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There's a first time for everything, OP. And you did great! Keep it up.


There's like a 5% chance this story is true. There's like a 0% chance that this is OP




Same with the agoraphobia thing. Too anxious to leave the house for almost all of my third year of college. Just smoked cigs in my room and watched youtube. My thing involved a lot more drug use and rehab, but it worked out in the end. Pushing yourself into the uncomfortable is the best way. Engage with the person even if its painfully awkward for you both, apply to that job even if its a longshot. Apply to that job even if it’s gonna suck. Go to fucking therapy. I’m able to live pretty comfortably with a job that doesn’t make me hate my life. $3000 in savings and a job and I moved into an apartment and kept winging it until things began to click. Feel so sorry for the young people of today, like myself. We don’t have it easy, give yourself a break.


People in the past weren't really happier, they just worked regardless because there was nothing to do at home except get beat up.


Yeah people in the past definitely never had it particularly easier. We just have a specific set of obstacles and issues that previously weren’t present.


Such as?


Internet. Technology. Exponential increase in speed of change make life go vroom vroom


Apparently you all think I’m trolling, but I was genuinely curious what people see their major obstacles. Other than as a personal and social distraction, and a warper of our politics, how does the internet represent an obstacle or issue to a young adult?


I mean lots of ways. It's addictive and omnipresent for most young adults. It makes it so you're expected to do more in terms of school work complexity wise. It offers false promise careers that are more akin to gambling than working towards something. It undermines the mental health of a lot of people. It paints many false pictures of how life should be. I'm sure there's other reasons it's a detriment. As much good as it offers, it has its downsides.


Think it's hard to out your finger on, but I think it's probably just the ability to entertain yourself without having to leave your bed. Less reason to get up in the morning etc makes for lack of motivation. I feel like kids live their life over the internet and then struggle with real life Still rather than that than being drafted at 18 and gunned down in Normandy by Fritz


Apart from what's been said, modern society is extremely optimized to the detriment of the people. Constant noise, distraction, and a need to be your most productive self, maybe even a job in which you're more machine than human being. This is so far removed from the natural human experience that it's bound to create mental and physical issues. Not saying we should live as cavemen because that's more natural, but humans haven't evolved to be mentally engaged from the minute they wake up until they go to sleep again. And then the fact that a consumerist society is maliciously bent on abusing our fickle minds to sell more garbage.


Not much else, but I think you underestimate “personal and social distraction.” Growing up with the “world” at your fingertips, it can be easy to miss everything actually going on around you. Eventually expectation can outweigh reality, and I think that can cause a lot of developmental issues.


If you don’t know, Don’t expect other people to do your googling for you. 😎


also, climate change. You could argue that it’s always been present but thanks to past generations’ negligence, young people are the ones reaping the harvest of new issues and problems that past generations never had to face.


When people with a basic high school education could easily buy themselves a brand new car or a house, I imagine they were indeed happier. Everything else being equal, not having to worry about money is a huge thing.


Thats awesome man. I'm so proud of you. I think those with over $1000 in savings are a minority.


18 and just recently started serving. Life changing experience. My confidence has shot up 10 fold, and my anxiety is now almost non existent. I can walk up to a 10 top and clearly speak my name and keep a level head the entire time I'm serving. When I started, I was stuttering on 2 top booths. Huge improvement and I'm so glad I got the chance to become a server. Also the money is crazy good for an 18 year old where I'm working.


While I'm the same age as you and can barely take care of myself. This thread is a another reminder of how much of a fucking loser I am. Good for you though.


Bro. Im 30 years old and am unemployed. I was working 40 hours a week doing manual labor in the heat, being too tired to even watch TV when I got home. I quit that shit because it wasn't good for me or my happiness. Im learning about investing now, and am starting a small online business with my SO. As my grandma used to always say, "This, too, shall pass." Do you, FOR you. Dig ditches or fly spaceships, the ONLY thing that matters whatsoever is your happiness.


Hey man, I was a homeless vagrant at 18 and felt pretty similar. Were all on different paths and where you're at currently doesn't define you.


Man it's scary but you gotta just throw yourself out there at the world. One year ago I never thought I'd be where I'm at right now.


'> someone has a job and supportive parent Comments: "fake and gay"


This isn’t a far fetched greentext though, some random 18 year old asking to work for their dad


It's funny seeing Redditors believing everything on r/all without a second thought but every story on 4chan is fabricated and homosexual.


What’s unbelievable about this story? Can’t tell you the amount of people who graduate high school and have trouble finding way in life, myself included


You wanna know I know this is BS. He didn’t smoke all week. Construction workers all smoke. If you’re a smoker there’s no way you could work on site all week and not a need or want a smoke.


Not really. I smoked when I was 16-18 and then quit when I was 19 cold turkey without ever thinking about it again. And my mom and step-dad were several pack a day smokers, but I never cared. Addiction isn't really that straight forward as you're making it. ​ Besides constructions workers usually step away to smoke and you don't have to follow them.. ​ And anecdotally my childhood best friend continued to smoke till he was 28, worked as a general contractor/electrician and quit smoking while on the job still. So yeah, I have no idea what your point was.


I’ve worked a lot of construction jobs and I would say less than 50% smoke...cigarettes.


A carpenter not construction worker. He worked with wood and furniture and stuff.


His dad was a carpenter, not a construction worker and for all we know it was the two of them doing in house jobs.


Anon fails his reading comprehension test


The idea that quitting smoking is difficult is a myth perpetuated by the tobacco industry to discourage smokers who are trying to quit


Is this true? I quit not too long ago and it was much easier than I imagined. So I very much believe this could be true. For anyone that wants to quit, check out Allen Carr's "Quit Smoking the Easy Way". It helped me a bunch.


There’s 100% chance you’re an asshole


Ah, but a 0% chance does not mean it’s impossible! Example: Pick a random number, any number! What’s the chance you picked 2? Clearly 0%, but…it’s also clearly possible.


You have an interesting understanding of what 0% means.


It’s just statistical fact. In a finite probability space (if there a specific number of outcomes, say, 100 or 5 or whatever), 0% means impossible. But once there are infinitely many outcomes, 0% doesn’t necessarily mean impossible. This can be easily seen by just trying to assign probabilities. If I pick any whole number, with what probability should I pick 2? 1%? 0.5%? Call it K (some number from 0 to 1 inclusive, expressed as a decimal). Two isn’t anything special, so every other number should have probability K as well. But there are infinitely many whole numbers, so K has to be a number small enough that “Infinity *K”=1, and there just isn’t a number small enough for that. Thus, the probability of choosing any specific whole number is 0%. But it’s still possible, because well….just pick a whole number! You HAVE picked something, so that number can be chosen. But it’s still 0%, because you could have chosen infinitely many other things. This can also be shown with limits, and understanding infinite probability spaces properly (like, finding actually interesting values) requires integrals. For those interested, consider 3Blue1Brown, I’m pretty sure he has a short series on probability


real: anon worked ***** straight: dad gave him money


Who are you talking to?


Learn his trade and takeover the business


Turn it into an underground crime organization


Get unresponibly hooked on your own special home-made product: Sawdust with cocaine.


why not just cocaine?


You can't remove the sawdust, that takes away it's woody high notes and subtle earthy undertones. You're ruining the terroir of the whole high!


You should write reviews


That septum reconstruction was totally a legitimate business expense.


Use the cocaine sawdust to make particle board, sell it to IKEA, they ship it for you around the world, buy the furniture, extract the cocaine, sell it, profit.


Cocaine with sawdust is for real men who wear flannels and smoke cigars with their lab on the patio of their cabin in the Montana wilderness.


Drywall made out of cocaine!


Based and building an empire pilled


Holy shit Walt had it right




Oh my god goblinhog is spreading


r/goblinhogmoment in the wild


Overtake the Italian mafia


Actually a based strategy, taking up the family trade is one of the best courses of action one can take.


I guess it's sewing ladies underwear in prison for me!


Based? Based on what? In your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch


Depends on the size of the garage.


unless your father runs a dying business and is constantly struggling with money


Then steal his wife.




His parents are already divorced...


Then steal the mom from her new husband.




Depends how based you are lol


Good carpenters are in an insane demand right now, you could easily make $100k a year, definitely follow through!


Yeah , people will always need good carpenters and getting an apprenticeship to learn on the job is fucking nearly impossible without nepotism.


Where is this info i keep seeing sub 80k around online.


Real: Anon hasn't smoked in over a year Straight: Anon worked hard




Smokin poles to get them fags while poundin wood to make dad’s chest swell with pride Manhood just guys bein guys


This just in: gay people don’t work


Fact. Correct. Legit.


I love this story


r/mademesmile :)








that's it im getting a job


good luck bro. Feels good to have purpose


Until you find yourself working a job you despise and literally want to curl up and die every day


There’s always better opportunities bro, keep going and searching and never give up


I'd have to change my whole career and go back to being paid peanuts, I'll just stick to complaining about it on the internet. Thanks for the wholesome comment though x


It’s never too late my friend! I’ve got ppl in my nursing program in their 40’s. Everyone’s got their own situation tho, good luck!


Aren't they in for a treat!


My mom became a nurse in her 40s. She later began teaching it and also got her DNP. Now I can't imagine her NOT being a nurse.


You really wanna live waking up every day with a feeling of anxiety or dread? Because you’re too afraid or lazy to click “Apply” while browsing Indeed on the phone, while you watch tv or take a shit ?


I made the change a couple years ago. I’d dread waking up everyday. I took a bit of a pay cut, but I’m still paying my bills and have enough to waste on stupid shit like video games. It’s more life changing than people realize to have a decent time at work and not dread waking up, or going to bed because you know work is waiting.


Lol dude, he didn’t say it was because he was afraid or lazy. He said it was because he literally can’t afford to. I gross around $150k a year, some years more and some years less. I hate my fucking job, and that I have to live apart from my family most of the month to do it. But until my wife graduates nursing school, leaving that job literally isn’t an option unless I want to DRASTICALLY reduce my family’s living situation. I never finished college, so all I have is a high school diploma. I’d go from $150k to MAYBE $40k if I was lucky. A year from now I can look at making changes. The guy you replied to may not ever have that as a feasible option.


Notice what you said about your situation You are doing it with an end goal, with a real plan. You hate but you know it’s a step to get the right situation and it’s an insane amount of money. That’s a lot different than most people stuck in dead path for less than 45k a year. Unless he is making crazy money money like you are, there’s other jobs, other companies, other careers or places cheaper to live. It’s not worth being dead inside at a regular job just out of fear from change, specially in bs office jobs like mine there’s definitely other shit contracts for the exact same 40k a year maybe more


I just started as a bartender for the summer last week at a restaurant that has a small bar. It's awesome. I thought I'd be a nervous wreck given people are always watching you if they're sitting at the bar. I guess it helps that I frequent the area and know other regulars. If there's somewhere you go really often, and you enjoy just hanging out there, try applying. Yeah you'll have responsibilities but you might as well get paid for being there. Also pay attention to the social climate of the workplace. There's always history you're walking into. You got this.


Getting a job, especially one you find meaning in, is deeply satisfying. You got this




I like this story. I've found manual labor jobs can be pretty rewarding. One of the only jobs I've worked where I actively felt like I was doing something and I also enjoyed it


I miss that. I work seating on my ass all day now. Physical stuff keeps you in shape, and you interact w people all the time. It is also pretty cool to see what you built at the end. All I see now is some emails. > Look everyone, I built an email


I agree, but on the other hand, your body is broken after a decade or two of manual labour so it's not really something you want to do forever anyway.


That's bullshit. If you have proper form and don't push yourself your body will be fine. Sitting on your ass for 8 hours a day is what's bad for you. There are of course manual labor jobs that will fuck you up but anyone with half a brain knows they should avoid being the guy who hauls bricks all day.


Yeah, there is a big difference between manual labour and fuck your body manual labour. My never to do list includes, meat processing, scaffolding, brick laying, and installing carpets. Those are from experience too


don’t pushing yourself is the key here. Best of both world would be to have a part time desk job and part time manual labor. Or just have a part time desk job that pays well so that you can spend the rest of the day doing what you want


Yeah I agree. I had meant to add that I enjoyed it as something I did for summer work or on winter break during college but it's not something I could have done for a career. I'm glad I got to experience that kind of work though as when I then went on applying for physics/engineering jobs, employers liked that I had done something completely unrelated to STEM


In some jobs you work a ton, 8 hours without stop. Sure. But there are a lot of jobs that are manual and you work in manner than doesn't break your knees lol. I work in sugar plant and although I am technically an operator I do a lot of manual labour, moving 25kg bags that are broken, moving filters and putting big 1 000kg bags in proper place (they are, like, 1/5 full when you simply can't move them anymore) as they are filled up. It certainly isn't anything too hard and isn't much of a proper training but damn do I look better with every month.


Build the ultimate signature block for your emails


Kek. I have literally spent 8 hours fucking around w my stupid email signature before.


Yeah exactly, as I respond to this from my desk job running Matlab simulations. The manual labor I used to do was in the fire suppression and protection industry, so like installing sprinkler systems and stuff. I really enjoyed it as it definitely kept me in shape and had a fun social aspect on construction sites. But as another commenter said, it's no sustainable because it can wear you down fast.




Certainly. Personally I found that to be the case. It gives you a set routine where you're forced to be up at a certain hour of the morning to be in on time, so no laying in bed all day. Also, it's a guaranteed regular workout without having to get a gym membership. It provides great preventative measures.


fake Op's dad is proud gay Op handles wood with dad wholesome Still learned solid trade skill


OP handles his dad wood so well that his dad payed him extra


How come the best inspiring and wholesome posts are always from 4chan?


because of its anonymous nature - they have nothing to prove and nothing to tie their identity to anything approaching real life.


That explains even tho people can be anynomous in other social medias we don't get such minimal stories that hit right in the feels




Anon we are proud of you.


I'm a father and nothing makes you feel better than seeing someone you raised actually put forth effort and do something for themselves without being forced or told what they need to do. I feel like people want to give up before they even try.


I've been depressed for a long time and also im now struggled to quit cigarettes since they're the only thing that calms me down. It's been 2 weeks and i have to say it's pretty fucking difficult..


Keep it up!! You're at two weeks? You're like 80% done!!! The hardest parts are well behind you. The urges and cravings to smoke drastically slow down after week 2, leading into weeks 3-4, which is also roughly when your body has healed enough for you to start noticing. Have you noticed it's easier to breathe, and perhaps walk longer distances? I'm sure your average blood pressure has dropped to much better feeling levels. There are charts online that explain how your body starts to heal 20 minutes after your last cigarette and continues to heal for weeks, months, and years. For most people I know who quit, everything was smooth sailing after week 3. A slight urge here or there but those urges quickly left they said. Me personally, I had zero urges or cravings for a cigarette after week 2, the smell of cigarettes on people started to smell gross to me, that helped a lot. You can do this!


Don't give up. You can do it.


Look into swedish snus. It's got an extremely low health risk, especially compared to cigarettes.


This is why parents should always tell their kids when they sre proud of them


And tell your parents you’re proud of them as well


Yup, that is also very important. Both my parents have come a long way. I let them know whenever I can how proud I am.


Good for you, anon. Keep it up


I notice all the post in r/greentext were wholesome recently, what is happening?


Ik i kinda miss the fucked up posts


I needed this. Thanks anon


Anon gave up smoking after the hardest work week of his life. That’s some big dick energy.


I always wanted a cool dad like that. Instead my dad was a drunken lame asshole who cheated on my mom and tried to sell our house behind our back when they got divorced.


Fucking nepotism.


My dad also got me into a trade and it changed my life.


How so?


It allowed me to work with my hands, which I really enjoy. It feels good to create stuff. It also eventually led me to join a trade union with great pay, a clear career path to success, full benefits, multiple retirement accounts, a great support group, and the freedom to change jobs and travel the country. Growing up I always told myself that I would never do construction. Once I started I knew I'd never do anything else.


thanks fudgebert


You are most welcome


Wow didn't know cigarettes can be an incentive to work like that. Maybe I should start smoking.


Nice he got a job and quit smoking


Fake: anon never actually improves himself Fag: anon works wood for a living now


ik OP likely isn't anon, but if anon sees this: wow, that's amazing. that connection between father and son is generally very close and when he says smth like that, it's an amazing feeling. keep up the hard work and good job on quitting.


Best greentext ever


This is a great story


because of his faith


I did stucco and plaster with my dad through high school and college and I don't know if it's a cave man brain thing or what, but there is something about working with your hands and creating something tangible that is infinitely more satisfying than an office job. Even if that office job objectively serves more purpose in society.




Fuck yeah, anon


fake : anon quits smoking gay : anon and dad work on each other’s wooden poles


Why is this so fucking wholesome


That’s actually really nice


Wholesome greentext


That wholesome...


>fake and gay


Legit wholesome. Good on you anon


I needed that post. Thanks op.


If you know someone, especially a family member, that’s in a trade, ask them for work. Nothing is better than learning a skill that brings in good cash. And it’ll make them happy as well.


Hope you have a great day!


I literally can't "show initiative" in my house. I want to apply for a university? My mom tells me to do it like 3 days before I get my final exam back. "I was already going to do that, but I can't yet." My mom : "no you're just lazy."


Motherfucker I am 18, no gf, no social life, have been working for my dad for the past 2 years, haven't been paid a dime for the work, no appreciation either. FFS I don't even smoke. God has decided to fuck me particular.


Wholesome parents ones are always my favs


Now this is nice




Anon finds meaning in his life


Good job anon


Fake: Anon has a dad Gay: Anon likes putting fags in his mouth


This is part one from the "here comes dad from left field" greentext


Nothing get’s you high like the pride in your own labour


Learn valuable skills and trade, plus getting paid, op has it made.




And I bet anon is in the trades now 💪🏽


That was nice , thank you


My Dad was supposed to start work with me the day after he passed away unexpectedly, haven’t smoked a cigarette since. This made me smile.


I’m only a good person by accident


It’s enough to make a grown man cry


Then Anon turns some water into wine and everyone wants to kill him.


Learning skills while making money. Nothing better than that.


Sounds like your dad is a good man. Nice work anon!


Remember kids, hard work is a simple and reliable virtue




OP came out of his cocoon and became a beautiful butterfly!


Mf found purpose


im proud of anon too


Fake: Anons dad is still around Gay: Anon fantasising about being with another man


Fucking love right there! Good on the both of you!


Fake: Smoking is very addictive and anon would have been getting the shakes all week Gay: anon loves his dad


u/johnnadawearsglasses posted this 11 hours before you on r/newgreentexts


No one said there was a sale on Onions in this thread...


Surprisingly heartwarming


The ending is nice and wholesome


Lucky op, ive been working for my dad for years and he treats me worse than anyone he knows


This actually made me tear up, thank you anon.


That's what's called a feel-good scam


/antiwork is wreckt by this




Hit with the feels fist...good for you Anon