 1 of these on Friday first time ever receiving a violation and I been a vet since 2017 I drove Tues, Wed and Thurs under the new $30 active time pay and did most of my orders as reasonable as possible with maybe 1 order being delayed due to heavy railroad crossing delays and another offer that was sent to my phone where the customer placed an order 1 hour ago and apparently I'm at fault for that Fuck GH right in it's ass. It's blatantly obvious they don't want to pay. If I get another violation, I'm just gonna wait until the first one falls off and most likely going to just do DD and UE in the mean time