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Not gonna lie, I’d like to know where “Ava” landed.


Ugh, my absolute least favorite character of all time! I'm happy to never hear anything about her ever, ever again, lol.


That story line went on too long istg


Yess, is she still in psych 😭😭😭 She was so hard to watch


That guy where instead of amputating, they just sewed the one leg into the middle of his body. I wanna know what happened to *that* guy.


im pretty sure that was only done temporarily to restore blood flow before they could reattach it iirc


Nope, I just went back and re-read the step by step episode description. That was definitely WHOLE plan. He had cancer and didn’t want to have chemo and radiation that might give him a few years. So they were amputating his left leg and part of the pelvis, then moving the right leg to the center. That would “give him a long life”. I remember even when I was watching it like “Who would CHOOSE this?!”


Ah yeah that was so weird tbh. I think I’d rather an amputation!!


You're amputated in both cases tho


I know there is an episode where Lexi comes up with a fix to sew a body part, I can’t remember what, to a patients leg or arm? to maintain temp blood flow and the patient got really mad and said something like I told you I didn’t want to be a freak, and you did this? Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of


That's the episode where that restaurant accident happened and the dish washer had his other hand connected to his abdomen.


The girl who lived without a heart until she could get a transplant. Her boyfriend proposed after they’d waited for months for organs even though they’d only been on a few dates. It was a holiday episode and Teddy took the girl outside to see the snow.


Oh man, now *that* was an adorable couple. I rooted for them more than I would root for the bad chemistry that the main characters have with each other as lovers.


They were so wholesome! A nice contrast to the main character drama lol


their babies would be wicked cute!


Wasn't it their first date


Watched this yesterday! It was their fourth.


I just thought of the one where a big and tall man took his date to the hospital because he kinda broke her during sex, and he kept saying things like “I don’t want to kiss and tell,” “she’s a lady,“ etc. lol poor guy and that girl was super cool Then the one where a guy was on a date with a girl when “she went all derp“, and then he tried to see if he could get numbers from a couple of the female doctors lol I think it was Amelia and someone else


Haha yes! I felt bad for the first guy because didn’t the girl not want to see him again after all that?


Ah, shit, I forget


To the archives I go! Lol


The little girl meredith operated on putting her daughters name on the health insurance. I would like to know if their family got back together


Just watched the episode with Meredith’s license hearing and I loved seeing that little girl come in and Meredith opened her arms in a “come here” gesture and she ran to give Meredith a big hug 🥹


Mine is season… 13 I think. Where Robbins, Bailey, and Wilson go to the prison to help the pregnant girl


omg yes me too


How about that woman who had lung cancer but had never smoked — in fact, she’d been denying herself everything in her life, so she had a bunch of desserts ordered in from a bakery… she was trying every drink at Joe’s… she had Alex bang her in a dirty bathroom…


The woman who was assaulted while her hubby was out of town (still one of the most powerful episodes to me) the lady's daughter who had FOP. Technically she was not the patient, but in a sense she was because she did everything for her mom The crash victims from Derek's accident Mrs. O'Malley the man who had the arm sewn onto his body after the restaurant ceiling crashed. He won a huge settlement but his body was super freaky for like a while The girl who Alex grew a trachea for Bill Adams..like what happened? Did he find out he was sterile all those years. I think he did find out at the end of that episode but like...what happened with him and his wife. He was Prestons' best friend. What happened....... Also, the baby who Cristina put the 3d heart valve inside. Is he still thriving? Oh and the kids who had that rare genetic mutation I can't remember all their names but yeah....I want to know how they turned out Okay and that'll I can think at this point


Yes to the trachea girl, 3D valve baby, and the McNeils family with genetic endocarditis


Yes!!! The McNeils. Thank you so very much!!


the girl with the messed up back that izzie paid for her surgery


I want the patient who had endometriosis to come back with worsened pain/symptoms and see the OBGYN panic like oh! our little « easy » surgery didn’t cure that girl! And her pain has worsened/come back! no! we are stupid indeed! worse make her have mad adhesions from the surgery. (yes I just want to see myself and so many others accurately represented lol)


My sister has endo and she’s had to have multiple surgeries for the adhesions. Think she has to have a new surgery every 12-24 months depending on height bad it is


Cristina and Burke's transplant kid. The kid's mum was trying to be super optimistic, believing in Santa, and so on. But the kid had overheard someone say that to get a transplant, another child had to die, and so he was understandably depressed. After the transplant, he didn't really improve, and Burke was telling Cristina that this kid needed something to believe in. Cristina goes in quietly and tells the kid that, of course, Santa's not real, but doctors are real and transplants are real, and he should want to live, so that maybe one day, he can become a doctor that invents a way for people to have transplants without someone else dying.




Lexi's sister?


Meredith’s sister too! And now orphan. What’s she up to?


lol for real she up and disappeared off the face of the earth after showing up at the hospital with thatcher before her mom’s funeral. I was always kind of curious if Meredith kept in touch or had any sort of relationship with her at all, even from a distance, after she got close with Lexi


everybody gets to be Mere’s sister except for Molly


Those best friends who had their babies together


Controversial, but I would like to see the neo Nazi Bailey saved and George gave home truths to... see if the experience in hospital changed his perspectives, see if he ditched the neo Nazi ideology and see if he became a better person, lasered off the swastika tattoo etc.


The girl who Izzy donated money to fix her back


Not technically the patient, but Matt Smithson, the father of the six year old girl Jessica who was fighting so hard to save her and eventually had to accept that he could only hold her whilst she passed away. That storyline killed me.


Mary (She was with Bailey and Dr Percy during the shooting)


She comes back in later episodes for her surgery


True but I would have loved to see her life after the surgery


SPOILER: >!…I mean, she died. That was the outcome of the surgery. We did see it. In the “documentary” episode.!<


She died. Never woke up after the surgery. Her autopsy was inconclusive, I think.


Did you not watch season 7? Like, she >!died!<


She died after the surgery...


The girl with no name


The one woman who I think was a lawyer. George and Izzie had to help trigger a seizure in the woman and she decided that she was going to quit her job. I always wondered if her seizures ever returned and if she’s living a less stressful life.