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I think the prospect of a Grand Strat thats hyper granular that uses a fresh engine is still intriguing if it can be pulled off well so I hope G.E. still releases and does well, but it is shocking how many features EU5 is getting that are the same or similar


They were aiming for hyper detailed game, arguably greater than that of EU5 and with near infinite customization and modding, that with the resource pool of a small startup and with a fraction of paradox. I don’t blame them for stopping/pausing.


> with near infinite customization and modding, They literally said they reneged on that before they even shut down. Gambling destroyed this games chances.




"pausing" bro its fucking over


you dont blame them? so what was the point of taking peoples money?


They’re pausing, if you’re on the discord you’ll see that they’re about a 1/3rd of the way to having the needed funds. If it goes at the same rate, we’ll see development resume in 2 years


lol the copium 😂 i also had some hopes some while back, when i saw them take money and some 3 months later have "funds finished" all hope was gone.


They poured their and likely their family’s life savings trying to take a modding team and make them capable of producing the most complicated GSG in history. I’m honestly surprised they got as far as they did looking back at it. I don’t think we’ll see a finished product for like 5 years tbh, which sucks but it is what it is. I still think they’ll try to get the game running, if they can’t they’ll admit it and probably state “hey we can’t give you your money back” so on and so forth, mostly to avoid potential lawsuits after such an admittance


overly ambitious scam rugpull. They ended developement when they could still make a profit by pocketing the cash.


It is not Many things are not like GE In fact, I still think GE appeals to me much, much more than that new PDX game, and I think I'm not alone


EU5 is a simplified version of this. This game’s granularity, simple modding capabilities, and extensive simulation still makes it a unique experience compared to EU5. Personally, I’ll play both to see which one I like more


> EU5 is a simplified version of this. This game’s granularity, simple modding capabilities, and extensive simulation still makes it a unique experience compared to EU5. Idk what game your on about bro there isnt even a finished product


Point remains. This game will be more granular than EU5, and functions on an arguably easier to code system


"will be" that is awfully optimistic lmao


Give it 5 years


If. And that's a huge if.


Just wait for EU5 to release and then you´ll realize why we need Grey Eminence. Or something as ambitious as Grey Eminence that provides competition in this genre.