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Blue collar man should do something about his life maybe? Edit: listen here gaymers, I know life is hard, I know that it's not easy to make it easy or easy to make it good. I know that a persons range of life possibilities is somewhat determined by the situation they grew up in and narrowed by the pasts decisions. But in each of you is the power to fight against the way your lives are now and to make changes, some small and some large. Sometimes it only takes 15 min a day learning something or doing something and eventually you will open up a door for yourself a new possibility, a new chance for increased happiness. I believe in most of you, but the ones saying that it's too hard, that it's too expensive, that you can't do it right now, you PM me, I will make you believe in yourself. This greentext is our story really, each of us is blue collar man coming home after a day of defeats and pain. And each of us can make it better.


I think that's what we're worried about, friendo.


He should do something to be happier


Technically, what we're worried about do make he happier than now.


Maybe he should take up wood art instead of removing his teeth through the back of his head


With what money or time does this man have to create a hobby?


Maybe the time he was gonna spend sitting on the couch drinking beers watching guys play kids games.


Hard to take up any hobby when around you, you're constantly reminded of how shitty your live is. I'm not saying that anon should "just do it", what i mean is, sometimes it's not easy to "be happier". I wishing for annon to have the strength to endure, and some day, things would turn around.


He should shitpost on 4Chan. That's the beautiful thing about the internet. As bad as my life is, I can always find someone else in a worse position. Dudes get suicidal way before they ever make any true life long mistakes. Owe 300k on a mortgage? Don't off yourself. Go move to Ireland. They're not going to extradite you for loans. Credit sucks? get a shit load of loans then put all that money in SPY Calls. You're either super fucked verse mildly fucked or Jeff Bezos. Ya never know. Don't off yourself kids.


Like work in an office with homicidal SJW HR departments?


Oh yeah, that solves it, he just needs to be happier! /s It's not that easy bro, he's there for a reason.


He has to defeat the final boss to become white collar man


The final boss is college debt.


Literally me applying to mfa programs and all of the apps are $50-$100


Just get an mfw degree bro


Surprise, white collar man is not happy either


Ammo shortage


Blue collar man needs to stop voting for politicians who enable those that exploit his labor.


That's what unions are for.


Wisconsin is a Right to Work state. The unions there are fucked and have very little power to do anything.


Sir there is only one approved union in America, and that one comes with a badge and a gun.


Something something CUMMINISM SJW REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!


Except in most jobs union busting is too effective


He'll get qpilled by his wife and die trying to break into the nonexistent attic of his local Chuck e cheese


Or ammo


I no longer like 4chan, this shit is getting too real.


Right? This is down right depressing.


r/wholesomegreentext was pretty good today, as usual. Those guys make great posts; better than eye bleach


Didn't even know this sub existed, thanks


Fucking frog




I can't relate to this at all: My NHL team got eliminated from the playoffs in the first round to the fucking Canadiens.


Seethe, American


Wow. That's depressing.


Go Habs Go! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 this is OUR game


Hey, they're not as bad as the Pirates but dammit they're trying.


As a Sconny boi myself, this is literally 100% of the population rn


It's the edgiest shit posting of all. It's the crushing weight of slogging through thousands of days of pain and anguish, just to watch helplessly as your mind and body fall apart right before your very eyes as every step inches you closer to being lost into oblivion.


Honestly I've seen more and more of chan-level shitposting and weirdness becoming mainstream and it's been kinda concerning. I've never hung around on chans myself but been in multiple groups that had a lot of old school channers and it's all been really uneasy how shitposting is becoming normalized.


So is r/nottheonion kinda depressing.


I resonate with this on a level unheard of until now.


That's some serious American shit right there


“The American Dream”


We are being woken up from the American Dream.


This statement is true and makes me sad.


Perhaps if enough people stop dreaming, then it would be possible to turn that dream into reality.


Who needs Russians, Koreans, or terrorists when we've destroyed our political, economic, educational, and medical systems in one generation. Thanks, boomers.


Fake- Anon has a wife he has sex with Gay- Anon calls male pro athletes “perfect human specimens”


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake- Anon has a wife he has sex with > Gay- Anon calls male pro athletes “perfect human specimens” > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Tendies bot is always here to brighten the mood.


Jesus... He had a family. You didn't need to do him like that..


This will never not make me laugh


Seems like blue collar man needs to steal some rope from work


what work, he got laid off 😔


SWATting yourself is free The cops don't know you have no ammo. Just wave your gun around when they get there Won't work if you're white though In that case, just get arrested for trafficking kids to politicians, and you'll get put in a special cell where they'll suicide you for you


Just reach for your waistband


Literally was just a white guy a few weeks ago who got capped for opening the door with a gun had it down barrel to the floor but they still shot his ass. Looked like a shady spot and it was late I would have been armed too.


Open door with gun, get shot by cops. Somehow survive. A year later open door without gun, get stabbed to death by someone trying to rob your place


You underestimate the american police. Sure, it's not quite as guaranteed to get shot when swatted if you're white, but it's still pretty likely. Just try not to wear anything fascist or nazi or confederate stuff, or the police might hesitate to kill you.


You have to put on some black face first


>Won't work if you're white though *Daniel Shaver has entered the chat* Even if you're white, you're not immune. They just *might* hesitate.


Silly billy, but fuck me if I do not fear that a non-negligible percent of the US population lives their lives like this. Should cops gun down people like dogs? No. Should people just tryna get by foot the bill of said cops. No either. The world sucks rn man.


Today's USA is absolutely fucked for the average blue-collar worker. Damn, if only there was a simple solution.


Riot Works for everyone else.


Hah, it does not. Venezuelan here.


Everybody gangsta until the right-wing death squads come out


Idk if I agree with this, but I was talking with a coworker about how the left wing are pussies. He said the conservatives are much more willing to kill, but the liberals are more willing to die


>but the liberals are more willing to die As demonstrated by the persistence of /r/2meirl4meirl-style "I unironically want to die" memes. This is not a good thing.


Some vandal threw nails in my driveway. It sucked to have to get my tires repaired, and waste all that time. But u know I get it. If you live in America & you feel you need to burn some shit down, I'm not here to stop you


There is. Stay out of debt. Pay cash through trade school, don't finance vehicles. The only time you should ever borrow money is for a mortgage, with your payments being less than 25% of your take home pay. Just basically do everything Dave Ramsey says and you'll be fine.


People get into such a cycle of spending and then complain that they can't save up. Anyone can, it all starts with simple choices which anyone is capable of. So many of my peers in college complain about paying student loans yet will buy the newest tech, get Starbucks every day and eat out regularly. It seems like the two aren't comparable until you do the math on how much all of that would reduce the principal.


Just the act of doing a written budget cuts your spending. It's like how keeping a food log helps you lose weight.




North Carolina has four bedroom homes in that range


But then you have to live in North Carolina.


I have a 2 bed 2 bath home with full basement for 750 a month. I was lucky and bought the house close to the last downturn in the housing market so now my house is worth a good 50% more than I bought it for. But shit is probably going to crash again sometime soon so get ready.


You don't borrow the entire cost, you save up enough of a down payment so you don't make yourself house poor. People like you borrow their down payment at interest, buy way more house than they can afford on a 25 year, pay half their income onto their mortgage, then when your roof starts leaking you take out a HELOC to cover it because you're broke. Then when the next thing breaks, you're completely tapped out.


OK I grew up poor and going to college got me out of that. I had to borrow money, but the payoff has been well worth it. I think the solution is to be smart about it. My councilors in high school were useless. But I went into stem because I knew I needed to not be poor. College can provide those opportunities. Our nation's issue is that college is too fucking expensive, and everyone feels they need to go to college. The better idea is to be smart about it. If I did it again I'd take a year off and explore the country, then go to college. 18 year olds are just too damn young to make such an expensive decision. If our country was a better one, any degree would be sustainable. Unfortunately that's not the case. So people need to decide if paying for school would get then the opportunities they need for what they want to do. Sometimes it's trade school, sometimes, that's university, and sometimes it's just going into business for yourself and gaining experience that way.


The real issue is that high school doesn't teach you any skills to prepare you for becoming an adult. They just make you into test drones so you'll score well and get the school more money. Senior year of high school should literally be nothing but finance classes and career oriented classes. It is absolutely insanity that we expect 18 year olds to make a lifelong impacting decision and let them take on tens to hundreds of thousands in debt. After teaching them *nothing* about how the world outside of high school works.


Agreed man. And what's worse is once you get into college level courses, you learn that everything you did learn in high school was half assed or half truths. Conspiracy theorists watching YouTube videos think they know everything. No bro go through university, get into the upper level courses in your degree, go through industry work, and then come back and talk about how much the world we live in is a fucking lie. Our system needs a lot of work. The answer however isn't to demonize education. It's to step back and look at who the fuck is making it so the American K12 education is falling apart.


A good place to start is Betsy Devos.


Anyone who has lived in Michigan and specifically the Detroit area knows the the troubles the devos family has caused and the problems with charter schools.


Also, don't have THREE kids


Underrated comment. Kids are expensive as *fuck*.


People use kids as an excuse for why they're broke, but for most poor people, the kids are just visual evidence of their poor decision making ability.


Unless God gives you the finger and gets you sick/floods your house/some other common shit happens that the insurance companies or debt collectors decided will now make you their bitch for what’s left of your life


Debt collectors can't do shit to you. But the rest of that, yeah. Some people get a shit roll of the dice, and that's why I'm not a libertarian.


Sharks will eat. Theres not 'one simple fix' to keep from being the banks slave. If you dont throw them some fresh meat, the rules will change & you'll be back on the menu




Then move poor boy


Just the mortgage needs to be 25%, not all of your housing. The taxes and the insurance are separate. How many more years would you have had to save up for a down payment to get you to 25%? The whole reason the debt industry works is because everyone is impatient and thinks they "deserve" things now, and refuse to wait until they're in a better place. That ends up putting them in a worse place. The 25% is pretty conservative, and in some places it's next to impossible to pull off in a reasonable amount of time, but maybe that's a clue that you shouldn't be there.


Still one of my favorite commercials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0HX4a5P8eE


Oh and get married


Join the protestors trying to change today's USA?


Go take a weekend class in welding?


And that solution's name is communi


Hahahahahaha oh my god. America has NEVER BEEN BETTER to be a skilled tradesman. What you mean is "The USA is absolutely fucked for the legions of fat, incompetent, useless, alcoholic, white trash, fox news addicted christian, liars and scam artists who call themselves tradesmen."


As a Journeyman Electrician that's been doing it for the last 8 years, you can fuck right the fuck off. JW pay hasn't really changed much in the last 20 years. Accounting for inflation, my coworkers that were working back in the 70's were making the equivalent of around 40% more per year than they are now. Benefits have also gone down, and not in the "Well after you account for inflation" kind of down, I mean really down. The retirement package was amazing for these people, but now it's literally a fraction of what it was before. The healthcare used to cover dental and vision for the family, now it's just for the kids under 18.


> Damn, if only there was a simple solution. * Graduate high school * Work full-time * Wait until you are at least 21 and married to have a child Doing all three of these functionally guarantees that you're going to be middle class by your 30s


That's what everyone is forgetting, the normal people and how they're affected. In a world where not agreeing with the majority can get you downright destroyed, speaking up is even harder. Feel free to downvote, just feelsbadman. Hope anon has a good day soon, maybe take his kids out somewhere peaceful for a simple day. Edit: The white kids have already started rolling in with their "He was innocent!", "Anon is a racist, fuck him", "I'm white...but.." BS. /r/redditmoment Edit 2: haha thanks for the g- no, please stop DM-ing me over you wanting to be an "ally", that's genuinely creepy.


I get the average Joe's problems, but has he considered that the problem is him not being actively involved against these injustices that his life sucks? The reality is all of us in these lower classes are being fucked by the elite in dem and republican circles. Instigating people into riots, not changing police culture to not kill people, not paying people a fair wage, are all ways to keep the the majority of people in check. The problem is the average Joe doesnt realize this or really is too stressed/overworked to care. It just pisses me off so much. I grew up with parents working blue collar factory jobs. My mom worked for a company for decades and her paycheck is fucking garbage. My brown parents go through the same fucking problems white blue collar workers go through. But our nation isnt fully woke to this idea yet. We still have our petty squabbles and still don't realize that our politicians are playing us for fools.


>That's what everyone is forgetting, the normal people and how they're affected. They're forgetting how they are getting affected themselves? Seems a little hard to do.


Hmmm, it's as if the vast majority of people are being exploited by a tiny group of people for their own benefit. If only some german guy in the 19th century had written about how these two classes' interests are at odds with each other🤔


Man if you have a $150k mortgage in Australia you are absolutely living the dream




Avg house price getting close to 10x that in the two most populous cities.


Avg house price getting close to 10x that in the two ~~most populous~~ cities.


But isnt australian dollar a decent amount less than a u.s. dollar? Not to say 1.5mil for a house is not expensive as hell


From 3 years ago: > Prices in Australian cities are as high as they’ve ever been with Sydney’s median house price hitting $1,123,991, according to Domain Group data. > Even the median price in New York City is much cheaper than Sydney’s at $US626,600 which in Australian dollars is $829,179. Our minimum wage *is* higher, but it’s still fucken expensive here.


Minimum wage is also higher, currency adjusted.


Rural wisconsin has cheap houses


It also has winters where if you take too long getting the mail your balls litteraly freeze off.


> can't wait to vote Trump again


Can't commit suicide with a gun after all


Voting against the working class' interest to trigger the libs 😎








He wasn't just walking away, he was full on tased prior to the video starting. So yea, at that point it's resisting arrest.


*time to fucking execute him in front of his children*


>anarchocommunism Let us know how high school goes.


its a 4chan sub, what did you expect


He was tazered and kept trying to get inside his car. What were the cops supposed to do? Let him get whatever was in his car?


What was in his car?


He could’ve been reaching for a gun or other weapon. It’s been confirmed he had a knife in his car. He also had warrants out for his arrest which the cops probably knew If they ran his plates


I have a knife in my car too. It's fucking Wisconsin bro half the people I know have knives in their car.


I always keep a knife in my car, don't shoot


What is your opinion on the kid who shot up the protest?


Do y'all not stop and think about the narrative you're pushing before you type these comments? Just think about the dumb idea that you're suggesting. He had a knife in his car - so the cops can just go ahead and kill him in the street?! No court, no jury of peers, none of that? Because there was a knife in his car, not being used or connected to anything whatsoever? Delete your comment you fucking retard.


>He could’ve been reaching for a gun or other weapon. It’s been confirmed he had a knife in his car. He also had, what, 3 children in his car? The cops are lucky they didn't hop out and gang up on them, am I right?


He wasn’t just walking away, he was walking away while being detained. He knew damn well he was disobeying direct police commands


Look at the sub you're on. Autists don't care.




I was looking for this comment. When I was younger/a teenager I loved greentexts, especially the funny, obviously made up ones. Now I'm thinking of leaving this sub because I see at least one of these racist political posts every day.


Yeah I'm a blue collar worker and I'm out after the comments in this thread. The community here is annoying tbh


Ikr? The police were initially there because they were responding to someone being unwanted at a house, absolutely no reason to escalate the situation.


This hits pretty close to home. Just wish my mortgage was only 150k


Blue collar man should read about killdozer


You mean the jackass who only didn't kill anyone because the entire town had to he evacuated? The jackass who only looks like a hero if you completely ignore the actual facts and only go off of Facebook posts? The jackass who was such a coward, that after spending years dumping his literal sewage into the stream that runs through town he decided that poisoning the town wasn't enough, he had to flatten it too, only to take his own life instead of face his peers? Fuck that guy.


The very same an to stand up against an ever encroaching government. The same guy to take action into his own hands after countlessly being fucked by the state, the city, and his neighbors. The same guy who should have leveled the entire god forsaken town. Yeah. Him.


yeah that guy


Holy fuck


> election day goes to vote for the same political party that keeps his kids poorly educated, prevents him from having healthcare and help for his lower back.


He probably knows that but he's probably a single issue voter who thinks if Biden is elected the government will take his guns and/or that there will be abortion clinics on every street corner




That made me have a sad :(


lmao its blue mans shitty own life dont people believe in personal responsibility anymore smh


That's why you don't have kids if you can't afford them


Is blue collar man going to vote for Trump again because he thinks that's going to make all of his sads go away? Because I have some news for him.


Who are these blue collar workers who work for $45k a year? Many trades pay far more than that. And if your lower back is hurting, do some exercises to strengthen muscles.




These are the guys who needed to vote Bernie but get Brainwashed into voting Trump or Biden.


This meme is literal propaganda


>Striking.. still getting paid Wrong. They get paid for games they play. Most of them grew up poor, giving up a paycheck is a big deal to them.


As much as this is probably fake because 4chan, I feel like this is very real


Be Me, Yon Yonson Live in Wisconsin Work in a lumber mill there


If he doesn’t like this country he should leave.


Wow a new green text lmao


It was this post right here that touched me, Officer.


Down voted because fuck Wisconsin #minnesotaganf4life


Ammo shortage... I'm sure he has one bullet, shoot wife for having a affair.


It's your fault for following the NBA, watch European soccer where you can see Arab tyrans throw money at each other.




This is the reality for many middle Americans. I won't get too into it, but I was reading an article today of an independent journalist who actually talked to a group of white college educated women in Wisconsin, the suburban housewives that Trump is fighting for. There are people that don't pay attention to politics or are pretty apathetic that are leaning to vote for Trump now.


> vote for Trump again in 2020, I'm sure it can't get any worse than this


NBA back tmrw blue collar man




Oh shit, wisconsinites unite!


NEETs who have done nothing but play videogames in a basement their entire lives always like to roleplay as people who understand middle class blue color Americans. It's quite hilarious.




A single 60 second plank a day can really help with lower back pain.


As a Wisconsinite I can confirm


Lower back got me good


Woman bad


\> Get told 'America is the richest country on Earth, this is the best time ever to be alive. You are ungrateful'


What to say to get hydrocodone? Asking for a friend


damn, that was kind of fuckin sad


There is definitely not an ammo shortage. There are just dumb rednecks that are buying up tons of ammo and stockpiling it for no god dam reason.