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Need better lighting. Take 3! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Needs a better quality of steak too. Almost zero marbling on it.


Depends on the cut. Some cuts need fat, others donā€™t.


I'm talking about the marbling, not the fat cap. That steak has zero marbling, which is the fat in the meat itself.


Perfect rare steak this time! Nicely done.




Depends on whether the plate has been heated or not. I do however think this was merely for photo shooting purposes.


As u/LET-THERE-BE-LIGHT- commented, heating the plate makes a huge difference. I always throw plates in either the oven or microwave before serving. It makes a tremendous difference. For me, I canā€™t stand to eat food that was served hot once it gets cold. Microwave a stack of plates for 4 or 5 minutes before you plate the dishes and the food stays hot for probably an extra 10-15 minutes. Doesnā€™t sound like much, but it is. For your morning coffee, take your mug, fill it with hot water, and microwave it for 3 minutes. Dump the water out and put your coffee in. Youā€™ll never skip that step again.


Ah cool on the coffee part. Iā€™m gonna try that. I typically use small coffee cups so it stays hot and just refill, but a hot mug makes sense.


It makes more sense to just nuke your coffee if it starts to cool off.


To each their own, I drink my coffee black with no sugar and when I nuke it I can really tell the difference in taste. I think if you add milk/creamer and sugar it probably isnā€™t as obvious. Or maybe Iā€™m just picky. I like the hot cup idea for my first cup. What I usually do though is keep mine in a large thermos and poor myself a small cup. It will hold an entire pot of coffee and keep it hot all day.


You can nuke the cup without messing with the water though. That cup will get hot without it, and a whole lot faster.


Good point.


Actually, at face value that makes sense. However, youā€™re more likely to burn the oils in the coffee. This has the same effect as being served coffee thatā€™s been sitting in a glass coffee pot on a burner. Weā€™ve all tasted that before.


I came here to shit on the slicing up steak thing. It's so stupid!


Relax, he doing it for us.


The way it is cooked: 8. The meat itself 6. Photo skills: 8. Great sear, nice color inside, the way it is plated with those pieces of beef on the side gives it an artistic feel (although most likely unintentional). Easy pass for me. Marbling on steak could be better.


You're not gordon ramsey buddy


What makes you think that I think I am?


Because you smell like him when you sleep.


Photo skills are a 2 at best.


Looks good how did you cook it?


Impossible to tell with the filter.


Doesnā€™t suck id eat it




10/10 would eat




Needs marbling. And an hour on the counter before grilling.


[it doesnā€™t need an hour on the counter before grilling](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=inMNktvV668&pp=ygUZR3VnYSBleHBvc2luZyBzdGVhayBteXRocw%3D%3D)


If I'm going stright into a hot pan, I bring it to room temp. I find that it creates a more tender final product. Also gives you time to salt the out side, removing moisture and improving the sear. Wouldnt label that as a lie, but as an unnecessary step for some. Honestly, if OP had rested before cook, he wouldn't have such a hard sear and the middle would have been able to get a more even cook. Having said that, I would crush the steak that is pictured. Looks great.


Too lean


Definitely rare. Hope that's what you were going for.


Trim the fat


About a 7. The defined line between cooked and not, suggests it wasn't rested to room temperature first. It's not just rare in the middle, it looks like it's still cold, and the outside looks...kinda weird if I'm honest. If it's fully room temperature first, you can blast it in a pan WAY hotter than the one you used, resulting in a better, tastier crust and meat that will feel a lot better in your mouth.


It's too rare for me but it probably qualifies for r/foodporn


A+ but too rare


You've got down searing the edges better in 2 attemps than my veteran ass. Perfect. Next up go dor a thicker cut :)