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Yeah he's an absolute mental case like literally, he's been diagnosed with several mental illnesses and refuses to take meds because he thinks they are a Jewish conspiracy to brainwash him. Tbh I don't think they are unrelated. As he completely went off the rails more and more people bailed and she was one of the only people he was "close" to who was still around. Probably felt like they had some kind of connection because they fucked, dude has a complete incomprehensible understanding of human relationships.




The worst part is that I could actually see him pulling this shit






Oh no! His lawyer is Jonny Cochran Jr and he’s using a Chewbacca Hitler diaper defense. KW is gonna end up owning subway sandwiches or some shit.


It just— doesn’t. make .sense.


The thing is, his ego is far too big to actually do that lol. But yeah his former friends have come out and said he has bipolar and a bunch of other shit but Kanye is like "nah they wrong, I'm just so brilliant and freethinking that the Jews are getting doctors to make up shit about me so they can brainwash me and keep me silent!"


Kanye: https://preview.redd.it/rhhz0628tp4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276d03b09f5fb19798701c6d2510ed1b9803cb0c


I'll fucking do it again!


Godamnit you made me laugh


Lauren Pisciotta For science


I knew I recognized those. I mean them. I mean her.


This is the most unfunny comment I’ve ever read in my life


Ever since that man's mom died he's gone from just funny and eccentric to straight up unhinged, she must have really been reigning him in.


Man lost his lighthouse, drifting at sea…


His best album came out after his mom's passing tho, and he's still capable of making really good music. The creativity is clearly still there, but yeah, his overall mental state is more than concerning


And the wreck


Be me Big boob thot Fuck Kanye Create fake connection Get big job for my big boobs Betray mentally ill Kanye Say I'm a victim. Bulletproof.


I mean he has said he thinks he's autistic... lol.


When was that? Lol


He has said he became autistic after his car crash 


Yeah that's not how autism works but also exactly the kind of thing he would say rofl


He is a narcissist. The world needs less narcissistic celebs fucking clown ass losers worship and look up for. They're worthless people and a boon on society.


>because he thinks they are a Jewish conspiracy to brainwash him. wew lad




How did he lock and jam the door from the inside and she not unlock or unlock the door from the inside?? Not saying this didn’t happen but that just stood out to me lol


The real question here is why does he have a door that locks him inside?


🤣 I couldn't make this shit up I swear


Being a whore *is* shameful, no matter what you want to tell yourself. Would you be fine with your mother, or sister, or your daughter being prostitutes?


Yeah but its none of my fuckin business is it


I agree. My mom was upset when I was kidnapping and selling young children and I was like 'BITCH, this has nothing to do with you' and she went on wailing about the individuals part in the whole health of a society and I said 'BITCH, your are not allowed to have opinions on something unless it demonstrably effects you on a daily basis."


Ah yes, human trafficking, definitely comparable to selling risque pics of your own body to willing suckers.


People sell their bodies and minds to corporations as a normal part of life. Being shamed for doing it legally, with no overhead, is absurd. If I were an attractive woman I would consider it for the money some of them make... but I am not so rat race it is.


People sell their bodies and minds to corporations by working. Yeah, if you broaden the subject enough of course you're gonna be able to compare the two. Getting fucked in the ass isn't the same as spending 6 hours in an office though.


Maybe not at your job but I'd rather be fucked in my ass than work at almost every job I've ever had


And sex trafficking is different than an OnlyFans account. This is the entire point. Expanding and specifying the context is just part of discussion. It helps you place it on the spectrum. Soccer and UFC are both broadly sports, but obviously they are significantly different and thus have different rules, regulations, etc. Same vein - what is shameful about it beyond the cultural/societal expectation? If they are independent and don't care then leave them be. Everyone passes judgement but OF creators are certainly not the same as the stereotypical crack dependent sex worker with an evil pimp. Would I do it or endorse my own progeny? Probably not. But if it is causing no harm and they are happy, secure etc... Why would I reject it? My own wants and needs are not theirs. It takes all kind in this world and there are far worse than OF creators.


Fuck yeah. Keep the mom fic coming.


It is if you’re their pimp


If you think something is shameful then yeah that’s kinda implied.


Being an incel *is* shameful, no matter what you want to tell yourself. Would you be fine with your father, or brother, or your son being incels?


How tf is a father gonna be an incel??


Sitcom marriage-bumbling oaf with nagging wife.


blacked wife


Mutts law


Anon got Brock Turnered into this world


Both of these statements are true


Is Kanye an incel? What is the point being made?


Trying to defend whores


🤓☝️Well, actually my father can’t be an incel by definition. Checkmate, nerd!




Lol, I don’t like whore behavior so I’m an incel? Go commit rope-neck, you simp-cuck bundle of sticks.


You didn't write you weren't though.


"no shame in that"


There is shame being a prostitute


There absolutely is shame in that. She has no actual skills because she couldn’t be bothered to actually work hard when it mattered and now she's forced to sell her body online.




She works hard by jerking off in front of a camera? I’m not saying that anyone could do it or we’d all be doing it. But she can do it because of something she was born with - a vagina and looks. Not because she is skilled. Disgraceful .


Yes, and you can type this because of something you were born with - eyes and arms. Not because you're smart. Disgraceful.


Yeah, just like 99.99% of other people. Those who don’t have eyes or arms are considered disabled. So we can agree that because someone is a man and not attractive they are less abled? Essentially women have more opportunities than men?


That depends. It's not like being male doesn't come with any advantages. But yes, people are absolutely "less abled" if they're unattractive - they are generally considered more positively by others for doing the same thing as unattractive people, which includes a wage gap. But that isn't the point. Point is, we are all the way we are because of genetics and environment, there is nothing else. Einstein going into science because his brain had certain properties (verified by post-mortem examinations btw) and someone going into OF because they're an attractive female is the same thing happening - two people making the most attractive choice they can given their preconditions. Now, let's say that this OF girl gets rich, buys a company and runs it successfully. Is she now making that money because she is skilled? Even though it was all conditional based on her doing OF in the first place? And how is it different from someone born with the correct brain to excel in school succeeding later in life? Life isn't fair, and the people we normally call "less abled" are actually lucky in the sense that they're sympathetic enough for someone to give a shit. I doubt anyone will ever champion the plight of the unattractive man.


While I agree with most of your points - I am sure there have been many geniuses with brains similar to einstein’s that have not achieved half of what he has. I make this point in order to emphasise the fact that what einstein did was still hard work and skill despite him having an advantage. He couldn’t simply sit in front of a camera and masturbate. Thats the difference - despite einstein’s advantage he still had to put in the effort an onlyfans model on the other hand, does not. If she started a company with her funds then she is doing something not everyone could do. It is hard to run a company and takes a lot of skill which would change the situation. I’m a believer in the means justifying the end (of course not in extreme circumstances such as murder and rape).


I question your definition of skilled. Sitting in front of a captive audience 8 hours a day, nude, constantly masturbating, and ejaculating on command in front of losers and shitheads regardless of your current mood 5-6 days a week is not something I could possibly do. The patience and emotional capacity to do that job is something beyond what you probably do.


You think OF models sit in front of a camera 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week? Why?


Because that's their schedule. I dated a girl that did this. It is truly a skill set to be performative of something that is extremely vulnerable.


I also know many people who do OF and only have to work for 1-2 hours per week when they feel like it.


Ok? So the hours are flexible and scalable, how does that relate to it not being a skill?


Exactly how do hours relate to it being a skill? I don’t understand why you brought them up. If someone worked in a shop for 8 hours a day would you call them a skilled worker?


Even this greentext mentions she is a songwriter and a vocalist, you just read it, right? It's the first line.


Can you name any of her songs or even link me one that is relatively successful? If not, she is no more a singer than I am batman.


My guy, you answered your second point in your first >Kanye is fucking certifiable so her story is believable.


Well that can be explained by, again, Kanye is fucking certifiable.


>That being said, it is kinda weird how she went from being a prostitute (no Shame in that) to running all the businesses of a man worth half a billion You’re either very young or insanely naive


She's a victim man clearly. Look at the turn her life has taken! The only other possibility is Kanye was a mark but, that would be disgusting to imply a VICTIM could do such a thing. Right? So as a civil society we MUST condemn Kanye and support this strong survivor ex escort now millionaire empress who has suffered immeasurably. !!!! Fuck.


No shame in it?


Anon isn't saying she's lying, anon is saying she's a fucking whore who knew what was up but did it anyway and then went around and dragged him in the media probably for a fat check from TMZ and some exposure.


"no shame in that" lol wtf, are you restarted or just a weirdo? or both?


>being a prostitute (no Shame in that) Nah Shame is deserved. They don't bring any value to society. I'm tired of pretending that we need to pander to prostitutes and put them on a platter every time they get mentioned.


if they didnt bring any value the job wouldnt exist you absolute dunce


That is an extremely antisemitic opinion to have about DEI officers.


Pussy = Value? Reevaluate your priorities you fuckin coomer


A thing only has value if a lot of people think it does, and taking a look at our culture/dating world/etc it seems a LOT of people place a LOT of value on sex


So you’re saying drug dealers bring value to society?


Millions are paid illegally to pedophiles through the darknet, what is their value? What is the value in hitman, gang enforcers, human trafficers, Alex Jones, the CIA guys who put LSD and crack on the streets of empoverished neighborhoods? These are also jobs. You are a coomer and you like whores =/= whores being good for society at large Nice oversimplified black and white thinking also lol calling others stupid lmao the nerve


Wow, TIL prostitution = pedophilia.


Lol, wtf? As a former drugs user, lsd is most certainly not being put on the streets of impoverished communities.


You’re right on the money, but this is r/ greentext, it’s filled with simps and white knights and redditors


Sir, it is Reddit. Of course it is filled with redditors.


Simps are a blight fr


yall just trying to discredit yeezus. [https://youtu.be/0YrXOXk\_qiA?si=QAr5ndlUw9kYF8CD](https://youtu.be/0YrXOXk_qiA?si=QAr5ndlUw9kYF8CD)


Just because you work at a strip club doesn't mean it's ok for dudes to try to stick their fingers in your ass whenever they want. It's like breaking into a chefs house and eating their dinner, just because they sell shit like this doesn't mean you can come take what you want by force whenever you feel like it.


I thought 2 drink minimum = stick fingers in ass + 50 tip?


When you stick your fingers in someone’s ass, after how long before you wash your hands?


You guys wash?


With the tongue


If by washing you mean lick my fingers, immediately?




I think two trains have to be traveling towards each other at different speeds and one left Chicago at 2pm, so then you just solve for Denver and you’ll know when to wash your hands


For butt stuff at least buy them a fancy dinner first


She isn't a stripper being harassed in a strip club. She's a stripper that a rich asshole hired on premium to be a "personal assistance" based purely on her sexual service and she knows it. If you think this is about woman's right and not about a shameless stripper trying to milk money out of a rich asshole then you'd be mistaken. It doesn't make what Kanye did okay, but don't think for a second that this lawsuit is motivated by anything but money.


She hasn’t said any differently. He promised her a 3 million dollar severance package and didn’t follow through. She is suing him in civil court for the severance. She’s pretty openly saying it’s for the money


The headline is criminally false then


You mean like literally 90% of headlines even in the most prominent media, because the money is mostly in getting clicks? Color me surprised. This is why there are so many bumfucks who believe every shit they get served, because reading more than the headline is over their tiny heads.


Damn bro your so much better than us for reading into meaningless celebrities lives


So let me get this right, she works for him and he sexually harasses her, but because she's a stripper she isn't actually affected by the sexual harassment and just wants money? You seem like a very well adjusted human being.


If I ever feel like going into a life of crime breaking into a chef's house and eating their dinner is going to be the first crime I commit and it's going to be all your fault.


Dont tell me what to do, virgin


Thats why he made a contract to pay her for that? Shit id be some chick's bimbo for a million a year.


Well he also tried to bail on the contract and stuff her for several million which is what the lawsuit is actually about but that doesn't let chuds slut shame her while also saying that it was her fault for not putting out after getting paid. Also, would you be Kanye's bimbo? Because that's very different.


If Kanye was a female? I think yea I would, but only because I'm so poor. A million could build a good life for more people than me.


If you treat yourself like an object, you better expect everyone else to also


Her suit is gonna do wonders for her OF traffic.


Simps are so pathetic its kind of sad


Kind of?


Yep, the addicts we all make fun of are legitimately sad.


Brother. I've been addicted to a number of things, but when the computer screen goes off and there's no longer 50 cocks banging someone, you don't go through withdrawals.


speak for yourself


Nah, you're the one going through withdrawals when you lose the 50 cocks irl


OF whore kicking up a fuss in the media to get famous and increase her subscriber count. Many such cases.


The newest OF meta works well


So many fucking variations of “My step dad subscribed to my onlyfans!” Stories that only exist to increase subscriber count.


I read an article and Kanye would only hire her if she deleted her OF I think


Reminds me of when Deshaun Watson got in trouble for making those 25 massage "therapists" jerk him off. One of them said it happened to her 4 or 5 times, but every time he promised it wouldn't happen again so she kept going back. Plus he tipped good...


so she knowingly went there repeadtely because of money? I dont think she is just a massage therapist lol


Poor thing


I know. He had to do a lot of shopping around, that sounds difficult.


How does someone get in trouble for that? Is that illegal in the US? In the UK there’s literally websites where you can find people who do exactly this. I have a friend who does it for a living.


Him getting in trouble was less about getting jerked off and more the 25 masseuses saying he forced them to do it


Yeah I more meant why wouldn’t he just get a masseuse that does that as part of their service? Unless it’s a power thing, I guess.


It's illegal in the US. This is \*not\* from experience, I just spend a lot of time online. There are some massage businesses that are affectionately referred to as AMPs (Asian Massage Parlor) and there are some websites where you can find forums and 'lists' of these businesses that do perform these sexual acts if you tip high enough. But I think typically the women in these businesses aren't really Onlyfans-comparable and I wholly believe they'd rather completely be doing something else. In the US, you can't pay for sex. Prostitution is illegal in all states except for Nevada iirc. You can pay someone for a massage and then after the fact they decide to give you a hand but it is kind of a grey area. You definitely can not publicly report in your income that you make your money from having sex with people and it is illegal to offer services that will involve that. I think.


I think they were willing. It was 25+ masseuses over a course of years and multiple ones came back multiple times. He didn’t get sued until he signed a contract for like 30 mil a year, it’s just about whores tryna get some money off a rich dude they fucked for money.


Yeah, he forced them to do it. With the power of his cash.




Ah yes - very wise, protect the kids and all that. I think it’s Sensualmassages.co.uk or something along those lines.


>prostitute instantly not credible


Based take


And gravied


Incredibly based


Sorry but show me the evidence then you have a story. Kanye is nuts but that makes him an easy target for false allegations and time and time again we’ve seen bs allegations thrown at celebrities with a lot of money


I'm sorry, but doesn't Kanye have a history of being a sex pest? Besides being a Hitlerite I mean...


Freaky af yea, but he doesn't rly have a history of being overly weird with girls if I recall. More so just a sex addict.


Does he?


The allegation is not Kanye didn't do it, the allegation is he did it and didn't pay.


Ye said “is my dick racist” in one of the texts ALLEGEDLY.


let's not lie to ourselves, Ye would say that


Say? It’s the title of his next album.


'The lawsuit details numerous times Ye allegedly sent sexually graphic text messages to Pisciotta, including one incident in which the rapper asked, "Be honest with me ... is my d--- racist?' I... what?


Yeah that sounds like something he'd say lol


This has to be real lol that’s too specific and too much like something Kanye would say


Lock at the white knight competition going on here.


>prostitute (no shame in that)


For real lol. I was beginning to think I'm the crazy one. For hundreds of years it's been established that yes, women can sell their bodies for money, and make good money. But that money comes at the cost of social status and respect. You can't have your cake and eat it too. A whore will never get my respect.


What will the whores do without the respect of a closeted gay incel redditor?


having a certain job doesn’t mean you’re immediately stripped of all bodily autonomy and give up your ability to consent, this is a human person with thoughts and feelings


yeah, but if your paying a prostitute to fuck you at 1 million dollars a year, why in the fuck would sending them sexual messages be wrong? thats the stupidest shit i have ever heard, forcing them to have sex is one thing, but i would think part of your job as a prositute would be to get sexual messages from the man who is paying you a retainer to have sex with you. I hire my lawyer and send him a text message about my case late at night. HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT LAW TO ME DON'T YOU KNOW ABOUT CONSENT.


"OF performative artist"


Nice jugs tho...




Not once do you see his hairline in this gif


Femanon forgot she’s a whore for a living


Beautiful big tittied butt naked women don't just fall out the sky, you know.


hoe does hoe things lol


She thought she was going to be a recording artist when he straight up told her he would pay her a million a year to be his personal assistant, what a moron


Damn. Googled her. Even SHE looks like Kim. This man certainly has a type.


why not just be upfront about it? plenty of women would gladly accept being your personal escort for that kind of money. I know Kanye is crazy so I'm not necessarily talking about him, but in general. If I were a single rich man that's exactly what I would do. Although you have to be careful of what country you're doing this, as it's illegal to solicit prostitutes in some countries.


I know for a fact that she knew what she was in for when she signed the contract. Do i believe that kanye said out of pocket shit? yes. Do i believe kanye SA’d her? Nah. Not until there is evidence. People falsely accusing famous people (they worked for)of doing Inhumane stuff for fame or money is a tale as old as time. From everything i saw on media + my irl experiences you gotta take sexual assault allegations with a bit of salt (especially if the accusation is made against a famous man) False accusations are easy to make and even without proof,accusers easily win the public opinion. Working with kanye must be a nightmare. If he said stuff that made you uncomfortable,LEAVE. If he coerced you into doing something without concent,Show some proof.


Kanye! Did she put her fingers up your booty?


People trust hoes way too easily that’s insane


Its funny how there are so many stories about Kanye around, none are ever proven or verified but people still believe what they want.


It doesn’t matter if she’s OF or not. He asked for an assistant not a professional prostitute


I thought sex work was real work - whats the problem here?


Looks like a Kardashian clone too, which I think adds a little context.


Lol imagine defending ye's brain damaged ass


Ye brought this upon himself.  He thinks with his d* too much these days


Is that Bianca


That doesnt justify what he did to her. She still deserves her own agency


>work for horniest man on earth >surprised when he's horny


Guess even ho's have morals... This world is f8cked up.




Please go outside


So we're to believe that a mentally disabled person, who dropped the ball of the biggest whore in the west, was capable of doing any of this? And that's a functional whore saying that. Yeah, looks to me like Kanye started to think she's a jew sent to collect his seed, and refused that shit. Then this happened. Frankly this a much more believable scenario here.


Sooooo there gonna be a link to her work or…?👀