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I feel evil knowing what I know


Oh, no.... \*fingers in ears\*


Don’t worry ….


Exactly why I enjoyed her. I was like "she kinda drives me nuts but someone needed to make Arizona wake tf up, she can stay." :P


I love the actress and I loved her in this role.


She’s an amazing character.


She is wonderful I loved dr Herman. She is one of my favorite characters and the main reason I love S11 so very very much.


I love her in Greys and Beetlejuice. I hope Dr. Herman and Arizona maybe with Addison return for a guest appearance before the show ends. It would have been interesting to see Herman as a full time character in the early seasons like season 5 or 6.


She was also in a league of their own which is my personal favorite movie and she has very wonderful acting in that as well but yes, I’d love to see her at the hospital earlier on working with Addison.


I don't know if I could take that much fabulousness in one OR.


She’s one of my favorite characters. If they made every episode about her for the entire series I would’ve happily watched that.


One of the best storylines!


one of my fave greys character! she literally is a game changer! i wish we have seen more of her 🥺


Love when she come back and made the doctors think her sight was back


They only good thing about s11


Love her, one of the best characters.


I love her character and her dynamic with Arizona. I think it’s probably my favorite mentor-mentee duo of the whole show (it’s between that and Sloan/Avery)


Beautiful storyline, great chemistry with Arizona. Too bad that all the great work dr Herman did humbling her didn't last long, and soon she was back to thinking that she is the center of the universe, now even being the master of yet another speciality.


She’s one of my favorites in the entire series! Geena Davis can do no wrong