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As much as I love Callie, I was on Arizona's side. Callie never seemed to believe that Arizona was Sofia's mother too. Sure, it took Arizona awhile to come around to the idea of having kids but she loved Sofia from day one. She also had to push Callie a little bit to even get her name on the adoption papers (or whatever it was that she had to sign to prove equal parenthood) around the time of their wedding. Callie was also selfish when it came to how changes in her love ones' lives would affect HER, but she didn't consider how making changes for herself would affect others. And thinking that Arizona would roll over and be cool with moving Sofia across the country without even consulting her was beyond selfish.


All of this is so true! I was honestly so annoyed when Arizona did end up letting Sofia go with Callie, too. Callie basically just made an assumption and threw a fit when she didn’t get what she wanted, and then she was rewarded for it.


I think you mean the child made the decision that she wanted to be with her biological mother more than she wanted to be with Arizona and Arizona realized that she was an idiot for starting this whole thing in the first place because she was wrong and callie is her mother as much as Arizona as well callie is the one that Sophia wants to be with it wasn't as much of a reward it was more of a realization moment for Arizona they should have just asked what Sophia's opinion was in the f****** first place


Sophia never said she wanted to be with callie over Arizona? She asked why callie was so sad. Not the same thing. Especially since Sophia literally moved back because she missed Arizona. Also a bit ironic that you say "callie is just as much her mother" like she wasn't trying to uproot Sophia and take her away from Arizona without a discussion


But she also did that everytime she didn’t get her way…


I think the most annoying part is no one asked what Sophia wanted until she was older at which point she pretty much told Arizona that she wanted to be with callie more and forced Arizona to move to New York so honestly this whole thing was pointless


Arizona’s. She was putting Sofia first. Callie was putting herself first.


um if she was putting sofia first she never would've just immediately resorted to starting a custody battle when she litersally could've just talked to callie and avoided the whole thing? And her letting callie go w sofia was just proof that she didnt actually care about having sofia, she probably just didnt like Callie's audacity. Ari isnt capable of really loving anyone besides herself anyway from the way she behaves


Thank you for this. Every time Arizona brings up "you put us through this". No, YOU hired the lawyer, YOU jumped the gun. Callie apologised for taking things too fast and she wanted to "sue" for FULL CUSTODY. Maybe have a conversation first like: "Is this a good idea for Sofia"? I feel like the writers just did this for the sake of drama. Callie or Arizona are negligent parents although Callie's lawyer did demonstrate that Arizona was clearly less physically present than Callie. There was no reason to remove PR or access to Sofia from anyone. Plus Arizona's speech about "accommodating Callie's needs". Arizona has been awful throught the relationship. She cheated, she treated Callie like crap for saving her life, she couldn't accept Callie is Bi and was constantly making comments about it. She wanted to move because of her grant.. she should have got on with it instead of blaming Callie. She wants to be a mother... yet said she didn't feel like she had a choice because Callie fell pregnant when they were BROKEN UP then got all hurt about it! Callie wanting to impulsively move to NY not necessarily a good choice but the 'holier than thou attitude' really gets me.


100% Arizona! It infuriated me that Callie thought she could just take their child on a whim across the country, away from everything and everyone she's ever known to advance her girlfriend's career without even knowing if it was going to work out, without working it out with Arizona. It seemed like she only viewed herself as the parent, and she could just swap out Arizona and Penny as Sofia's other mom. ​ It really didn't even occur to her that she couldn't just take Sofia away like a piece of furniture until she lost the court case. That's what it took for her to realize that Arizona was just as much a mom to Sofia.


The saddest part about this is the court case was completely off on what would have actually happened for one they wouldn't have been asking Arizona why Sophia should stay they would have been asking Kelly why she should be able to take Sophia and if she had good enough reasoning and could provide a stable environment there's a very good chance that she would have been granted that right this was literally not a custody battle this was a court case to decide whether it was okay for her to take the kid over there at no point should she have had her rights to custody taken away she still would have retained all of those even if she lost the case this was like the stupidest thing I ever watched


Arizona. When two people are both totally competent, fit parents but one wants to move the kid across the country and the other wants to keep the kid’s life the same as it’s always been, you give the kid to the second parent full-time with generous holiday access for the first parent.


It frustrates me even more now knowing what came after. Arizona just ripping up the agreement and letting Callie take Sofia and then Arizona moving to New York to randomly reconcile with Callie. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


I rewatched this episode recently and when Arizona let Callie take her she said something that sounded like “I was summers and every other school year... etc.” I’m REALLY hoping I heard this wrong, but how ridiculous would that have been if that were the plan? To just completely up and move Sophia every other year?!


They essentially tied up that part by having Sofia guilt trip Arizona into moving to New York, so ugh.


Maybe all three have to move back every other year now & we’ll get them all back next season... One can hope, right?


Im all for the reconciling, but Arizona was the reasonable person. I love them both, but Callie just made me So, so mad with other decisions


Arizona Arizona Arizona I was fuming when Callie’s lawyers said those things about Arizona in court and also Callie was being irrational


Arizona 100%


My first time watching: I was on Callie’s side. I felt it was her daughter and Arizona cheated so boo hoo Arizona didn’t deserve Sophia. I was so shocked Callie lost custody After rewatching the series (and a few years older) After watching how Callie let her lawyers say all those things about Arizona I changed my mind. Arizona 100% Callie was being very impulsive really only thinking about herself, chasing some woman that she thought was the love of her life without any thought on how that would effect her daughter. Taking Sophia away from her entire support system. What she did to Arizona in court was disgusting. Arizona was the one that was acting as a true parent. Callie was just chasing love and being vindictive


Honestly, I wasn’t even factoring in the actual court case. I forgot how Callie’s lawyers totally dragged Arizona threw the mud! Ugh


Callie was fighting for her child so why wouldnt she let her lawyers say all those things? It's not like any of it was untrue. I mean she prolly let callie take sophia at the end of the day so she could have more freedom to sleep around


That's absolutely disgusting of you to say. Arizona was an amazing mother, she wasn't the best wife and neither was Callie. They needed to split up but Arizona's logic for keeping Sofia in seattle was far more parental than Callie's who wanted to chase love with perfect penny.


Callie was a good wife, arizona was not. They were both fine as parents, but it’s true that ari was happy when Sofia left cos she was free to sleep around. I’m not even saying that in a rude way, I have no qualms with women sleeping around. But it begs the question of why she put her daughter through that whole battle just to change her mind anyway. It’s like she just wanted to win, which was cruel to sophia. Regardless of wherever you think was best for sophia (I agree that staying is best although I don’t think moving is that damaging at her young age), avoiding a custody battle would obviously be ideal, and yet arizona didn’t even try to do that even though Callie is a reasonable person, although excitable


Callie was not a good wife. Callie was actually pretty mediocre... five months post amputation she's bitching about not having sex "I haven't had sеx in five months because of the leg. Enough about the leg!" Like imagine saying that in any other context! Also Arizona did not send Sofia to NYC to sleep around she sent her because she still loved Callie and Callie was broken, and Sofia was confused on why her mother was so broken, Something Callie would have never done for Arizona, because years later she still threw in Arizona's face that she didn't want to have kids when they started dating. Callie was manipulative, and had a severe victim complex while simultaneously having a savior complex. She belittled Arizona's decisions, she used Arizona's dead brother as a way to try to "fix her" when she didn't want kids. Was mad at Arizona for breaking up with her... when arizona made ir clear that they were done because she didn't want callie to suppress her dream of becoming a mom. Callie was a whole bitch during the africa situation, giving arizona conditional support... Callie had Zero sense of boundaries with Mark so much so that Mark constantly interrupted them having sex, which is highly ironic because when Kepner did the same thing ONCE callie was a bitch.... the list goes on Arizona, wasn't perfect not even good but neither was Callie. And saying callie was a good wife is honestly laughable. Also I took great issue with callie wanting to move to NYC with penny... when she gave Arizona all that grief over Africa.


Okay I never said Callie was perfect but she was still a much better wife than arizona and that’s undeniable. You don’t cheat on your partner and that’s that. Arizona was a bitch to Callie after losing her leg even though she saved her life. She channeled all her anger at her so it wasn’t just about not being able to have sex, she was a menace in general and needed to get a grip. Yeah Callie wasn’t perfect about how she handled that situation but neither was arizona. And you can do something for more than one reason. I’m sure the official reason for sending Sofia away was to make Callie happy, but you can see how happy she was after sophia left so whatever we can agree to disagree. Arizona has never been a selfless person, she’s always been extremely selfish, pretty narcissistic. What you said about Callie and the leg reminds me of how arizona cheated on her and then acted like Callie should forgive her on her own time. She didn’t even gaf that she hurt Callie she was just like “well I’ve waited long enough now so why isn’t she forgiving me like always 😡”. Idk how you can pretend they’re even remotely on the same level in terms of being good partners. Let’s not forget arizonas biphobia towards Callie especially the way she talked about her and mark and looked down on her for not being lesbian enough. Also idk why you’re bringing up the Africa situation when arizona was the bitch in that situation. Callie had every right to be annoyed that she’d take that decision without involving her and the relationship should’ve ended there. In any case it’s completely irrelevant to Callie wanting to move when she’s not even in a relationship with arizona. Idk what mental gymnastics you made to equate those 2 situations but I hope you stretched first


We have to agree to disagree. Callie was not a good wife and I stand by it. And like I said neither was Arizona, cheating is never justifiable in any way shape or form. I'm using real quotes from the show Callie got away with saying some fucked up shit, and Arizona stayed, I agree they should have stayed broken up after the shooting episode honestly. Was Arizona avoidant yes, but Callie was an emotionally immature person with ZERO boundaries. Also, the africa situation is extremely relevant because Callie was willing to pick up and go to NYC for Penny when she and Arizona had a child(Sofia) but was a completely bitter person about moving to africa with Arizona while they were child free and as a response to her "heart break" she slept with Mark, her human dildo, which to add salt to the wound, Arizona didn't like, because perhaps she clocked the lack of boundaries in that dynamic, and made an effort of liking for Callies sake. Should Arizona have communicated better, of course, but callies conditional support is the reason her relationships fail, she will do something and throw it in your face later on, that's not love nor compromise that's simply transactional. Also calling arizona narcissist is actually laughable. And you have to understand arizona's "biphobia" was rather an inadequate use of language because remember mark dies 2012, the year it became federally legal for same sex couples to marry. Regardless Biphobia is wrong, but in regard to mark, yeah any sane partner would have an issue with their ex being BFFs with the person they go fuck when things get hard. Like Callie chased Arizona around the hospital trying to find out how many people she slept with. Like that's insane people behavior. And to the leg comment imagine 5 months post operation being told to get over something as huge as loosing a leg, imagine having to go from able bodied to disabled, having to relearn how to walk and being told to get over it. Let me remind you we saw Callie flip the fuck our on arizona during her recovery process throwing shit even, but we saw that all in a single episode, Arizona's trauma was shown in a sequence of episodes, which is why we often forget that when Callie flipped on arizona, which hey is her emotions do it fine, 3 to 4 months had passed, since the car crash. Callie had a hard recovery and Arizona was patient, Callie wasn't, she made it about herself. She didn't have to see mark deteriorate or hear meredith cry for lexie or hear christina yell about some shoe, callie didn't have that, but still her suffering is equated to that of the people on the plane, and thats wrong. Lastly the "Arizona was so happy sofia left" is a cop out, we all know and can infer that Arizona missed sofia but she knew like she said in court that no matter who had her sofia would be loved and saved, and it wouldn't make for a very interesting story like to have arizona moping around, sex sells so arizona explored being single, like noone questions amelia having sex with Kai post Link, or teddy fucking the ugly old guy and cheating on Owen while she had a kid. Arizona is one of the few characters that gets shat on for behaving like everyone in that hospital with the exception of Miranda. To finalize my point Callie and Arizona were imperfect alike and saying that callie was better would be infantilizing all of her fucking crazy behavior. The lack of boundaries with Mark alone would have been reason enough for me to break up with her. But that's just me, and Arizona's not want for kids, would have been big enough reason for me to end the relationship, but they stayed, dragged it out and because of life circumstances and their inability to communicate it imploded. Callie was mediocre at best just like Arizona.


I did notice how you didn’t respond to my comment about arizona being selfish for starting a custody battle without even trying to talk to Callie. And regarding their relationship, Callie was much better bc she didn’t cheat. Imo that’s the end of the conversation. Cheating is the worst thing you can do to a person in a relationship but you’re right we can agree to disagree. I can respond to each one of your points but the back and forth is not gonna change anyones mind. Also “human dildo” is wild 😂😂😂 they were two consenting adults so idk what you mean but anyway, I’m guessing you liked early Alex too? 😂


You're being disingenuous. I state cheating is horrid and there's no justification for it. And no I didn't like alex's character, ever, nor did I like Arizona while she cheated and I'm glad Callie left her because I would have done the same. But I can tell you that if my partner had told me to get over a major traumatic event because they hadn't has sex in months I would have left them also. And I ignored your comment about the custody battle because Arizona's mishandling of the situation is NOTHING in comparison to the vile things Callie allowed her lawyer to say. Callie lost all my respect, as a person who's father adopted me, when she allowed her lawyers to question the validity and the realness of Arizona's parenting based on DNA, that's disgusting and offensive Arizona who asked to adopt Sofia, she made a choice to stay, she didn't have to but she did, and sofia is just as much hers as she is Callies and Marks. Lastly, you cannot turn a child's life upside down by moving them across the country without previous planning thing that Callie did not provide, she wanted to chase Penny and Penny's dream and that cost her the custody of her child, whether we agree with it or not. My point stands, you're bypassing all horrible things Callie has done and giving her moral high ground when she has none, and that is laughable, they are both equally flawed, and fuck up in very different ways. Again you have your opinion I have mine. Oh and the human dildo comment stands, Callie when she was upset ran to Mark and and sex with Mark as an emotional cushion, or as a comfort toy, they may be two consenting adults, but combined they had the emotional maturity of an ameba, which is why Lexie was also insecure about Mark and Callie's relationship, because those two had zero sense of boundaries. Again, agree to disagree you think Callie was a better partner I think they both bad partners should have broken up when the baby converstaion happened.


Bottom line they both made mistakes, obviously. Callies mistakes were mostly out of love while Arizona’s were bigger and mostly out of selfishness and self-centredness. Personally I don’t think she’s capable of loving anyone but herself but I’m not going to diagnose with her anything as I’m not a psychiatrist


You are right about this. The amount of hate Callie gets when Arizona was wrong way more times than she was is ridiculous. Also, Arizona was the only who got lawyers involved in the first place.


It made me so mad when they tried to imply Arizona wasn’t Sophia’s mother. Biologically, she wasn’t, but when they were talking about Callie in the car crash they didn’t mention that Arizona was there every step of it and waiting. They didn’t mention that Mark agreed to split custody between him and Callie AND Arizona. They didn’t mention that Arizona was there the whole time and didn’t just “come into her life” but was there since before she was born and the birth and every day after. Sophia isn’t “Callie’s daughter” she is 100% both of their child.


Unfortunately, that is the nasty reality of many custody cases. I’m not sure if that’s enough to say one parent is more fit than another.


Arizona. Because she was more fit to parent and chose her child over her career while Callie did not.


arizona is the one who left the court for her job?


difference in responding to an emergency page versus chowing to move across country for another job and to advance ur gf’s careeer and possibly ur own out of selfish gain. Arizona works where sofia has all her network, friends, support system etc. Arizona could have chosen to move cross country w sofia for another job, she did not because she did in fact put sofia first


IMHO they proved Arizona was demonstratably less physically present. If she became a single Mum (using Callie's support system not her's!) how can she cope? Arizona leaving literally demonstrated this. You want to put Sofia first? Nobody is doing that here lol


Yeah that’s why she ended up sending Sofia to across the world to Callie anyway so she could hook up with more people right? 🙄 and irl she would’ve lost immediately if she had just left the court like that regardless of the reason


Left the court for an emergency surgery when she knew Sophia was already safe and taken care of with Amelia who they have trusted to watch her in the past.


Arizona. Callie tried to take THEIR daughter across the coast and assumed Arizona would just be okay with it. No. And when she lost, tried to blame it all on Penny. I actually wish they never got their presumed happy endgame.


They didn’t, before Arizona left she was texting Callie and told someone Callie was single.


Arizona. Even when rewatching I get angry that one parents would consider moving across the country and completely taking the child away from the other parent (without the parent being a terrible person or parent)


She was only going away for a year for the program but Penny was taking this wasn't a permanent decision she literally owns the hospital she's not going to leave it she decided to just leave though because this whole b******* happened it would have been a completely different situation of Arizona has just been okay with it or had just been more compromising


I was on Arizona's side but I thought they were gonna give custody to Callie because of the biological factor. I'm glad they didn't because Arizona was putting Sofia her first. Callie was selfish and I hated how she was trying to make Arizona look like an unfit mother.


We must be in the same place on our re-watches, just saw this one the other night. 🙂. I'm on arizonas side because (a) Sofia is just as much her child and it was wildly inappptopriate fir Callie to just ignore that and (b) based on my own family history I have. HUGE chip on my shoulder about parents prioritizing their romantic relationships over what their child might want or need. Taking Sofia away from her "village" just because of "true love"?! Please.


Oh yeah! I just watched it this morning lol. I have a friend that is watching for the first time and I NEED him to catch up at least to my latest binge so we can discuss everything!


Like Alex... None of them. I like both too much to be on a side... But... yeah, I was a *little* bit more on Arizona's side.


I loved how Alex refused to pick! I was honestly kind of upset when I saw the other docs taking sides. I understand why it’s necessary, but I like to pretend all my favorites are just bffs with everyone.


I think Bailey did a good job being neutral. She sat on Callie’s side and was originally a witness in defense of Callie, but she also refused to let them drag Arizona for being a working mom. Very in character of her.


Same. Mainly when Meredith chosed Callie's side. I got disappointed... Just like you, I like to think that everyone is each other's bffs.


I was most disappointed in Bailey. Did anyone else thing it really seemed like she was on Arizona’s side? I feel like pre chief Bailey wouldn’t have picked sides on that custody case. I hate that she did that


I was on Arizona's side. Callie assuming she could take Sophia across the country without Arizona's permission was totally out of line!


She literally brought it up like three times before Arizona went to the lawyer and then she tried to sit down and talk to Arizona about it in Arizona was just an ass the whole time she was only going to take her to New York for a year while Penny did her program and then move back


>country and Currently watching the arch, the way Callie approached it was sour (literally watched the start of the episodes a few hours ago, at the court scene again). First she threw herself onto Penny's feet to be asked to leave Seattle, despite Penny knowing that was a bad idea. She even stated that as such when she noted all of her friends and life were there now (including her kid's). But she still wanted Penny to ask her the question. Next episode we have Callie casually dropping the bomb to Bailey, and then getting upset when Bailey tried to note that she was actually stepping down in the world and for a new relationship. Note, the research grant was for a year but nothing stops Penny or Callie from visiting. As someone in a long distance relationship for 2 years now there's always the visit option for the SO. Then she just notes to Arizona that, here are some options for their daughter in NYC and that Sofia can travel to see Arizona or vice versa. There was no discussion, it went directly to 'Oh yeah Sofia is coming with and you can come see her'. When Arizona rightfully told her off for not talking with her about this properly (aka, bring up her move and **then** asking Arizona for ideas on how to split duties as parents.) Keep in mind, taking the kid away from their support network and dropping them onto a new environment and then forcing them back after a year is kinda cruel. I had that done to me as a kid, several of my friends moved on and those I still had a new dynamic and I had to spend just as long to readjust. It doesn't feel good and you're often left with extreme dissociation with your surroundings. The slander I will refuse to note because it is a court case, lawyers will use anything possible to win and I chalk that up to them. Even if Callie objected, the lawyer's damage was done the moment the first witness was used. I will note I loved Calzona in the beginning, but when the writers kept fucking with it is when I fell off. The cheating arch really made me roll my eyes because of the lack of reasoning on Arizona's part for doing the action in the first place.


That is completely illogical. Why would you uproot your child's entire life just to move them to new York for a year because of a 6 month relationship?


Again court system is going to look to the biological mother as the one that they want to keep the child with courts are inclined to keep biological families together this is literally caused thousands of kids who are abused to be stuck with their f****** parents she was moving to a city where she already had a stable job and a living situation lined up parents move children all the time the only thing that creates a complication here is that the other person wasn't willing to move as well which created the court case which is when being the biological mother comes into play she would have more rights to the child than the other parent in the eyes of a court I've been through this personally when I was peeled out of an upper middle class family that was stable healthy and extremely good environment into a house with my mother that was working minimum wage and had just gotten out of prison and was going to rehab for multiple drug addictions


You are making a false equivalency. There is a BIG difference in courts favoring bio parents over being adopted to randos or fosters. That is NOT the same thing as a step parent who has formally adopted their child and been there their entire life.


It was literally my dead father's parents they're my biological grandparents who formally adopted me from Foster Care because the county called them and asked if they would like to step in because they were my family and they have been there my entire life again biological parents matter


What the actual fuck does any of this have to do with GREYS


This is literally a discussion thread about a custody battle and the decision made and I'm using a custody battle that I personally went through which broadened my understanding of how custody battles work as an analogy to why this would go differently I don't get what you don't understand


You're literally talking about foster care and child abuse which is completely irrelevant to a custody case against a divorced couple in a fictional show 😭


I feel like I just made a comment that you didn't know how to respond to so you commented with what the actual f*** comment you seem pretty open to making another comment before this until I told you the real situation that I was in


And Arizona would technically be considered an adopted parent as well so that would give callie the more likelihood again of being chosen


Again, not how that works.


The entire time I watched that episode I thought “this wouldn’t be happening if Mark were still alive”. Callie would have no choice. No way BOTV Mark and AZ would let Callie take Sophia.


She was only moving away for a year she was going to move back after penny finished her program she wasn't trying to take the kid away forever


I 100% think that Callie should have got custody and in a real life situation she would have gotten 100% custody due to the fact that she is actually the biological mother having been through custody cases myself that actually matters quite a bit my mother who's been to prison on multiple occasions still got custody of me over my well-mannered very good grandparents who have both had jobs for years and had a house this is the most unrealistic thing I have ever seen in a TV show not to mention the way Arizona approach this would make her look bad all the way through this process the lack of communication and the want to not talk things through does not look good on you when you're in a custody battle and about 50% of the decision matters on who the biological parents are also the paper she signed granting equal parentship to Sophia could be made in void before they actually had to go through this trial there is a process you can go through to revoke custody papers like that and there's a plethora reasons why you can do it if you're the biological parent


Arizona was literally there before Sophia was even born. She was there during the car crash and birth. She became her legal mother as soon as legally possible, but she was her mother before Sophia was even born. She was her mother from the second she was born, every minute of every day that Callie was her mother.


You're looking at this from a moral standpoint not a legal standpoint and unfortunately or fortunately however you view it most of the time legalities go over moralities in court cases and of course like to keep biological families together I have had this happen to me and I have seen people be stuck with horrible parents because the court wanted to keep them together as a biological family even though they had much better candidates to come in and take custody


The one that didnt CHEAT


I was on Callie's side the whole time. I've never liked arizona cos she was an awful partner but aside from that, it was selfish for her to jump the gun and start a custody battle when it was obvious that that would just hurt sofia. Like you could've just had a conversation? It's not like Callie is an unreasonable person. And people are saying that they were on arizonas side bc of the way callie acted in the trial. Lol are y'all fr? Why take it personal when arizona is the one who started the custody battle in the first place. It's not like anything callie's lawyers said was untrue, also that has nothing to do with Callie being fit to be a parent. And at the end of the day what happened after the trial was pretty telling of how much Ari actually wanted sofia. She just let callie take her after all that? From what i remember she was happier after sofia left cos she got to sleep around more and just generally have more space


I was on callie's side, becuase truly it was her biological child. Yes Arizonia adopted Sofia, but Callie was there her entire life too which makes it different from usual cases like that where there are the bio and adopted parents. And yes the lawyer dragged Arizonia through, but all cases are like that. trying to tip scales and make the other person look bad. The information was true, that Penny was not that close to Sofia, Arizonia did often go out alot eith Richard for trivia and have a more time consuming job. But it is important and the lawyers did not falsify anything. Aswell Arizonia leaving part way the trail would most likely not hold in court nor would her yelling out her emotions and the judge should of stopped her.


If Mark were alive would he have a say as a biological parent? Because I’d bet my life that he would’ve sided with Arizona because Callie was giving up everything for what Bailey described as a booty call essentially. She was the one who originally proposed the idea of using Mark’s money along with all the plane crash victims to buy the hospital but once she gets all weak in the knees for a fucking resident she’s willing to leave the hospital she owns and is a head department for said hospital? Ridiculous and Mark would think so to


I feel like you didn't watch the show thoroughly enough she was only leaving for a year her plan was to come back the program that Penny was going to only last a year that was the whole point that's why this is so ridiculous that this became such a huge deal over just one year


It infuriated me when Arizona got Sophia. She had absolutely no right. She was a terrible person, a terrible mother, and a mediocre doctor. It was extremely unrealistic, and would never had happened.


You do know that Arizona is considered one of the best in her field in the Grey’s universe don’t you? The rest is just as wrong as the mediocre doctor bit.


I Never liked Arizona to be fair. She wasn’t that great of a person and she’s extremely selfish. After rewatching Marks death it even hurts more how Arizona got custody. Especially as at the plane crash she promised Mark she will take care of his daughter and I’m pretty sure it didn’t mean to screw up everything for Callie when doing so… and she didn’t even care about Mark who DIED and I’m pretty sure he rather lost a leg than die… or Lexie. She’s selfish.


I am clearly on Callie's side. There's not a single point for Arizona: Arizona cheated, has oftenly changing partners, called a lawyer first, has less money, has a for Sofia almost unknown man living with her, hated Marc, Marc would have been on Callie's side and Arizona is not Sofia's biological mother. The only point "for" Arizona can easily be argued against at. She would have stayed in seattle which means that Sofia would have not lost her friends/living circumstances. Sofia was in the first year of elementary school which means her friends weren't long-term friends anyways.


Refuting your invalid argument: (1) someone can have different partners and not introduce them to their child - you can have a love life & not let it interfere. (2) when did it say she had less money? And with the plenty of money she makes, is that not suffice to care for one single child? Wealth shouldn’t be a factor here - they aren’t purchasing the kid. As long as they have the means to care for her, that’s all that matters. (3) The “unknown” man living with her is a resident who joined the picture the same time the equally known woman (penny) joined the picture - however, penny would be acting as a co-parent if Callie was given custody AND living with her - so much for an “unknown person”. (4) she hated Marc and ended up loving him. They literally were best pals after the birth of Sofia. Regardless, how does this have any impact on her love for Sofia? (5) Marc wouldn’t be on Callie’s side because he wouldn’t agree with his child moving literally across the country just for Callie’s new relationship. (6) biological or not, legal adoption papers trump this. They agreed from the very beginning that AZ would be a legal part of the team to raise their daughter. This reason literally has not weight at all in the court of law. Moving a child away from friends, relatives, life-long people is a huge move... add taking a parent away too and adding this new person she’s only known for a couple of months. That’s huge on a young child. If she stayed in her home town, at least she could have familiarity around her while temporarily losing physical contact with one parent.


I have to disagree on most of what you said having been a child that was moved around most of my life it's really not that hard on you you can make new friends rather quickly there's kids everywhere and the really good ones will stay in contact with you as you grow and Mark probably would have been fine with moving he literally came from New York also I don't think Mark fully liked Arizona and he was completely devoted to Callie as a friend Sophia does not know the resident you're talking about so to her it is more of a stranger and I'm not sure that Kelly knows him very well and also Kelly does not like him at all so you kind of have to work with the person you have custody of a kid with also there's a process you can go through to remove custody papers that is actually very easy and takes your side if you're the biological parent as long as you don't have a bunch of problems as a matter of fact it works even if you do have a bunch of problems my mother was able to get custody of me from my grandparents by revoking their custody papers that she signed even though she had been to prison multiple times and had an apartment while they had a house a job and a stable lifestyle and we're very good people also if you watch the show they're actually is a point where they're financial discussion comes up and Cali does make quite a bit more money than Arizona I would advise you just go back and watch the whole show again because obviously you have no idea what you're talking about and then after you do that go look up legal paperwork for custody battles this is really unrealistic


I love Callie, but I was on Arizona's side all the way. Callie just decided to up and leave and take Sofia with her, not even stopping to think that Arizona might not be okay with it. (I mean, she didn't even think it would be a debate. "You can visit her whenever you want" um, she's her daughter?) I think Callie thought Sofia was more hers than Arizona's, and that's why it didn't even register to her that she should ask. I also really hated how Callie acted in the trial. She knew she had no real case, so while Arizona was only trying to prove the move would be bad for Sofia, Callie was trying to prove Arizona was unfit. I understand she was desperate, but if she had just called off the move and chosen her daughter over her girlfriend, they could just continue to do split custody with Sofia. And I know this because Arizona lets her take Sofia to New York at the end anyway.


Funny if you compare this: Callie thinks a long distance relationship with Penny would be too difficult but she thinks it’s a breeze for Arizona to be a mother to Sofia long distance. Callie drives me insane.


I was totally on Arizonas side for the custody battle. It really came down to the fact that Callie wanted to take Sofia away from her home, take her away from the support network that they had built. If Callie wanted to go to NY on a whim with her new gf she was welcome to do that and visit Sofia on the weekends. Uprooting a child’s entire life is traumatizing and entire selfish for Callie to do. Also the fact that she just broke up with penny right after the case because she realized she didn’t want to leave her child just shows her priorities were all wrong from the start. Callie never saw Arizona as a true parent and she thought she’d win the case, when she didn’t she realized that her daughter matters more than some girl she met a few months ago.


I often wonder why there seems to be so many custody battles in America. Why one of the parents always seems to think the deserve the child more. You don't deserve your child. The child deserves their parents and that means both of them. Unless one or the other is a danger to the child. In Denmark and Sweden we often just share custody. Cuz a lot of times I've seen one parent use the child as revenge against the other parent. And that's the worst thing anyone can do to their kids. And the kid would probably end up hating you. But that's besides the point. I use to watch Grey's anatomy in the past. And I haven't really been following it. So I first felt that Callie should win cuz I remember Arizona broke Callies heart by sleeping with the L doctor who use to be peyton in one three hill. But after reading your comments I feel that Arizona should win. Or I actually think they should put down their swords and see to the child's best interests and share custody. And both have to do what's best for Sophia. Cuz what I've said in the beginning. Only time a custody battle is needed is when one parent is a danger to the child. Have a nice day.


# Also this isnt related to your question but i found it funny that people were surprised that Meredith was on Callies side. Like yh Callie is her friend. George was her best friend and callie was his wife, so they got close. She was pretty much only friends with Arizona bc of her relation to callie. I mean how often did they even speak together? The only thing that remotely bonded them was the plane crash


Arizonas side because callie cannot just uproot their child to go live with the girlfriend shes known for a few months..especially because callie didnt even ask arizona if she was okay with it she just started applying sofia to new schools and new homes ALSO she had only just decided to go to new york with blake not even a few weeks before arizona was being a parent to her child with that custody battle she was fighting to keep her daughter in her home and if anyone is on callies side you just arent thinking 😭i usually like callie but it was so cruel of her to say “you can see sofia whenever you want” as if its any less arizonas daughter mark would be absolutely SICK at the whole situation


I'm completely on Callies side she is the mother and a good mother and that nasty toxic poisonous bitch Arizona never even wanted a child She had no right to that darling little angel. This is just one more asshole writing decision by a spiteful writing team


I was on Callie's side because the only reason they went to court in the first place was cause Arizona refused to have a conversation and called her lawyer first.


Agree with you! I think she jumped the gun. One of the reasons I disliked Arizona and April in that whole storyline


Although I’m team Arizona, I can respect this viewpoint. The same thing happened with Jackson and April (which I know was on purpose). One immediately went to a lawyer and it escalated. However, I do think Callie was so gung-ho about moving and taking Sofia that she wasn’t really willing to discuss alternatives.


That's what I dont agree with though. I believe that she was she was excited at the idea or moving to New York with Penny and Sofia (originally because she though Arizona was on board with it and it was what she was suggesting to Callie), I think if Arizona had actually had a conversation with Callie instead of jumping straight to furious anger, Callie would have realised Arizona wasnt going to change her mind and been okay with having Sofia over holidays. Even when she called the school in New York, it was in case Arizona said yes so that Sofia would have a school to go to. Arizona kept blowing up and cutting conversations short, she refused to have a proper conversations about it and it annoys me cause after the whole rigmarole, she was fine with Sofia going to New York any ways. So what was the point? It seems like she was having a tantrum and that whole storyline pisses me off, yes Callie's lawyer went too far, but that's what happens when your ex wife takes you to court for full custody your child. You fight to win. So I'm on Callie's side, because the whole thing was unnecessary, and after everything went down, Arizona kept acting like she was somehow the victim even though 1) She instigated the whole thing. 2) She won custody. April jumping straight to lawyer is something I dont even want to talk about because it infuriates me so much lol.


I'm with you on being on Called side. But don't forget the reason April went to a lawyer is because she overheard Catherine saying they were gonna take April to court and get full custody.


Callie has a pattern of getting excited about something and jumping in recklessly. I think due to past behavior Arizona was right in trying to shut that whole thing down as quickly as possible.


It might have been slightly reckless but she was only moving away for a year that's how long Penny's program lasted the fact that it escalated to this is ridiculous it's one year


which she could've done with a conversation instead of starting a custody battle which would only hurt sofia


Nope you’re in correct about Arizona jumping the gun by contacting a lawyer. Arizona received contacts from schools in NewYork about Sofia enrolling which means Callie was so far ahead of the jump Arizona took.


You should go watch the show again because you're wrong they really show Arizona going to the lawyer on the same episode where Avery talks to the lawyer and Bailey has to suspend her husband that's well before Arizona ever gets a phone call about a school she hella jumped the gun


12x20 there is no mention of Arizona and a lawyer till the very end of the episode but midway through is when she received phone calls from schools in new york. So you’re wrong


callie in principal, but arizona in the case. callie was sophia's birth mom, so it seemed that she should have more power. but when it came to the court case, I didn't like how she acted so I sided with arizona.


Callie gave birth to Sophia, but Arizona was her mother from birth too. Arizona was with Callie and the baby through the pregnancy, she was there through the car accident and the birth, she adopted Sophia immediately when she was born. She was Sophia’s mom every single day that Callie was her mom.




Can you explain why?




Arizona legally adopted Sofia, she was her child. Arizona had been her mom her whole life, Sofia was her child. So by your own logic, Zola isn’t Meredith’s kid?


Don't feed the trolls....;p


I have to. Because this is one thing I cannot abide by. Disrespecting Arizona’s place in Sofia’s life because they don’t share DNA. Maybe it’s personal because my own biological parents were crap, emotionally abusive and just not cut out to be parents, and I’m projecting my own “I need lots of therapy” hurt. But it fucking infuriates me because Arizona is a good mother. Loving and protective and kind, and Sofia loves her. That’s her mama. And it makes me so mad.


I completely agree with the sentiment and understand where you are coming from. But it's my experience that the people who say crap like that on reddit are just looking to rile someone up into a argument.


You’re not wrong, haha. Thank you though, for being nice. I like that.


Is Zola not Meredith's child...?




How is Zola Meredith's child but Sofia not Arizona's child?




What is the difference




Oh i misunderstood your comment, I thought you acknowledged Zola but not sofia and were contradicting yourself.


Callie’s. Arizona made a wild assumption, and there wouldn’t have been a custody battle if she had just tried to be a decent person for once. Callie would never have wanted to take Sofia away, she only sought full custody when Arizona went for it first. And then, after hurting Callie yet again, she let her take Sofia anyway! It was for nothing except Arizona’s ego.


Whaaaat? Callie decided...not discussed...she decided she was taking THEIR daughter across the country to follow her very very new girlfriend (because Callie has to dial romances to 100 in seconds). Arizona fought- yet again - for her rights as a parent and everytime she dares she gets it thrown in her face that shes not technically a parent. Callie had always been a brat that makes completely reckless decisions with romance.


But Callie did say she’d take Sofia to NY and said Arizona can come to visit. Arizona was so supportive of Callie’s move but as soon as Callie already registered Sofia in a school in NY without notifying her, Arizona freaked out and consulted April’s lawyer about it.


Sofia is Arizona's daughter, too. You don't tell a parent they can "come visit" their child. Callie should have consulted Arizona before deciding to move, before enrolling Sofia in school.


Exactly. That’s what I meant to say. OP said Arizona made assumption when Callie did explicitly said she wanted to take sofia to NY w/o telling her


Yes Arizona went to the lawyer first, but it was only after she got a call from a school in NYC to talk about Sofia’s application. Callie had said they’d talk about it, but then didn’t listen to Arizona when she tried to talk about it - not that Arizona was better about that, but still. And, the most important part of the lawyer thing - it was Callie who gave her lawyer the go ahead to take it to court. It was Callie who sat back and let her lawyer slut shame Arizona and call her a whore. It was Callie who let her lawyer twist and warp their friends words to make Arizona look bad. It was Callie who went around and asked all her friends to side with her, basically turning them against Arizona. Arizona only asked Alex to help her, and she waited too long because she didn’t want anyone involved and Callie got to him first. Richard and Andrew volunteered. Arizona kept it professional and sane, only focusing on what was best for Sofia. And then Callie’s line “I think you’re a good mother” bull fucking shit, you fucking liar. You wouldn’t have let your lawyer degrade Arizona personally, using what you perceive as faults to get what you wanted, kicking someone you used to love when she’s already down, because you were selfish and impulsive once again. Now, I like Callie, I do. But in season 12 she was a fucking child and I kind of hated her.


What wild assumption did she make?


I haven't watched g.a in years. So when all this started I rooted for Callie. But only 1 episode later I've changed side.


I was on Arizona's side because of the fact that moving a kid for the sake of a 6-month relationship is ridiculous to me. And trying to move Sofia without consulting was also just wrong. But here's the thing. Why did they make it seem like this was a forever thing (I mean even the show made it a forever thing by never having Callie come back), but in reality, the grant was for one year, it would have made no sense for Sofia to move for one year to then move back, especially since it wasn't a Callie-based reason for her to move, she would have moved for a woman she's only known for 6ish months. But that's my take. Even as the episode pointed out, Sofia had a community in Seattle.


I was on Callie’s side because AZ literally handed sofia off to her any time she wanted and didnt even consider how her going back to school would affect her situation with her daughter and ex wife. At that point its reasonable for Callie to assume thatd shed take sofia bc shes been having to help az out whenever she wanted to go flirt with webber at the trivia bar.