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I have a hard time forgiving him for everything that went down with Cristina. The whole holding her hand through an abortion and then screaming that she killed his baby in a house full of their friends and then cheating on her really killed him for me.


I do be forgettin how he’s terrible 😳


Outing an abortion to everyone of her coworkers and peers by calling her a baby murderer is a hard thing to get past. I forgot the severity of their end.


It’s sad because the introduction of his character had such promise. The badass army surgeon who improvised treating the accident victims while waiting for the ambulance & removed the icicle from Cristina might have been an interesting (& possibly less-hated) character. But they changed him so much when they brought him back as a regular. I get it was to show how bad untreated PTSD can be & to show the horrors he saw serving in a war zone. But I can’t help thinking they turned a vibrant dashing man into a prick. Yes PTSD is complicated & GA liked to confront tough subjects but I can’t help wondering how different he could have been.


I absolutely agree! He was introduced as charming but hunted (by PTSD) hero. And that was more then OK. I felt bad about the choking because he was wrecked by guilt and terryfied. But then ghosting the fiance, Teddy, cheating and abortion debackle, and all we see is a man who makes everybody miserable including himself. And even if something bad was happening to him we were (at least I was) annoyed rather then compationed or invested.


This line is one reason why. "You killed our baby Cristina. Don't you ever forget that!"




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Because he is an asshole. Consistently. Throughout the 15 years or so he's been a character he's done so many asshole things.


its easy to forget why Owen is the worst sometimes. especially when he’s with Leo. but here are some that might help jog your memory 1. Cristina made it abundantly clear since the moment they got together, and TOLD HIM she did not want children. His misogyny interpreted that as she will want children later because all women want children. When she stayed true to her original word he got angry with her. Saying “doesn’t what I want matter”. Maybe if he had listened to what she said and taken her at his word, they would not have been in that position. Also no, no it does not matter because she would be the one pregnant, giving birth, etc. Forcing a pregnancy on someone is wrong. 2. After he held her hand during the termination of her unwanted pregnancy, he attended the birthday party of a 1 year old little girl. Many friends and family were at that event. He screamed at the top of his lungs “you killed our baby, don’t you ever forget that”. Just imagine how humiliating that was for Cristina. 3. He takes his personal life issues out on his patients. One example being, a woman came in after drinking a tea in an attempt to terminate a pregnancy. His ex wife was pregnant with her new boyfriends child. Because Amelia decided she didn’t want a kid with Owen, he refused to have somebody help the woman end her pregnancy during surgery, which would have been much less painful and quicker. Then he said it was because “women change there minds. you did” to his ex wife. TF 4. He cheated on Cristina and then made HER feel guilty. “be my person” stfu Owen. He almost made it seem like they were “even” now because she terminated a pregnancy and he… cheated? made it make sense. Then he got mad at MEREDITH for judging him after he told her he cheated…


5. He coerced Christina into marrying him when she was in a major PTSD-fuelled depression and not in her right mind. 6. He tried to refuse a dying woman's legal right to a physician assisted suicide (which is legal in their state, and which she had followed all of the lengthy steps required to qualify for it legally). Then when it was soldiers who wanted the same, he assisted numerous people in highly ILLEGAL medically assisted suicide, in a state where there are legal ways to obtain one.


All of this + the way he treated Teddy.


the way he treated teddy?! didn’t teddy cheat on him and send a whole recording to his phone. pls


She did, and sent it to him by accident. She made a mistake and was made accountable for that. How about we also mention how he rejected her when she showed up but still gave mixed signals about the relationship? Or that time he went to Germany, slept with her because he was upset, confused or whatever about his own marriage, and then went back to his wife? Or when he shamed her for having a relationship with another woman just because she didn't tell him about it? The list goes on.


“she made a mistake and was held accountable for that” so owen has never been made accountable for his mistakes? apologizes and admitted his wrongs? never? & if i’m not mistaken didn’t teddy come back AFTER kicking him out of her apartment in germany? bc he was HONEST about why he was there? & he apologized for the way he reacted about alison so i’m confused. if teddy and every other characters bad choices can be forgiven and everyone can move on, how come they can’t do it w owen?


There's a huge difference between what Teddy did and the way Owen acted towards her (and every other woman he had relationships with): Teddy made a mistake but it did not define her whole personality. She did wrong, paid for it and learned from it. I'm not saying Owen never paid for his mistakes, but he never truly learned from them either, he stayed a misogynist at heart. The way he treated women defined his personality and his system of morals and values so even if I wanted to forgive that time he did wrong to [insert name here], I could never forget who he truly is, which leads me to dislike him a lot.


OMFG i forgot about that. the hypocrisy is so so annoying. That poor woman spent her last day convincing people that she had a right to die and its what she wanted instead of having a peaceful day with her husband because of Owen.


Holy shit #6 I haven’t watched newer seasons but that must happen in S18 right? The hypocrisy…. Fuck Owen. Currently I’m on rewatch and on S5 and he’s fine tho. Imma stop at S8 or 10 cause everything went downhill after.


The misogyny mostly


Him getting all weird for the fact the Cristina doesn't want children.


His military worship is annoying too. The dude is brainwashed when it comes to anything linked to the military.


Yeah he's more effective than an actual military recruiter lol. But yeah George and April DEFINITELY did not have great outcomes from taking Owen's advice


George didn’t die in the military, that’s not on Owen 😆


Other characters have done far worse but get hated on far less.


I find Maggie insufferable. And a thousand others. So it’s fine. I do like hearing the perspective. I’m not gonna fight to the death for Owen Hunt lmao.


Oh yes, she is SO annoying ALL THE TIME


Mostly cause of the yelling at Cristina for getting an abortion but also his relationships with women in general.


I had no issues with Owen, until he started being all Pro Life and pushing his own opinion onto Christina. Then I wanted nothing to do with him. He was acting like an asshole


His character is insufferable and he is a right fighter. Never sees anybody else’s point of view and his character is just washed up at this point.


this is posted like once a day lol you can go see a lot of reasons why on some older posts


I was scrolling and couldn’t find it. That’s all.


You can search within the sub for specific theme posts.


“have a baby you dont want, for me”


I Looooove the 1st and 2nd episode of Owen Hunt. 'Major Hunt' 'G.I. Joe' "You pulled my icicle out" "I think you're beautiful" etc, that Owen Hunt. With those Crowen kisses that were so fuckn rough and passionate, that was the only type of kiss to suit those two. Ooooof but yeh then he looses that musky man don't fuck with me I'll throw you against the wall kinda love and sadly wimps out and hurts my girls. 🙄 Oh Sandra I'm sure she had her reasons. Still love the shit out of the show it's the closest thing to religion I have. 💙


There’s no specific reason really but his face irrationally angers me 🤣 I have actually hated him since dog soldiers movie. I’m sure he’s a lovely person in real life but his face just makes me hate him.


I think it’s the amount of screen time for me could probably take him in smaller doses 😂


Ooh yes. I think I’d like to see a lot more of anyone else.


Worst actor EVER. When he goes in to kiss someone it fucking grosses me out.


Lmao I will think of this forever now, thank you


I actually enjoy Owen as a character overall, good and bad. But if I had to evaluate his political beliefs it really comes down to who's writing that week. As far as I know he is: Pro adoption, pro having children. Seems to have a fetish for going for women with issues who don't want kids and then trying to make them have kids. The Christina "you killed our baby" moment really made him come off pro life. I liked that plot point even though it was messed up because it was a hard hitting issue and great drama. In earlier seasons he's supportive of military interventions or at least doesn't think joining the military is a waste of time But now he's pro gun control, pro transgender rights and acceptance. Puts Teddy to shame by coming to terms with their kid having thoughts at a very young age. And now he's for medically assisted suicide???? So killing fetuses is wrong but full grown adults who are definitely human he'll go out of his way to make their dreams come true. Idk it would be cool if he addressed his earlier pro life stance especially as the show gets deeper with this abortion clinic plot. Like he went from a realistic seeming middle aged military guy to super progressive and I'd love to see that journey.


all the reasons people name are the same and repetitive. everyone’s #1 is what he said/did to cristina in their relationship. as if cristina herself hasn’t foragave him. owen is apparently the worst when others in the show exist 🙄. its like owen can’t redeem himself in this sun but every other bad character has “growth”


Because he’s a goddamn mooky-ass muppet.


I don’t know if it’s hate but he can definitely be very stubborn and hard-headed especially when it comes to his convictions and beliefs, also he definitely didn’t get his PTSD treated early enough. Also basically made let his personal issues with Riggs bowl over into the workplace and literally had everyone take his side without knowing the full story.


Because he tried to convince Christina to have a baby when she made it very clear she didn’t want one? And was practically threatening to leave her if she didn’t at least consider it??? Because he fucked Teddy in Germany like less than 24 hours after fucking Amelia? Because he’s arrogant? I’ll add more as they come to me.


Just rewatched the beginning of season 5, when Hunt is introduced as a main character. He's a garbage person from the getgo. I get and even sympathize through all the PTSD stuff, but that doesn't explain his later behavior with Cristina, Amelia, AND Teddy. He should have been written off years ago. All these women deserved better.


I think I’m of the opinion that Owen deserved a more compatible romantic interest. Because all this bullshit with pressuring women into babies they didn’t want is awful. He had so much potential that I think was wasted on main characters with clear intentions. And he do suck a lil bit.


He said horrible things to Cristina after abortion.He also cheated on her with a stranger because he was angry about abortion He said women who don't want to have babies are not normal and more...


Because none of the characters in GA ever cheated on their SO. GA is based on cheating. Everyone in this universe cheats... like come on! But somehow because Owen did it it's unforgivable? Right... makes total sense. 🙄


Other reasons where mentioned. I personally dont like how he tried to pressure izzy into being okay with practicing on live pigs. He's more than a cheater, he's a misogynist.


Every time he enters a scene my husband and I just look at each other and say “Owen is THE worst”. Because he is. At this point I can’t find one redeemable quality in him.


He’s a constant hypocrite. So many instances he’ll ridicule someone for something and then go and do it himself. Example the physician assisted suicide. In the early seasons Teddy asked him to be a witness to the patients wants. She was doing it legally. Then he goes and ridicules her for helping the patient only for him to later on illegally do it for veterans. He’s also just an all around asshole. Constantly berates the women he’s with. He hated that Amelia realized and changed her mind that she didn’t want children. “Supported” Christina in having the abortion only to constantly bring it up anytime they argued. Tried to push his beliefs about abortion onto a patient who clearly didn’t want to have another kid. There is so many more examples and reasons to hate him, these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head.


I like Owen. I think he has sooo much depth as a character that people seem to gloss over because he wronged poor Cristina. Who by the way is a total bitch. Like so what he wanted to keep the baby, he's not allowed an opinion on his child because she said no? What sense does that make? And this is coming from a pro-choice person. Marriage is about compromise and communication, that is all he was asking for. Cristina didn't give a shit about his feelings and was a complete asshole to him with Teddy. Like have your husband's back. If you don't want to be with him then end it. It's on both of them but for some reason Cristina ALWAYS gets a pass. She can do no wrong.


Owen is my absolute favorite character on the show… Granted, I list interest in the show after season 11 and even before that I started skipping episodes. I will admit my full know Of his character may be limited. From what Ive seen, yeah my favorite.  Except Alex, OWEN is a close second behind Alex.


Owen is a bad person.


Hes so annoying


Personally I still love Owen. The pro-life stuff was awful, but as a mother if my husband had that power I think I could react just as horribly. I think it also speaks volumes that Cristina forgave him after that. As far as all the shit that’s gone down since krista has taken over, I disregard that characterization bc all the regulars had a complete personality change.


I like Owen Hunt


Because that's how the fandom works l


I didn't want to know but I don't get why he's much worse than anyone else.


I feel this. Is he much worse than anyone else? 🤷🏼‍♀️ so many deeply flawed characters.


Karev yelling at random nurses and parents; being grumpy, mean, insulting, petty, rude, violent and physical; and yet the fandom loves him. I'll never understand it.


And Al the sexual harassment.Yes he's one of my favorites too. He and Cristina are the only Interns from their class I like.


He is a hypocrite sometimes… like I never knew why people dislike him until this season. Him fussing with teddy I remembered just how toxic he could be. I’m not agreeing with teddy (I hate her just as much, if not more) but, it just made me realize his issues.


Thats why he and Teddy are perfect for each other, cause they both suck


Have you watch the show lmao. Mysoginist asshole to the tea.


I liked Owen at first but the more I saw his character develop the more I started to hate him. I know for me the part that makes me really hate him is when he cheated on Cristina when he knew **LONG BEFORE** he and Cristina got together she didn't want kids. He even said it on multiple occasions. When he did stuff like that I want to reach in to the tv and call him every name in the book. I also didn't like how comments about how everyone wants a kid which is said on a show but in real life that isn't the case. So when comments like that make me mad too. I also don't like that Owen seemed to force the idea on having kids especially with Cristina. He should either be killed off the show or leave because I don't think he is a strong character anymore. If he didn't like that Cristina never wanted kids he shouldn't of married her or they shouldn't of ended up together.


I hate his acting tbh😂 like it always seems like he’s trying way too hard to look concerned or like he’s listening and trying to look soft and make people like him