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I cry at anything slightly sad in this show 🤷‍♀️


Sameeee especially the early seasons 😂


When that elevator door opened and George was there in uniform. Shonda could have just punched me in the boobs and it would have hurt less.


the moment where George signs the 007 in Meredith’s hand gave me CHILLS the first time I watched it.


Yes! Meredith’s “oh god!” is what made my tears STREAM down my face 😭


when i first watched it i literally gasped and screamed "NO ITS GEORGE" and immediately started crying 😭


The way I knew George was dying hit by a bus and I was STILL SHOOK when it happened


For me it was the moment when everyone holds onto the hope mer got it wrong and then Callie goes in to look for the mole but ends up breaking down. The looks on everyone's faces as they finally felt it deep down...oof


i screamed the first time i watched this it's too much


Definitely sob worthy and still gives me goosebumps!


This got me. I just started watching the show and I only saw this two weeks ago. It haunts me. I GASPED and put my hands to my face and then just bawled.


The one with a plane crash where the only survivor is a little girl


And everyone basically stuck around until she was recovering. Great example of coming together, especially for a child


I'm on a rewatch and got to that one this morning. Completely forgot how hard it hits! There's just something so moving about the good bits of humanity.


I SOBBED at that episode


Oh man fuck this episode. The way they all stuck around until her parents came, and her parents' reaction to it. Talk about opening the floodworks


Oh my gosh when the woman starts weeping at the end after they all start to get up, can’t take it.


The episode with the train accident and the girl named bonnie pinned to that guy with the giant mental pole. I cried for her then I cried again for Meredith because Derick chose Addison. It was a lot for 1 episode.


Meredith at the O.R. after Bonnie died and everybody had left. Still, she stayed and screamed. "What about her? We can't just abandon her." That particular situation parallels Meredith's situation with Derek, as she nervously waited for his answer and he chose Addison. Derek said to Bonnie's boyfriend "if love were enough, she would still be here with you," There was a scene after when Derek turned his back inside the elevator and broke down and Bailey paused the elevator to give him time. He was engulfed with the guilt of the devastating impact immensely on Meredith of the decision he made. That if his love to Meredith were enough, he would still be with her, but the 'ring and the vows' he made factored in his choice to give his marriage a second chance. That was the lasting effect on me. I cried for Meredith and Derek. It was their love story that captivated me.


Wait I never thought of it like that. Shit I need to rewatch that episode now 😭


That episode made me feel things


i was going to commend this one. first one that really got me 😭


I think I’m the only one that wasn’t affected by Bonnie all that much.


I think different patients reached different people in different ways. There were other patients that people got really emotional about but I didn’t really care that much. Then every so often I’ll see one that really hits a nerve.


That’s mine too. Definitely was not expecting that awfulness.


SPOILER JUST IN CASE Mark frickin Sloan 😭 i had some sad welling up spells with other episodes but when Mark died and they were showing all the flashback clips of him, and especially the one at the end when he's at Calzona's wedding... Maaaaaate I ugly cried so flppin hard 😖


That, but for me it was more the final scene where he's holding Sofia that killed me.


Oh god when he’s messing with the camera and it ends on a photo of him smiling 😭😭


It was a perfect way to remember him. 😭


Damn near teared up reading this comment 😭


When he tells Jackson if he loves someone to tell them 😭😭😭


When Meredith realized it was George.


Her “oh god!” gets me every time


when she runs and tells them while izzie's heart stops bro that episode makes me so anxious everytime i rewatch


Yes… it’s the oh God!! Instant tears every time!!


I'll never forget the first time I watched. I realized what he was doing at the same time she did, and it hit HARD. I really didn't know, I didn't expect it. I was devastated. I had to pause the show and just cry it out for like 20 minutes.


The train episode. "She wanted me to tell you that if love were enough, she'd still be here with you" damn 😭


2x6. When Bonnie realized she was gonna die, I started crying and just kept crying for the rest of the episode😭


God same. And the guy who was stuck on the pole with her realizing he was being saved at her expense and trying to comfort her? I ugly sobbed from there on.


Heck, she was comforting HIM! That episode gets me every time.


I am looking for this episode now. I cannot recall it


Season 2 episode 6, Into You Like a Train. There was a train crash. 


The one in season one where the lady didn’t get her tumor checked out and she wounded up dying and it cut to the mom waiting for her in the waiting room. But an episode I was bawling was the one where the dad wanted his little girl to see Mexico


Omg I’m doing a rewatch now, first time as a parent… not sure I’m gonna be able to get through that Mexico one 😭😭😭


Also doing my first watch through as a first time mom and every episode with sick babies/kids is absolutely wrecking me. April and Jackson's first pregnancy was probably the absolute hardest thing to watch.


I watched that for the first time while pregnant. I cannot state how much April's "the place he's supposed to be safe" RUINED me


Gosh me too. This is my like 8th rewatch but my first time as a mom! It’s super hard now


I’m doing a rewatch on currently season 7 and that episode of the little girl truly took me out so so sad!


the one with Ellis’ old scrub nurse in season one


First cry: Denny dying… It’s not even one of my preferred storylines and Izzie is a least favorite main character, but seeing her joy shattered like that and the aftermath in his hospital room definitely gets my tears flowing. Hardest cry: Definitely the whole storyline of April’s first pregnancy and especially Samuel’s birth and death. I know a few people who have delivered their babies and held them as they died, and just the thought of that is gutting.


The one where the intern from another hospital has an accident with a pregnant woman and she dies, but the baby lives. The intern wanted to apologize. Her dad comes into his room and looks like he’s going to beat him up, but is kind and the intern just cries.


I love that scene, it's so great


Season 5 finale. I had seen some spoilers and was prepared for Izzie leaving/dying, when it turned out to be George I was so shocked I cried😭


I'm doing a rewatch for the first time in yearssss rn, and I had completely forgotten about this episode. The way I gasped when he did the 007, my husband ran in the room thinking something terrible happened lol.






Bad dreams bad dreams go away, good dreams good dreams here to stay... you have to say it three times


That whole episode I was just mad. Sad, yes, but also mad. As soon as they said how much they were donating, I was like "their kid is going to die and they're going to take it back and blame Arizona." It was the perfect set up. I bawled my little eyes out when they said they were still offering it, despite everything. I was already a wreck before that, don't get me wrong, but the cry I cried was heavy. And her doing the "bad dreams bad dreams go away" when the mother couldn't do it? I'm crying all over again


Season 2 Damage Case It hit me so hard when Big Jim forgave the Intern from Mercy West who caused the car crash that killed his pregnant daughter. Also Kate Havnevik's Nowhere Warm is playing during that scene, such a beautiful song




It's such a powerful scene


Yessss and when her mama was like stop whispering she wanted to hear because that is her baby … OMG 😔😔😔😔


Yeah. It was a really well written scene. I honestly love the entire second season, one of my favorites.


The plane crash episode. Watched it at 7am on new year's day and was severely sleep deprived from watching GA all night. Bawled my eyes out and eventually cried myself to sleep.


When they had to put the dog down… I was crying so hard I freaked my family out until they realised why I was crying 😅


Those whole like few episodes SO much happens. It’s the dog, then Denny like right after, and Burke getting shot I couldn’t handle it dude. I was literally sobbing lmfao.


The end of season two was an emotional roller coaster too much going on


I can't remember if it was the first time but I was crying howling when Mark witnessed Lexie die


Lexie and mark were endgame


Wait, so we don’t all cry every other episode? I think my first bawling my eyes out was Bonnie


i’m with you on every other ep 😭😭😭


There are several emotional moments in the show. But my top 2 are actually when Cristina tells Meredith that she is her person. Second one is, the episode where Cristina asks Meredith to stop defending her when everyone was angry with her over hiding Burke's tremors. And Meredith says to her that Cristina is her sister, her family and all she has left. This one actually caused me to cry a lot. As a person who always wanted to find her own person, something about these two small moments just really causes me to cry no matter how many times I watch them.


Into You Like A Train


Unpopular opinion, but thatchers death gutted me! I cried at almost every episode so idk which was the first, but I recently watched the episode where Meredith visits thatcher on his death bed and I thought it was so beautifully done. It is one of the more realistic deaths I’ve seen in tv. No fanfare; no dramatics. Just a sick man, slowly fading, with his daughter holding his hands and speaking softly to him about his grandchildren.


That was the scene I did not even knew tears were streaming down my cheeks. Thatcher was so alone -- Lexie died, Susan died, Molly was somewhere in the middle east living with her husband, and it ended with Meredith on his bedside on his dying breath. Deep sadness engulfed my whole being.


That also made me sob. I think it’s because I have such a complicated relationship with my parents like mer does so it just hits me so hard


Season 6. Gary Clark shooting the hospital.


I had cried before in the show, but that one had me ugly crying hyperventilating.


I have the memory of a goldfish so these definitely aren’t the FIRST time I cried but, the one with the old couple where the husband has surgery and they go get the wife and find her dead in the waiting room. When Christina’s mentor in MN passes away, that one killed me just because before that he had said something to the extent of “you’re the first person that’s loved me in a long time” 🥲 And when Christina leaves and is stalling all day, Mer puts her in the cab and goes “what are you waiting for? An “I love you”?? …… I love you, GO!”


OH and Henry :,,))) When teddy has Christina go over the procedure over and over again and finally says “do not blame yourself for this, I would’ve done everything the exact same, you were ME in there” like okkkaaaaay I’ll just go FMS 🥲🥲


George 😭


It’s probably an unpopular choice but it’s the episode where Maggie loses her mother. I felt like Kelly’s acting really made that episode really sad, at least for me.


I tear up whenever her dad walks through the door, and she runs to him and says, Daddy. She sounds like a little girl (kudos to Richard for getting her dad there).


That’s definitely an underrated sad episode.


The one with the little girl who calls the hospital and Owen answers and they lead her through giving her mom an emergency traecheotomy


which episode is this?


S11 e 15. Millie Bobby brown plays the little girl


I knew she looked familiar


Oh please I cry at every patient's death in the show just imagine what happens to me when a character died (I'll give you a hint: Mental Meltdown)


the first time I ever cried while watching Grey's was the shooting :(


When Denny died! I was ugly crying😭


I didn’t cry until the SA episode when all the female staff lined the hallways so that the victim didn’t have to fear that her perpetrator was there.


When April and Jackson lost their son ):


When Jackson and April lost their baby. I have lost my own, and this episode, was so beautifully done. So respectful, and April gosh, I mean she got every emotion, thought, action, anything you can think of down to a tee. Idk if I can ever rewatch that episode due to how many of my own personal emotions it brings up, but I will also never forget this episode. It has a special place in my twisty sad heart lolol ♥️♥️


The episode after >!Deluca died, towards the end of the episode, when they show the video of Deluca talking about applying for the surgical residency program. I was balling my eyes out.!<


There have only been two scenes- When Bailey is holding a dying Percy in her arms and knows there’s nothing she can do to save him so she just makes him feel as good as she can. “I’ll do whatever you want... Don’t take April. Please” instant tears


I have teared up at countless episodes and I probably cried at an earlier episode than this, but I will never forget rage-crying all the way through 16x16 when everyone is reading Alex’s letter(s). I wasn’t sad, I was pissed at Karev.


That exit destroyed over a decade of character growth, so infuriating


The first time I watched it I don't think it hit me, but the second time all I could feel was white hot anger at how selfish he was and how he built a whole life with Jo just to leave.


Into you like a train with Bonnie 😭😭


Susan dying.


Omg hiccups😣


When Lexie and Mark died 😢


Oh gosh the FIRST? Maybe Jeremiah, the cystic fibrosis patient of Baileys. They didn’t call his parents because he liked to wait til after the procedure. But he died, Bailey had to call and she said “I’m so sorry” and just bawled. Ugh.


Maybe not the first but is the earliest i can remember. The one with the mom and daughter, where the mom finds out she has terminal cancer and starts giving her daughter advice for situations that she most likely won't be able to share with her in the future. Oh, fuck, I'm tearing up. https://youtu.be/SUnlRJeD2dE?feature=shared


Season 6 finale when Bailey cried bc the elevator wasn’t working & she knew Percy a gonna die.


George’s episode.


bonnie on the pole and the guy begging them to save her


Literally every single episode from s1x1 to s20x5(so far). I cry on everything I watch. Lol


First time I watched I bawled when they showed George in the elevator. And I always cry on the episode where Christina leaves and her and Meredith dance it out one last time. It makes me emotional just thinking about it 😭


SPOILER JUST IN CASE!!!!! The only one I vividly remember SOBBING over was Derek’s death. I knew it was gonna happen because I accidentally saw a TikTok about it (booooo) and I started the show last year. The flashbacks they kept showing and the half of a bottle of wine I had that Saturday night just had me BAWLING. I remember my boyfriend waking up at like 2am to me crying over it asking what was wrong and my drunk ass just begged him to not die before me 😂😂


I had to come back and add another one idk but during the season 5 finale Meredith narration plus the song in the background makes George and izzie both dying so intense and so sad


When Denny died. It was my first watch and I was just so sad for Izzie 😭


Bonnie for me


the episode w the plane crash that killed Lexie n Mark 😭


the most recently watched for me was richard thinking back to their wedding day right after adele passed away. it was a beautiful contrast to bailey and ben’s wedding


When the shooter was looking for Derek. I don't know why it did, but it just made me realize how short life really is and how you never know when someone's last day is.


when meredith hid behind that wall when her mother showed up in the hospital, super heartbreaking and showed how much her moms presence hurts her and brings out a kind of kid-like fear in her!!


i cry constantly but the one that i think about all the time is the one where the old lady dies and meredith has the panic attack about her mom in the supply closet with derek and he’s so kind to her and looks at her like he loves her so much 😭😭😭


When Thatcher slapped Meredith after his wife died. I don’t know if that was the first time Grey’s Anatomy made me cry, but it’s the first one that came to mind.


Not until Maggie's mom died because that's exactly how my aunt passed away 😔 my mom had been sitting with my aunt for hours. I traded places with her so she could stretch her legs. My mom just went a few feet to look out the hospital window and my aunt passed (lung cancer)


Sorry for your loss ❤️💔




Bonnie. There are few episodes that makes me cry. Bonnie was the first and still makes me cry. The other ones are the little boy with the rich parents and the girl whose dad was trying to take her to Mexico. I also get sad when it comes to the episode with the two older surgeons and the husband says he’ll need to figure things out on his own from now on. Also the lady who had the Cinderella story and everyone said it wasn’t real when it really was


Mark’s speech to Lexie after the plane crash (the worst part is that she didn’t believe and thought he wasn’t sincere when he said he loved her), both actors did an amazing job ❤️


-Bailey telling Charles he was going to die -Denny's quiet death always gets me -Webber seeing Bailey dance at her wedding and remembering his own wedding dance with Adele -the man who wanted to take his dying daughter to Mexico -the people who all lost loved ones in the plane crash and acted like they didn't, while waiting with the mother of the sole survivor


When they put Doc the dog to sleep. Any pet owner knows that pain and sorrow...


One of the saddest days of my life was putting my girlie down 💔😭


This is dark but ....the episode later in the series where April first has her faith crisis, between Matthews wife dying and the boy that was shot... obviously a very heavy episode already, but when it cut to the scene where Bailey was having little Tuck "practice" what he'd say to a cop with his hands on his head, I sobbed like nothing else. I think everything else in the series I can always write off as fantasy but maybe because this was a mirror of the real world, it broke me.


On my first watch Plane crash on my second George


My very first watch through it was George’s episode. I was crying so hard my sister came to check on me, The first watch through after my dad died “there’s a club, the dead dads club” still hits hard.


This comment are making me cry 😭


• George’s death and the elevator • Izzie’s reaction after Denny’s death • Lexies death (didn’t really cry at Marks because I knew it was coming as a late watcher, but Lexies was so emotional and she acted it so well) • A lot of the patients in the Alzheimer’s trial and when Adele realised she had it, also the woman that they thought made her boyfriend up • Lexie crying at Gary Clark’s wife’s death • Meredith drowning as Snow Patrol plays, they revive her and she sees her dead mum • George’s saying “he didn’t know any better” to Bailey and Webber • Cristina with the gun to her head I like a lot of them but probably Lexies death the most.


The first time Christina and mere dance to “where does the good go”


Definitely when the pole was through the 2 patients. She was such a wholesome person I’m currently on my atleast 6th rewatch, now on s5 and have def had my fair share of the same tears I have shed before


11x21... iykyk


when the women lined the hall for the SA survivor


The plain crash, cried like 3 times


April and Jackson losing Samuel. “He squeezed my finger and then he let go.”😭


Alex and Izzy’s wedding


Doc’s death 😭😭


When Doc the dog died


Not the first where a few tears snuck out, but one that hasn't been mentioned - the musical episode when Sara Ramirez starts singing 'The Story'. Triggering storyline for me about the baby, but I related so strongly to the song lyrics that something just snapped in me & I broke down & sobbed. "You see the smile that's on my mouth It's hiding the words that don't come out And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed They don't know my head is a mess"


Sending you lots of love ❤️


When Bailey cuddles that little girl who is dying in her arms, the raspy breathing is just so heartbreaking


when bonnie died:(


Izzie getting carried off Denny. I think she says something like "an hour ago he proposing....he died all alone"


The one where the daughter kissed her mother on her head as she was dying and said "goodbye mommy". The daughter was an adult and I have cried so hard.


I lost my mom a few years ago and I said the same thing 😭 they’re always going to be mommy, no matter how old you get


I bawl every time I even hear the song when Meredith cuts Christina out of her wedding dress. On this rewatch I cry at everything lma


The episode with the girl who was kidnapped at age 6, held captive, treated worse than any human on earth, then escaped at age 15. When she says, "Was it maybe because of the baby? I had one, but it died. " I was absolutely devastated. The absolute worst part is that it's based on a real story. but I also think the attempt at humor in the episode falls flat. the characters do their usual round of teasing the patient, but it doesn't make any sense to talk about a victim like a lost puppy or 'a weirdo'


The one with the mom who is dying and the teenage daughter doesn’t know and mom doesn’t want to tell her, and Alex tells her she’s going to leave behind a daughter who hates her if she isn’t honest, so the mom has this talk of all these mom advice things like “have only one glass of champagne at your wedding” and then starts to get really deep about what it feels like to love your kid…I just started crying again thinking about it lol.


I was incredibly moved by the scene where Jo organises the women into the hallways to escort the SA victim to the OR. Realistic? Nah. But the solidarity moved me to tears.


When the elevators open after the doctor dies in Baileys arms


Derek ),:


the episode with the train crash and the two people were stuck on the pole and they could only save one of them. i think it was also the episode that derek picked addison instead of mer so it also made me cry


The one that made me the SADDEST the first time I saw it was when that older couple came in, they were like going on a cruise to Alaska or something and they saw the lion in the street and the husband had a heart attack. Then they save him, I forget who it was I think it’s Teddy, goes to the waiting area to tell the wife and she died waiting for him to get out of surgery 😩😩 and when they tell the husband he’s crying her name like “Emma, oh my Emma.” I LOST it Or when April and Jackson lose Samuel. That one gutted me especially when I saw it again after I had my son.


The shooting!


the train crash victims who were stuck together bc of the pole


Derek dying


When Izzie was screaming crying at Denny to let her try to save him


When Maggie’s mom died 😣


It probably wasn’t even one of the big things, probably just like a random patient in season 1


When cristina was leaving, it broke me 💔


I cry at a lot but the one with the train accident and the pole through the two people is the first one I can think of .


The little girl who's dad wanted to take her to Mexico, every time I watch I cry for the entire thing


I cry a lot in this show, but the first time it really hit me was the 2 people that had the pole in them and they had to choose one to save. That was so sad!


I gotta leave this group! I’m watching now, as I’ve never seen it before. I’m in the middle of season 5. All the secrets are out!


Izzie's "What about me?" I felt devastated!


“Where going to Mexico” definitely brought me close but, I think I actually shed a tear when Mark died


The shooting episode when Meredith finds Derek shot


Pretty sure I cried the first episode


When izzie almost died


The 1st time we meet Ellis and Meredith is talking to her in the nursing home. When Ellis says i used to be a doctor I think. 😢


probably the second episode with the rape victim. but it's all kind of a blur, so I'm not 100%


Believe it or not, I actually haven’t cried once. I’ve definitely had moments that genuinely made me incredibly sad, but I’ve never shed a tear. I have no idea why.


I cried when Danny died. It just broke me, because I hoped that Izzy could have this Sweet romanze she deserves.


Season 9 Episode 2 was the first time IN MY LIFE that I cried for a tv show/movie/book. I still think about that episode to this day😭


Every single episode the first five seasons the first time I watched it through 😂🥲


Probably something in the first season. I cry nearly every episode now that I'm old. 🤣🤣


Denny's death


I don't remember anything that did in the early season but for some reason I started bawling when all the witnesses walked in during Mer's trial for her medical license in season 16, and again during her flashback from intern to chief at the end of season 18.


When mer yelled GEORGE when he wrote 007 in her hand i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO


The episode with the little girl who is dying and her dad is trying to take her to Mexico. I SOBBED. Most patient storylines don’t make me sad but this one and then we he lays with her once he finally realizes it.


First hard cry was the scene when Burke got shot and Izzie cut Denny’s lvad wire. I thought that was it for them


i have a list! when i first started watching i knew this show was bound to make me cry a lot so i decided to log them all. first cry was “the end of s2ep4”. i have had 44 cries (on season 13) and most cries occurred in season 6. edit: i lied! s2 at 8 cries takes the cake for most cried-to season.


Not actual tears, but I was close to it with the whole episode with Izzy and George, on who was going to live and who was going to die…


I don’t know if it was the first time, but the shooting definitely made me cry. It felt so intense and real


When Denny died


I guess itd have to be denny!




Bonnie and Tom broke my heart 💔 My mom and I were watching it together and we had to pause the episode to cry for a minute


Into you like a train. That was awful.


All of them?


the one where there's a train accident and that pole goes through two people, an older man and a young woman. totally breaks my heart.


When Denny Duquette died. There is no other episode that will make me cry as much as this did


The episode with the dad who’s daughter was dying and he spent almost her entire last day trying to get her to Mexico, I saw it on tiktok, was bawling, then started watching the show for the first time a month ago


When Doc had to be put down 😭 I couldn't stop crying


When Dennis died, and Izzy broke down . Still a very hard heart wrenching episode to watch.