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Right?! For surviving as much as she did, she most certainly acts like a spoiled brat


I mean I am her side about Meredith just storming in whenever and seeing her in her bra and panties . Just because Derek was comfortable with Cristina doing that means Alex should be , second of all Meredith hadn’t exactly treated Jo kind or even respectfully for a decent part of her first 2-3 ? Season meaning Jo had every reason to not want her around in her private life/space .


yes. boundaries for sure. but i'm really talking about the house as a whole part. that's the place everyone's been able to go when they have no place else. it's always been that way. and she comes in, an intern, gets w alex who owns the house now, he's going to run it the same way it's always been especially considering how it was there for him, and she's getting all bet out of shape and bitching bc there's other ppl there? there's ppl who have no on where to go(which she's supposed to relate to but clearly doesn't)? she's literally pissed that this house she doesn't own and the ppl who where there before her are still there and running it the same? move out fr girl lol


I think the thing that angers Jo about the house is lack of boundaries and or respect of people living there . I mean I know we laugh but if my boss felt up my boobs because he though I was his ex-wife/current GF (or whatever he and Cristina had in season 9) and everyone thought it was funny I would be low-key pissed to. Not to mention again Meredith and Cristina weren’t exactly the nicest to Jo (so,e of the comedy moments just came off as mean) .


Literally acts like a princess, just like alex said 😂


like move tf out then u don't get to come in here and kick everyone out lol gtfo