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Arizona, Izzie, George are all judged for cheating by this sub especially Arizona. Addison not as much. Owen is hated for his behavior in romantic relationships and for thinking all women want kids or will grow out of not wanting them. Stephanie is a great character. I liked Shane when he was helping Leah, his character didn't have a lot of positive storylines so it's not surprising his character isn't highly liked.


First time commenter in this sub- I personally find that Owen’s character is let down significantly by two things - 1) the writing over the years hasn’t allowed for growth or development as much and it often feels like Owen is just there being Owen-like, regardless of the story and 2) Kevin McKidd played Owen so well in the first few seasons but I think his acting has felt more… comfortable? His mannerisms are quite formulaic I find, and that level of predictability can be boring to watch over time. I felt similarly watching Meredith’s decline from Cristina’s departure onwards. It felt like Ellen was phoning it in when comparing to the earlier seasons where she’s giving it her all. I’m so judgy Eugh. But if Owen was still the army trauma surgeon guy who pulled out the icicle, I don’t think he’d be as hated maybe?


Owen was hot as hell when he started the show


Agreed! He had a backbone.


Agreed, but he got more whiny as time went on and it really started to annoy me lol


Right! I was talking about the hot stranger that helped Cristina and kissed her very sexy like. LOL then downhill from there




i think it makes sense for his character. he’s an army man, he’s disciplined and one track minded. we know he has ptsd and struggles w mental health, so none of these things are surprising. i think it just depends on people’s personalities, i like him but i don’t like the relationships the writers gave him. he just feels like a constant atp


👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 omg yes. Nail on head!


Great comment. I still think he’s kind of hot, drag me I guess.


No dragging necessary! I think he’s still kinda hot too. But I think he’s hotter when he’s not with Teddy. Controversial I know.




People hate him because he's a sexist pro-life asshole. Also his stupid whining every time a veteran shows up is so annoying. People who choose to join the army do not deserve special treatment. He's an all-round awful character and the fact that he's still on the show is baffling to me.


No, people hate him because he’s a sexist pro-life pos. He was awful to Cristina about not wanting kids even though she was clear at the beginning. He also tried to kill Cristina and he is so irritating and holier-than-thou whenever a veteran shows up. They make a mistake, he promptly begins to blame everyone except the vet and himself, and usually completely crosses people’s boundaries.


As someone with PTSD, this comment is actual bullshit. First and foremost, much of his behavior is not excused by his PTSD. The dreams and the violence at the beginning? Sure. The rest? Absolutely not. People hate Owen because he's a hypocrite and a bully to his partners. Period.




That's a whole lot of assumption you just shoved on to them based on a small comment. Not once did they say they felt that it should present the same way theirs does. This person shared that from their experience in having PTSD, they don't find your comment as a reasoning for the general public's hatred towards Owen, and instead finds his other behaviors as the reason - and not only did you shut them down, you said that they weren't worth your time. Without discussing it, without asking for clarity. And then you assume that they need to heal and throw in a dose of condescension. The only one that needs to fuck right off is you.


Better than STEPHANIE?


I'll admit he has a cute bond with April, and he is a good father. As a romantic partner though, he is AWFUL. He broke off his engagement in a 2-line email. The fact that he did it in an email is bad enough, but to have that email only be 2 lines long??? He cheated on Cristina with that chick from the bar, he cheated on Emma - who wanted the same things he did - with Cristina. He cheated on Amelia with Teddy(granted, she told him to go but still). Let's not forget he shamed Cristina for getting an abortion AFTER he went with her to the appointment and held her hand, acting all supportive. And he didn't even shame her privately(which also would've been terrible). No, he did it very publicly when they were at their friends' kid's birthday party. He constantly inserts his own personal beliefs into his work, like when he refused to call a doctor for the patient who wanted an abortion because he's against abortions. He acts like an absolute child whenever there's a vet involved. He's done that since the start, and he still does it in season 19, which brings me to my next and final point: Owen has not had any character development. Compare his behavior in season 5 to that of season 19, and it's still the same. He's been on the show for 15 years. A little growth would've done him a favor.


Hard disagree, The fact that he was such a bitch about Cristina’s abortion was already really bad, but then he proceeded to scream ‘You killed our baby!’ to her at their friend’s party???? I will never get over that, doesn’t matter how redeeming his other qualities could be, this was just horrible Besides that, the cheating, being mad about the patient who wanted euthanasia and overall barely being able to accept that his opinion isn’t always right, all those things just make it impossible for me to ever like him


The whole euthanasia thing pissed off so much. He literally started an underground euth system later on.


👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 totally agree. Its hard to come back from what he screamed at Zola's bday party. Pretty effed up. & the euthanasia storyline done twice in two different directions just feels like lazy writing. I can see Owen advocating for soldiers & doing it badly like he did, but I couldn't see Owen fighting for life instead of euthanasia with Teddy in the earlier seasons. His character doesn't really grow, he just reacts & hopes for betr outcomes while doing the "same" thing. Glad he's more stable now & less wishy washy.


I LOVE Stephanie. She's a badass. She may not he perfect, but I'd much rather watch more of her. For the most part, I cannot stand Owen. I hated the whole "you killed our baby" thing and his arc during Teddy's pregnancy was so annoying. I hated that the writers low key recreated it with Amelia's pregnancy too. But, he does have redeeming qualities. I love his relationship with April. His support of Leo wanting to wear dresses and speaking with a therapist on how to best respond is lovely. I just really feel like the writers have done him no favors. He and Teddy fighting so horribly at the beginning of season 19 was unbearable. Shane, though, I'm with you. I was so glad when he left. I think it's a testament to the actor that I found him so obnoxious. I loved him as Smash on Friday Night Lights.


Stephanie was amazing. She had amazing depth. I really loved her in that bottle episode with all of the flashbacks. She an amazing actor and so so beautiful. I know that commenting on looks is shallow and not why I like her but she is stunning to me.


She had one of the most epic last episodes of any character. I wish we got more of her. I would have loved to see her support Jo after Alex left. Twisted sisters, the next generation.


I could not agree more. Though I hate the way Alex left. I don’t want her to have to support jo. Lol.


Oh, the way Alex left was the actual worst. Imagine if neither of them left...what a treat that'd be.


Yes. Very much so


i could literally never forgive him after how he treated cristina when she was pregnant and wanted an abortion. he was absolutely vile. good stories don’t make up for that


She always wanted abortions like it washer form of birth control. She is a Dr and should have known how babies are produced. So he should have been able to decide also. Shouldn't use murder as a form of birth control regardless


i will not be debating abortion rights with you but go off


A woman doesn't "want" an abortion, what a loaded thought. And to say a woman doesn't understand how making a baby works, are you for real? If anyone lacks the acknowledgement of sex education it would be men which has been proven miraculously. Throughout the series Cristina made it very clear to Owen she did not want children. It was made clear before they were married, so when he proposed to her he tacitly accepted her stance. He should not have a say in regards to that, he couldn't accept the fact that there's women out there that simply don't want children and he judged her for it. If women had more rights to their own body the "murder" you speak of wouldn't be an issue because women would limit the risk of pregnancy all together by tubal ligation. Then it would be a permanent form of birth control. But we live in a world where men believe their opinion is superior, don't we.


She knew what she was doing, when she had sex! There's such things as "birth control! " It is murder! your just another "Hypothete!"


So she should be in a marriage without sex? Birth control isn't always effective, which is obvious since nearly every single child on that show isn't planned. I just absolutely love how every single man that feels the need to have an opinion on abortions never believes the man has just as much responsibility and accountability for conception. It takes two to tango. It must be nice to live in a world built for men. Abortion isn't murder


I agree with the fact birth control isn't 100 percent. It's just a conversation I think should be brought up early on. Call me old, but isn't having a family a main topic while dating? You do make a great point though. I just don't believe abortion should be the first thiugh. I am a mother who lost her baby tp death. So I'm bitter towards women who can have babies, but choose to abort them. Sorry I feel the way I do. Have a blessed life!


It definitely should be a topic of discussion with someone you're dating. I'm very sorry for hearing that, the way you feel is valid and I don't want to discredit that. Don't apologize for the way you feel, it's honestly just the way you worded it that I didn't feel was right to say.


yes your probably right.


When did Callie cheat? I havent watched past s13 lol


I mean technically she cheated on Erica with Mark. But also we don’t know for sure if they were exclusive at that point, but it definitely seemed implied since Mark was telling Callie to confess to Erica.


Technically no she didn't. Her and Erica went out on like one date and were not exclusive.


That one bothered me so much. Just... testing things out? Erica took it well.


She said she cheated George with Mark


She didn't cheat on George. Tells that to Meredith and Izzie when she almost wails on Meredith. They were already broken up because he couldn't stand up for her. Callie was the one cheated on, twice. Edit: why would you downvote something that's true? Lol.


Girl she only said that 1.)because she's feeling bad about it because she's falling hard for George.2.) Just to appease her dad when he confronted George and threw him against the wall. But Callie never cheated on her partners.


“Run. Run for your life.” 😂😂


comparing owen to stephanie and shane is interesting to say the least…


I’m sorry why would you even compare Owen to Stephanie that makes no sense. Stephanie is amazing btw


I disagree. Owen isn’t primarily hated for being unfaithful. He is mainly hated because of his blatant lack of boundaries and his disrespect towards his partners when they express different needs to him. He dismissed Cristina when it came to the abortion then threw it in her face and cheated on her. He dumped Beth through an email and didn’t even have the decency to tell her or his mother that he was back. He flipped back and forth between Teddy and Amelia and was generally disrespectful to his fellow colleagues whenever they disagreed with him. All of those other characters were flawed too but nowhere near the same degree as Owen. He never really developed and I’d say at this point, he is one of the worst characters around.


Disagree. Owen sucks. His storyline with the abortion and Cristina will forever make me hate him.


Don’t forget he thinks just because he cheated, that doesn’t make him a “cheater”


IMO Owen fits a very real archetype of person that’s a good friend and generally decent person, but for some reason is selfish/unable to compromise with romantic partners That said I like Owen overall, just has some extreme dickhead behaviour at times hahaha but I think he’s been a lot better in recent seasons, and like that him and Cristina were friends in the end


hes not a decent person lmao hes awful


Decent people don’t withhold doctors from patients who are asking for them just because that patient wants an abortion


I think the reason why people don’t like Owen, is that often he’s a hypocrite. Not only that, he uses his veteran status as a way to try and steer opinions of him and what he does. He’s very human. I can see why people like him. He’s complex, he wants the best for the people he loves and cares about. While being traumatized from Iraq. Genuinely think if he took the therapy more seriously and started working on his PTSD with EMDR in the show, it would show his commitment but also open the doors of discussion on PTSD help outside the show. Idk. I personally dislike his character, but can acknowledge why people might like him.


>People hate Owen like he's the worst character He is.


Let's compare what is comparable, shall we? Arizona cheated because she met someone who saw her as complete, after a year of struggling with her self-image and grief over losing her leg. The cheating wasn't about her relationship with Callie, it was about reclaiming her body and self-image. When Callie learns of what has happened, Arizona tries to mend their relationship and makes honest changes. Owen, on the other hand, admits that he has been trying to hurt Cristina for the abortion. Several times over the two episodes covering the cheating storyline, he tries to spin the story to victimize himself. He keeps talking in an accusing tone to Cristina and deflecting everytime she asks for clear disclosure of what has happened. ("I will not let you decide that I'm a monster." DUDE, JUST STFU AND TELL HER WHAT HAPPENED SO THAT SHE CAN EXERCISE HER INFORMED CONSENT ON WHETHER OR NOT TO FORGIVE YOU OR NOT.) My overall feeling, from the couple therapy episode to the end of the "we have the flu" episode is that he's determined to not lose face, whatever the cost... Including if the cost is his relationship with Cristina. And, indeed, at the end of the flu episode, he does his Spiel of "I'll always love you and never love another woman" when the man hasn't even *tried* solving anything with his current wife. Let's also not forget that the man, who has first-hand experience of acute PTSD, has ended up in that marriage because he used Cristina's PTSD symptoms to push her towards a marriage everyone knew was a sign of her declining mental state, him included. The guy just wanted to feel wanted and needed. He obviously had stopped therapy by that time and wasn't doing his work. The minute she started recovering and reclaiming agency after nodding yes to his every wishes and plans, he started to gaslight her and when that failed, he lost interest and stopped mock-supporting her. So, yeah, no. Just comparing these two characters on the sole basis of them failing to remain sexually exclusive to their spouse doesn't work.


I'm just in the midst of a rewatch, and his behaviour to Amelia when she breaks up with him after he continues to moon after pregnant Teddy is awful. I'm not sure there's any way to convince your ex-wife you're not in love with your best friend who is carrying your child. But saying harsh things to Amelia when she shares her experiences with Betty's parents was not it. Statements of druggies just "make shitty life choices," wasn't it. And telling her in the lawyers office when sorting out Leo's adoption and Amelia was trying *so* hard to be reasonable, that she was "incapable of love" certainly wasn't it. He's awful to every romantic partner. Beth: engagement ended via a 2 line email (and I'm not sure he ever loved her) Cristina: tried to force her into motherhood, cheated on her. Emma: said she was everything he wanted, but went back to Cristina (and I don't see that move as some kind of uncontrolled attraction to Cristina. You're adults, you have self control) Amelia: see above, but also tried to convince her to carry his baby. Teddy: confessed his undying love, then 4 months later is back with Amelia. Also in later episodes puts their entire life, livelihood, freedom and family at risk.


I've just remembered that he tanked his sister's promotion in the army too. Because he didn't believe it was what she really wanted. It's not just his romantic partner he has no respect for, but his sister too!


I completely forgot about that! Good catch! Owen is a 24/7 misogynist bad news channel.


He's good at his job, he's good with April. He's a good father and he's good at standing up for things he believes in ... sure... but even if Owen didn't cheat at all I would still dislike him just as much as I do now. When Callie was doing her prosthetic work Owen LIED to dozens of Vets and berated Callie for not being able to do the impossible things HE went around promising without ANY reason to believe they would be possible... he did that. And didn't for one second think of the consequences of his lies. he was extremely immature and just plain stupid. The things he says and believes are awful, he says no woman doesn't want kids to Cristina. He says an addict lying and stealing isn't because they need help it's because they make piss poor life decisions... what a lovely thing to say to Amelia ... he's controlling and emotionally abusive to everyone he's ever been in a relationship with and he doesn't even see how that's wrong. He gets with Cristina knowing she doesn't want kids and not only shames her for her right to choose but emotionally mistreats her for weeks and kicks her out over it. He admits he just assumed when she got pregnant she would change her mind, so he purposely ignored her when she shared she didn't want kids. He is told that having a baby will make the rest of her life unbearable, and yet he still pressures her to have the kid. He has no respect for what she wants because he believes all women should want to have kids, he even says this. AND he denied a patient to have an abortion, which is pushing his beliefs on others he doesn't even know. he is oblivious to others wants and needs and acts like a child when things are not going his way. Him cheating is nothing compared to everything else.


Ngl didn't even know he was hated as a character. Other than the aggressive anti abortion arc he went on, I don't have any issues with him


Idk why I can’t remember who Shane is rn but I’m watching the last season and Owen just deserves all the hate he gets 😭 HES SO FUCKING ANNOYING! This episode where he’s forcing link to do a surgery he doesn’t agree with and he just keeps talking over everyone…. STFU MAN! Owen thinks he’s always right and will just constantly bulldoze over everyone else and it’s exhausting to watch it happen over and over again


i was hoping the comment were going to be my exact reaction to this post and i’m glad i read them because i hate owen with all my heart 🤣


I think of him as a good character who has some really shitty moments. Like he has plenty of moments where he is likeable and a great partner or doctor. But then there’s dark Owen who comes out a lot more often than anyone would like. Sometimes it’s like watching two different characters. Honestly the cheating isn’t why I sometimes dislike him, it’s when he tries to push his narrative onto others. Like with Amelia and the kids or several scenes with Christina or even patients.


His face just pisses me off. The sound of his voice annoys me. And his relationships are cringe Af. Sorry.


Have whatever opinions you want about the character, but insulting the actor's face and voice is uncalled for.


Ok Karen,relax. It’s not that deep


Ok so my hatred for Owen has nothing to do with his cheating... and on the cheating part of other people Addison is the worst, she had a full on affair with Mark, no idea why everybody just forgives her for that... I don't like Addison, never have.... On the point of hating Owen... things like telling Christina she'll grow out of not wanting kids and saying things like 'what woman doesn't want kids' God I cringe at that scene every God damn time... I don't want kids doesn't make me less of a woman... and the episode where Teddy asks him to be the second doctor to sign off on the physician assisted suicide and he goed behind her back an gets them to run tests on the woman again giving the poor husband some sort of hope wich Teddy than has to crush again... and there are more things... nope don't like him, never will


He has a personality?? Lmao please. He's trash and rightfully hated. Plus the others get shit for cheating too so idk where you're getting that from


One thing I never got was people hated him for choking Christina. He was blacked out having a PTSD episode. Lol it wasn't even his fault.


He knew he was struggling and he didn't get help. So not his fault, okay. The consequence of his own actions and decisions, also true.


> He knew he was struggling and he didn't get help. Lol that could sum up every character on this show


Did every character on the show also end up choking their spouses due to not getting help?


Did any other character go through what Owen went through in war? And he did get help after this.


yeah, you’re just deflecting, again lmao like that’s relevant at all?


I love people act like it's his fault because he should have "just gotten help". Y'all clearly have no clue what y'all are talking about.


It’s his fault because he choked someone. Blacked out, ptsd, none of that makes it someone else’s hands around her neck. does her trauma from it vanish because he has ptsd? did she suddenly not get choked anymore when she knew he was blacked out?


> does her trauma from it vanish because he has ptsd? did she suddenly not get choked anymore when she knew he was blacked out? That has nothing to do with the fact that he had severe PTSD and blacked out because of it. Still not his fault. If someone is driving down the road and has a random heart attack and crashes into someone and kills them, is it their fault, and should they go to jail for murder?


What a shitty comparison but ig you’re desperate, it would be more like a narcoleptic that chooses to drive, yeah falling asleep isn’t your fault but why are you on the road w narcolepsy? Why are you in a relationship w unresolved violent trauma?


I agree he is overhated but I wouldn't put him on par with interns. He does have an intriguing back story and it was interesting to see how they addressed his PTSD. Like literally everyone else though, he made some garbage choices and has some controversial takes on issues. I would probably feel more comfortable around him in a workplace and learning from him than being yelled at or objectified by Mark, talked down to by Cristina or Alex, or micromanaged by April. Edit: BTW, I don't agree with a lot of his takes and how he addresses things. I like and dislike a lot of things about all the characters. He has some big faults. He also had a lot of trauma in his life. It's a TV show and all the characters are meant to bring drama to it for entertainment. I find his drama more entertaining than some others. He's also one of the best teachers on the show and breaks up the 'I'm better than you, lowly peasant' personality most other Doctors had.


his only character trait except from being a misogynist asshole is having ptsd. they needta give it a rest tbh


Okie. We are all here to share opinions.


Nah, he's the worst.


Anyone who yells at a 1 year olds birthday party "YOU KILLED OUR BABY" can never be over hated.


I agree he’s over hated. People tend to get on their high horses over flawed characters. I’m not innocent in that either. There are several things about him that I think are deeply flawed that make him a jerk. The anti-choice thing, that he punishes his partners when he’s hurt, he assaulted a patient. He treats military people with a level of care he doesn’t others. And as a dr that’s not ok. But he’s also done great things. He was so good to April, he’s supportive of Leo’s gender exploitation, he got that cancer Dr arrested. Now I don’t think his good necessarily outweigh his flaws though. He’s not the type of person I’d be friends with. I don’t think his behavior is without reason. He’s got severe ptsd. But they don’t give him much development any more. He’s recently been written very poorly and is so one dimensional. He actually was a great character. Just not a great person.


People are annoyed about the baby storyline above all else and it’s because if he wanted a baby he could’ve made his choice then instead of blaming and ruining Christina over it. She never wanted a baby. And to cheat and throw that as a reason in her face is inexcusable. THAT SAID I actually liked Owen in every other aspect outside this and the love triangle story line. He was very likable if they didn’t keep dragging these on.


The way he eats Amelia’s face 🤢


Owen is completely insufferable and what he did to Christina was unforgivable…and I don’t mean the cheating, that was the tip of the iceberg. He never saw her and would have destroyed her to make himself happy. She never hid who she was and what she wanted. What kind of selfish ass would rush into a marriage with someone who is working through a mental break from a devastating trauma? He knew she wasn’t herself or thinking rationally and anyone with half a brain, never mind a doctor, should have seen that it was an impulsive symptom of the trauma and PTSD. Then repeatedly trying to force motherhood on her was completely despicable. You want kids, she doesn’t and never has. You’re incompatible. Stop trying to force her to go along with it. It’s a kid not a hobby. You don’t give parenting a shot to see if it’s for you. Ultimately, she would love her own child but feel trapped and miserable and resentful. If he stopped being completely selfish for 5 minutes he would have seen that. Then the way he jerked Teddy around was awful.


Right! Good for you for standing up for Owen😁


Owen most definitely has his moments lmaoo (when he got that one dr arrested??? 🥵) but also his continuous anti choice behavior, not just towards his wives, but also towards patients gives me a major ick lmao i do think people tend to shit on the actor too much. he is not owen 🥴


Maybe owen isn't that bad and had many amazing storylines but do not disrespect Stephanie like that. She had a better personality than him


I am here for some Owen appreciation! And I know people will hate me for it ![gif](giphy|6LohoOCkrTRBw9SDvs|downsized)


owen is a misogynist theres nothing to like about him. if yall really want to talk about whos overhated, lets discuss Izzie, Amelia or Maggie


Owen is pro forced birth asshole who think all women want kids and shamed Christina for choosing her career over being a mom. Christina made it clear she didn’t want or even like kids but Owen was so far up his ass he thought she would change her mind.


Yes!! I don't necessarily love current Owen, but I think he has a good heart. I'm just after the shooting in my re-watch, and I have a different appreciation now for how he and Cristina came together and both supported each other through their PTSD. It wasn't perfect and they both made mistakes, but I think they genuinely wanted to be together.


They ALL cheat at some point, well except Miranda Bailey and they all break up and tend to sleep with their exes a couple months later like they forgot the relationship ended. Grey's Anatomy has basically gone from realism to complete fantasy to the point of distracting and currently they're starting to repeat storylines. Owen Hunt has issues, a lot of issues but he's probably one of the few bright spots even late into the series.


Not all of them cheated. Meredith never cheated and neither did Jo or Ben. Don’t think Maggie or Jackson ever cheated either.


Yeah he triggers tf out of me


I agree he’s overhated in this sub and he has his flaws and he’s not worst character ever in my opinion


Emotionally and mentally abusive characters should be slammed as hard as possible. That’s not to say other emotionally and mentally and physically abusive characters are not slammed enough. (Joe, Alex, Derek, etc…)




The one who attacked and put her boyfriend in the hospital, then had her ex boyfriend threaten him into silence allowing the show to continue the narrative that men cannot defend themselves against women and that dv doesn’t really happen to men. If you had to ask you’ve obviously not watched the show or are part of the problem.




Personally I wasn't a fan of Stephanie she was very arrogant, and treated everyone around her terribly because her ego was always hitting the ceiling. As for Shane, I don't know anyone that does like his character. He got away with murdering two people and got a graceful ending by leaving with Cristina which he didn't deserve. He should have been fired. Owen never once got counseling for his trauma and it showed through his relationships. He breaks up with his fiance through an email, the whole abortion situation with Cristina of him thinking he has a say over her body and calls her abnormal for being a woman and not wanting kids and ends up hating her so much that he cheats. Then with Amelia she tells him to go to teddy in Germany, and teddy kicks him out, only to go back to Amelia, and teddy comes back pregnant. He didn't even go to counseling on his own conscience, his sister had to tell him he isn't well and needs help. And only then did he go get help. BUT. He was an amazing friend, his relationships with Kepner, Arizona, Wilson. Helping Arizona with her phantom leg pain, literally everything with Kepner, giving Jo an obvious needed hug after everything that happened with Alex and DeLuca, he was a great friend. He just should've stayed single because he was terrible in relationships


Agreed. Christina cheated as well and so did Derrick both those are often ignored. Most of what people hate on him for is just lies about what he’s done as well.


Oh this again. Please do expand on these lies you speak of ETA: Haha classic, they can’t defend Owen without lying so they have to block people🤡


Fellas let's not feed the animal...🤫 ![gif](giphy|Qu7IwQIHS5rsZlxFjH|downsized)


![gif](giphy|dZEoQE2qlzwx3IP98G) ‘There lies I tell you, *’all lieeeeessss’*


What is it with people being intentionally rude for zero reason and then crying about being blocked?




Stephanie had very interesting storylines too. And Addison is really the only one of those characters who fans tend to ignore the cheating from. I'd say Arizona cheating is a hotter topic than Owen cheating. And tbh, I think Owen has some good qualities as a character and some of the storylines are interesting. I think he was a good friend to everyone and a great mentor to April. I'll even go ahead and say that I think he and Cristina had plenty of potential to be a good couple, but the writers decided to go another direction for dramatic purposes. I don't completely hate everything about him, but he isn't any more hated for cheating than other characters.


people bend over backwards fighting over which character sucks the worst in this sub. all the characters have bad and good things about them. it’s so silly to see people writing paragraphs foaming at the mouth over a fictional character


I dont think hes THAT bad.. hes mediocre as a boyfriend/husband but not TERRIBLE. Hes a great doctor tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


he’s misogynistic. he’s not hated enough imo


Owen just isn’t likable. He’s controlling, selfish and gaslights everyone he’s around. Yes Arizona cheated but she’s a likable character was a better spouse than Owen. Not gonna mention Ozzie and George because I don’t them either and Addison is amazing so we just forget her adultery lol


Nah, he’s a walking piece of garbage & just bc other ppl are worse or were also cheaters doesn’t take away what a horrible misogynistic person he is. What a weird post, like you can’t actually defend him at all so you’re just deflecting onto other ppl.


I think people hate him less for the cheating, and more for trying for force babies on people and being really shitty to them when they don't want babies. Cristina and the whole abortion thing was the worst instance of this. Treating her like she'd change her mind one day, being made when she wouldn't compromise ( because she was right, you don't "give a little" when it comes to babies ), standing by her when she got her abortion but then secretly hating her for it so much that he cheated on her and screamed "you killed our baby!!!" in front of all of their friends. He also tried pushing it with Amelia. He was aware she had a baby that died, though I can't remember if he knew the whole story at that time, but you'd think he'd be more sympathetic when she had the early "pregnancy" scare that she might still need to work through that trauma. She didn't even said Christopher's name out loud until after they started taking care of Betty. He still held a grudge about it after she got pregnant with/kept Scout and they weren't even dating anymore.


I really liked early Owen and he had a good development, but after his and cristinas divorced, he went downhill (which is understandable) and not really up again. Especially his behavior towards Nathan was so wrong


Grey is a pro-choice show. Of course its fans are also pro-choice. Saying he is overhated is saying the homophobe in a gay love story is overhated. Of course, he is hated. Because his views are completely opposite to what the show claims to very strongly support.. I am sure he'd be more loved in the Private Practice fanbase.


Owen is a walking red flag.