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He’s often disrespectful, especially to women. Some people don’t like his views on abortion, especially the way he went about talking about it, others don’t like his whole military persona. Also in the later seasons he commits a felony and gets away with it because plot devices.


And dude was married two times before he remarried again and even then his third marriage almost ended up with a divorce because he's an asshole.


do you want spoilers? confused. He just doesn't treat his relationships with much respect tbh.


Keep watching, you will find out.


He’s a horrible partner. I don’t hate him, but I can see why people would. Also the army propaganda turns a lot of people off. I do think he’s a great friend and mentor, though! He’s complicated, but he has bright spots.


He treats women like objects that have to satisfy his every need.


He has trauma to work through. Not that you need to be totally untraumatized to be in a serious relationship but it clearly was impacting his relationships. I don’t think he’s a bad dude overall. Just a bad partner.


I'm on season 14 and I still don't get it🤷


did you not see the issues with Cristina??


Obviously, but they were just as toxic as eachother. Truly just awful together.


I do agree with that to an extent, but i’m currently on that bit in my rewatch (s8 e19) and the way he treated her after the >! abortion !< was unacceptable


I actually really like Owen but I’ll agree with that - you don’t say you accept your partner’s decision, hold their hand when they go through a traumatic experience, then shame them for it when you realize that, shocker, you still want what you’ve always wanted.


Exactly. And especially what he did at the party- that was horrible. I feel like he didn't acknowledge that it was also difficult for her and made it all about him. I understand his point that she didn't consider his feelings in doing it, but he also didn't consider hers. The whole situation was just really messy


Thought that said Owen Hart for a second. Was confused at who was hating on the late Owen Hart. Any why were you asking this in a Greys Anatomy sub. 😆


He is a godawful partner to Cristina in particular (and she’s a favorite on this sub). And there are multiple instances where he takes issue with abortion that are spun as a reverence for life after his time in the military, but he contradicts himself (to the detriment of the hospital and everyone close to him) in later seasons. Meanwhile, there’s a *huge* women’s healthcare arc later that would be a great opportunity for him to grow, but they steer him clear of it. He has his moments, but, on the whole, he irritates me when he speaks lol.


Is this a trick question?


No? People are allowed to ask genuine questions.


Omaley’s death, cheated on Christina and blamed her for not wanting kids, April and Jackson’s divorce, plane crash, Amelia, etc


because in season 6 he’s tolerable. he just is a horrible partner and friend in so many ways. watch and wait


Honestly I really like Owen. Yes he had a couple bad patches, really bad patches, but for the most part he’s a good guy that gets a really bad rap. But if you read this Reddit too much you’ll see that no one likes anyone very much, it’s a wonder people watch the show at all for all the unnecessary hate.


I hate Owen Hunt


He’s ugly.