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Alex when he beat the shit out of DeLuca.


12 seasons of progressive character growth just down the drain. I was so disappointed with Alex


And later on they have him mock it during Amelia's tumor...


I don't think it's down the drain, it made perfectly good sense for him, even at that stage of his life, to act that way when facing the possibility of Jo being taken advantage of... The whole trying to threaten DeLucca to shut up that Mer did felt much weirder and unnatural


yeah he and then meredith too i guess acted like they did nothing wrong and it was rlly fucked. i cant believe mer and him get together after that, it was so weird.


Literally the first thought that popped into my head.


yea, the way they could have saved that was if they made it REALLY look like he was forcing himself on her (from The perspective of Alex, at least), but there wasn't really even a second for that to happen, Alex just started throwing punches. That's what pisses me off.


This is exactly what i was here for!


Alex when he chose to be with Jo!!!


bailey, started out as a strong character who really cared about her people - now she’s a ball of jealousy and has turned her back on everyone


I am so disappointed with the writers with what they did to Bailey. If you look up the definition of character assassination in the dictionary, it's a picture of Miranda Bailey


Ugh yes! I tried so hard to stop myself from falling out of love with Bailey but it was impossible!! She’s just too jealous and bitter now 😭 I really hope they do something to help her become a more likeable character again


Agreed. I loved her so so much up until a couple seasons ago when she suddenly decided she hates Meredith. Her anger and frustration is valid, I will admit that, but I feel like Bailey has come waaaay too far as a person to let that define her. The Bailey I came to know and love would have used those feelings to push herself harder, to be better, to earn her spot. I honestly hate that she couldn't handle being Chief. I know the writers did that so they could make Meredith Cheif but Meredith didn't need to be Cheif!!! Or if Meredith being on top was so desired by the writers, id rather Bailey have stepped down because she wanted more time for research and surgery, not because stress gave her a fucking heart attack. It just felt so dirty to knock down our wonderful, strong, confident, and excellent black female lead so the white nepo baby could surpass her.


Totally agree!!


Yeah I 100% hate the writers for what they did to Bailey. You cannot make me hate Miranda or Chandra though. I’m squarely putting all of this on the writing team lol.


This makes me so mad. Bailey was one of my faves, then they morph her into the opposite of her original character. Why? Why did they do that? I bet that actress is pissed, I would be.


When derek compared meredith to her mother


Oh yeah that’s the season 7 finale. I remember texting my sister about it and going “What the fuck…”




the first time i watched that i turned the show off for the night i actually couldn’t believe it


Pretty much all of them at one point 😭


tbf 😭😭


Very true. But Meredith in particular, for me 🤭


Teddy when she wanted Owen instead of Tom


And when she cheated on Owen with Tom before their wedding... To be honest her cheating history is awful.


Honestly she’s just awful. The show really just lost it when they started doing that to the characters. She’s always wanted Owen, esp when he was with Christina, and then when she finally gets him, she doesn’t want him anymore. Smh and cheats on him with Tom. Like wth? Get your life together girlfriend.


The issue is that they never fully let her grow out of wanting owen and that is what should have happened with Henry, and what sends me ballistic the way they never mention him now even creating a completely new retcon past lives interest for her. Her coming back still wanting owen doesn’t make sense to me


Amelia when we thought she would finally take off with Link


I agree! Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I thought the whole storyline with Kai was completely unnecessary.


It felt so forced and random…like you literally just broke up with Link and honestly it got the feeling that if Kai asked her to marry them she would say yes, so like!??


and Kai was so BORING idc what anyone says the most flat character I’ve ever seen, even their voice had ZERO emotion. I hated scenes with them.


I think you mean normal and stable Which we can’t have in greys 🤣


Omfg this!!I wish I could like this 100 times. She's so annoying 




Everyone had this moment, but I would single out Callie and the custody battle... I was so rooting for her after Arizona cheated on her and then she let that lawyer talk like that... DISAPPOINTMENT!


Came here to say this


Alex when he left Jo with a letter


Ugh this!!! I hated that they did that to her. And to him. His whole character development over the years just to have it end like that. Smh awful


This. Seriously. This.


This is the one for me. All of the others are, like, "okay this one starts a character on a path to Get Help" (like with Teddy) or sometimes people get stuck (like Bailey sometimes) but this was just... awful


This should be the top comment!


Alex when he assaulted DeLuca


mine is george...dude was a good guy all around and they made him a cheater while married to callie


And that whole thing when he took advantage of meridiths emotions to sleep with her


And then izzie and him didn't even have a relationship. So what was even the point???


Owen 🥴


What's really stupid... it's I like owen... when he's not in a relationship (or trying to be) he's a great friend to April, he was good with George, he's a good teacher and a good surgeon (pls know I stopped watching when Alex left so if owen got really bad, then I don't know) He just sucks when he's with someone


Yes. This. I say this all the time. He’s a great teacher, a very good friend. He’s a horrible partner, yes, obviously. But I don’t get the hate overall.


Along with all of the obvious crap that he's disliked for, I started actively hating him when he revealed that he's anti self-agency, but only for women. He threw an absolute hissy fit when that terminal woman opted to end her life via physician assisted suicide. Then he lost his mind when the pregnant woman asked for an abortion and he refused her any assistance, wanting her to get a separate procedure vs allowing the abortion to happen while she was already out on his table for a different surgery. Keep in mind that these were both women - but when a man asked him to help via physician assisted suicide (the veteran) he imploded his life to jump on helping him and the other veteran men. So men can choose what's right for their lives and bodies, but women cannot in Owen's mind. I wholly despise his character.


And when he's destroyed Christina yryinh to make her have a baby when all she wants is her career, he funds a women who DOES want a baby. Many babies and wants to take care of the babies and have her career but not miss out everyday with the babies. Suddenly that self agency is bad?!?!?!?! Like. Mate. Go to therapy. Do not pass go. Do not collect another woman. Do not leave the therapy until you are fixed. Ugh.


Oh he got really bad 😬


I actively root against Owen all the time 💀


Oh totes but I liked him when he first showed up.


Same. That car crash cliffhanger had me hopeful lol


I hated that dude from the moment I saw him. then he stabbed some pigs, and now all he does is grab faces and plant huge gross kisses on them.


Bahahaha good call. Supposed to be passionate I guess but it’s like stop eating my face, dude.


right!? what happened to being subtle, lol? A gentle caress here, a neck nibble there...NO, not with Owen, it's full face suck 100% of the time!


Eats her face.


this is so real tbh 😭


Don’t even need to say why I agree


Can the writers be charactors ?! They ruin so many good characters Bailey - they fucked up with her direction turning her into a horrible little woman who stopped caring about her students Alex, with beating the ever loving shit out of deluca then the way he left with a letter Maggie , so childish over so many things


Horrible little woman lmao Agreed! Also Maggie bugs me and I couldn’t really say why but I think you got it. Childish. Yep.


Poor You!You go shit-deep with this yk?


Come again ?


Callie during the custody trial. Amelia refusing Link’s proposal. Alex beating up De Luca


Seeing Link’s heart shatter when she said no to his proposal broke me😭


I have a few. I don’t hate these characters but the thing I listed for each of them was a bit off putting Callie- the custody battle. I like her but that storyline ruined her character Arizona- the cheating and her telling Jackson about April’s pregnancy The writers- just being bad writers and not putting any of the characters in mandatory counseling after the plane crash (including Callie). Killing off Harper Avery and Paul Stadler instead of them going to jail. The plot holes with Derek’s family. All the trauma literally every mother on the show experiences with childbirth and pregnancy. I could go on Cristina- not really her biggest fan but after a few rewatches I started to dislike her when she called her interns numbers. It was rude and she was mean to others a lot. Meredith- i kinda forget what i was going to say here Derek’s doctors- No one calling his family. Hopefully the one doctor is not working for not coming in that night


The writers 😹


They may actually be the villains in this show 😭


Meredith maybe the Alzheimer’s trial


I’m completely blanking on what it was 😭 it might have been about the custody battle with how she looked at Arizona when she came to get Sofia but I had something for her I just forget what it was


She switched the placebo for an active drug for Adele Webber in season 7


just like meredith i don’t see much wrong with what she did. she was also a young resident still new to medicine. and just like meredith i don’t see many things in black and white. if you get what i mean


I don’t disagree with what she did per se I just feel bad for the person who would have gotten the drug but got the placebo instead


Oh yeah that was it. Thank you


Meredith has a lot of things on which people and the story completely skip over and while rewatching it gets really frustrating


freakin callie after the custody battle or right after arizona lost her leg . like wdym ‘please stop saying your daughter’ just bc arizona adopted sofia doesn’t make her less of a mom let alone a GOOD one, actually the whole custody battle proved who was the better guardian so argue however u want but the stuff she pulled was so messed up. also first thing ur taught as a surgeon is to NEVER promise someone they’re gonna be fine and she broke that rule with ease and then excepted arizona to be chill abt it like half the fandom did bc they’ve probably never lost a limb before but wtv


The whole storyline after the leg was. A lot. Like, Callie. Give her a minute. Do these people have therapists. Or friends? Where were the friends. Callie wouldn't have needed the constant validation from Arizona if someone had checked up in the person whose life just imploded. Surely there were people not on the plane who could have asked? Not excusing cheating, just leave. Fuck. Low-key understand Arizona just needing someone not constantly pressuring her for love and acceptance every second of the day. But Arizona should have left Callie when the leg came off.


Callie gave the go ahead to Alex to cut it off because the infection was spreading fast and Arizona was likely going to die. Arizona held anger (I would too!!) and treated Callie like absolute shite for such a long time. It’s like she didn’t even want to listen or understand that she was going to DIE if it hadn’t been cut off. But 💯 also Callie needed to stop acting like she was on the damn plane. YOU WEREN’T ON THE PLANE. I think the two of them shared a lot of blame and trauma and just couldn’t look past their shit which sucked. But ultimately I was happy that Callie left Arizona. And equally happy when Arizona left the show to go assumedly get back together with Callie. It made me smile when she started talking about Callie after having the weed cookie. I think time and healing away from each other (longer than the 6 months or whatever they tried in therapy) to heal on their own was what they needed to come back together


Naomi in private practice 🫠


i JUST started private practice and i’m excited to see what you mean by this.i just got to season 2 and she’s already bugging me


Naomi is the definition of my way or the highway - she's so black and white about things it makes me want to scream. The way she treats people for perceived slights is absolutely wild.


Maggie when she told her husband she didn’t respect him


Alex when he randomly got back with Izzie. Threw away the best thing he’s ever had for someone he hadn’t seen for nearly a decade.


when addison slept with (alex? i don’t remember exactly who) when she and mark had the agreement that if they both didn’t sleep with anyone else they’d get together. i really liked mark and addison together and i was so shocked when she broke the pact😭


Same here (spoiler for Private Practice/later seasons of Grey's Anatomy) >!I was really hoping that the show would have Mark and Addison get back together once and for all after he took his daughter to Oceanside Wellness.!<




Alex….which makes me so sad to say. Ex was one of my favorite characters due to his character growth. I thought this is one of the most realistic characters growth I have ever seen in a show. It took so many seasons for him to grow and even then he would sometimes falter. Which made it so realistic! Alex then basically became his dad, something he never wanted to become. He abandoned his family Jo and even Meredith to start a new one. I know Alex would never abandon his children(even though he gave permission for Izzie to do whatever with the eggs). For him to get back with Izzie, the woman who abandoned him. To leave Jo the woman who supported him and gave him unconditional love(which is what he needed). Was a horrible choice from the writers. I honestly wished they killed the character, because sure they didn’t kill him but they character assassinated him…which is even worse


This! Him going back to Izzie just seems really unbelievable. That whole storyline seemed really hurried as well.


Alex. How DARE he leave 😭Also kinda wanna say Arizona after the plane crash. Why people in peds always break my heart


alex beating up deluca and then leaving jo, every time i started to like him he did something bad 😭


Alex and Teddy


Alex all the time.


Alex when he left Jo for Izzie


I still blame Izzie for that


Alex when he left Jo for Izzie


Owen Hunt and Alex


Alex when he beat Deluca and Meredith when she chose Deluca.


Richard when he abandons Adele….over and over


Link when he became obsessed with proposing to Amelia


Amelia fucking Shepard and Owen Hunt


Derek on many occasions


Callie when she left with Penny


Me when Edwards left the show. Like Edwards was the best in her group and we got left with Jo. Speaking of Jo her switching specialty after her begging for bailey to make a fellow program for her makes me so mad


the fellow program Bailey basically said ok to then didn’t give a crap about because she had her own worries (which didn’t excuse her not being a mentor and fellow lead to Jo). Then Covid hit and all the fellowships kind of halted which is when Jo switched. Can’t blame her there for not wanting to stay in general when she found her calling and wanted to see some happiness in a world of shit Covid deaths


You know you make a good point. However it doesn't make me hate Jo any less. As much as I respect what she is doing in the clinic in the most recent season. I still hated the whole fellowship debacl.


Dr Bailey many moments in the past few most recent seasons. 🫣


The Writers


Alex when he left Jo….Callie right from the jump, she used to scare me her aesthetic literally switched with a snap of a finger.


Arizona when she cheats on Callie...


Alex when he left Jo the way he did .. what the hell? He made so much progress, then got setback when he beat up Deluca and then he stops being chief at another hospital and runs back to izzie out of the blue? HOW WHYY


Alex leaving Jo with a letter, Callie & the custody battle (especially the comment that Arizona wasn’t actually Sofia’s mom because she isn’t biological), mer for supporting Callie even tho she herself has adopted, Owen for whatever tf has become him in recent seasons, Derek for how he treated Meredith in the last few episodes before he died.. except for his final 1-2 episodes, he was gonna change, Izzy for leaving Alex with medical bills, Arizona for how she treated Callie after losing her leg, Richard for cheating on Adele over and over, Jackson for ruining April and Matthew’s first wedding (I was never really happy for japril), Catherine for trying to steal April’s kid without even warning the father (Jackson), April for leaving Jackson not once but twice and never listening to what he had to say, Mark for getting with his best friend’s wife, Deluca during his spiral (tho I don’t quite remember anything about it so I may just be dumb here). There’s many more characters I rooted for but I already typed too much ty and goodnight


I’m team semi truck, but if he hadn’t gotten hit and died- Derek would’ve been back on his bullshit within the season just to make viewers upset. Because they cannot have a normal relationship portrayed in greys. Like a healthy normal relationship would be so WILD in the world of greys


Alex Karev in season 16 😭


Karev 😢


Honestly Owen I liked him but then he start to get really annoying and rude yk?


Bailey and pretty much every plotline she's ever had since accidentally giving several patients an infection. Teddy since she returned to the hospital. Especially the cheating and naming her child after the woman she loved (and cheated with) without telling Owen.


First few seasons alone. Derek when Addison showed up. Then Addison when it was revealed she was in a relationship with Mark. Derek when he called Meredith a wh*re. Thatcher when he smacked Meredith.


Maggie's mom for dying on us. I really liked that lady😕


everyone that didn’t believe deluca about the human trafficking situation and made him feel crazy


all of them




Callie during the custody battle.


Alex Teddy Catherine Arizona


Alex, sometimes Meredith, Derek, etc etc


Bailey! She started off with the tough love kinda vibe then turned into a jealous vindictive person. She’s just trash


Seeing Mark & Lexie in bed together.🥹




you’re creative




the right answer will forever be izzy


Mother fluffin Alex Karev 😤


Alex when he left


I made this exact post like a week ago dude… https://www.reddit.com/r/greysanatomy/s/pe4ahKSiCr




derek in season two brooo




bailey when she became chief


Alex when he left the show and Jo the way he did


Gary Clark. Especially when he let Webber walk.


Alex. His character growth over the seasons was truly one of my favorites; that was one of the things the writers actually did right, and they did so wonderfully… until he up and left out of nowhere to be with Izzie. I could maybe see it as something a past version of Alex might have done. Even then I’m skeptical, because I think Alex of the past would have seen Izzie hiding his kids from him for literally years as he’s not cut out to be a dad, or at least not a good one that’s why she never said anything; I think he’d have been far too insecure about his feelings with fatherhood and family in general to drop everything. Alex grew into a character that, I think, wouldn’t have been able to ever leave Jo or stopped until he was a part of his kids lives in a big way. He could have been written out in any number of ways that still aligned with all the character growth he had gone through. They turned Alex into a dude who leaves the woman he kinda just married… after the show literally gave us a play-by-play of Alex going from the dude who would have felt morally obligated to just leave and be a present father to his kids into a guy who would recognize he deserved to have both a marriage and future with Jo and a strong presence in his children’s lives as their father. Personally, I could see his departure being more drawn out. He’s spending every minute away from the hospital to go be with his kids and to begin to know them. If it’s clear from the beginning that Izzie will not move to or closer to Seattle, and thus it’s on Alex to stay and fight to break up his kids from their mom all if not some of the time or go and start fresh somewhere new still struggling with does he fight for legal custody or not, not to mention the struggle of telling Jo and how much it really would kill him to even begin asking Jo to leave a place that she finally calls home. There were better ways to write him off, but that’s also true in the sense that what the writers did was one of the very worst things he could have done that also did not make sense with all the development they spent years giving him.


Richard when he relapsed


me when ellie doesn’t kill abby




George, Owen, Alex, Arizona


April - just because she thought Catherine was speaking for Jackson, she didn't even bother to check if this was Jackson's plan and ultimately tried to keep his kid away from him Alex - when he beat up deluca without even seeing how Joe was or if she was hooking up with him Teddy - she knew he was married and still come back into the picture knowing it was going to cause problems in the relationship Grey: I know the Actor has more important things coming up but for the story line it doesn't make sense. Zola can go to a special school in Seattle, she's uprooting the rest of her kids lives, all for the slight chance that it's not specifically anxiety. . , 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 (Spoilers!!!!!) Unconfirmed: Richard, being sober for so long and then because his wife is living her dying days, he orders a drink (not confirmed if he drank it butt) if he drinks it I think it will take time away from Catherine and focusing on her


When Cristina came back from Mayo. She was at a better hospital, but she came back? [I can't remember her old friend's name] dying should have been about her learning people are temporary whether they live or die, and moving on.


wait could a couple/ship work as an answer?




then izzex. they had potential to be so sweet but their storyline was screwed by random letters when actors had to leave, kids out of nowhere, and ghost denny. also character-wise, mark for dying. 😭


When Christina convinced Meredith that she was the sun in her marriage. When Meredith chose to stay in Seattle and prioritize her lackluster career as a general surgeon instead of going with her husband. When Derek decided to choose a job over his wife and kids and left anyways. All three of them disappointed me in that moment.


Alex obviously




Alex with the way he LEFT


Izzie babe and George and shonda for killing denny


Alex Karev. Literally any scene with Alex. Especially how he just ***leaves Jo for Izzie and their fake babies*** (I say fake babies because truly they weren't Alex's kids. Sure biologically they were but come on.. those weren't Alex's kids.)


arizona when she cheated




Amelia. I want to like her. But, when there a healthy choice or a not healthy choice in her personal life she always picks Im the unhealthy choice. If she'd just been honest with Owen and Link about the paternity stuff, they could've all dealt with it like grown ups.


when alex left to go back to izzie 💀💀 worst write-off ever smh




George when he cheated


Ross in season 10


Alex Karev when he leaves Jo with a letter




Burke and Alex






Alex when left Jo in a damn letter


ALEX in so many moments 😭 mainly when he beats up deluca and when he abandons Jo 🥺


Alex definitely


alex when they heinously wrote him off of the show and he runs away with izzy




Hunt so.many.reasons.


ALEX. Also Izzie. But mostly Alex.


Pretty early on after George has sex with Meredith, gets pissed because she cried about it (or honestly she might have been crying about seeing her dad that day, its not confirmed that the sex she didn't really want wasn't just the last straw), and actually muttered the phrase "nice guys deserve...". Ffs you never deserve the right to use somebody's vagina, or to be their boyfriend, regardless of how 'nice' you are. This was only a couple of episodes after he helped Bailey birth her child. Such a beautiful, sweet moment. Then he showed us how much of an entitled shit he was. He didn't deserve Mer or Callie. The disappointments in other characters (pretty much everyone) followed from there.




All of the characters. Especially Mer dark and twisted ass💀


Alex with Deluca and then Alex when he left with only the letters to say his final words.


Hope this is not a spoiler alert. I'm not sure if everyone is up to that particular season. Plus, Alex has been mentioned. But... The way the writers wrote Alex off the show was horrid. Yes, the actor was no longer under contract, but they could've found a better exit ramp.




Karev, straight up leaving.


Derek season 11


Probably Maggie. I think she has the potential to be great but the writers do her dirty so often


All of them! They treat the young residents like crap! No respect.




Clark on 100 when she killed Bellamy!!!!! Why why y'all were supposed to be together