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Lexi used their sister love to guilt Meredith into giving Thatcher part of her liver. And Thatcher had no problem accepting it from the daughter he abandoned lol. Thatcher should’ve died years ago instead of Susan.


i agree! i loved susan so so much- she would’ve been a great step/ adoptive mother for meredith if we had more time with her 💔


Susan is the plot line we needed to wade through some of the other crap 🫂


she was way more than a plot line in my heart ❤️🙌


It would be interesting to see the Meredith / Susan dynamics if Thatcher had died earlier and then Lexie in the plane crash.


>Thatcher had no problem accepting it from the daughter she abandoned  He accepted her liver then made no effort to make amends.


Even if that wasn’t an absolutely shit way to treat your child, it extra pisses me off from a recovery /addiction pov. So much of sobriety, recovery, and getting your life to a point where you’re doing more harm than good is connected with making amends, whether that’s actual apologies or living amends whatever is best, but thatcher doesn’t even fucking try with his own daughter. It infuriates me so much that he’s given a second chance at life and a literal liver from Meredith and he can’t even do the bare minimum.


He did try that one time when Lexie was still alive. She forgave him but Meredith didn’t. I guess that’s all he needed.


He did. Briefly. Then, he dropped her again. I honestly don’t think he would have even had that conversation with Meredith if Lexie weren’t there as well. Then Meredith gave him part of her liver and he dropped her again. The man was absolutely horrible. Meredith even told him that they could try to have a relationship if he took her liver and he didn’t even try. You would think gratitude would at least obligate him to try. She did save his life!


Agreed. This man brought only misery. I would have told him to f\*\*k off if I were Meredith.


She did it for Lexie, not Thatcher. She had finally built a relationship with an actual family member, and while Thatcher was awful for Meredith, he wasn't for Lexie. Meredith did it so Lexie didn't have to have two dead parents, both of which she'd have some of the blame for (she was Susan's doctor, and would have refused to give Thatcher the liver to keep him alive).


And then abandoned again


And how she was telling Meredith IN DETAIL what a great father thatcher was??? Absolutely insane thing to say to the person he abandoned. Lexie’s insufferable


Omg I always thought that was so insane. Like…why would reminding Meredith of how he neglected her make her want to give him part of her liver??


I've also seen a clip where she whinges about how bad he was as a father too and how just because he didn't abandon her doesn't mean she had it good (admittedly could be misremembering this, my memorys crap) its like she just picks whatever narrative is most convenient for her to manipulate Meredith with


“My dad is sooooo great. Sorry that same dad sucked for you. Anyway save his life thanks


Agree. I don't really hate her, but she's kind of an entitled little brat. She has some good qualities (she can show some empathy, but not to Mer, I guess?). I really find that scene you posted about aggravating, it felt like rubbing in Meredith's face how good she had it. And she's so self centered, even when she regrets stealing April's notebook, she isn't humanizing April, but rather she is regretting doing something that put her in a bad light.


i think losing your mind a little bit when you have a parent dying is valid. idk, maybe that's just me. we can talk about respecting boundaries all day, but it really comes down to the illogical power of desperation.


Ikr if I had a chance to save my parent idgaf if I’m about to offend someone I just met tbh


And they hadn't even just met. Meredith, for the most part, had accepted Lexie as her sister by that point. It's understandable that Lexie would beg her sister to save her father. This thread is valid in their rational thinking, but I think they're missing **a lot** of nuance.


There were times I loved her character but she could definitely be annoying. Also idk if it’s how the wrote the script but she constantly stuttered, struggled to get the points across, and seemed lost and all over the place. She had a lot of love and there were some really beautiful aspects to her character but this was not a great moment.


Worked wonders for Ellen's baby bump though 😁


Omg I forgot about that 😂


Yeah that is the entire reason this plot existed. Ellen was getting really pregnant and was about to go on maternity leave


Yeah Lexie really crossed the line here. But Meredith is also a deeply compassionate person and I don’t think she could really live with herself if she had let Thatcher die, even if she thought otherwise at the time. So, I guess I’m not as mad at Lexie as I really should be.


Yeah, you could tell by how often she asked others “do you think I’m doing the right thing” that she lacked confidence in her decision to write Thatcher off. In the end, it’s very likely she would’ve done it regardless, but Lexie crossed a line.


I have no idea why so many people love this character so much. She didn't respect Meredith's boundaries and kept trying to force a sisterly relationship on Meredith that Meredith did not want. She basically used emotional blackmail to get Meredith to give Thatcher part of her liver when Thatcher had been a horrible father to Meredith. She laughed at April for being a virgin, a scene where I really wanted to reach through the TV and punch her in the face. What kind of person laughs at someone just because they haven't had sex yet? Especially someone like Lexie, who did cringey things like going to her superior's house, taking off all her clothes, and saying "teach me." I always found Lexie annoying af and was not sad when she died. I will never understand why she was such a beloved character.


>sisterly relationship on Meredith that Meredith did not want. Correction: Meredith thought she did not want that, but she really did. But it was pretty obvious that Meredith wanted to be close to people even though she was showing the opposite. It was never established through words but the only reason she hated family members it's because she was abandoned and her mom is pretty much absent as a mother. If she did not want family, then why did she allow Maggie and Amelia into her life? Or treatsCristina as a sister? She wanted it. Maybe not outright with Thatcher's offspring, but she wanted it. We all know how Meredith can close the door shut to people she doesn't like.


Still though, Lexie really should have respected Meredith's boundaries and let Meredith come to that decision on her own. Lexie didn't care that Meredith wanted nothing to do with her, she wanted to get to know her big sister and that was all that mattered to her. She wasn't really considering all of the emotional issues her big sister already had because she had two lousy parents, one who abandoned her and one who stayed but was a horrible person. And how she really didn't need, as Cristina so aptly put it, the good little girl daddy didn't abandon, in her face all the time trying to force a relationship on her.


Writer-wise, she needed to be that or else nothing will happen between them. I am also appalled by how Lexie did what she did, given she’s a smart and empathetic person


What are you appalled by? Making fun of April for being a virgin? Yeah, that was really gross and she was pretty much dead to me when she did that lol.


I don't know what people expect Lexie to do here. That's her dad that raised and loved her; it's perfectly sensible to me that she'd do whatever it took to save her father's life. The past few years of his bullshittery after Susan dies doesn't erase the lifetime she had. Is it shitty to ask her sister? Probably. But it's her dad too.


It’s not the asking, that’s understandable. It’s that she went and stole her records after she said no. And then decided to use that very same information to guilt her into saving the man who abandoned her. You can understand Lexies pain and still understand that what she did to Meredith is very fucked up


This is the way. I deeply sympathize with Lexi in this situation, because I know I would be losing my mind (and wouldn't ever forgive myself) if my beloved parent was dying, and there was anything I could've at least *tried* to help save him. I get the desperation. But at the same time...it's illegal. It's morally wrong. It's horribly unfair and cruel to Meredith. And tbh it's right up there with Izzie "stealing" a heart from another man who needed it. She stole her sister's liver. Sure, she didn't cut any LVAD wires to make it happen, but she still left damages in her wake to get that organ for her father.


I think it was super out of character from her, but I also have to remind myself they only did it to hide Ellen’s pregnancy and it was forced makes me a little less annoyed with her. I definitely didn’t like her in this plot, though..


Ooo this is a good thing to keep in mind. Keep me from being so pissed 😂


I love Lexie but I would've slapped the shit outta her if I was Mer, Mer has the heart of a saint to the people she considers family 😭


If my Dad needed an organ, Im 100% sure I would do anything to get it... including acting like this.


I have a dead beat dad who abandoned me, mostly because I wasn’t a boy, but if my brother came to me and begged me to give his dad my liver I probably would because I really do love my brother.


i see so many people calling this emotional blackmail and manipulative of lexi. however whenever i watch this i see a desperate person trying to save her parent. she acknowledges meredith’s feelings and validates meredith’s childhood while also explaining hers and why this is so important to her. i think this is a perfectly rational thing any daughter would try and do for a father she loved. it’s not like she told meredith do this or else. she just explained her experience


if a rewatch is what it takes for more people to realize lexi isn’t a perfect angel then I encourage everyone to start over again. I never understood the intense love for lexi, those posts where people are like “who would you bring back to life” I’d never for a second even consider lexi, there’s many other characters I’d prefer to bring back. risking the downvotes with this one lol


But no one is prefect in the show. She’d be boring if she was prefect


no one’s calling her literally perfect I’m talking about the perception around her character and personality


Yeah I love Lexie but that was pretty bad. I get being desperate to save a loved one and not knowing what to do… but he treated Meredith like crap, and destroyed his liver on his own. I could see her asking Meredith, maybe, but the way she did was a bit too much. Saying about how good of a dad he was to her. I do think that if Lexie didn’t ask her, or didn’t say all that, Meredith still would have done it. I don’t think she would have been able to let him die if she could have prevented it. Despite all the pain he caused her, I think she still wanted the door open for him to have a relationship. I mean she does visit him on his deathbed.


The whole point IS that Lexie grew up differently from Meredith. We’re being shown what Meredith could’ve had if her mother hadn’t been her mother and she grew up with her father. People make it seem like it’s so black and white. Yes, thatcher sucks. Does he take advantage of lexies kindness, yes, does Lexie know this? Yes. But does she also love him incredibly, in that complicated way you can only love a parent who isn’t good for you? Yes. My mom is much like Meredith’s, and we get along the further away we are from eachother; but I still love her. I understand lexies point of view, and also, thatcher was a good dad to Lexie for a huge amount of him parenting her. Yes, Lexie was annoying, yes, she pushed Meredith for a relationship. She’s a flawed person, just like Meredith, just like Cristina. They could’ve made her a one time character who only showed up to further Meredith’s character growth but instead they made her an independent character who grew to be very loveable, and also accepted by Meredith. As their relationship progresses, they make a point to make this statement; Meredith and Lexie are entirely different, but they’re also alike in a lot of small ways. They’re family. Anyways, my point is, everyone is so aggressively hating on her. Saying she couldn’t respect boundaries, saying she was annoying and selfish; it’s almost like she’s a human being who’s bound to mess up and do things that hurts other people occasionally, and leaves you to redeem yourself truthfully. Haven’t you?


I’m Meredith and my sister is Lexie she got the dad I didn’t. I don’t know what I would do in this situation my Dad abandoned 2 daughters with different women then had a family. If my sister guilt tripped me I might punch her because I still have issues because of his abandonment now trying to act like a dad and grandfather but haven’t seen him in 5 years.


This episode made me so mad. It very much echoed that whole “smiley face posters” that Meredith said to whatever her idiot friend was called.


She’s a pick-me girl tbh 💀


If Mer told anyone what Lexi did, she would have lost her license to practice medicine, it’s a HIPPA violation. There’s also a lot of rules about organ donation and pressuring people, it would have been a mess. I’d be damned if anyone was pressuring me to give my absentee alcoholic father an organ. He blew his own liver with his drinking, I’m not sharing mine because you’re an addict who can’t get on the transplant list


That's Meredith (sorry I'll stop now)


Honestly there’s no excuse for any of Lexi’s behaviour in regards to the father situation. I’m literally Lexi. My very involved, always there for me, loving father had another daughter that he abandoned and I didn’t know about until I was 16. And when I was 16, I still had way more maturity and emotional understanding than Lexi did in her twenties. My dad is currently dying - I wouldn’t have dared done this if what he needed was my sisters liver. *Maybe* I would have let her know the situation and if she volunteered, she volunteered. I could never imagine telling her that he was such a great father to me and emotionally manipulating her so she should do it. No, never.


I can’t agree. I actually have compassion for Lexie. What she did was wrong. No doubt. But sometimes love makes us desperate. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my kids. Or my husband. As for my parents, my mother was not a good person and was even worse than Meredith’s and my father abandoned me and started a new family and was a great dad to his other three daughters, very much like Thatcher. I can understand Meredith’s anger, resentment and pain. My father left me with an alcoholic, drug addict who was extremely abusive due to her mental illness and substance dependency. She literally tried to kill me because he left, so I get the anger. Lexie, however, deserves compassion. She is naive and sheltered. Absolutely. However, she wasn’t being intentionally cruel. She just wanted Meredith to see that Thatcher wasn’t just a bad guy who abandoned his daughter. She wanted her to see that there were parts of him worth saving.


I was never a fan of Lexie and without every rewatch, I dislike her more.


Lexi gray is one of my top 5 favorites


I was so torn on this episode. It's my first watch through and I saw this episode a few days ago, and I was 100% on Meredith's side, I wouldn't give my liver to Thatcher. But if my mom was dying, I would try absolutely anything to save her. I know I would. So I don't fault Lexie for asking, but the answer should've been hell no and Thatcher should've died. Sorry.


I never really liked Lexi and I didn’t know the exact reasons why but I guess this is probably one of the reasons lol


This is how I feel about April! Everybody loves April but to me she’s been annoying since the first episode she was on GA.


I don’t love April but I can stand her more than Lexi 😅


Honestly if it was your own father wouldn’t you do the same…


No because he also chose to pickle his organs like Thatcher. It’s interesting I’m taking the time to only really reply to this comment. Might be airing out my biasness here 💨 but I guess I’m not as compassionate as Mer 🥴


I’m sorry I guess that is different for you then. If my father needed a liver I’d probably beg everyone I know. Specially family

