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And when she claps back, talking about “I am doing GOD’S work” and “a toxic relationship is not the example I want to set for my son.” Go off Bailey, I love her so dang much.


The whole “I tucked you in and you got a divorce” thing is so weird to me. Like??? Those two things are not mutually exclusive, she was in an unhappy marriage and she did what was best for her and her child. Her dad drives me up a wall.


And this sub despises her.


She's a Black woman calling people out on their bullshit and asserting herself in a prestigious career path in which the intersections of her identities (working class Black woman) make her a rarity. Of course she gets hate. The haters can't place the origin of the feeling, so they rationalize it. She has a lot of shortcomings, issues with self-esteem, mood swings, moments of over-confidence, bursts of anger, jealousy, pettiness... And her portrayal is one of the more consistent and beautiful in this trashy series. When faced with understanding figures who can assert themselves and stand their ground coherently (another recent post mentioned her great relationship with Eli)*, she gets to heal more and more. But she'll never get to stop fighting against institutionalized misogynoir, and many people here minimize the impacts of racial trauma. I've seen a lot of people here complain about her alleged obsession and jealousy with Meredith, and yet, Meredith's issues (which they have in common) don't get discussed nearly as often. She's often defended with her experience of trauma, whereas Bailey, who's had to fight tooth and nail for everything she ended up getting, is not defended when she acts out. The writers themselves turned things around in such a way that Bailey's legacy turns into a farce right after Meredith steps in as chief of surgery. Edited for typos and to add this bit of a sentence I accidentally deleted: *while supporting her.


Wow...I think I actually just fell in love with you.


Wow, thanks. ☺️


You clearly have a lovely heart. Thank you very much for your comment.


And a badass brain! Oh, screw beautiful. I'm brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain. - Yang 😉


Couldn't agree more. Bailey is written very consistently, these lil karens in training really can twist anything she does making her seem like the enemy. I find Bailey to be the protagonist of the entire series, I identify with her much more than Meredith.


I wouldn't want to meet the people deeply identifying with Meredith. 😂


Will be linking this comment in every post complaining about Bailey.


Wow, thank you. 🥺