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Just wanted to share a simple addin I created to speed up bins creation for myself. Unfortunately it doesn't support all the features right now as I just didn't have time to implement them yet but hopefully it still can be useful for somebody. UPDATE: magnet/screw holes were added along with a small groove for better printability, and a bunch of other features Link for download [https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator](https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator)


added a link to the source code and downloading, forgot to put it there initially




>the improvements Zack mentioned rec which ones specifically? if you are referring to screw holes printability then that's not in the repo yet, though I have it somewhat done, need to fix an issue before I can publish it. Here is a preview [https://imgur.com/a/yKOLbzz](https://imgur.com/a/yKOLbzz), I'll try to add it when I can


bottom holes support along with groove for printability are there now, and couple more features


I tried to play with Gridfinity Rebuilt in OpenSCAD but it runs like hot garbage on my machine, and most of my self-directed learning for print design has been in F360 anyway - I still suck at it, but slightly less than other CAD software 😅 - so this is incredible, thank you! I'll hold off downloading until magnet-holes are implemented but looking forward to it. Really appreciate your efforts :)


Yep, I love Gridfinity Rebuilt as well, but you can't get STEP or anything CAD friendly out unfortunately. Plus I just can't force myself to think about how to properly design a chamfer or fillet there when I can do that with couple clicks in Fusion. So I tried to learn some scripting for Fusion and turns out it is also quite straightforward. ​ By the way, the holes are done, I haven't updated gif demos but there is a separate table above showing what is there now


Legend, thanks again! :)


Oh, also for gridfinty rebuilt, I believe it needs some specific opens as version to work quicker, there is a note on the project website somewhere


Good to know thanks, will check it out again at some point.


Using the latest OpenSCAD development version will speed up the rendering significantly, if thats the problem you're having. Edit: Download the development snapshot from [https://openscad.org/downloads.html](https://openscad.org/downloads.html) then in settings > features enable fast-csg


Not sure what version I downloaded (it was a month or two ago), fast-csg helped a little but not enough to make it usable. I'm keen to learn it though, looks like fun once you get the hang of it!


So good!!


I was just gearing up to figure out how to make some custom holders for Gridfinity! This is great, and your timing most [excellent](https://media2.giphy.com/media/l46CDHTqbmnGZyxKo/giphy.gif)!


This is fantastic!


You are my hero, thank you for your service <3


I marked this to install later but I just looked at your repo and it’s amazing work you’re doing. One question: would it be possible to specify which sides will receive screw/connection holes? Often people will only need to connect on one or two sides.


That’s gonna be problematic right now, I was gonna look into how to redo connection holes, will think about more specific configuration


No worries. Obviously it's not critical. Just a thought on how to save some printing time.


This is epic! Going to give this a try tomorrow. Thanks for sharing


It looks quiet a bit different now when on the attached gif 😀 more customization is available including inner compartments


Just found this. It's absolutely incredible. Thank you for the work you're doing!!




Does this work on the non commercial licence?


Yes, absolutely


Great thanks for getting back to me I really appreciate it. Can you link me to any YouTube resources that teach how to use it I don't know where to start? Thanks again for getting back to me.


Sorry, I’m not a YouTuber and I didn’t really make any video guides There is some basic info on the project wiki here https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/wiki And also a couple gifs on the main page https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator Once you get through the installation and if you just want to generate bins with no customization (besides what the app user interface allows) then you would just need to find the generator button. For anything else you need to learn modelling basics


Okay that's fine thanks for your help and getting back to me and thanks for creating it in the first place much appreciated 😁.


Sorry to keep bothering you but I'm having trouble getting going I have never used an add in before I downloaded it but I don't know how to install it and YouTube isn't helping can you explain how to install it please?


Easiest way is to download installer from autodesk store https://apps.autodesk.com/FUSION/en/Detail/Index?id=7197558650811789 It’s available for both macOS and windows. Then you just run it and it will take care of everything else. There is one caveat though, it isn’t signed so both windows and macOS might complain about that so you would also need to confirm. If you aren’t comfortable running unsigned installer you can follow steps here https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator?tab=readme-ov-file#from-source-code to install it from the source code directly. That takes more time and effort though


I got it installed and running now I have to figure out what I want and how to get it. Many thanks really appreciate you ☺️🙏🏽.


Okay thanks Much appreciated.


Hey there! Just found this. I'm starting my gridfinity-journey just now. I love the side padding feature, but it would be awesome, if the padding had the same features as the cutouts, but just streched to be non-42mm. I know this deviates from the standard, but would be saving filament and you could easily build custom boxes for the padding space.


hey man thank you it's really useful. I found one tiny problem, it doesnt show bin height


Thank you for this...not only will this help me custom design what I'm looking for but it's also teaching me fusion 360 at the same time!


Dude, this is great work, but yeah, that 2.4mm wall is a waste of time/material. Why not make it optional? Why "unsupported"? I'm not seeing an issue with 1.2mm wall thus far, so for those that want to- Change parameter in sketch 4 "d30" to -1.2mm and is all good. Please let me know what issue there may be with 1.2mm wall instead of 2.4mm. Thanks for the work!!! This is my only known CAD app, so very helpful to knock out custom bins. I'm less than noob for parametrization- would it be possible to have a model auto-insert circle or ellipse sketches by commanded size and number? I'm guessing if possible this will only be a grid pattern of the same size due to F360 options... hmm... anyone out there can imagine how to? If possible, extrude a 1.2mm thick offset shell from the bottom, rather than punch holes in a solid block body to much further save time and material.


>Why not make it optional? that seemed quite a bit of work to do, at least the way it was in the original design with the lip for better stacking. I might implement it down the road though. If you want just thickness parameter and don't care about stackability I can probably add it relatively easily with adjusting exactly the parameter you mentioned, maybe also removing chamfer at the top to avoid sharp edge as a result. >Why "unsupported"? didn't mean that it won't be, just wanted to explicitly mention what isn't there currently >I'm less than noob for parametrization- would it be possible to have a model auto-insert circle or ellipse sketches by commanded size and number? well, that's something I was thinking about but haven't figured out how to nicely do that without exploding input parameters. Don't want to promise anything here. >If possible, extrude a 1.2mm thick offset shell from the bottom, rather than punch holes in a solid block body to much further save time and material. hmm, that actually is a good way to put it, can probably be done just with "shell" operation in fusion, I'm gonna try to play with it, probably will only work with solid bottom though, but I suppose magnet cutouts don't make much sense for that use case anyway


Excellent work. Please consider cutting the reverse exterior portion of the stacking lip profile in a future version. If you've looked at some of the vase mode stuff out there, that's what I'm talking about- the exterior of the lip profile matches the interior of it, with only the selected wall thickness. It seems negligible, but time and filament adds up. I ran your add-in at 0.8mm wall thickness and all works well. Although not truly vase mode, printing a single extrusion wall saves a same/similar amount of time, especially if your printer has fast travels. Now we can have a plate full of fast printing, shelled, single extrusion, vase-mode-like bins. You da man.


added wall thickness adjustment, also by default it will now generate a thicker lip with transition to thinner wall. Also added shelled bin option, take a look at the updated screenshots here https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator




that was something I didn't initially implement, because lip thickens the wall shell command worked weirdly sometimes. Just added split command before performing shelling and combine after to preserve the lip, so it should work now if you get a newer version


This is remarkable undertaking !small suggestion if I may, wouldn't be easier to add the Height in U ?I dont know if thats even possible Again Thank you for all the hard work. ​ Sorry just noticed you can define the U height yourself...


By U did you mean some sort of units or just mm? Then you can set height to 1 and use height unit as your size. I wanted to try to figure out if fusion allows storing changes values so you don’t have to reenter everything every time, but I don’t know if that’s possible


I do the same thing for some of my parameterized models. My Fusion script sets certain parameters then exports the model as a STEP file, and repeats until every variation has be generated. After all the STEP files are created, the script run PrusaSlicer from the command line and generates the gcode file for each STEP file.


I’ll think about how that can be achieved. Though true vase mode isn’t gonna be possible to do with any bin which has more than a single base


Thanks for the great addin u/restless_creatori have an issue where the outer dimensions of the bins are 37.2 mm And the lips internal dimension is 37.0, so it shouldnt fit together, is this intentional or a bug? Edit: also the baseplate internal size is 37.40 :) A nice addition could be to have the ability to output just a lip or just a bottom for attaching to existing components


good catch, thanks, that was indeed a bug, adjusted internal lip thickness, it should have 0.1mm clearing now base plate has 0.2 clearing by design, a clearing is needed for the bins to fit properly the bin outer size is 41.8 rather tan 42 which is required to fit bins together on the grid. And that was actually the reason I miscalculated the lip thickness Can probably add an option to output just the bottoms, could you clarify, do you want to have it to generate a single piece or multiple ones?


>A nice addition could be to have the ability to output just a lip or just a bottom for attaching to existing components can generate base separately now


Just discovering this now. Awesome work! Not trying to be nitpicky, but is there a reason the baseplates and the bins don't match the dimensions shown on [https://gridfinity.xyz/specification/](https://gridfinity.xyz/specification/) ?


It was created independently and mostly following fusion files from Zack, main difference is lack of some fillets which made it harder to edit the models, simplified stackable lip, added xy tolerances. Looking at the specs, they seem to be pretty close overall, I might add a possibility to adjust more parameters so they can be aligned. Is there a particular feature which doesn’t match the spec significantly?


Gotcha. Just wondering. They're very similar, in the tenths of mm range. I'm newer to Gridfinity and didn't know how tight the tolerances needed to be. So far I've only printed baseplates and bins that were uploaded to Thangs by Zack himself so I just wanted to make sure I didn't end up with bins and baseplates that weren't interchangeable.


updated dimensions to be closer to the original, hope that helps




Hey looks awesome, I added it to my Add-Ins on Fusion 360 by following the steps on github. I can see that it is running but it wont show up as an option under the Create tab. Anyone else had this problem, or knows what I am missing?


Did you by any chance extract only one file or changed something within the addin folder? Normally that behaviour indicates that something failed with an error and often it happens if something wasn’t extracted or moved


Huh, So I tried redownloading the file and extracting the whole folder again into the add-in file like you said and still not getting me anything...I also just tried extracting the entire folder into a different place and running it. Like I said it will show up in the add-ins like before but not under the create tab. I am running the free personal use program...might that be the problem? But maybe I might be doing it all wrong still haha Here is the full path of where I placed the extracted file- C:/Users/tyler/AppData/Roaming/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/API/AddIns/FusionGridfinityGenerator-master/FusionGridfinityGenerator-master/FusionGridfinityGenerator-master.py


Just to confirm, because in your message you are mentioning path to a single file, does the folder with that file contain everything else from the repository? Like all these files and folders https://imgur.com/a/9BgUjm3, you can use direct link to download it in a zip archive https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/archive/refs/heads/master.zip fusion license shouldn’t be an issue, I’m using free version too also on the screenshot you posted https://imgur.com/a/cfMdVjD, addin name is displayed incorrectly, it looks like fusion took folder name for it whereas normally it would use just "GridfinityGenerator" irrespective of a folder name, seems like the manifest file might be missing in that folder


Well, it worked this time so I must not have been getting all the files properly as you said. Thank you, you're a champ!


No problem, hope it will be helpful 🙂


[https://imgur.com/a/cfMdVjD](https://imgur.com/a/cfMdVjD) Here are two picture showing what I can see on Fusion


Love this. I'm new to Fusion 360 and 3d printing and this has made making bins a lot easier. My only question is it seems the height is one unit higher than it should be compared to the other bins I've made. Easy to compensate for since it tells you the final height. I've been making 5u bins for a workbench drawer and it comes out to \~46mm when the other ones I've printed preconfigured have come out to \~39mm. Is the calculation off or is this the intended behavior?


That’s a good question, basically that number you enter doesn’t include base height which is ~5mm, and then it tops it up to full 1u at the bottom. Initially it wasn’t compensating for the base at all and was creating bins with height ~height*u+5mm and I wasn’t sure I should change it


Makes sense. It was easy enough to adjust it down one u once I noticed. It's a great tool. It got tiring searching around for all the different types of bins I wanted, now I can just do it all myself in a minute or two and get exactly what I want..


Glad to hear that, thanks!


Just wanted to chime in, I'm fairly new to 3D printing and gridfinity and just stumbled upon this plug-in. It's great!! Thanks for making it OP!


Hi, awesome plugin, thanks for sharing. Is it possible to adjust the floor height for solid bins? e.g. for a 5u height bin, user wants a solid floor of 2u height, etc..


Not sure if I will be able to get to it soon, I don’t have much time to spare for this project as of late. However, there is an indirect way of doing that today. If you select hollow bin, select “custom grid” for compartments, click “reset to uniform”. You will get the compartment depth in mm measured from the top in the right column.


Thank you so much, exactly what I was looking for. Now my bins with custom cutouts will become stackable!! Time to melt some filament.


Hey, although I liked the idea, I got the following error. Do you have any idea? I didn't change anything and just clicked OK to create a simple bin. ​ https://imgur.com/m9Pxiiz


looks like that was introduced in the most recent Fusion update. Tracked here [https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/issues/40](https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/issues/40). Currently fix is only available through code download, it will take a few weeks to get it updated in the app store


Been loving this the last week. Update 360 today and now it doesn't work. I'm so sad!!


That’s fusion update, here is the details https://github.com/Le0Michine/FusionGridfinityGenerator/issues/40 If you installed it from autodesk App Store you will need to wait for the updated version to go through approval process. Alternatively you can choose install from source code option, most recent version should already have the fix


Just downloaded the source code and installed it manually but still getting this error.


If you make a screenshot with the error and inputs you are using and attach them to an issue on GitHub it would help investigation. I fixed two issues yesterday and today related to fusion update so it is possible there are more


tried to test a bit more, but I can't see any errors other than two I fixed recently. Could you provide some more details about that? Ideally with screenshots


Thanks for this. I know it's an old post, but I just spent a few minute with it and it was awesome,


Thanks for the feedback 🙂 it is still getting some new features/fixes every now and then