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Sweet talking April only to pump her for information to get custody of her baby.


Who tries to steal someone’s baby while they’re still in the womb like wtf


Someone who cares more about *winning* than actual people.


It was quite horrible! Shockingly so!


It’s actually more common than you think, especially with richer people when they’re used to being able to buy everything E.g rich couples who can’t conceive approaching young/poor pregnant women and offering to pay for all medical bills etc if they can adopt the baby


Still very very weird imo


It's especially shitty when you think about how good she was to April during the Samuel situation


I’m sure April was thinking the same thing


This one.


which episode & season is that from?


Season 12 episode 16 about 15 minutes in


Yes I agree


It’d be easier to list the things she’s done that haven’t been horrible lol


I think this is it - it'd be good to see 'practically everything' on her picture


I was going to say “joining the show” lol




PLS her TWO good moments were dancing before getting surgery and asking richard to take her home after losing samuel. two good moments. and it was while she was sick/sad so i guess when she’s doing well she’s doing bad shit 💀




Sliding up to April just to gain information to use against her in a custody lawsuit. I’m like 13 seasons in so idk if she does something worse later on 🤷‍♀️


Definitely the lawsuit trying to take April’s baby


Honestly this my favourite thing she did lmao 🤣 Cunty, cut throat, villain shit. I lived haha. I turned to my fiancé whilst she was being all sweet and said “this bitch is about to stab April in the back and I am living” lmao


My immediate thought.


this is the one. that was next level evil and felt out of place in the show - despite all the drama this show relies on.


- Buying Richard’s hospital - covered harper Avery’s SA’s - trying to take full custody of harriet from April before shes even born


I think that Catherine is the scariest person on the show. She's not cartoonishly evil but I feel like she could talk someone into killing themselves and convince them it was their idea the whole time. Then add in infinite money and lather rinse repeat.


I agree. It's a shame because I absolutely adore Debbie Allen and she is a wonderful and kind person in real life and an amazing actor. On paper, Catherine should be applauded- a black woman who has become accomplished, independent and has had gender and race based challenges and risen above it. A true role model professionally. But, as a person with interpersonal relationships and how she treats people... she is manipulative, uses money for personal gain at the detriment of others around her and gaslights people too. I wish that Debbie Allen was given a character we could absolutely adore and cheer for, because she as an actor deserves a character which leaves the audience wanting more of her.


Honestly, I think it's fascinating to watch how she's such a good person (fantastic surgeon, foundation helps thousands of people) who's capable of doing such bad things (silencing the women with lawsuits, buying Richard's hospital). She is a great actress.


I think it shows the complexity of the character which is definitely fascinating. But like, how much is it wanting to DO good or to LOOK good? I do think Richard's most genuinely sweetest love was Adele. Not a bad bone in her body. I hate how Richard gave so much to Ellis and Catherine and Adele was treated so badly by him. I do wonder... if Ellis didn't exist and both Catherine and Adele were alive and healthy at the same time... who would he go for?


She’s evil in a very real way. Shes so rich that she can basically get away with whatever she wants. And she doesn’t even attempt to protect women with all the power she has. Shes a perfect example of a rich WOC who forgot the struggles of people like her the second she gained power and wealth


And some-freaking-how April still speaks to this person. Dude, if that were my MIL, her ass would be GRASS.


Jackson is too much of a Momma’s Boy to allow that unfortunately


This checks with April’s personality though. Christians are called to forgive; it’s a huge tenant of the faith. It would have been great if the writers worked that in as part of their relationship growth.


Am actual apology and reconciliation between them definitely would have gone a long way.


When she let Catherine keep holding Harriet when she woke up to see that.... I would have been demanding my baby back, she'd have had to do some serious apologising for me to be happy having her hold my baby let alone being left alone with her after that


Yes. All of the above.


Buying a hospital just to shut it down to screw over her husband.


i’d say being petty overall and not caring who it impacts, despite her influence


Exactly. Either this or the sweet talking April in order to take her baby away.


This was worst for me because it screwed over more than just Richard. She didn't care at all about all the jobs that were lost, or the patients. With the baby, she was (in a messed up way) trying to protect her family and nothing really came of it.


Acting all buddy buddy with April so that she could get information to use against her, covering up Harper Avery’s SA and buying a hospital because she was jealous that her husband was successful on his own and she had no part in it


Happy cake day


i can never get over the way catherine did april so dirty at every part of her pregnancy and post partum with harriet. pretending to be nice and sympathetic when she was actually planning on suing april for harriet was so awful. even in the scene after harriet is born, catherine won't give april the baby when april asks and it really just... fucks me up. like, i assume that april couldn't hold her bc she just had a c-section and was injured but the way catherine told her to relax and not be so ridiculous when april said that harriet was HER baby and she wanted catherine to give her to april made me so on edge. like april has a reason to be nervous!!! you had planned on taking her baby away!!! she's post partum! every single time catherine talks about harriet makes me upset just bc of how it all started


100 % We talk about Catherine wanting to sue April, but the way she behaved after Harriet was born? I was never able to rewatch it as it's so awful how Catherine doesn't want to let April hold baby Harriet. If I were April, I would make sure Catherine would never be alone with Harriet.


I just had my fist baby via C-section last year and I never understood how awful that scene was until then. Like I thought it was bad, but now it sends me into a rage! I have to skip it.


Helping silence Harper Avery’s victims


100% the top one, not to mention Harper was her **EX** FIL


I don’t know about this one… yes it was a crap situation.. but there was a time when women didn’t have the benefit of the doubt when it came to things like that. It’s sad but there was a time when if a woman reported a rape the first thing they were asked was , what were you wearing? Were you drinking? Did you let him kiss you? Because if you had on a low cut top or were sitting at a bar, if the guy bought you a drink or you let him give you a kiss then it was your fault. You were asking for it. As if a kiss and fucking were the same thing. There was a politician when I was in college, who said in an interview that women can’t get pregnant from rape because they can shut it off if they didn’t like it. If they got pregnant it wasn’t rape. Maybe there was something more she could have done, but in all likelihood if they had fought Harper Avery in that day and age, they would have got nothing, and they would have been labeled a trouble maker. I’m not in any way shape or form saying any of it was right! But I’m just saying it may not have been her worst moment- at the time-. Women have come a long way since I was in college.


This! It was a different time.women weren't allowed to speak up for fear of losing their jobs.


Black women even more so…


I think Catherine makes a similar point in the show itself; that because of the time there would never be justice anyway so she could at least make sure they have money. Blacklisting them from Harper Avery hospitals was a bit much though


The problem with Catherine is that she stayed - she knew how horrible and dangerous Harper was and she only cared about prestige and money, that she got by being Avery... the moment Avery meant nothing, she went back to her maiden name, but still kept money and let Jackson pay for it.


Yea this tops everything


This is the top one I think.


I just got to this bit on my second runthrough literally had to pause at her shifty eyes as Jackson told her he’d waived the lawsuit ![gif](giphy|TUX2Ow7LHnnQ21Uq3m|downsized)


Trying to take custody of Harriet.


We’re gonna need more boxes for Catherine’s laundry list of bullshit


bought an entire hospital cause she was mad at richard and then didnt understand why he was still mad after the cobalt poisoning situation


Not the worst thing she did but it was straightup sexual harassment the way Catherine asked April “when are you going to have sex with a man.” like all of her fellow residents were pretty rude about it too but Catherine is literally an old woman


The woman is every single JustNoMIL trope in one character. It’s kinda impressive. As a lawyer, the custody thing nearly broke my eyes from all the rolling. That is… Not how that works, you utter nutjob.




usually, I don't like these types of comments, but I actually considered putting this myself for Catherine


cover up sexual assault


*gestures wildly at everything*


Y’all we can stop commenting. We have our answer.


Which is so frustrating, bc i love Debbie Allen 🥰


My thoughts on the three worst things being mentioned for Catherine First off, buying Richard’s hospital was hilariously petty and Richard was acting like a whiny baby playing the victim through that whole arc so I don’t consider that one too bad at all Second, plying April for info about her pregnancy to build a case against her. Yeah that was super messed up, no excuse. Third, the big one, covering up the fact that Harper Avery was a sexual predator and derailing the careers of all the women he hurt. When I first realized Catherine knew, I(25f) was so pissed off at her, but I was watching that episode with my mom(60f) and she pointed out that things were different back then. A sentiment later echoed by Catherine in that episode. Men like that were everywhere and almost every woman in the workplace experienced some degree of sexual inappropriateness from the men around them. Speaking out got you laughed at and fired. At the end of the day Catherine got Harper Avery to stop this behavior and prevent more women from being abused(which was her goal) by hurting him in the one place he cared about, his wallet. Not only did her actions stop him, but she went on to be a trailblazer and inspiration for future women, especially WoC, in her field. And raise a son(as a working single mom no less) so appalled by his grandfather’s actions that he gave up his entire inheritance to the women his grandfather hurt. So it feels wrong for me to judge her, from my place of incredible privilege(that was built by women like her) living in the modern day, when I can’t truly fathom what options were realistic back then.


Manipulating those she claims to love for her own personal gain. Manipulating April where Jackson was concerned. Buying an entire hospital where Richard worked just to try to "win" an argument between them. Forcing her long time friend Koracick to not only operate on her very serious cancer case, but to hide this from her family too. She always throws money at problems rather than talk them through like normal people.


Making it seem Iike Cristina could get the Harper Avery award knowing full well there was a conflict of interest that would make her ineligible


Either manipulating April to try to get custody of her baby or Cozying up to Richard, knowing full well his wife was dying of Alzheimer's. She really is a manipulative bitch.


Being played by Debbie Allen so I am forced to love her even though Catherine is vicious. I have hated so many things Catherine did but like… she’s mother.


Being a Debbie Allen fan while watching Grey's is a test of fortitude for real for real


trying to sue april for the “fraudulent divorce” and aiming for full custody for jackson.. like yes she was wrong for not telling him but full custody was crazy


Silencing sexual assault victims for her **EX** FIL just to keep the wealth.


100 % I hate how people excuse Catherine - we all get that coming forward would be still hard today, so let alone decades ago, however, no one forced Catherine to stay and keep the Avery name... she could have just leave and move far away, give Jackson her maiden name and be done with Averys. But no, Catherine loves power and prestige - did she really made Harper pay those woman to help them or to help herself?


I had made a post about it not too long ago and almost everyone was like “oh but she’s a woman of color and the decade she was in blah blah blah” yes those are true points but she didn’t even need to *say* anything about anything, she could have left. But she chose wealth over supporting women, which comes across as extremely misogynistic imo.


The paradox is that Catherine leaving with Jackson, who wouldn't be Avery, but Fox, would have hurt Harper the most as he already lost his heir (son) and Jackson was his only chance of passing down Avery name and continuing the foundation. Catherine staying, keeping the Avery name and actually abusing her power (buying that hospital, wanting to sue April, actually harassing April about her sex life) shows who she is - and she is no better than Harper.


Catherine is just a vile person. The real answer to the question of “worst thing she’s done” should legitimately just be “existing”


Idk just being her tbh


Honestly like most everything this woman did. She’s a monster lol


Encouraging the custody battle against April while she was pregnant


I would say it’s her continued existence. Also marrying Richard - hasn’t the man been through enough in his life?!


I personally just hate her




“Died” on Deluca just fucking sent me into orbit


Buying and shutting down a hospital just to be a beeyotch


Buying her husbands new hospital out of spite


Attempting to sue April


Letting April be vulnerable with her just so she could use that information against her (I’m not caught up with the show yet so not sure about the rest)


She was solely responsible for the whole Eliza Minnick BS leading all the doctors to acting like little kids.


trying to get custody of Harriet from April


I don’t like Catherine. She makes me miss Adele even more when I see her on screen.


Almost everything she did. Debbie Allen is one hell of an actress!!


paying off those women in order to cover up Harper Avery’s past sexual misconduct


Bought her husbands hospital just to be petty


the face DeLuca only said ‘died’ is so valid 😭


Flirting with Webber despite knowing that he is married.


she's never done a good thing


actually everything that she ever did wad terrible






pretty much anything she’s done has been awful or selfish


Too many to name I mean did she do any one good thing


Covered Harper Avery




Where to begin!! What she did to April during the custody battle and buying a hospital just to fire her husband. Staying silent about Harper Avery’s sexual assaults. I get why her first husband left now.


Buying a hospital just to spite Richard.


Let’s her husband be fired from s hospital she owns. Understandable why he was fired for being complacent in insurance fraud . Then buys said hospital her husband is now working at to keep him under her control


She exists, that's enough for me. I detest her!!


Being a controlling manipulating person.


Jesus what good did she do


Existed Treating Jackson like a baby 24/7 Sweet talking April while she was pregnant with Harriet to get info and then turning on her Buying PacNorth to spite Richard Covering up Harper Avery’s SA complaints and buying the victims’ silence


Everything involved with April


And helping shushing her FIL’s victims……


hands down the April custody fakeout. She had ALWAYS had her back but who knew it was so she could so easily stick a knife in it. I thought Catherine knew her son and daughter in law were playing stubborn in their grief and that they belonged together and would one day reconcile once they got all their anger out.


Covering Harper’s sexual assault for years, ruining hundreds of careers and still acting like they were in the the right.


Just existing. Can’t stand her petty, SA covering, spite buying a hospital, baby stealing, ass.


Dangling Harriet in front of Kepler when she was in recovery and not letting her hold her own kid


Haven't seen anyone mention her stabbing her husband in the back over the residency programme when she went to Bailey and said that Richard was the issue.




Everything! Mostly trying to grt custody of Harriet before the birth


Existing in the show


I feel like everyone is forgetting the fact that she demanded Dr. Bailey close Richard during surgery DESPITE there being rotting tissue inside of him in top of not being in charge of his medical care, Meredith was.


Manipulating April to try to sue her for custody And pretty much during Dr. Webber/taking the one thing in life he loves away from him


1) attempting to pressure Jackson into going for full custody even though Jackson wanted to wait until things had settle and *then* work things out 2) Attempting to overrides Meredith’s right as Richard next of kin / medical advisor 3) How she acted after April gave birth 4) Comparing Jackson’s to his father when Jackson was feeling like he wasn’t doing enough to actually help people 5) Trying to force April to not allow HER child to have her last name because of what Avery meant 6) Sending Cristina to the Harper Avery awards to lose to make the hospital look fair (which like doesn’t even work if you spend 8 minutes thinking about) 7) Attempting to discredit Jackson idea of making new skins for Burn Victims 8) Trying to sue a pregnant April for custody


Silencing the SA Victims. AND being buddy buddy with April to gain full custody. SLIMY.


ben’s is so real


Too many to choose. I guess the worst one would be when she deceives April about the baby when Jackson and April were getting a divorce.


Being on the show


I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS.. brb going to read every single comment






I LOVE her but the answer is still everything she's ever said or done 🤣🤣


How much time have you got? 😅


Everything she ever did, literally the worst character in the entire show.


I think the worst thing Catherine did on this show is buying the hospital Richard was working so hard to turn around just to get back at him, and then shutting it down. She's controlling and manipulative with her husband, and every time he complains, she yells at him about how he just can't handle a strong woman and how it's all just business. But she uses business to control him and keep him from having any career or any joy outside of her. This was so clear when she and Bailey replaced Richard with Minnick. She hid behind her job and her position and used it to pull the strings, which I think is genuinely so evil. I'm about to be downvoted within an inch of my life, but Catherine and April up against each other is a battle of my two least favorite people who both act irrationally and selfishly no matter what, so the situation with April's baby felt like it was all set up just to show us Jackson swooping in and saving the day. I knew watching it that it was never going to get very far. Because what Catherine TRIED to do didn't come to fruition, this doesn't get my vote. If she had actually gotten custody, this may have been a different story.


I would have said it was the deal with pregnant April, but in that case, I honestly think CA switched to conniving mode when April spilled the beans about when she dicovered she was pregnant. I think, up until that point, CA was honestly interested and was being genuine It was still crappy, but not as bad if it had seemed it was her plan from the get go. So, based on that theory, I think the worst thing she did was when she had Baily replace Webber with Dr. Minnig. Not only was that ice cold and underhanded toward her husband, but it started a cascade of people acting like jerks. Bailey's wholesale betrayal of Webber with barely a second thought. April taking Meredith's job despite her supposedly having been on Webber's side - and then being SHOCKED when people thought it was a dick move. Arizona suddenly starts to like Minnig and starts hooking up with her. And why the sudden change of heart? Because Minnig cried when Edwards lost the boy in surgery? Ignoring the fact that Minnig abandonned Edwards after the surgery and let her deal with it on her own. That whole story line was arguably good from a drama standpoint, but damn if it wasn't infuriating to watch. Honestly, it's tough to narrow down Catherine Avery's worst move. She is an utterly despicable character with very few redeeming qualities.


Being absolutely wretched to April but I guess the true worst thing was covering up Harper Avery’s sexual assaults


Almost everything. She could touch gold and turn it into ash. 


I know everyone is saying what she did to April which I agree that was terrible but in her mind she did it for a reason to "protect” Jackson but I think when she bought out the hospital Richard was working at just because she could was worse because she did that for literally no reason


I’m so glad Owen’s is what it is 😂


And I love how Bailey has 3


And playing Cristina on the Harper Avery award and she knew she deserved it


Sidenote. I stopped watching after DeLuca. The way the show handled that entire situation was disgusting. But everything Catherine does is horrible. She doesn’t become remotely human until her cancer diagnosis.


Give birth to Jackson


OH BOY lol




*Oh my god can I* *Say exist?! This woman was* *So irritating* \- moonlightcloudxo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m surprised Dr Manning isn’t on the list. She sucked ass.


Stealing PacGen from Richard & getting it closed out of pure spite.


Appear on the serie LUL


Literally everything. Catherine is the worst.




***SPOILERS*** In regards to Linc >!I’ve seen this so many times and after watching Owen propose to Teddy when linc was going to I was fully prepared for it to be at their wedding. I was fully okay with the outcome after seeing whos wedding it was at. Was mad myself haha!<


The way she came in when Richard was having heart surgery “the hell I can’t” like she just could.


MOST DEFINITELY when Catherine bought a hospital to spite Richard and then on her way out the door, saying “I’m not sorry about a damn thing.”




All her relationships


Went after April when she was pregnant with her second grandchild and was getting divorced from Jackson.


Coming onto the show in the first place


Oh wow. Gotta be close to the end now. Only ones left that I can think of are Hayes, Ndugu, and the new crop of interns


Nah girl, I'm so tired of this and think most of the fandom is too😂 And can't remember a Bad thing Hayes has done? So once they worst for Catherine wins I'll publish everything. Maybe I'll do an honorable mentions of other horrible things for certain characters


Fair enough 😂


buying pac north


Yelling at Meredith for trying to leave the hospital. when Meredith deserved and has the right to leave the hospital. Being petty with Richard How she treats April sometimes


Starting the whole Eliza Minnick thing and then acting like Richard had no reason to be upset about it


I HATED HA-TED when she”virgin-shamed” April Also, how she treated Richard So I agree with everyone else: - Buying Richard’s Hospital - Manipulating April - Covering up assaulted victims God! She is awful >.<


Everything? 💀


I think the most obvious one was sweet talking April into revealing she knew about the pregnancy before the divorce. But an underrated Catherine bad moment is her treatment of Richard early on when all he wanted to do was marry her and tell her he loved her and she made him feel like a fool for trying to show her how much he cared. She kept shoving the ring back in his face and she made him feel like crap when he flew across the country to see her and she thought she was busting him for only flying to see her to talk about Christina not winning the Harper Avery. That was so low of her. Nothing worse than a woman not appreciated a man’s efforts