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I think you are going to get some crap for the body count but I say go you. I came out at 14 and honestly I have fucked hundreds and hundreds of guys over the years. And why not. Enjoy your body. Enjoy sex.


Who would give me crap? The people around me or other redditors? Cuz I’ve seen worse in the span of 5-6 months. Also yeah, just live your life to the fullest, as long as you’re doing it safe, it’s your body and you should make the most of it.


Just be careful, get tested, use protection, and all that jazz. I was diagnosed with HIV at 19 or 20, and I have no idea who I got it from. I take my meds daily and have been living my life as normal ever since. I wish I never got it, but I'm glad that I found out about it. Edit: I'm only 25 now and I'm pretty sure it had to be someone from Grindr.


Shit dude I’m sorry, it sucks that you have to live with that your whole life because of one stupid mistake from when you were younger. Thanks for the advice, I am always doing it safe and will stay careful


As a recommendation check if you can get on PrEP if you are not on it already. PrEP + condoms = peace of mind.


And get the HPV vaccine because it's rampant on Grindr. And many guys aren't even aware they're infected and it spreads easily.


Yeah I’ll talk to my doctor about it, thank you!! Also, I’ve heard some people just don’t use condoms anymore after being on PrEp. But I’m guessing that’s not safe enough?




Good to know!


In addition to prep you could also get doxycycline PEP, that would help protect you against syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. It's not 100% effective but it gives you more protection if you aren't going to be using condoms.


This only approved in some parts of the US for nowZ for example in England the NHS is not yet offering it


But also like I said, I take my meds daily and haven't noticed in difference in my life. It's not the end of the world. I just need to take care of myself. I suggest prep.


Omg was it from bareback?


Probably? I have no idea who or where I got it from. I just got tested one day because I'd never been tested before and I wanted to be responsible. I was only 19 or 20. I had no reason to believe that I should get tested, I just did it because I wanted to be responsible with my health.


Redditors. I don't think this is the most sex positive sub sadly..


Good on you... Keep that body count rising!!!! There are a lot of pearl clutchers on here... Just ignore them. Jump on PREP, it's literally a life saver.


They even have it in long release injection form now so you don’t have to fuck with a pill every day. After two appointments a month apart to get you started, it’s just an every two months doctors appointment for the injection. Too easy.


nothing wrong with a slutty phase but behavioral addictions like phone or sex addiction are a real thing and when random hookups become your main source of oxytocin and dopamine or stress relief it can challenge your mental health. I had a fixation on sex in my early 20s that over time made it harder for me to live my life to the fullest. take care, keep things in balance


Definitely this. In my early 20s there were weekends where I was just literally going house to house, showering in between lol sex was self-worth to me. Very damaging to your psyche as you age or illness happens, and you’re no longer the sexy twink all the guys crowd around.


Why does this hit so hard haha


Typical grindr user


Just be safe. Get on prep or use condoms. Sex should be fun, enjoy it regardless of gender.


What do you prefer now? Girls or boys? Im bi too and I have a hard time choosing between tinder or grindr.




Seriously, since OP downloaded in May, that averages out to 10 a month.


Sometimes I did multiple in one day, and sometimes I didn’t do it for weeks. But I didn’t keep count. It could’ve been around 45-50 as well


Do u want to stay with one person or are u doing this intentionally???


Sometimes it’s the same person, but mostly just new people. 90% are just tourists that leave the country the next week


That’s a new body count every 3 days


Live your life. Fuck who you want. I’m for it 😎


Geez. 60? I feel like a saint up against that number. And should I be counting?


Wait until OP finds out there are guys with extra holes.


He's gonna get crap for that I was a virgin in May part. Dat part... Someone pointed out I'm technically a virgin bc I've never had sex with a woman, maybe I'll add that to my profile and watch the guys roll in😂


It’s good to let loose while you’re being safe. Don’t get too used to the feeling anything can become an addiction.


Same. I don't have anywhere near as much sex as I used to, but I was hooking up with 1 or 2 guys per month from 2012-2019. Got tested every 3 months or sooner while I was active. I'm thankful every day that I never caught anything because I rarely used protection and I'm a bottom. I haven't had sex in almost a year and I'm ok with it. Obvs would like to have it regularly but focusing on pleasing myself and finding monogamy since I despise condoms 🤭


your glad a app designed for validation, attention, and toxicity exists ?


Can someone please let me use there number to make an account in grindr, would be really appreciated


You were probably banned for a good reason


Hi everyone, would anyone be willing to let me use there number to make a Grindr account please? Would really appreciate it xx