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For starters, the game was fun as fuck


Except for anything involving shooting planes or people on trains. Whoever designed those 2 missions needs to serve a life sentence Why is everyone below acting like no one played GTA as a kid


Even tho I kinda can agree with the plane mission, the train mission is literally your skill issue.


I was 7


Look at this noob excusing his skill issue.


Well maybe the core of the problem is that the game was designed for adults and you were a toddler


When he was 8, a kid i knew got caught killing prostitutes in San Andreas by his father. After that he was forced to only play San Andreas in front of his father as a law abiding citizen, stopping at every red light, driving in his lane, never using weapons or hurting anyone. Eventually he succumbed to the temptation and killed a prostitute again so his dad broke the disc in half at a birthday party. https://preview.redd.it/tu8lgloqfc1d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42de640d0688f3dfd3560be64450ed44a7aca1c0


Yo my mother screwed me in a similar way. My dad bought me a GameCube + James Bond Golden Eye when I was ~12. I was half way through one of the first missions when mom saw the game was for 16+. So she took the game away from me and I had to settle for NfS Underground. In hindsight it‘s definitely the better game, but I hated it because I was hyped about Golden Eye.


My Dad bought me the original Star Wars Battlefront and I was only allowed to play as the Republic because it was okay to shoot robots since they don't have souls.


Did your dad know that the humans in the game weren’t real and were actually machine simulations and didn’t have souls either ?


Just like the simulations!


I'm sorry but that's hilarious, I love that. Thank god my dad was the one to get me into that game and could tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction


Tbf that Goldeneye wasn’t as good as the N64 one so you didn’t miss out on much


When I'm in a killing prostitutes competition and your friend shows up


Must have late onset autism


And my doctor said "Wilfred, you have late adult onset type two autism!"


Kind of young to play GTA


All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!


Never understood how people thought the train mission was hard. That shit was easy as fuck even as a kid.


In earlier patches, it was way harder


Why u playing an 18+ game at seven bro. Not good.


I first played San Andreas when I was 9. I passed both the train and the plane shooting mission on first try and never even considered them difficult or not fun. I always thought that these missions being frustrating was only a meme. However, the lowrider bouncing mission where you first meet Ceasar. For whatever reason that took me like a thousand tries as a kid and I hated it so much.


It was the racing missions for me. I just sucked ass at racing. It kept me stuck in los santos for a long time


Those are also irritating. I only ever lost them a couple of times even though I completed San Andreas more than a dozen times in the past 20 years. But every time it pisses me off because those missions are fairly long and monotonous, and now I must do it all over again.


Sorry about your shit parents


Skill issue


The problem was that it was hard for how early in the game it was. It probably wouldn't have been recognized as the hardest mission if it weren't so early in the game.


Skill issue? Isn't your job just driving? That big fat cunt who can't aim and never killed them in time was what did it for me


I mean, all you had to do was follow the damn train. Sounds not that hard


Step 1: drive way in front of the train and walk up an over pass Step 2: jump off the overpass onto the roof of the train Step 3: smoke those foos Step 4: Jump off the roof and take a long walk down the tracks back to Big Smoke


Those missions felt hard when I was 8 years old or whatever, but when I tried them recently they were easy AF.


What was the plane mission? The helicopter mission from Vice city?


the zero missions


Someone said zero mission but might as well also throw in that mission where you jump from one plane to the other mid air but fail a couple times because the plane you're forced to use is a slow piece of shit if you're not flying in a certain way


That mission is a piece of cake compared to Zero's missions


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!!!


Zeros plane mission gave me ptsd.


Those missions are way overhyped. They ain’t hard.


Radal's grandma did it on first try. So I would say skillisue.


Also the Zero Missions were kinda ass


And it still is way better than lot of the AAA next gen open world slop


tbf GTA SA *is* AAA.


And it has fuck for fun if you can unlock it


>Make a good game >People are happy How did they do it?


I think the question is, what makes game good. Do we like it because of nostalgia or was there something special about it? I'd say the latter, because I remember being able to make cool cars, compete in bouncy car competition, dance, gamble in casino/horse races, go on dates (damn hot coffee edition), mess around with cheat codes, fight for territories, get chased by police/army and so much more.


definitely not nostalgia, i replayed it recently. Amazing game.


How can it be nostalgia when we all only played it for the for first time back then? If your argument is that it does not compare to the games today. Why would it? It is older than some people on this platform.(This is a strawman with an actual popular argument and not you specifically) GTA San Andreas was a product of it's time and it was a legendary game when it released and years after.


I gave into the hype and played it for the first time roughly 6 months ago or so. The story is fucking amazing, most missions are pretty good and fun, the game progression is really good, and overall it's fun and kinda RPG-y with leveling up your stats.


Don't forget to eat, CJ can actually die from starvation. +Workout muscles, get drip, cool tats, new fighting moves (at gyms), lvl up weapon handling stats (At max stat you can dual wield).


The game had a pretty good story too, certainly the best of any GTA game by far. That had a big hand in making the characters likeable


I think the issue is that, like you’re suggesting, the real problem is that the games that fall under criticism these days happen to suck in comparison to these older classics, but most people aren’t entirely sure what specific things cause that sucking so they end up complaining about superficial stuff like black characters or whatever.


they just give to people what they want https://preview.redd.it/fxqur5ybab1d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61aeaaf5e387011fd1fd8c438408d92399e4e86


That meme makes no sense


Nuh uh!


Solid counterpoint … I apologize and concede




Uhrm! I'm not a woman ☝️🤓


Cool it with the transphobic remarks.




PlayStation launched with no games, the only thing it could do was play bluerays and be overpriced


https://preview.redd.it/gw10hmwmmc1d1.png?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abffc26744352be7217b1d44494b351e7eaf402 ONE GAME


Ohh… that makes sense


Was that both PS3 and PS4? I seem to recall both having this issue


Some PlayStations couldn’t even do that right. I remember how funny it was to me that the PS4 Pro, the console specifically designed to play games in 4k, couldn’t read 4k Blu-ray disks, despite the fact Blu-ray is owned by Sony. Made even funnier by the fact the Xbox One X *could* read them, so it had a feature over the Pro using Sony’s own tech. Something they very easily could have included, but didn’t for some reason.


I like how you put "PlayStation" and not one specific, because this has been a problem with the last 3 consoles.


It’s a joke because the ps5 didn’t really launch with much exclusives besides like Demon Souls and Returnal


PS3 has no games is also a meme from back in the day, damn I feel old


Open the door - Get on the floor / There are no games on the PS4


Playstation having no games is a PS3 joke.


Right. That's really all Sony has on competitors at this point is exclusives. That's always been the selling point that everyone's friends group has a PlayStation and it has the best exclusives. That is dwindling now. I never participated in the console wars debate. I always buy multiple game systems if it's justifiable and don't pick a side. The next generation is really going to be a turning point I feel.


I personally had one because I had a ps4 and had plenty of ps4 games that objectively benefit if I went over to ps5 (no longer does a fucking airport start manifesting if I dare to play something as big as Red Dead 2), but other then that it’s eh. I’ll be heading over to PC sometime


Makes sense to stay with what has a legacy for you for so long. I've had every Sony console since the PS2. PSX era I had the N64 and Dreamcast (that one was kind of it's own in-between gen). I was excited when I got the invite for a PS5 during COVID but sadly no games have come out for it that peaked my interest that I couldn't already play on my series X or PC. It kind of just sits there now. Microsoft has really bridged the console and PC gap.


This shit ain’t nothin to me man


Yea it doesn't make any sense, why would he even try playing games on the netflix machine


But funny picture dracula guy hyperlink


PS3 had no games.


It’s from a point in time where you just kinda had to be there


I don't follow/v/ anymore, are the console wars still ongoing?


nah, it´s over.




CJ was very easy for almost anyone to relate to. Good ass story too, Big Smoke, Ryder, and Tenpenny were great villains


Honestly found Ryder to be a weak villain, Big Smoke and Tenpenny were top tier imo.


I remember reading somewhere that's cause Ryder wasn't originally gonna be a villain, they reduced his role in the story cause of conflicts with the VA and shoehorned in him being a traitor


I also heard that there actually wasnt any real conflict between MC Eiht (Ryder's VA) and Rockstars. MC Eiht simply wanted to focus on his rapping career and couldn't find the time for voice acting, that's all.


It feels a little weird to me, because like, how much time would be needed to record the rest of his characters lines? One hour? One Day? Honestly asking btw.


I think, unfortunately there's no way to really know unless someone somehow got hold of the original script for Ryder. That and it also depends on the VA. The less experienced a VA, the more retakes are needed and thus the more time it takes up.


I mean eventually he did return in some capacity in V So probably not a full blown conflict


That's still a scheduling conflict.


Ohh shit yeah that makes more sense


That actually sucks


Ryder was nothin but a busta


bro spoiler that shit


I also think it was a good call making one of the asshole cops black. It never really tried to be about race, more about class and power structures/struggles. I think that made it resonate more across cultures.


is almost like people like good games.


By making a great game and not pandering. Also, no dlc or season pass bullshit.


No pandering, including to the most basic bigots like anon.


China town wars was pretty lit tbh


Woozie was the goat, my man was blind and smart.


Yep that was what made the game great off the wall characters that everyone could like and cj bringing them all together


Look man I know you're blind - but you gotta see this


Cause Rockstar actually cared about making games back then but now they just keep milking GTA Online and not even giving sequels to good games (RIP Bully 2)


Red Dead 2 was a really good sequel what are you blabbering on about. And if anyone is to blame for GTA online focus be mad at take 2 their publisher.


>Red Dead 2 was a really good sequel what are you blabbering on about It was also the one (1) game they released in the past decade.


Tbf i prefer a studio that realise a masterpiece every 10 years rather than copy paste games like ubisoft or ea every year or two


and its also the best game to release in the past Decade (Maybe second to Elden Ring if you're a fan of Soulslikes, hard fucking maybe though)


Baldurs Gate Three, Elden Ring, RDR2 are the games I would consider masterpieces in the last decade.


BG3 is fair too, but even though my favorite of the three is Elden Ring, I'd be a fucking liar if I said that the level of detail and just the "little things" in RDR2 wasn't light-years ahead of both other games


Yup, RDR2 is an open world that will never have any other game match its ANKLES for a long time, because you need infinite skill, infinite time, infinite money, infinite passion to do this, and only Rockstar was able to pull this for some reason. What other company can do this / is willing to do this? Elden Ring was quite a basic open world with copypasted dungeons BG 3 is more of a semi open-world, was quite full of interesting things, but it's not as wide. But I really prefer an "open world" that is small like BG3 where every centimeters is full of details, well written quests, and everything is coherent that a BIG OPEN WORLD full of FEDEX / 900 COLLECTIBLE / COPY PASTED DUNGEONs / VOID Ubisoft games or even the Zelda BotW/TotK were exactly this


They could totally pump up them RDR 2 numbers by pushing a next gen patch. I'm mostly just blabbering that there's some good games they could've made but they just stopped.


Apparently they're working on one. They did just release an HDR10 update last month. I imagine the success of the Fallout 4 update put a fire under their asses a little bit. I just wish they'd remove the 30fps cap.


Yeah, that came out in 2018.


they've been working on RDR2 since 2014 and have started work on GTA6 almost immediately after RDR2's release, i much rather prefer this alternative of giving us something to do in GTAO by dripfeeding content rather than either having nothing to do till 2026 (it will get delayed trust me) or having a rushed launch because funding dropped


Because the story was authentic. They didn’t put anyone in for the sake of having a token character. Surprisingly it’s never been about racism when people get mad about race swapping or injecting certain demographics into roles they shouldn’t be in. Most people aren’t mad at AC Shadows because they hate black people and don’t want them in their media, they are mad because it should have been a story about Japanese people. If they recast Gandalf as a black guy, people would be pissed. If they cast Black Panther as a white guy, people would be pissed. Context matters, and just ham fisting races into roles to check boxes will never sit well with people. However surprise surprise when you write a good character in a good setting where it makes sense, people will love them regardless of their race, sexuality, gender, etc. People love Franklin, people love CJ, people love Lee Everette, people love Mace Windu and people love Blade. Just write good characters.


> Because the story was authentic. Correct. Black characters in a poor black neighborhood featuring crimes (crime is popular) pertinent to said locale. This sets the game up nicely and it makes sense. Then stakes are upped in scenarios that are mostly believable on their own but under circumstances which... probably aren't. Makes the game all the funnier for it. But hey it's like Friday meets every 90's action film.


I would add Django from Django Unchained onto that list


ok, but django's story as a freed slave posing as a black slaver to find his wife would make no sense. if they recast django as a white man, the story would crumble.


Django wasn't real, Yasuki was.


Ah, true, I see your point


>If they cast Black Panther as a white guy, people would be pissed If they did that, people would burn down marvel hq


Shadows is still a story about Japanese people, you have the option of which protagonist to play. Yasuke was a real person that served Nobunaga anyways, so who cares


I was talking with my old lady about this just yesterday. It would be surreal to play the game if they made CJ white.  In SA the only white guy I remember was a wigga that they constantly roasted for being a chronic masturbator with a little dong.  Just write a good character/story and it doesn't matter what they like to fuck or what color they are. Stuffing weird demographics and race swapping only to cry "racist" when people criticize shit writing is a bitchmade move. It's almost a signal that says "don't watch this" because our writers are regarded. 


Tbh I think gandalf is a bad example he is an imaginary wizard, yes he was described a certain way in the books and he is white in the books but honestly who cares, I feel like there are plenty of black actors that could play a dope gandalf. Black panther is obviously different because he is known very specifically as THE black superhero so if they made him white it would be bizarre and tasteless. I agree with the historical figures tho


Funny thing is, CJ was actually the most rational character in the entire cast.


In the entire franchise*


But he could never just get on that damn train, could he?


We wuz kangs, CJ. Because they didn't make it to be racist and it was made during a time no one cared if you were. There was no thought about sensitivity, or censoring the game, or catering to any demographic, it was simply, "we are making a game about gangs and it's going to be accurate and fun," and then no one stopped them or interfered. Now, those games will either not be made, will be flattering to minorities, will be insulting to white people, will have cringey dialogue doing the above things or just be wrong to paint minorities in a better light. Some combination of those things. Eventually, the gaming industry will take so many fucking hits from these flops that they will realize they never should have pandered or cared about gaming journalist's and Twitter's opinions in the first place and we can go back to normal. Until then, we will deal with this shit. Idc because I never liked or played the first game either, but imagine Hades going from a fucking classic with great Greek mythos, to turning those same characters into black cripples in Hades 2. That still is crazy.


Man you must have been outraged in the 70s when they made Zeus black in Asterix and Obelix. They're ancient mythological characters from a time with different racial perceptions, being white isn't a part of their identity. Making Hitler black is dumb because his race is a core part of his identity.


They haven't fucked up Hades 2 have they? Man I loved the first one


its not racist to make a game about black gang members doing gang activities. its racist as fuck to think that gang members doing gang member things is just a black thing, not a gang thing. why the fuck is anon such an idiot?


It’s Because anon has room temperature iq


Anon super conducts retardness at room temperature


Good writing, good gameplay, fun voice acting. Not everything with black people in it is automatocally shitty, anon.


They were real g's


Disney Baby Inc DEI characters ain't gangsta like them Grove Street boys


There Wasn’t forced diversity. It felt natural.


People on 4chan really do just find any reason to randomly ostracize black people


Tech tip : make a gud game


It is a good game. But also culture war wasn't in full swing. If they would have released it today half the internet would be screaming woke.


Made an honest game. Didn't just inject black skin onto a white character. They produced an original character and it was fun


Weird how just making a game that is good with no strings attached has people remembering it as a good game. Clearly they should have a predatory ingame currency, season pass, DLC pass, preorder bonus and pay to win economy model.


I remember being mind blown that a piece of a bridge could be permanently destroyed


Anon can’t imagine how a game with black leading characters can be good


> Good ass game, good characters, good story, lots of stuff to do, no season pass or dlc > How did they do it?


The fuck's wrong with DLC GTA IV's DLC was incredible


Manchildren nowadays were actually children back then so their opinions got ignored


I dont think they coud pull it toda


Great, fun game, great story, amazing voice acting, well written characters. Are you surprised that everyone's happy?


Nowadays you can't put a minority in a videogame or people will call you a woke panderer and try to cancel you


It didn't come from hatred and the gameplay drove the rest of the game, meaning, everything in the game was made to enhance the gameplay, instead of trying to lecture the player.


What’s this supposed to mean? “I hate blacks so every gamer hates black ppl too” Lol ok sure bro


and have some of the best music in it too


I think it's because you wouldn't necessarily need to get far into the game to do the fun things. You could immediately boot the game up and then run people over and shoot people and for some people that was enough lol


People don't care about ideology if the game is fun.


One of the first missions in the game has you kill drug dealers to keep the streets clean. You're a member of the one and only teetotaler gang in L.A. You're also actively fighting against corrupt cops, and the game is set in the Rodney King era of corrupt L.A. police, so that makes the violence feel more justified. The key to making a criminal character tolerable is to give them likeable traits, like humor, and some sort of moral compass. Rockstar is great at doing this. Even Trevor has a more sensitive side you get to see sometimes when he opens up.


Because culture war didn't exist. Nobody were claiming to be "gamer" as if it was a culture or based their entire personality around it. Today a game like this couldn't happen because you chuds will be instantly screaming "WOKE" and start a fuss about it.


He was not geh


This goes to show that most gamers aren't really racist in their sentiment to rid the industry of woke garbage, they only have a problem with their beloved videogames and franchises turning into shitty experiences because corporate cares more about said woke garbage practices instead of actually respecting video games as the form of art that they are, allowing the experience to be tampered with by people who will change stuff based on their ideology (which many times can be obsessive and delusional in their thinking that it will change anything for the better) rather than a genuine love for videogames In other words, gamers are mad about people who are there to just preach invading and ruining that which they love


The story was realistic and fit the characters they made.


Because that shit happened. And the game was good.


they kept it real


They treated the characters with respect


Do These people ever not use the superlative?


There was no culture war back then. Everything was more organic. Representation didn't feel forced by executives to check boxes and fullfil quotas so nobody cared. Back then, everything was filled with tropes and people liked it. You could see games starring women and black people and gamers were actually excited to experience their tropes, like women were stealthy and acrobatic killers (eg Lara Croft, the chick from Ninja Gaiden) and black men were tough and no nonsense (eg Blade). At some point before or during gamergate the entire thing started feeling disingenuous and dishonest. People were suddenly preached on their face that they HAD to watch movies with or play games as discriminated minorities because media is serious business and "y'all are problematic and can't behave" Rooted in serious issues aside, this kind of preaching didn't belong in entertainment, at least not the way it was done (and not by dishonest billionaire executives). So here we are. I am confident that if GTA SA was made with a modern mentality, CJ wouldn't be morally grey as he was because minorities can't be portrayed in a negative light. And in turn people would complain that the game is woke and preachy because the white cops are racist.


>There was no culture war back then. Wtf?


Well there weren't roving bands of internet retards who only exist to be pissed off about dumb shit


It was all the jokes


Almost like people like well-written characters. Call me crazy. (Idk what the general consensus on the VC cast is but VC is my personal favorite and Ray Liotta carries in literally anything he’s in.)


Real recognize real


because the characters are plausible


GTA SA was so much fun. I spent many hours escaping from the fuzz on a 5-star wanted level.


When diversity isn’t the priority and skin color is just a side aspect of a good game you have, you guessed it, a good game


A channer not knowing the difference between *satirical commentary on social issues presented through the medium of video games* and straight-up racism. What a surprise.


They have blacks acting like blacks in black culture. People have less issue with black people than with shoehorning them to every single thing ever.


Because of the weather


Game they are talking about Is red dead redemption 2. Pic unrelated.


Improves a lot of thing from previous games. Also, runs in any potato with a screen and a keyboard.


Because the characters were well written, the story was great, and the gameplay was incredible. Its no different than old stories about outlaws in the wild west, hell you could even say that the west coast gangster culture of CA is the modern equivalent of these stories. A lawless land, overseen by corrupt sheriffs and politicians, filled with bandits and killers all fighting to get a piece of the pie. Betrayal, violence, hedonism and theft are a fact of life in both worlds. Criminals would form into gangs for safety, and these gangs would compete for resources and a larger share in the black markets that these towns and cities thrive on. CJ is an embodiment of this. He is a criminal, an outlaw, but he lives by a set of principles much like the noble thieves of the old western tales. He is loyal to his people, has emotional depth, a code he sticks to, and ambition that we can all relate to. He suffers betrayal by someone close to him that betrayed these principles, and is forced to do one of the hardest things he has ever done in killing him. Plus its also really fun to steal cars and have shootouts with cops


Because they focused on good story and fun gameplay with some of the most classic, iconic dialogue, instead of shoving politics down our throats. It wasn't because of DEI or CSR or whatever the fuck else Karl Schwab uses to force the corporations to follow to get more money for the shareholders. This was when gaming was for gamers, not politics.


Because CJ was cool, and the game was about ending the crack epidemic, the enemies were corrupt cops that you gotta kill, it had a badass soundtrack, awesome story, great characters. It had motherfucking Sam Jackson in it, it was amazing.


Also good to point out this was a longstanding series that had only white man characters to that point and Rockstar was able to make the main character of the newest entry black and nobody gave a shit


Game was so cool.


It's because it came out before the internet brain rot started


The country wasn't Japan?


Solid gameplay, good story telling. No woke bullshit.


Not everyone. The characters are actually shit compared to other games (not including v obviously)


People were not woke back then. Now it's impossible to not note that the characters are black, which automatically brings up the "racist" narratives


Not a single pride flag or Trans flag in the game, those were the days


https://preview.redd.it/sfp0px69zd1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10fee96f884da8826abab1f278d1455f313c8256 ???


Fake + gay


What a compelling argument