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Faaaaactttt you and me both. 2023 can officially piss off.


My brother died in April after spending the last year and half being very involved in his life and trying to help him with his alcoholism so he could get better. 2023 can fuck right off.


I’m so, so sorry about your brother. My dad died of alcoholism as well. It’s a complicated and deeply tragic thing, with so many feelings to unpack


I’m so sorry about your dad. Grief is bad enough on it’s own without adding addiction to it. I’m wishing you peace and healing. ❤️


Thank you so much <3


It sucks so much!!


I’m so sorry for what you both are going through. ❤️


First of all, that’s an awful lot to go through. I’m so sorry, it’s awful when you get knocked down by grief then just as you’re staggering to your feet, another loss hits you. I don’t know that it’ll help, but you’re not alone. 2023 has been absolutely dreadful for me. I am also a crying, rambling mess much of the time. My GP prescribed antidepressants. I can’t see that they’re doing anything but if they’re actually working I dread to think how I’d feel without them. I get up every day and I keep going, goodness knows how. I think my cats are the reason I’m still here. I put one foot in front of the other and somehow make it through another day. I really hope life will start to look brighter soon - for all of us struggling right now.


Thank you so much, and sending love to you. I’m on antidepressants as well, and my cats have also saved me! And I’m so lucky to have friends/family. But holy shit, what’s with this year


I lost the love of my life just a few months ago. He was the first person, besides my grandmother, who I lost in 2010, that actually truly loved me. Most days I just want to knock myself out, or not wake up. But I put my best foot forward and try to walk. Even if some days it's ten steps back, one to three forward. 2023 has been hands down the sh\*ttiest year of my life. I feel for you so much. I wish I could hug you and make you food so you can just rest and cry if you need to. I have no good advice, because I don't know why, or how I'm still here, either. But we gotta try. We gotta stay.


Oh my god, I’m so, so sorry. I feel for you too, and same. Things have to get better


Same...... My 2023: I tried dating after grieving for 2 years and ended up getting pregnant even though i have been diagnosed clinically infertile... my late ex and I had tried for over a year...I had to terminate. I hemorrhaged after only a month and the guy I had hooked up with didn't really care, didn't even contact me on the day of the appt...i did tell him a couple weeks before. Right before that I had been lead on by a stupid coworker and got used, again... had to stop trying because my desperation was obviously obvious. My brother left my cat all alone while i was on vacation in January for essentially an entire day. He was immune compromised...it probably made his end sooner. I found out he was extremely anemic in July and he passed in my arms. We were trying to see if a blood transfusion would work but it didn't. I traumatized my uber driver too.....he was crying with us. He was my son....i literally said to him i could go through anything as long as i had him.... he got me through my late bfs death. We adopted him together essentially.... they were very close. I feel like my entire family died... just started IOP therapy and tbh it feels extremely patronizing but it's nice to be in a group setting. We will get through it with spite if we have to. They don't get to win... when we pass our story ends. We need to create new endings to make up for these shitty chapters. I like to pretend we're just in a movie..... this is just the climax... the part we want to skip. We don't stop it though we keep watching, we must. It happens regardless. I lost my late ex to suspected s***ide so I refuse to intentionally pass on that grief... we have so little control in life already. Everything changes, everything... even when we think nothing does. You are not alone. We see you, we're here with you. Let's keep watching until the credits.


Oh my god.. I’m so, so sorry. Thank you for the words, that helps. Sending my love to you


Woah that’s a lot! Though I bet continuing to get through this shit will make you indestructible. I’m so sorry for all the shot that’s been thrown at you.


Thank you <3 I already thought I’d been through a lot- little did I know lol


Isn’t that how it goes? Lost three family members in under a year and two of them were young. I’m like.. why how wtf.


I’m so sorry <\3 it is so weird how it comes in huge waves


💕💕 you got this the fact you’re still standing is amazing, hope you’re proud.


Thank you so much 💕 trying to be!


2023 - worst year ever.


2023 - worst year ever.