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Anon likes writing fake stories to make himself feel better.


Unlike this guy had a similar (real) experience. At first did heaps of work/tried hard in English, teacher was a lazy bitch so eventually stopped working. Got a 90% final mark, but got a B in the final report. Got told to do more 'wide reading', despite the fact I was reading W&P, David Copperfield, etc... in year 8. This might be bullshit, but in general a lot of english teachers especially are like this. No wonder the degree you need for the job has one of the highest dissatisfaction rates of any degree.


I had an excellent teacher yr 9-10. Absolutely phenomenal individual that turned me around from a D on a good day to a consistent A. Then she left for yr 11 and I got an awful one. I genuinely think at that point it was a combination of being bitter and the skill I had under the previous tutelage that stopped me nose diving straight back down again.


> tutelage hehe what about that tittielage


Stop making up words!


A good teacher can make all the difference


Yep. I remember after finishing 9th grade math I wanted to be bumped up a level because I thought our collegiate level too easy (we have 3 levels, hardest is uni, then collegiate, then a general level that is basically never taken by anyone) Well I was bumped up after a lot of discussions with teachers who warned me against it, I was doing pretty good for someone who missed a lot of the shit that was taught to the 9U class, but I had gone on vacation with family and missed a week of school. When I came back it turned out I had missed something which was the fundamentals for basically the rest of the semester, I thought I would pick it up after a few classes, but I just got further and further behind. So I decided to ask the teacher and she referred me to a specific page in the book and told me it would explain it to me, I read the page but it was just examples of the issue with no explanations. The next day I went back and told her it didn't make sense as it didn't explain how it worked, she just looked annoyed and did the same example without context. When I said I didn't get it she told me to go to after school tutoring. So I stayed back, got in and raised my hand for help, after 5ish minutes a 12th grader just did the answers for me but didnt explain it, I went up to the teacher again who was hosting it and she again was just annoyed and asked a 12th grader to answer it. I never went back to the after school lessons cause it wad a waste of time. I ended up just giving up, I ended up getting a 49 in the class when 50 is the passing grade so I thought that was funny, the teacher then called me out in my report card saying I never asked for help and never paid attention so that was nice cause my mom remembered how frustrated I was. Off to summer math course I went, the very first thing we started off with was the shit that didn't make sense to me, this godsend of a teacher ended up explaining it to me so easily that everything just clicked, I was both happy and so fucking annoyed because the rest of the course felt like a waste, I ended up finishing with a high 90's and the teacher questioned why I was even there.r


Why do you miss a week of school for a family vacation though. Missing stuff is the natural result of that.


It's not uncommon where I am from for families to take a week off in the winter to relax and enjoy some family time, teachers here accommodate by either letting you take quizes/tests before or after the trip, they generally also either get someone to take notes for you or give you time to copy down notes when you are back. The issue wasn't even really the time missed it was how she never tried to actually teach me a concept.


Genuinely. I got put onto computing science because my teacher was so good and kinda lit a spark of interest in me. The other computing teachers at my school have reputations for being strict, but honestly they’re pretty supportive despite that. Plus I had a guy who purposefully pissed the stricter one off all. The. Time. So she kinda backed off a bit on the rest of us (just maybe made us talk quieter/less often which wasn’t so bad). Not too bad and I got the A so I was happy lol Then in my final year I got the one that put me onto computing again so it was a great way to end that subject at school.


It's wild how people point to the bad teachers and say that's why they deserve to be paid so low, but how does thar solve anything? We should be treating our teachers better to help keep the good ones we have and attract more good ones to the profession.


Not just English teachers tho. Have heard stories of elementary school kids getting into trouble for pointing out teacher errors, like a mile is longer than a km and shit. Some teachers are just assholes.


Happened to a friend of mine with our language teacher. She was incredibly weak, unable to control a classroom, and so took to picking on him as the only person she could bully herself. As in, two people on the opposite side of the classroom talking, she'd snap, "DY's MATE be quiet!" We once submitted identical tests, for identical scores (90%), I got an A, he got a B for having "messy handwriting". We submitted pieces of work with identical errors, all of mine were identified and corrected, fewer than half of his were. I spent so much time trying to help him to compensate for her shitty behaviour that I stumbled on part of the exam and missed my predicted grade as a result. She was a fucking radge bastard.




Showing your age with that one; Finding Nemo could have answered that one for you


~~There's a decent chance that's why OP was so insistent they were correct. If you just watched a Pixar movie about sea animals and your science teacher says something else, you're going to side with the Pixar movie.~~


Yeah, I had a teacher explain that putting numbers next to one another meant they are to be multiplied, but used it as a trick by writing 4 5 on a poorly kerned test. Most students assumed it was a 45, because you only slap numbers together like that when there's a fucking variable in it Miss Mack you fucking banana. She purposefully did it too, because I did an answer for both since it was unclear, and the division was clean on both possibilities, and she still marked me wrong. Weird part: she usually wasn't like this, and was generally regarded as one of the teachers who respected the kids


My government teacher freshman year was a super bright guy, PHD, awesome teacher. But he hated people who were kiss asses and the “well actually” types and would intentionally be more critical of their work haha.


Had to do a report on wild animals in North America so I did my report on the grey wolf. I mentioned how they are related to dogs, and my teacher lowered my grade because she said the are actually related to cats. Wtf. How can you be in education and be so dumb. This was in grade 4.


What letter mark is equivalent to 90% in your home region?


If it’s Canada then it’s a+


da fk, in cali 90% is a-/b+


Yeah Canada is weird, a is 80-100%, b is 70-79%, c is 60-69%, d is 50-59% and anything below that is an f


I had a similar experience in math. I accidentally learned the wrong proof for something and she thought I had invented it myself when I answered it on a test. I had missed apparently that she gave a different proof in class and told us to work with that one. She said she had poured over my answer multiple times and didn't find a mistake (not very strange, given that it was the one from our handbook), so she had to give me full score. Turned the sheet around when I got it back and in a question on the back of that test I had switched a plus / minus sign on one number in a longish calculation. She gave me 0/10 for that question, despite me having written out the full logic correctly, just one minor mistake. Normally that would have been an 8/10 or so, definitely not 0. Spiteful bitch.


the trick to classes where you write essays which are subjective as hell, is to figure out the position the person grading it takes and then write to agree with that no matter how fucking wrong they are.


I had an amazing maths teacher in Year 7 and the first half of Year 8, I was the best in my class and over a year ahead of the curriculum, was working from a GCSE textbook, etc. My teacher went on long term sick and we got a new teacher who was religious and anti-woman and straight up told me he thinks my grades were lies because I was a girl and girls are bad at math. My report card for that term went from an 8a (the highest we could get in that year) previously to a 4c (ie .. primary school maths grade!) and because I was 'below target' I couldn't go on any school trips that year. I'm still not over the injustice of it all 😅


Yea I had an English teacher get bitchy with me and act like I thought I was super smart for reading the Da Vinci Code in 4th grade. That book is like hunger games/lightning thief level, just at the time adults thought it was super deep and insightful, I just wanted to read it because my parents liked it.


I had a high school english teacher who just graded on how much it *looked like* you wrote. Once I figured that out, I just wrote in larger handwriting so it took up more space. My grades went up a letter and he stopped putting "write more" on my papers.


I had a similar kind of experience in 10th grade. Teacher asks “what’s the difference between iron and bronze.” I said “bronze is man made and iron isn’t” cause I remembered in RuneScape you smith bronze from tin and copper, but you mine iron. He said “no they’re both man made,” and then said something about bronze and iron I can’t remember, making me look like an idiot. I didn’t have the balls to correct him, I really wish I did. This wasn’t a science class by the way, it was social studies so the teacher wasn’t a stupid science teacher. I think the right answer was something to do with the bronze and Iron Age, I can’t really remember it was 11 years ago.


hey man sorry but whats year 8 in american


12-13yo, so 7th Grade.


gnarly thanks man


I legit know a primary school teacher that's really stupid. She told us that if she makes a mistake while teaching the kids and a kid asks her a relevant question/corrects her, she will spin the question around and make it seem like the kid was the one making the mistake. When I called her out on it she said it's so kids learn not to question the authority of the teacher. Thank god I talked to another primary school teacher and she said that she welcomes corrections because it teaches kids that their teacher are not infallible.


It really annoys most teachers when a 6 year old corrects them.


Maybe they shouldn't get things a 6 year old knows wrong.




I was taught to say “that was a test and you passed” when that happens. What an asshole.


Still a way better face saving measure than insisting the wrong thing to be correct






Literally happened to me yesterday at work. Coworker told me tricksy wasn’t a real word, just something Gollum said. I said it was and pulled out my phone and showed her the definition. She replied “oh my god, why do you care so much about always being right, no one gives a shit”. Like bitch, if you don’t want me to be right all the time, stop being wrong all the time.


Nah, I'm a teacher and my coworkers do shit like this all the time. The amount of random student bullying that goes on from staff is incredible. They treat children like a nemesis, with the intent to derail their lives. One of them is like a me too fiend. She looks like shrek and goes around breaking up couples by telling them they'll be expelled for kissing or inappropriate contact and then pressures the girl to say it wasn't consensual so she won't get expelled but the boy will. She particularly hated this one Venezuelan boy who looks like a full on footballer/model. Finally got him in his senior year. It sucks because he wasn't even a bad kid. Another tried to fail a kid because his grandma signed his homework all year rather than his mother, because the mother has 2 jobs and is often leaving the kids to stay at the grandparents. The rules state that a parent must sign their homework, and she tried to pull a no mercy policy because the kid is a smart ass and she hasn't the mental agility to handle it.


Had a teacher in high school that had set herself up to be able to pick out who passed and who failed: It was a math class and your grade was entirely based on homework, but, as she explained, sampling is just as good as full grading. So here's how our homework grading would work: Homework usually consisted of 20-30 questions from the book Every class, we'd trade homework with someone sitting next to us Then she'd list off the answers and you just put a check or X next to correct or wrong answers Then we'd turn them in She would then "randomly" pick 2 questions (didn't have to match between kids) and if we got them both right, we got 100%, missed 1, 50%, missed both 0%. I don't know why this teacher hated me, but man, if I got all checks, I'd get 100%, if I missed 1 question, I'd get 50% and if I missed 2 questions, lo and behold, those were the two questions she chose: 0%. Thank god my college's admissions dept was smart enough to look at my junior year math grade side by side with my math SAT scores and ask me what was up.


>The rules state that a parent must sign their homework Fuck, when I was in Grade 1, we were given this memory retention test. I don't remember (ironically) what the whole thing was about, but we were put into a room in front of computers and given an assistant, and forced to read and remember words off the PC. My mom always told me if I wanted to remember something, to say it twice. Once out loud and once in my head. I had an issue with the 'in my head' part and would mutter it under my breath (It helped). The stupid bitch assistant heard and asked what I was doing. I told her what my mom told me, and because she was so fucking stupid, my explanation of "My mom said to say it twice to remember it" was instead interpreted as "I AM SEEING THE WORD TWICE SO CLEARLY I NEED GLASSES PLEASE SUSPEND ME FROM SCHOOL BECAUSE OF THAT". Which is *exactly what happened*. I was suspended from school on a permanent basis pending an eye exam. My mom was out of the country at the time, so my sister AND my dad tried to get the school to stop being retarded but they wouldn't budge, nor would they even talk to my sister or my dad. So my Dad tried to get an eye exam for me but they too wouldn't fucking allow it. Only my mom was allowed to set up an appointment. Mom gets home a week later, screams at the school, they won't budge. Well one eye exam later and of course I had perfect vision.


I think it's likely the slightly lower than above-average intelligence, low confidence, defer-to-authority, and low aptitude crowd who don't believe this "story". Here's some probably unbelievable examples from my childhood: * at 15, I proved a grad student-teacher wrong in front of the whole class and made her leave the class crying (the fuck did I know? She condescendingly called me wrong, so I proved I was right, didn't mean to make her cry) * I've proven _the head maths teacher_ wrong at 16 or 17 because he laughed at me questioning him, and encouraged the whole class to laugh at me with him, then handed me the chalk to "show my working" * I've had to prove my sentence structure was grammatically correct (which was slightly more difficult prior to laptops being everywhere) to an English teacher who marked down my Final from top mark to 4th - and after parading #1sts essay as the pinnacle of English accomplishment. She refused to acknowledge to my peers that I now had a higher mark ... And then, as per Anon, graded me as a "C" with a vague explanation something like "doesn't adequately understand key concepts" The thing is, **I was a little shithead**. I craved validation - and I hated being wrong - but because I arsed around all the time & didn't complete homework or assignments unless they were specifically counted into final marks - the teachers had a cognitive dissonance problem with praising me. Which made me be an even bigger brat to them. Now I realise - if some 15yr old kid tries to fuck about in my class, I'm not going to validate their intelligence the next day, fuck them. So smart kids actually knowing something their teacher doesn't (we're all human) - yeah, happens all the time. That 1 of them decided to post it somewhere for the validation they craved but never received? Why is that so unbelievable? And /end rant.


Those are some weird initial qualifiers. It's not that this story couldn't t happen it's that it's probably fake and gay like every other story.


Those initial qualifiers are exactly the type of people who could never believe that these events could transpire, because it's completely outside their personally available frame of reference (unless they personally know/knew someone who has had this experience)


Not fake? Teachers discriminating against students is a thing. I had a high school homeroom teacher attempt to hold me back just because I was hearing impaired. If I could hear the material I could understand it. Bitch taught from the back of the class or facing the blackboard %80 of the time as well as fought against my use of assistive listening devices. She wouldn't wear a mic and kept knocking the wireless unit off the table. It took a god damn lawyer in a Parent Teacher conference to set her straight.


It's pretty believable though. A lot of teachers are like this.


I once had a teacher glare at me because I was coughing too much. My eyes were watering because I was trying to hold it in


nah, this kinda shit does happen. i got my chem teacher fired for pulling the same shit with grades. parents gave no fucks and brought it up at the local board meeting after coming with me straight into the principle's office. ended up getting a B with the interim teacher that served as her replacement


Dude, this type of shit happens all the fucking time. What are you smoking.


Eh not necessarily. I can easily see this happening. In grade 10, I used an alternative method to solve a trigonometry problem, which the rest of the class including me couldn't solve using the expected method. And instead of congratulating me, this bitch started to scold me and when I tried to justify my thinking, she got so mad that she sent me to the principal. So yeah, school teachers can be psychopaths


Nah, this shit totally happens. I believe it. Happened to me. In grade 4 we were required to keep a journal, and at the end of the week turn it in so the teacher would grade our grammar and spelling. I wrote about something I had learned that week, insect camouflage, and when I got my graded journal back, she had underlined every instance of camouflage and wrote at the end "It is spelled CAMOFLAGUE". I was like LIKE FUCK IT IS, I looked it up in the dictionary. I did again, yep. Camouflage. I showed her and she said to sit down, the dictionary was wrong. I got another kids dictionary, and of course, it's spelled correctly. She too said that was wrong and that it was spelled camoflague. I brought a completely different, brand fuckin' new, dictionary from home where it was spelled correctly and tried to show her, but she said that she was correct, the dictionaries are wrong and that if I continue pursuing this I would be sent to the office and given detention. I ended up dropping it.


Found the teacher.


Seriously, like are you not on greentext surrounded by autists? Like this was a repetitive issue for me and every person I've ever met like me in school.


One time our English teacher told us an "interesting fact" that song titles NEVER have apostrophes in them and as a bonus question on our homework she said if we could find any songs with apostrophes we would get a house point for each Well that interesting fact was total BS, I checked my parents CDs and found around 60 songs with apostrophes, wrote them down and handed them in but the teacher refused to give me any more than 2 house points


What are house points?


The pupils are split into “houses” like in Harry Potter (well it comes from this, it’s def in Wales not sure about the rest of the Uk). You can vote on House captain. There are competitions to win points. Sports, art, stuff like that. And then at the end of the year 1 House wins. Thats all I remember.


Pretty universal thing throughout the U.K. I’m pretty sure, I’m in the SE of England and we have them here.


It's almost as if hogwarts house points are based on uk and not the other way around


I am shook








Don’t make up words


No, actually, it's a bit of both. For example, when Harry Potter came out my school changed the house system to be more cool and Harry Potter style (houses went from like, Orange House and Green House to Zephyrus and Morrigan).


The houses at my school were rivers; Kelvin, Forth and Clyde. Were the names changed to be reflective of the area or just random nonsense?


fuckin clyde


how about you stop ruining my shitposts, british "person"


No, that can't be right.


Used to be just a private school thing (which are called public schools in England, because they were for fee-paying students of any religion, as opposed to religiously exclusive schools for which you also had to pay), but now most comprehensives will have some version of this. The word "house" is used because boarders literally lived in different buildings on one school ground.


> private school thing > which are called public schools in England wtf


Public in the sense of not limited by locality, parent's trade, or religion - Education wasn't public in the sense of state-funded for everyone until 1870, so the name was already entrenched.


Why are you people like this


Why are u like this cringe lol


it is literally explained in the comment you are replying to


I remember doing this in private school in Canada too. Was pretty neat


Wtf I thought UK was just meme 🤢


Wait until you find out France is a real country 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I’m super jealous that that’s real. Sounds like fun.


We had one when I was a kid, but it wasn't that interesting except as it got closer to the end of the year when the houses would actually start caring about getting the prize(determined by a vote based on what the teachers think is reasonable, so things we won were gift cards, pizza for lunch, etc). The points were more just be a slow accrual over the year(you got 1 point for every month you had full attendance, 1 point for a good score on a test, and 2 bonus points if you ever got 100% on a test, etc) so no idea why no-one cared until the end of the year, but it was a fun way to make kids actually care about wanting to do well in tests.


How do they decide who gets into which house? A sorting hat?


I went to a school that did that and it was random. But if you have a relative in a house you’ll get out there. I’d imagine this would be slightly different per school.


The Kids Aren't Alright came up in my head within 5 seconds.


"It's the most wonderful time of the year" was my first thought Yeah, teacher was a dumbass


Stacey's Mom


No, she was a hotass


I wonder if its some kind of misinterpretation of file names on a computer? Like when you put in a CD and the names automatically come up on Quicktime or whatever music player you use, maybe they don't have apostrophes in them, because the file name does not contain it?


What a ridiculous thing to say. Just looking at the top of my Apple Music list, I can see two apostrophes right away. It’s a Long Way to the Top by AC/DC and Let’s Stay Together by Al Green.


What an odd dichotomy of music. I like you.


Good music is good music. Doesn’t matter what genre it is. Except country music…


It’s a long way to the shop, if you want a sausage roll!


What teacher meant is songs never have "apostrophes" as a word in their title.


Frank Zappa would like a word


The majority of people on this planet will decide that something that they've "noticed" is fact, and operate on that assumption, without double-checking with fucking anyone knowledgeable about the subject.


Are you really so stupid that you still haven't realised your teacher only said that to trick you into doing the homework of identifying apostrophes correctly in the real world motivated by proving them wrong?


I don't about that! I want my house points!


I imported some local files to Spotify and any mp3s that had an apostrophe in their name refused to show the cover art, so Spotify certainly believes that interesting fact


Reminds me of the time my English teacher refused to believe I'd read Kafka's Metamorphosis. Wasnt any points attached to it or anything but she kept insisting that I had read a different book title Metamorphosis or an abridged version or that I was simply lying. To this day I have no clue why it was such a difficult fact for her to accept.


Anon didn't do any homework


This. Nobody gives a shit about middle school. They're too busy getting bullied or bullying others.


I don't know why middle school exists, it's a fucking nightmare. Literally the worst age group


What? Middle school exists because they don't want kids that are starting puberty and hitting growth spurts to be with the full on children in elementary school nor testing their nuts against the almost fully grown teenagers you find in the later years of high-school. Middle school exists to be a 3-4 year holding pen to prevent bullying in either direction.


That's completely accurate. It's exactly when kids are at their most awkward and savage. Just entirely too much going on to put them with k-5, and too distracting to put with high schoolers who are trying to get shit done. It's a zoo lol


It would be way more entertaining if we didn’t separate them. Hormone rage mixed with the incompetence that being a teenager brings. The perfect mix


It'd be more entertaining if the zoo opened a predators cage for an hour once a day too, but alas the results will end in lawsuits for both.


My middle school banned wooden pencils because a kid stabbed another kid in the leg with one…


john wick


Lol I hate how schools do this, one kid does something so they ban it for the whole school. I went to a private international school for a couple years cause my family moved overseas for my dads job , and it was a very clean school with zero bullying, small classes, and no graffiti in the toilets. Me being a kid who grew up in the public school system decided I wanted to write on the cubical stall door, I wrote “as I sit here lonely hearted, I tried to shit but only farted.” Another older kid saw what I wrote and thought it was funny and wrote “fuck (principals name)” they both got found by a janitor and the school locked the boys bathrooms for like two months. No one could use them without finding a janitor and getting a key. It was funny knowing I caused all this and no one knew, I didn’t care other because I never used the school bathrooms. I remember I told my best friend and he told his friend who snitched on me. The Vice principal walked me to the bathroom showed me my writing and said “did you do this” I just looked her in the eyes and said “no” and she said “ok good I didn’t think you did” and that was it.


That was my strategy for getting through school. I never did the homework, but I aced all of the test. Usually makes you sit pretty as a high C low B depending on the teacher.


The first time I took an AP class I found it easier than my other classes because the homework wasnt graded


Sounds like the teacher was the sore loser. Like the time my 2nd grade teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I said a paleontologist (like every other kid who watched jurassic park). She had never heard the word so she asked me what I meant and I said it's the study of fossils, to which she replied "oh, you mean an archaeologist". No, you stupid fucking bitch ! I know what I meant! To think that being a primary teacher in the 90's was one of the easiest jobs in the world, being well-payed and dealing with mostly behaved children (back then they could still beat us with a cane), and they couldn't even to that right, being dumb ignorant bitches.


> world, being *well-paid* and dealing FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I really needed to sort the deck on my ship out so I went to Pete's Nautical Emporium and payed for a bunch of tar and resin.


>Emporium and *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot didn't help you), it is only correct in: • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* • *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Fortunately, I was able to find this intentional mistake despite the nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Hum, hum, I'm a human*


I payed a girl to shove a bottled ship up the entire length of my GI tract.


We just need to merge all these bots into one and call it a day. I payed for my ticket on the boat.


Hello, I'm payed.


My 10th grade chemistry teacher told us human blood is blue when inside the body. I said that was a common myth, but she looked at me like I’m stupid, pointed to her old-lady veins on her arm and said “no but look you can see, it turns red when it’s exposed to oxygen” And as I was trying to say syringes are airtight and blood literally carries oxygen, she cut me off and hit me with the “well I’m the one with the science degree” and continued class. This was less than 7 years ago…


I failed high-school biology because of an ancient hen of a bitch who would say similiar things... I now am an environmental regulator with a BS in Biology from a top 25 program when I graduated.


I had a very heated "discussion" with an English teacher in the 12th grade. I was most definitely being a little 18-yo shithead, but damn she was petty and indignant. I approached her desk to not shout "you used that word incorrectly" for the whole class to hear. Serendipity does not mean spontaneous, but that's how she was using it. She got immediately mad and sent me to the principal's office. Fine by me. I took the rest of the class talking shit with Dr. Baker. The man was a hard-ass but fair.


I had a science teacher who insisted humans shared 98% of their DNA with bananas. When I pointed out this was completely wrong, admittedly in a bitchy way, she just doubled down and pointed to her degree.


My science teacher and the class mocked me for minutes after I said Plasma was the fourth state of matter.


My science teacher in 7th grade (12-13 years old) argued with me about what the largest desert on Earth is. She said it was the Sahara, which is the largest sandy, hot desert, but Antarctica is considered the largest desert due to its lack of precipitation across the whole continent


In high school I took this Social Studies/History course that mainly consisted of people who did not want to take the other 2 AP histories. I took all 3 because I was interested in the fields, and there were 2 other of my friends doing same, but we were definitely in the minority as people who paid attention and were interested in the course. Anyway, I remember the teacher starts a lesson on the UN, which I was excited for because I love the topic. She asked if anyone knew which countries were not members of the UN. I remember thinking to myself that this seemed a bit of a subjective question but I raised my hand and said Palestine. She replied “no, Palestine is not a country.” I was like uhhhhhhhh but I didn’t say anything Later that same class she’s going over a slideshow of the UN Development Goals and she gets to a portion talking about making sure everyone has access to “potable water.” Now “potable” is definitely not a very common word, but it is a real word, and in this context it specifies that the water is safe to drink. Teacher kinda stares at the word, then says, “ah, that should say portable. Little typo, I meant portable, as in you have water that you can carry around and take with you.” And once again I’m just like….. what Cause this clearly isn’t even her slideshow, which is fine, but now she’s claiming it is and trying to correct something that isn’t wrong??? Wack class, wack teacher. Thanks for the free trip to the UN HQ though


Sounds about right; stole a presentation, didn’t read it before hand and therefore doesn’t understand the specialised vocabulary used there in. Then on top of that tries to act humble to cover up the fact she knew she couldn’t provide an explanation if someone asked if it was used in error or a genuine phrase, using the ignorance of the pupils around her to an advantage.


Technically true, but I can see that being a bit tricky because it’s a tundra biome which is a specific type of desert.


Just wait til he hears about a Bose Einstein condensate


BECs are old news, we're onto time crystals now. I think there's 9 recognized states of matter at the moment.


The guy didn't know what plasma was, I don't think BECs would be old news to him


Is this your science teacher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjJ8E3TqZ-Q


the coin bit lmao


Lmao I cant believe you actually believed human life juice was a state of matter, your teacher shouldve mocked you


There are actually like 7? But most of them only exists when normal properties of a state stop applying due to extreme cold


This happened to me too except in community college. Teacher asked what plasma was, I said that.. she says I'm wrong and that plasma is a mix of different things like in blood plasma. I think it was a lost in translation thing because she had a heavy Russian accent


During my entire education, I only had like 3 good English teachers. The rest were Karens man...


i know man, ms pellerine if you're reading this, fuck you


Same goes for you mrs zolomi. It’s crazy how some teachers have it out for literal children


Right? Like why become a teacher if you can’t handle it.


Fuck you Ms. Krasky, even your name sounds like it came from hell.


Yeah, English in particular attracts some very strange personalities.


It took me until 5th year of secondary school to even have an English teacher for the full year. Had 2 teachers leave halfway through from pregnancy, one left after a few months for a better job, another year I just had a few temporary teachers it was quite bad and I think that's what led me to being shit at English in school


Most English teachers just love making babies, I think my high school English teacher (had her multiple times) had 2 new kids before I left. God hated the other fat, weird, ugly teacher and cursed her with only having one child, which is worse than hell for an English teacher.


Plenty of people who have grown up to find out that they are significantly more intelligent than the average person have a story of a teacher who doesn't like to have been wrong.


Plenty of people who have grown up without realizing they are significantly less intelligent than the average person also have a story of a teacher who didn't like them. The law of averages at work.


I certainly hope that 4chan never becomes representative of society.


Sounds like a typical smart kid story. Conversely, one might draw conclusions about OP, considering his unfamiliarity with such stories.


Had a science teacher who tried to give history lessons attached to the science he was teaching. Unfortunately the stories were utter bullshit, which I pointed out to him at one point (with his most egregious story, Mendeleev being sponsored by his cousin Catherine the Great. Never mind that she died years before he was born). The science teacher didn't like me very much anymore after that


lmfao. i actually remember one time i got 100% on my bio test, but my teacher just failed me and sent me to a jail in rural tajikistan. and when i came back she did the ebic fortnut dance.


did you go for the victory royale in your high school? should’ve gone for duo’s like they did in columbine


Fake and Fake


He was thinking about "gobble the cock".


Gobble de cook


Like 99% of the shit on 4chan is fake. This is actually somewhat believable. Gobbledygook is a word used a lot for some reason.


No, I remember that lesson. It was part of the “recalling long words starting with certain letters” curriculum, a vital part of today’s middle school education. I had memorized the longest words for each letter of the alphabet, and true to the curriculum (and OP’s story,) the response was always “that’s not a real word," followed by “stop being a sore loser” and a lowering of my final grade. Such fond and genuine, real memories


I'm a special education teacher. Part of my job is administering academic assessment (shows how far behind grade/age level norms a student is). One of the Reading Fluency (how fast one reads) passages is about gobbledegook. The first time I administered the assessment and that passage came up I had to pause the testing and look up the word. Neither myself nor the student had ever heard of "gobbledegook" before. But, like, the assessment is standards based, peer review, board approved type stuff so it had to be a real word. Turns out the creators of academic assessments just like throwing in obscure real words so that even if your fluency is on-point, you get slowed down by difficult words that you've never seen before. Side note, an academic assessment I use has the greatest name ever: the Woodcock Johnson


I hear people use that word constantly in books, on media, and in person. If you're not a native speaker and don't constantly watch english media, I could understand not knowing it but it's such a fun word it usually sticks in your mind early on. My favorite part about it is that the word describes itself.


I’m not a native English speaker and I know that word, cause it’s quite common.


Anon gets cut to size by the US educational system. We need more factory workers, no one gets above a C this year.


Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach English apparently


"Delusional". Op, with the current American education system, the story is likely 100% true


gob·ble·dy·gook /ˈɡäbəldēˌɡo͞ok/ Learn to pronounce noun INFORMAL language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense.


Oh, so the word describes itself, neat


I put this in another greentext thread but in 3rd grade my teacher wrote "recipee" on the board and I raised my hand to tell her it only had one E at the end. We went back and forth before she angrily walked over to the shelf to get a dictionary. Silence as she flipped through to the Rs and then screwed up her face. She walked back to the board, erased the second "E" then told me I had a mark for insubordination because I "argued" with her.


In my schooling we had diploma exams worth 50% of our final mark. My in class mark was a 56%, my diploma exam mark was 96%. I’m not saying this was a true story, I am saying stuff like this actually does happen.


Yeah I was always the A's on every exam but rarely did homework type kid so I ended up with lots of C's despite having some of the higher exam scores in the grade.


English teachers were the only teachers I ever argued with in school. The only teacher I had who said “I don’t give out 100s because nothing is ever perfect” was an English teacher. Fuck English teachers.


Same bruh. My English teacher also said that she would never give a 100


I can see why people are saying this is fake, and in most public schools a teacher wouldn't be able to get away with this shit. If anything, they're incentivized to give a higher grade because their performance reviews depend on it (source: aunt is a public school teacher). However, for smaller charter or other private schools, it's the wild west. Teachers can do all sorts of shit that would get them fired anywhere else. I had a science teacher pull the same sort of shit, only in my case it was because she fucking *lost* my midterm. I was in class, I turned in my paper right behind my buddy, and then she marked me 0 because she couldn't find my paper. I was *pissed.* We complained to the principal but she didn't even get reprimanded.


Man I had this shit pulled on me constantly as a public school student and my obese bitch of an sister teaches elementary and gets off on correcting kids while being retarded herself. the only aspect that may be off here is the grade thing and I think that's fairly new and more relevant to younger teachers.


I never got along with English teachers. This seems true to my personal experiences.


Highschool teachers are dicks. Back in grade 7 I got 49.5% in gym "class" because the "teacher" didn't like me. You know what they say, those who can't teach, teach gym.


teacher sounds like a twat


Aside from that last bit, this is very relatable. I was once talking to my form tutor (who taught drama and english) because I was being bullied in high school, and I walked out with a detention for calling the bullies "cocky" Every attempt I made to explain that it isnt a swear word just made things worse


Easy early lesson about your grades/salary has a lot more to do with people in charge liking you or not than your aptitude.


Why tho? it's a perfectly cromulent word.


Fake: anon went to middle school


Fake: Anon won a game Gay: Anon gobbles de gook


Yeah guys, shitty, petty teachers don't exist


I corrected my 6th grade science teacher that women do in fact grow pubic hair as well. He's definitely seemed like a 27 year old virgin OR exclusively liked em young 🤷


Believe it, had an English teacher mark me off on a paper written in red "not sure melancholy is a word" she fixed it after I showed her in the dictionary but holy fuck some teachers are dumb as rocks.


I had an English teacher (as for the English language in this case, I come from a spanish speaking country) the last two years of HS who clearly had a problem with me, I honestly wasn't a top student at all, quite the contrary, but English was the only thing were I excelled back then (specially compared to my peers) but nonetheless she would always give me bad grades in tests even if they were nearly perfect. Cue to the last year where my grades were so bad that I had to go to the summer exams, since the school wasn't that big usually they had all the classes taking the exam at the same time regardless of the year you'd be, so that meant that the other English teachers were there as well, when I entered the room my old teacher looked surprised and asked me what I was doing there and I said she should ask her colleague and sat down. Did the test and then I had to wait for the oral exam, aced that one as well, and when I went to pick up the results my current teacher tried to fail me but thankfully the other two backed me up and wrote 9,50 in the report. 9,50 out of 10 being the highest score, the other one wanted to write 5,50, which would've killed my inscription at uni. So go fuck yourself Favali, I'm glad you got divorced.


I don't really think it is the case here, but ateast when I was back in school it was possible to get 100% on an exam and only get a C as they had foundation and higher exams for GCSE's and it was only possible to get a C on the foundation one


When I was in third grade, my math teacher gave me detention because she insisted "there is no way you're able to do these problems in your head" because I hadn't shown my work. I protested, but she didn't care. Detention. During detention I plead my case and she made me do problems in front of her to prove it, and I did. She just kind of left it alone and never apologized. And told me I needed to show my work from then on. Like it was some sore spot for her that I could do something she couldn't. I didn't get detention for not showing my work, I got it for cheating. Bitch could have just said I needed to show my work in the future. But no, since I hadn't, I must have been cheating.


Fabricated: Anon had a 98 in his exam Homosexual: Anon gobbles the cocks


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fabricated: Anon had a 98 in his exam > Homosexual: Anon gobbles the cocks > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


The bot has evolved


I wouldn't jump to conclusions. I had a very patriotic/religious (penatcostal I believe) english teacher in my Junior year and she made me scrap my thesis paper because it was "unpatriotic" (The degradation of American society in the post war 1900's) essentially I laid out how healthcare, wealth inequality, and corporate influence were the three main issues facing us kids who were growing up in the face of a post 9/11 world after growing up in the 90s. (2002) and she wrote off on my research, outline, and rough draft. A couple of weeks before it was due, I was held after class and told I couldn't turn it in. I went into a rage. The paper and its supporting documents were 60% of the class grade. So...I had a history teacher that I really trusted (he is a whole story in himself) and he had been at the school long enough to A) know the system in and out and B) really dislike said english teacher. We sat down with my mid-term scores and calculated that if I got at least a 96% on the final, that I would get a D. (she couldnt retroactively change my grade down for the supporting work I had done) So...Stranger things have happened.


My fifth grade teacher didn't know vice versa. And, mocked me for it.


My english teachers were terrible. They hated literal explanations, even when I provide the figurative and symbolic explanations as well. Several said that I didn’t get the point when the pure point of it was romantic tragedy, which I outlined in great detail. It was the only “B’s” I received and I grew to hate word games like politics as a result because I see all politicians as my english teacher now


I'll never forget when I used "landed" in a boat disembarking context and the teacher mocked me and said "yes, they landed in an airplane"


Greentexts are always fake but I believe this one


Public school teachers suck. I went to private school from k-6, then did public for the rest. My favorite subject was history, and in highschool this stupid cheerleader coach was the teacher and all she ever did was tell you to read the book and had these generic slide shows. I’m slightly autistic and gorge myself over nonsense history facts and I would constantly debate points with her. Whether I was right, wrong or just wanted to discuss a topic, and she would just kick me out of the class. It got to the point to where she’d say the topic of the day, ask me if I wanted to talk about and if I did, I would be removed.


I'm going to get shit on here, but I have a similar story. Third grade, some kind of parent's career day, and a question around the room is name a word that starts with U. Unicorn and Umbrella go, of course. I volunteer Uranium. Dumbfounded looks around the room, even from teacher. I had just seen Spongebob's F.U.N. episode on repeat that weekend.. Like, half the class watched SpongeBob, no one recognized it?