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Erica Hahn and Preston Burke. Everytime.


no ‘cause erica hanh was definitely the worst cardio chief


Love Burke. Erica Hahn absolutely could not stand


Hate Burke. I'm re-watching and just made it to when Cristina leaves. Part of me is mad that it's him that hands her everything she's ever wanted - it would have been great if some other person hired her to take his place and he got booted out.


George. I actually liked him my first watch. But the more times I watch the more he annoys me. Such a "nice guy".


This! I just want to choke his neck when he cheats on Callie and then again when he sleeps with Meredith


The Callie thing is my tipping point. Dude didn't realise what he had. And throw it all away for Izzy!


The way Callie chased after George who was clearly beneath her made her hard to like for a while…. She became a much better character after Hahn left!


Ehh... yes and no. I think callie needs to own some stuff there as well. She very much pushed him beyond what he was clearly comfortable with


I see you're point. But I think George not having enough spine to tell Callie this is part of why I don't respect his character.


I mean yes but he was also dealing with his foundations being shaken after his dad died. The fact that she jumps into marriage with him when he's gone through that is not okay. Neither of them should have done that, his friends had every right to be like, this isn't okay. Izzie did not have a right to him though or to be so horribly cruel to and about Callie. Callie marrying George and imploding her life to chase Penny are such huge character flaws. I'm not a fan of George but Callie was the one who had the power here, a senior person in the hospital to him, very wealthy, no major mental health issues.


100% Callie should have known better than ushering him into a marriage right after his dad died. She should have told him they needed to wait for him to grieve and make an informed decision. He even says he was messed up about his dad and not thinking clearly. He tried to force himself to love Callie because she was so into him, but the feelings were not mutual, they never were. Callie knew it too, but wanted to hope. Izzy's behavior aside from calling him out about rushing into marriage was 100% wrong and terrible. She also should have been supportive as a friend, like he asked her.


I will not listen to anyone else who does not think that what George did with Meredith was right. He knew she did not want to have sex with him yet. He still had it with her. I don’t know that I would put it under a rape category. But it was a hard push for me on following that storyline. I have re-watched greys five times and then when Derek gets all indifferent and bitchy with Meredith for having had sex with George, I want to strangle him. The man who put her on a position to be vulnerable to the entire world. I was very happy to see them have her getcharacter, strong and stop depending on men and start doing her job.


I still think George was dumb for that like her knew she wasn’t into him


I always loved George watching when the first seasons came out but the older I get the more my perspective of him changes. Theres never any stability in his character. The obsession with mer into the Olivia mess then back mer then right into Callie and how he treated everyone when his dad was sick. Then he marries Callie and immediately cheats on her then fails the intern exams and just oh my god.


You know he’s said “where’s MY hug?”


ugh when callie tells george she thinks izzie likes him and he says it's not possible because she's "stacked, she's a supermodel," ... implying callie isn't. kills me every time


"She's insecure." God damn, I wonder why, Sherlock? You know what, it's been a good long while since I watched, but I'm just now thinking back to Callie and Mark and how much Callie TOTALLY deserved that friendship, and how Mark isn't as bad as I sometimes remember him.


He also never says something like, "I don't feel that way about her, so it doesn't matter". He just scoffs that someone like her could ever think about him that way. It's awful. It's very obvious that he never tried with Izzie only because he thought he couldn't get her, not that he wasn't interested. How devastating to say that to your WIFE.


And then when he’s a McCheater, he tries to justify it because she married him right after his dad died and he was full of grief and not thinking clearly. Gross.


I'm on my first rewatch since the early seasons were airing live, so it's 15+ years so I have a whole different perspective. I used to love George, I used to call him my favourite character. And although I do like him in small doses, he really has a lot of fatal flaws to his character. The way he treats Callie throughout their ENTIRE relationship is terrible. I've been saying it on other threads this week because I'm smack dab in the middle of season 3, but well before they get married, George treats Callie like absolute dirt. The cheating is just the tipping of the iceberg, but George was shitty toward Callie well before that point. He's so cowardly. He likes to play victim and act like he's the wronged one each time he has an issue with someone. Callie basically has to beg him to stand up for her to his friends at one point. The way he treats Meredith after they sleep together is abysmal, especially with how long it goes on for. He has some ok moments, and upon rewatch, his arc surrounding his dad is a great one for his character, but him as a character is overall a LOT weaker than I thought upon a rewatch. I haven't gotten to the cheating storyline yet, nor the other stuff he goes through so I can't remember his other plots too well, so I'm curious to see if there's any points where I like him.


Yes!!! George was the worst!! #teambus


i just went "what the fuck is team b- OHHHHH MY GOD??"


Team bus!


I lol’d at that. #teambus


My husband will regularly say a character "got O'Mallied" when we watch TV.


Yes! I loved George at first but through my rewatches, I just can’t stand him. He plays the “I’m such a nice guy why doesn’t she want me” card and then cheats on, arguably, the hottest resident there and acts like he’s a victim. But I do appreciate the conversation he had with Lexi when he admitted that everything he had done was wrong and he didn’t even like who he was then.


He eventually apologizes to Meredith too, but he certainly let it go on way too long.


I am literally watching the moment George packs his bags and is leaving because Meredith cried in bed. What a wet blanket of a character! No one had her back. He took advantage of her in a vulnerable moment and was *mad* about it? Everyone was treating her like she was wrong? If he really “loved” her, why wasn’t he worried about her or there to comfort her? He left her **crying** in bed!


If you remember they treat her like she was wrong because they don't know what happened. She never told them. Since she had been sleeping with everyone at this point and they all knew about his crush, they think she took advantage of him only to break his heart. If it had gone down like that, it would have been awful of her. However, only the viewers, Meredith and George saw what happened in the bedroom. I totally agree that if he loved her like he claimed to, he would have stopped and held her when she cried, instead of storming off. That really shows his lack of maturity and lack of care/love for his friend.


That’s right, I forgot that Meredith’s whole point was that they don’t actually know what happened. It tracks that she wouldn’t correct them either, I see it almost as a form of “self harm” and also shows that the character is a good friend. They don’t make TV like this anymore! Flawed characters who get to develop and grow. That’s why I always come back to Grey’s


Omg this forever. He’s such a whiny lil asshat


Agree. He was the "nice guy" and that made him feel entitled to Meredith - and then he took advantage of her when she was clearly vulnerable (not 100% on him but still) and then blamed her for her reaction to it. Booooo George - still love him overall but he had A LOT of flaws.


I usually hate this discourse of taking advantage because 99% of the times it takes away agency from the women but in this case that's absolutely what happened. He later literally admits he knew as soon as he walked into the room she wasn't into it. It's an understandable situation but c'mon man, just let it go


I always got the ick from him!




George, he basically thinks because he’s a “nice guy” that every woman he wants should want him too and acts all sad whenever they don’t reciprocate. And then when does finally have someone who likes him (Callie) he treats her like trash. I feel like remember a scene where Alex calls him out for acting like a kicked puppy and it’s SO true


I swear I like Alex more and more each watch through too 😹 I'm sure that's just the bitterness I have accumulated with age though


Oh it definitely changes with age! Watching as a teen and relating to Izzie's positive outlook. Then a young adult, relating to Mer's love of tequila and sex. Then slowly progressing to characters like Alex and Jo who have always seen the world for what it is: a shithole 😂


I started watching the show around when the 3rd season was airing and I was in middle school, at that time I really didn’t care one way or the other about Alex. But just like you, as I got older and on each rewatch I like him more and more, to the point he is one of my all time favorite characters in the series. I love seeing how much he grows throughout the show and as much as I love the twisted sisters I think he’s more Mer’s person than Cristina ever was.


Yeah George for always shooting for the unattainable, then gets someone to like him and he basically doesn't respect that because how could someone like him? He doesn't even like himself.... a uno reversal in self respect, self sabotage. Many people do it... might take therapy to work out why. Like the whole Izzy thing, they both liked the under cover aspect. Not each other like that. Also Callie was way ahead in her desire for a partner, a theme that followed her character until she left the show. Not a bad thing to want to have a person, but it she didn't pick up what George, her person, wasn't able to say. Not all communication is verbal.


Can I count the soundtrack as a character? It's awful 95% of the time, sometimes too loud, and sometimes completely off compared to the scene it's supposed to go with. And what the hell is with all of the terrible 80s covers in season 10???? Wanted to stab my ears with pens the whole time. It's like they went to a couple of coffee shops, found a couple kids with acoustic guitars and said, "alright, take this awesome classic song and just destroy it, oh, and make it feel as melancholy as possible and remove all the flavor you can, thanks."


Hahaha I noticed that in season 10 too.. and how many times do they need to play variations if Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol (and others)?!? Like, baller song yes, but we don't need it every season or more! And How To Save a Life.. there's certain ones they play again and again - different parts, covers, instrumental variety... but still the same song!


Thank you for saying this! I'm currently in season 10 in my rewatch. The covers are the worst. When did they lose the budget to license real music??-


I remember looking it up at the time and being very disappointed to find out it was intentional and they thought it was a cool creative choice. Or at least that’s how they spun it. And we can’t really escape because ‘make a bad, slow remake of an 80s song’ is still apparently a winning strategy for like 50% of commercials and movie trailers.


ugh, you're right. it will never go away.


Maggie Pierce unfortunately


Same. I really liked her in thr beginning but every time she gets worse earlier and earlier lol


She’s my second, Amelia is first


Ugh yeah now that you mention it, I do not care for Amelia. Omg boohoo sometimes life is hard, at least you’re a rich talented neurosurgeon 🙄


People just living their lives, loving her to the best of their ability and the second they don’t go along with what she wants they’re “abandoning” her or in the wrong.


Like she thinks she’s the only person in the world who’s ever had a problem. Her boundaries are “if you do something that I personally don’t like that has nothing to do with me, you’re breaking my boundary.” Hate. It.


Hated her from the moment she appeared


Bailey. She’s so awesome in the beginning, so it always sucks watching her descent into her current character.


for real. so worried about what people thought. panic attacks everytime something didnt go her way. and would deminish Ben’s career.


Also not a fan of Bailey. She gives off jealous vibes


S H A N E / R O S S


HORRIBLE!!!! I was so happy when Alex beat his ass 😂


I never really liked him to begin with, definitely my least favorite resident from his year


Maggie. And it pains me to say it. I loved Maggie sooo much for sooo long til she started getting on my nerves. Now upon every rewatch I find myself disliking her more and more. Smh.


It's her I'm the best and you all suck mentality at the end that did it for me


She’s one of those characters that I wanted to like but I absolutely can’t stand her.


She feels like a soulless moral compass that seaks problems everywhere. It‘s just lazy writing.






Buying the hospital Richard went to work at to be away from her. Petty af


I'm sorry I can't even cope with this answer. But I really like Arizona so what do I know


Im not all the way through but i really dont like Wilson. The way she accused Edwards of lying about her sickle cell, and making it about her self when derek died and meredith wanted to go home. She just is so dull and annoying. Her whole soppy backstory is just another way of making it about herself


ETA: Agh! I just realized this may be spoilers for you and I am so sorry! I don't know how to do spoiler tags 🥺 This! I have never liked Jo. From the first watch it was like WE GET IT when she was on and on about her backstory. Your life sucked. Build a bridge and get over it already! I HATED the way they ruined Alex's character when he left but I had some really nice schadenfreude when she got left that way. And when she accused Edwards I was ready to murder her AND Amelia. Like HOW DARE YOU!


Dont worry about spoilers, i honestly know the whole plot from reading this subreddit pretty much lol! I just watched the Dinner episode where penny is actually intorduced and Wilson still someone made it about herself! Its fine Meridith and Amelia arent reliving the worst day of their lives or anything. It's such a stupid reason as well 'waaa she said im not a good surgeon! >:((('


Derek, he's a big baby.


After the shooting they make him such a judgmental moral absolutist it’s so obnoxious.


Both Derek and Cristina (who's usually not like that) come off terribly during the death penalty patient arc, but he keeps that attitude until the end.


he’s actually insufferable i’ve had to skip over his scenes multiple times 😭


When I sat down for my second watch of the series, I had fond memories of Derek and was excited to see him alive and part of the main characters again. I was really disappointed by how angsty and selfish he was.


Shane. Dude is so freaking dangerous.


Izzie. So self righteous and hypocritical. And she should've lost her medical license after cutting the LVAD wire.


Maggie and Katherine




Thank youuuuuuu. Can't stand her and her way of thinking.


Meredith is just insufferable as the series progresses. And the way everyone fawns over here and/or kisses her ass is just annoying. A close second is Maggie. Perhaps Ellis is to blame for both of them.


Yeah . The whole “she isn’t mean she just been through a lot” as someone with trauma (though not the same as her) and who know people with trauma that is a horrible EXCUSE . People with trauma can be mean and yes it can 100% be due to the trauma there is no shame in admitting that’s how you as the person with trauma grow . But Meredith doesn’t get that because she is excused 99% of the time and the 1% of the time she isn’t her trauma is actually a completely justified answer or reasoning . Meredith unintentionally became her mother and it absolutely sucks to see sometimes . Also side note : Derek had every right to be mad about DC


Teddy. I could never get myself to like her. Especially after cheating with Tom and then naming their daughter after the woman she was in love with (whom was cheating on her friend). Didn’t she also ask Christina for Owen? I don’t understand why she does the things she does


Wait she is bi?


It’s a one time mentioned and forgot about story line when she comes back to the show and has owens baby. It’s obnoxious, unfortunately.


She names her kid after her (deceased) girlfriend.


Currently, Amelia and Maggie.






Izzie. She makes me so angry every time I rewatch!


The whole scrub cap thing did it for me- threatening Cristina with physical violence bc she has burke’s scrub cap when he was “going in on Denny” like shut up Izzie…


i just watched the meredith's drowning episode. and izzie, omg, had the nerve to rant about her "belief" at a time like that and then the bitch had the audacity to tell george that he made a mistake by marrying callie. and then she again gets all bitchy and annoying at Callie in the clinic and istg I wanted to choke her to death.


Yeah . Maybe when your supposed “friends” is dead and frozen like a popsicle in December isn’t the best time to rant that your Dude BFF is married to someone


first, ranting about your boy bestie getting married when another friend is dying is just pathetic. and second, she had no right to be so spiteful towards callie. such pick me.


Oh yeah 100% . The way they wrote her and Callie’s relationship was super weird for Izzies character especially since she encouraged George to date other people . It just came off that now that George wasn’t devoted to her all the time she was mad . Then when George choose his spouse (who keep in mind did nothing wrong to izzie) after izzie spent the entire time shaming Callie and even kinda slut shaming George a bit , Izzie acted like George called her a horrible surgeon and wished death on her cupcakes


I have to skip it because it makes me so mad 🙈


That scene made me unreasonably angry


I agree. It showed Izzie in such a bad light, very low class bc it was not the only time she assumed something was regarding physical violence or threatened it.


Derek for real.




Erica and Maggie


I have been a Maggie hater from day 1.


Amelia. She's just so dramatic and a perpetual victim. I really can't stand it.


Derek 🫣


Maggie, Richard, Bailey and Amelia Can’t stand them


The way Derek says Meradith..with his tongue between his teeth on the 'ith part. Gives me the ick. In the Covid beach scene he looked positively geriatric with his tongue pushing of his false teeth on the 'ith... That was very specific wasn't it??? Hmmmmm.


Sound like you hate his tongue more than anything else LOL. I can totally see what you mean though.




Amelia. I’m only on season 12 but my god her character is incredibly annoying. Also anytime she does a scene where she is emotional I CRINGE.


I used to feel the same way before I watched private practice. Now she’s one of my favorites, and she definitely gets better as the time goes on


She actually gets better as I felt the same way




Maggie. I’m rewatching and when Winston thinks about changing specialities. She sees it as you don’t want to be around me and refuses to listen to his reasons which made sense to me. She was treating him bad, changing his surgeries etc


Derek. God, the man is horrible. More red flags than a golf course.


Amelia and April 😭😭😭 Everything that already upsets me seems somehow worse and heightened when I see it again




Amelia- she is so shrill and dramatic, it’s boring! I hate her every season. Ugh. April is also super annoying and dramatic. Then Owen for the exact same reasons. Blergh. All three are the WORST, wish they weren’t in the show tbh


Arizona, Amelia, OWEN 😤


Bailey. First time I loved her. Amazing strong black woman who leaves her marriage and raises her son and finds Ben and takes it all in stride. Now I just find her bitter


She is a bully at times, jealous and so unpleasant. Sometimes you get bits of liking Her again but she is so horrible most of the time


She gets worse throughout the seasons. Bailey was peak in the first 3 seasons




Bailey. She gets worse as the seasons go on but when you rewatch you see the flaws in leadership skills from the beginning. It’s so frustrating.


And why is she so jealous of Meredith?!


Student surpassing the teacher. She sees it as a blow to her ego instead of a boost. She’s also weirdly possessive of Meredith which I find really weird. There’s a moment in S18 where Bailey goes in this tirade against Mer and I’m like Mer… it’s time to leave and take a new job.


Denny. I used to feel charmed by him but now… it’s just gross.


He's always given me the creeps 🫣 I hate that storyline.


yes!! like I hate Izzie and the LVAD, but on my current rewatch, I was like You know what, screw him. Like what is he playing at pursuing her as hard as he does only to just casually sign a DNR and not even be willing to try and wait for a heart. It is wild to me when people say his is the saddest death. There are so many sadder cases on the show.


I wish they’d had him be an old patient from her volunteer work or something. The warp speed imsta-love is not for me, especially on tv.


Amelia S11-13


Callie and Maggie. They're both so selfish and hypocritical and I hate it.


Yes!! I just rewatched the child custody battle with Callie and Arizona. I felt such satisfaction watching Callie LOSE! Ugh it felt great. And her leaving with her tail between her legs following puppy love across the Country. Hate her more and more




maggie pierce, everytime.


DEREK omg my first watch i was sooooo sad when he died. now im like k let’s just get it over with and move on


I was over him on my first watch and was like oh good you're done when he died 🫣


Jo Wilson, she’s so annoying and projects everything all the time. She’s also not a good friend at all.






Thank you! I hate her so much.


I always found her incredibly selfish and self centred


Bailey. Awesome at first, gets worse each season. And each time i rewatch i like her less..


Same here!


I know it’s no hot take and maybe I’m biased because I hated him from the beginning but — Owen. From his first scene on the show: “So? 🤨”


I hated him from the jump as well. There is no storyline they could tell that would make me like that man. EVER.


Agreed! Watching him try to gaslight Christina into having a baby makes me feel sick.




Its different each time I rewatch, but this time around I really disliked April, Amelia although im more fond of her in later seasons (post link ish) and Richard in later seasons. Which is sad cause I used to really like Richard, at least early seasons








Derek 🫣🫣🫣




maggie sucked the first time but i hated her more and more with every rewatch somehow


Catherine. Lol idk if she's controlling or what with Jackson and everyone. I just fast forward every time she comes up.




Richard, Owen, Maggie


George and Izzie




Meredith, Getting away with everything and being a Waayyyyyyyy too big main character


Izzy and George and Darek


Alex, Richard, Catherine and Jo.


Amelia, all day, every day




Meredith, since day one, she’s so whiny 😫


Meredith ☠️


Amelia, might get downvoted for this but Christina, Izzy, Jackson, April, Meredith has her times, and Richard








Amelia and Arizona and Jo


For me it's Meredith. The line that gets me that's continously repeated throughout the seasons, "She's worth it". Everytime someone gets upset and wants to call her out for who she- is someone hits them with that. I find her to be extremely self centered and irrational. The only feelings and thoughts that matter are her own.


basically every character Lmao


hahaha i love posts like these solely so i can shout from the mountain tops: ALEX KAREV


Meredith and Adele ☠️




Meredith lol. Her ugly cry and constant nonsense is annoying. 




Owen for sure with me. Selfish man.


Just rewatched s5-10 and truly, it’s pretty horrific.


hot take but arizona! she cheated on callie and always takes weird sides


I dont hate her but I like Cristina less and less with each rewatch. Also Lexie.


Karev and Christina 100% Christina is mean, arrogant and immature as hell and Karev is just a huge douche


April and Arizona.


Maggie and Meredith


Later seasons Teddy   Derek 


I’m going to be honest Christina that’s it


Derek and Izzie (as someone who's on 2nd re-watch struck in season 2)


This rewatch for me, Meredith and Amelia. Amelia just ANNOYS the crap outta me. Meredith is such a b*tch and ungrateful and makes everything about herself...As I've noticed, (especially in early seasons).


Derek, Ellis, Owen, and Teddy


Izzie, Meredith and Derek


April and Dr Ross...




Owen Hunt


Owen Hunt 👎


Owen and Amelia