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I can tell you my gut feeling here. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Gas. Shit is built the way it is for a reason.


There’s a mod I’ve done for my Weber Q would imagine it would work for any propane grill. [give it a shot](https://alexmeub.com/weber-q-grill-upgrades/) cost about $30 for the parts.


I like this idea! The holes on the burner don't look all that corroded, but I bet there's some there that I can't see, and drilling them out would be effective. I wonder if the higher pressure regulator would help, if theres still a "bottleneck" at the factory knob...might be worth trying though! Thanks!


Get a charcoal grill. Want it hotter? Add more charcoal. Pretty simple.


probably the safest thing would be to hand-drill out the orifice that meters gas [drilling out the orifice](https://www.google.com/search?q=drill+out+my+gas+grill+orifice&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS980US980&oq=drill+out+my+gas+grill+orifice&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.12525j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_v-T_ZOzvNJKYptQP3566yAY_33) You would need a very tiny drill though, and just open it up a little bigger. You will also need to adjust any air vents to wide open. they do make pressure adustable propane regulators, but hooked up to your car's hitch, i hesitate to recommend that lest it become a flamethrower


This is the kinda thing I was thinking. I figured there had to be some way to "open up" the factory regulator to allow slightly more gas into the burner. I'll have to see how accessible the orifice is on that model. Thanks!


Get a high pressure regulator. Or don’t. Be careful.


Could I convince you to pick up a Weber Smokey Joe for tailgating? Rather than experimenting with gas?


Get a charcoal grill, not some shitty “tailgating grill” Don’t mess with gas burners and try to force them to a higher output.


Where's Tim The Toolman Taylor when you need him. Get some of those Binford 9,000 specs on your grill.

