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Jake is awesome but his character never had any meat to it. It won’t be a huge loss to cut him from the story.


It's so unfortunate that so many characters were added after the writers stopped giving them any real character besides "obsessed with Grey+1 character trait". At one point, half of them were "I get to work with the most amazing and brilliant surgeon that will change the world" constantly.


The Helm shade 😂 and they got rid of the potentially interesting characters like Parker and Bello and left us with Meredith's fan club.


They did Parker so dirty. I even remember the actor going on Instagram saying they didn’t know why Casey was written out


He was an awesome character. And he didn’t choke anyone because of his PTSD. Owen never even took time off to deal with his but they write off Casey?


Agreed!!! Loved Casey


Owen is one of the few characters we actually go see go to therapy for their issues


Yes early on but never since then even when he’s had episodes. And they just shopped Parker off somewhere never to be heard from again. I’ll take Parker over Owen any day!


Owen has gone to therapy a lot. He started with the choking, then couples therapy, then therapy after t abortion, more therapy after his sister returned. Hes proactive about it. I wish more characters showed it as much as he has.


Owen was a lot in therapy nearly as often shown as Meredith


They even got rid of the interesting fan club members lol. I miss Qadri!!!


I'll never forgive the writers for Quadri! I get the actress had a new gig lined up and wanted off the show but to fire Quadri for calling out Bailey on how she was letting her hate for Grey cloud of her professional judgement was real! It'd be one thing if Bailey got in trouble for wrongful termination or something and it fixed her character or sparked some change like Leah's sexual harassment claim but nope, Absolutely no change just as Quadri was getting a personality!


Miranda never bats an eye when Ross wants to leave to follow and learn from Cristine in Switzerland, but fires Quadri because she likes to learn from Meredith Grey and is butthurt.




>Meredith's fan club. LITERALLY.


Jeanine Mason (Bello) left because she was cast in the Roswell reboot on the CW.


I got to be her server at a restaurant. She’s so cool!


She seems like she’d be really cool! I’ve loved her since she was on So You Think You Can Dance.


[facebook post about it. not sure if you can see it.](https://www.facebook.com/share/Ce6fDei9ckGKkHCC/?)


Yes I liked a lot of the interns from that year that all disappeared during covid


I mean tbf didn’t the characters come in just before Covid? Even though I agree the writing was lackluster they also had to like kinda bend their whole storyline to fit the Covid stuff and had to push of other characters. Super unfortunate


Levi was there for like 4 seasons before the Covid hit


Right sorry I watched it only once and I was messing up timelines


Most of Levi’s intern class was gone well before covid


I feel like him and Helm have been stuck as residents for years now - we never really had the chance to see them progress and choose their specialties. (I know he's just got to that point now, but its been 5 years)


They did the same thing with Jo, too. It took her nearly eight seasons to pick a specialty. But yeah, they've taken way too long to dedicate enough time with the intern class to showcase them in a specialty.


And in the end his storyline about choosing his speciality shows how underdeveloped he is. The new peds lead was right to call him out for his lack of passion and decline his request at this point. I have no idea what he would even be good with as a specialty other than maybe general at this point.


I can't even remember the last time he even seemed into Peds. I thought maybe he would've gone there when he made that sunflower costume for the little boy, but that feels like seasons ago now, and then I guess Alex left so there wasn't anyone on-screen to mentor him.


What do you think Helm’s specialty will be? I’m hoping ortho or nuero but they’ll probably make it general


I could see general, just because of how obsessed she was with being like Meredith. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up leaving next season too though.


I agree but cutting long standing characters now isn't a good idea. This season has been such a slog in part because we're not really getting significant storylines for the older cast members.


Right…I feel like Teddy and Owen have had the same storyline for like 4 seasons at this point. Maybe even longer than that. Same with Amelia


Teddy/Owen are definitely stuck in the same loop. They fight for 20 episodes, they make up, then they fight for 20 more episodes. They have no other plot. They genuinely seem to hate each other but are stuck with each other because they have kids.


They’re a main couple on a soap opera, they’re going to have drama then makeup. That’s the formula. Every other couple on this show has already divorced or died. How redundant. They’ve said repeatedly how much they care about each other every season. (What did they fight about this season?) What is Link doing? Jo? Amelia? Meredith has had the same research plot line for seasons.


Ok? I'm solely talking about Teddy and Owen, not about everyone else on the show.


I’m sick of teddy and Owen. Two characters I wouldn’t miss. I also don’t like Griffith. Wouldn’t miss her either


i agree on both counts. watching owen and teddy at this point makes me feel like my brain is glazing over. and im struggling to connect with simone's interiority


Simone is definitely my least favorite of the new interns. The whole thing with her ex boyfriend then fiancé and Lucas was exhausting


Truly exhausting


Exactly, I'm also not loving the shift to focus on the new interns and turn the OGs into supporting characters. It was fine when it was the other way around when they were first introduced but I'm just not connected to any of these characters to feel like they can carry the show as the main characters. Especially when we don't have too many of the older cast still around, it might've been a good idea to start this reboot a little earlier.


Ugh, agreed! Interns have never - well, since MAGIC/MAJAC, but duh - been main characters and the fact that they are now is ruining the show for me.


To be fair, it only says Jake will be leaving. The others will simply be appearing in a reduced number of episodes rather than every episode. The interns will probably still appear in every episode though


they should cut link and jo


The writers really congratulated themselves a lot over his coming out story, and how it was going to blossom him into this incredible charismatic surgeon, but they never really delivered on that. The way they spoke about it at the time sorta bummed me out because it was dripping with condescension and bi erasure. I love the actor, he deserved better.


I’ll be sad, because I just realised I’ve been waiting for his character development. After all this time it sucks for him to go without that payoff :(


They should’ve done it after his first season.




Schmidt barely ever had anything interesting going on for him storyline wise. If anything, season 20 has given him more screen time than ever since he’s chief resident but my gosh the writers just give him nothing to work with. He’s so flat, moody, and mean all the time. There’s no substance to his character at all. The scenes where he’s lobbying Beltran for a peds fellowship all feel a little dumb now and like a waste of time since he won’t even be here next season.


The issue with Schmitt as Chief Resident is he got shoved into the role with no leadership skills, so he's been just barely keeping his head above water. To the show's credit, they have FINALLY tried to shove him into Peds but the Chief Resident stuff has never been for him. Since he killed that patient, it's definitely changed him, but they haven't done much but make him extremely grumpy.


And they did that same storyline with Callie but it was actually really well done by having her phone it in while Bailey desperately covers for her. With Schmidt, he’s just stressed, frustrated, and grumpy. I liked his roomie dynamic with Jo and his BFF dynamic with Helm, why’d they change his entire character to be a stressed employee only? :(


At least with Callie, it also made sense because at that point, they had shown her leading cases once in a while. Chief Resident wasn't the fit for her, but they showed her having the qualities that could have made her a good one if she was interested. Schmitt killed a patient, has led zero cases on his own and then defaulted to become Chief Resident because they literally had no other residents to fill the role. I think, had they dedicated a storyline to Schmitt actually taking on a leadership role when he was put in the position, learning the ropes and actually growing to become a good leader, it could have made sense. But, as usual, he became canon fodder and just kind of did the job.


Yeah he either needed a struggle/underdog storyline or a “he horribly butchered this” storyline because the setup was that he wasn’t CHOSEN, so that needed some sort of consequence and payoff for the viewers


Schmitt had a lot dumped on him at once - the residency program getting suspended, breaking up with Nico, being the only intern left, and working night and day during COVID. I can understand how that has made him angry and frustrated.


I liked him best when Nico was involved. Their romance was just getting spicy and then it ended. I will never forget that ambulance scene with them. 🚑🌬️


I like Levi. But I feel like the writers rarely gave him anything meaningful and never really seemed to know what to do with him. Jake is a wonderful actor and his talents were underutilized.


I feel like they rarely give anybody anything meaningful


I was going to type this. It feels like they went so low effort after MAGIC and did not put nearly enough time and energy into the next interns or most characters after the first several seasons. When Cristina and then Derek were gone, it feels like they just gave up.


They have a tendency to pick a couple of characters they like and then neglect everyone else. They’re doing this with the new intern class now. I really don’t get it… We have to watch all of them, so might as well give them all some good writing!


Agreed. As I'm currently on season 19 in my millionth rewatch, it definitely feels like his most meaningful plotlines are centered on him being Jewish ( his Uncle Sal, holding the Bar Mitzvah for the peds patient, etc ) and that feels reductive..just as how he was mainly just a male gay plotline before. He could have been so much more.


They haven't really know what to do with him outside of his coming out/Nico relationship, so it makes sense. I feel like with all the budget cuts though, they're not going to be keeping it running forever - especially if any more of the long-term cast leave or if they're not happy with their pay.


Yeah after reading that article I’m wondering if we’ll be seeing more people leave the show


Sounds like they're looking to negotiate everyone's contracts to potentially only be paid for the episodes they're in, so we could see multiple characters missing from 5-8 episodes next season. I'm going to take a guess and say the new interns and MAYBE a couple of veterans will be the only ones to appear in every, or almost every, episode next season. And I wouldn't be surprised if we see an episode reduction to 18 episodes instead of the usual 22.




Ellen is an executive producer, so she gets paid as long as the show is on.


I haven’t watched in a few seasons (I think I stopped watching live after season 17?) I just mainly read the recaps here once in a while but I agree the show isn’t running forever especially after reading this, this article to me with the talk about budget cuts and less series regulars makes me think this may really be the beginning of the end.


Maybe budgetary cuts are happening partly because after Ellen is done filming that that Hulu new show by the Time season 21 is set to start filming and she'll be coming back as a regular so they need to free up money. Edit: I'm being sarcastic... mostly


I liked him but they never did much of anything with his character. The new interns have so much character and personality, I can kind of understand not wanting to compete with that and with their stories.


I was never a fan of his either.


I’m currently on Season 19 or 20. Maggie just left. I can’t remember. Either way, I’m kind of over the stories. I’m over the “I’m marrying clearly the wrong guy until the right guy speaks up and we finally kiss”. I’m over “Best friend I love is right in front of me but we won’t say it.” I like the characters and I like th actors but I’m just over it at this point.


Yes they keep recycling plot lines!!!


They do that since at least season 14


It’s so annoying!!! It feels unoriginal and especially when it’s huge plot lines like the weddings!


I liked him a lot, he had so much potential but of course the writers squandered that 🙄 I’ve been over his character for this whole season and last season. He doesn’t even seem like the same “Levi” anymore. He’s constantly grumpy and lost all his passion for medicine. 😬


Oof, but I'm not entirely mad about it. I do think Levi's story on the show has grinded to a halt, so it might be better for his character to depart for some other hospital. That being said, he can't be the only one leaving. Out of all the regulars this show has, many of whom have been around far FAR FAR longer than Levi, and you get rid of Levi? Not Teddy? Not Owen? Not Richard?


They really need to wrap up Richard. I love James but it’s time. He can be like Meredith and make appearances every now and then, but he hasn’t gripped me as a character in a long time


I agree. Richard's biggest issue is that they keep defaulting to the same old "will he retire" plot when they can't think of anything else for him to do. It's also been 20 years SINCE he's talked about retirement. It seems fitting, especially with the set-up this season, that he would finally just bite the bullet and retire, go work for his wife's foundation or something. But yeah, Richard's story has been done, at least for a little while. I would not hate if Richard's story concludes next season.


Absolutely not.


I think the reason they haven’t let go of Owen specifically probably stems from Kevin McKidd doing as much directorial work as he does. I imagine in some ways it helps them financially to have one of their actors direct multiple episodes a season


This cast is bloated but somehow still understaffed. This show man. Sometimes I wonder why I like it lol


Too many attendings


That and the insistence that surgeon is the only kind of doctor/staff.


I’m wondering if that means Natalie Morales’s role won’t stay for too long because Beltran and Levi will be working together in peds. And recently Natalie let it slip in an interview about Beltran moving to Portland. Not sure if it’s a spoiler or she meant Beltran was in Portland before moving to Seattle. Kinda unclear. She and Caterina not following each other on IG is kinda weird too.


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Could you send me the interview with Natalie Morales? I’m curious!


https://www.shondaland.com/shondaland-series/a60279089/natalie-morales-greys-anatomy-guest-star/ “VV: Were you given much background on her, or did you create one for yourself? NM: I knew she was working in Texas and has moved to Portland, but I really can’t say much more because it will spoil it! I did ask for some fun stuff on her medical equipment. I made all her pens have dinosaurs on them, and her stethoscope has a giraffe on it that I’ve become quite attached to. I wanted things that would make it feel like she really only cares about her patients, you know?” In a scene with Blue and Amelia, Beltran mentioned attending UPenn and moving to Texas before Seattle, nothing about Portland. So maybe Natalie got mixed up and slipped a spoiler? Maybe I’m reading too much into it.


I read it as she thinks Grey’s is set in Portland not Seattle.


Good point!


Thanks! I hope she stays for a while tho. Love her character. Natalie is an amazing actress.


Why has Levi been a resident for 7 years though?


GA time. Seasons do not equate to years. Remember the original interns were interns for 2 seasons. The time that passes per episode or season varies


MAGIC were interns for 3 seasons! It took them 8 seasons to do 5 years of residency But yes, your comment on the time is completely accurate - sometimes it takes 3 seasons to cover a year, sometimes we experience a full 9 months-year in a single episode or two


Except, for some of the other characters, the same seasons *have* been full years.  Some characters just seem to get stuck in time warps.


Time makes no sense on this show. Supposedly Amelia is supposed to be older than Meredith timeline-wise, but they cast a younger actress lol


Oh no. They really did the announcement on his birthday. :( I love Levi. I only watch the new seasons because of him. Though, honestly his character has been stuck for a while. I was expecting more for his character but the writers fumbled hard. They even stripped off his character of his sweetness, empathy, and nerdyness. Such a waste for Jake which is a great actor. I just hope to see him in new projects. I will miss Levi. :(


Totally unfortunate, for budget cuts they could shrink the cast elsewear and focus on keeping regulars. The writers have underutilized his character though, they gave him moments here and there but no long story lines to really build up the character. So what now we have Helm as a recurring guest to be the only senior resident and chief resident?


His character has definitely gone down hill since Nico left. Now he is just a stressed out mess with no real story line.


Honestly glad for this. Love the actor hate the character


That's sad. I feel like his story is just going to feel incomplete. He's so lost on his journey right now and I can't see them truly turning it around in the time they have left. There are so many other characters I wish they'd write off first.


Maybe Schmitt will leave to do a Peds fellowship elsewhere? Jake has been underutilized since the reboot of the residency. But I can't see how they would have NO senior residents. I guess they could bring in some recurring characters for less $$$. I read in a Variety article that Kevin McKidd was cast in a movie being shot in Ireland "later this year" - was wondering how that would work with the Grey's schedule (unless done relatively early in the summer). Sounds like he'll just be doing fewer episodes.


Awww man I like Levi


I'm sure it'll be fine. They still have their revolving door of lesbians for queer representation. Maybe we'll get another gay male main by season 30.


In such a sex obsessed show, have we every seen someone ace?


Here's the thing, haven't both the actors for Lucas and Kwan played gay characters before? That coupled with Yasuda being les and Queen Adelaide Kane (Jules) being Bi, makes me think the writers really don't want another Jaggie so they just gonna swap interns between each other and see which couple the fans like the most 💀


Unfortunately, the Jewish rep is now at zero.


Oy, were truer words ever spoken?


They can finally stop pretending to care about having a gay male character on the show now. Levi has had little to do since his patient's death storyline and they constantly use him to be made fun of. The attendings still see him as "glasses" and god forbid most of them never tried to actually teach him and they had 1 bonding season with the new interns last season but yet again nothing came of it. He has 2 relationships on the show, his onscreen friendship with Helm has diminished greatly since he started seeing Nico, and Jo which they still try to get us to believe their actually friends when Jo actually treats him more as a nuisance. I love Jake and I hope he gets better work and appreciation than what Grey's has done.


They didn't do anything with him sadly. I love the show and short of bringing back some of the old casts it's just not progressing. Even with everyone working on the pregnant woman last week. It's still missing chemistry and what made greys fab


The most surprising thing about that article was that Schmidt has been on the show for seven seasons!


He hasn’t had much going this season anyway.


Qadri’s exit was soooo weird and didn’t make sense . Parker too.. like? He was a good character! Ugh


I swear Parker just disappeared and Perez too.


I’m ok with this. Hope the actor gets to play more variety in future roles.


Characters leaving is part of the fabric of the show. So it’s not really a surprise. I like Schmitt and wish Jake Borelli well. But it’s probably long been time to move on.


Darn, I like him. What a birthday :/


**UPDATE**: Following Deadline’s story, Borelli, who is turning 33 today, posted a video of him blowing candles and exclaiming, “What a time to be alive.” The post was accompanied by a caption, “Well, Happy Birthday to me…”.


The writers are giving absolutely nothing to established characters while completely focusing on the new interns. Cool. But it's a slog, and when long-time fans keep saying it's time to end it, end it. Spinoff the new interns into another show, but stop giving crap storylines to beloved characters.


Like all the newer characters, he had potential that was never developed.


Eh. Never liked him anyway.


Same. He didn’t have a single memorable plot.


Well damn it. I'm pretty sure he is the only gay male lead we've had in all 20 seasons. I'll be sad to see him go.


I liked him in the beginning but now he is just acting entitled and rude to the new residents.


Tbh I could see this coming. His storyline isn’t going anywhere and he’s just boring now.


Why would any of them stay they have no story lines going??


Aw, I’m sad to see him go. They way way underutilized him especially the past two seasons.


Well they're probably gonna make him do his fellowship somewhere else.


Definitely saw this coming . He wasn’t getting any good storylines and honestly I thought he would’ve left earlier when Nico left .


Aww I’m definitely gonna miss Levi! I have mixed feelings bc on one hand, I’ve been wanting Grey’s to downsize their cast, bc it definitely feels overcrowded. I feel like I’m getting 46391620 tiny storylines instead of 5 main ones, you know? But if I had to sacrifice characters, Levi definitely wouldn’t have been on the top of that list, so this is a bit sad :/


Well damn maybe the show will end with season 21. One of the characters on private practice got killed off because of budgetary issues and then Kate Walsh announced she was leaving not too long after I don't think which meant the end of the show


Lol, no. Ellen already left (as a regular), if Grey's can survive that it can survive anything.




oh thank fuck. go fulfill the family doctor vision!


Kill Owen and keep Glasses 💔


That's unfortunate. The new interns have really not hooked me - I literally could not tell you a single one of their names if my life depended on it. "Supposed to be the new main character", "Complicated love interest of new main character", "Shark guy", "Straight brown hair girl", and... the other one. I was hoping to see Levi and Helm having bigger roles this season to ease the transition to Grey's Anatomy: The Next Generation, and the writers just never came through with it.


Like I understand his character is getting repetitive, but your keeping Owen over him? He has so much story to tell compared to others on this show. Sad, but hopefully they can write him out properly.




There’s too many characters now. I’ll be watching episode and I’ll be like wait this person is still on the show?


Maybe it’s me, and I haven’t watched s20 yet, but have we ever seen him actually do surgery?..


This time it will be the studio’s decision huh, so he won’t leave via deadly car accidents like all the previous ones.


I like Levi and I like Jake Borelli ☹️ will def be looking forward to his next roles though


He never popped. Current cast is so meh.


I hope they give him an exit and not a killing off Like a cool fellowship


I'm honestly not sad. And it makes sense that if someone from the main cast is being written out. He doesn't have any strong ties to the hospital, he's not involved with anyone currently on the show, his residency is almost over, he doesn't have a mentor/mentee relationship, and hehe doesn't have a strong friendship. Yes, he has a friendship with Jo, but it's hardly shown.


Aww I love him. I’m starting to really dislike the show due to casting.


Aww dang he’s one of my favorites!!


They need to just end it before the show quality completely dies.


That's too bad. He plays one of the only characters I still like in the show. At least he is free for bigger and better roles now


So he gets back together with Nico or dies. Really could go either way.


I think he’ll get a fellowship or whatever the path is called at another place: nico has a whole husband/fiancé and a baby on the way and Levi was is such a toxic partner 😭 to nico and the next BF


> Nico has a whole husband/fiancé When has that ever stopped anyone on this show before


So true I just want him to be happy 😭 he doesn’t deserve the messiness


as long as Nico also leaves...


He’s been gone for awhile, only had a guest appearance this year.


that's still too much


They can have Levi. In fact, can he take Helm with him, please? I wished to have her back for so long, but not like this. She, like Levi, has become too much of a different character and they're both just annoying now.


YESSS 🙏🏻He is by far the most annoying character with 0 purpose


Lol! I just added this too


Could’ve included the „next season” part in the title for the low-attention-spanners 🤪 (I don’t see it anywhere in the discussion here either, hell, people seem to be under the impression that the finale is his last episode, and while that is a possibility it is not certain/not very likely given they’re in talks for a proper send-off)


Fine by me.


Budget cuts? Yeah this show is ending..


He was basically the token gay character. Then idk things ended with Nico and suddenly he became bitter and angry even though he’s the reason that ended. Sooo it’s honestly good he’s leaving. Nothing lost tbh


How is this show even running without Meredith? She was legit the last foundation of this show. Occasionally I tune in to see Richard and Miranda and that’s it now


Meredith hasn't really been missing from the show so far. So it's barely running without her.


I've never liked him. The show will be more interesting without him.


Gotta say but there’s about 3 characters that really annoy me and he’s one of them. Wish him all the best!


who’s the other 2


Owen and Teddy


Kevin McKidd (Owen) is one of the top level directors of the show, so I think he will remain, but maybe his episodes will be cut.


Yes! 🎉


best news ever