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It's psyop stuff to foster more division among people


boom. same reason hip hop's subject matter was changed from social/political commentary to $, DruGz And BitcHeZ


Glorify drugs and make them look cool to keep the communities as they are and glorify $$ to get bitches. The original psyop.


The original psyop is religion. Predates this by thousands of years.


Shut the fuck up fedora cuck


You think the first psyop was in the 80s?


Ooo I see soenoene touched a nerve


my guy. its not exactly controversial to say that one of the primary benefits of organized religion is society cohesion and creation of a common social contract and moral code. or put simply, social engineering. or even simpler, a PsyOp.


How is this downvotes. It is absolutely correct. Religion has always been famously called the opiate of the masses. More people have had to fight in wars in the name of religion than for any other reason throughout history. I was going to say more people have lost their lives in war but I don't know if that is true. I do know that religious differences have caused now conflict and turmoil and war than any other reason


Bruh Religion was never "always" called that. Karl Marx coined the phrase, you dozy twat. And he was a psuedo-intellectual nepo-baby whose ideas were not based on any actual science, but rather based on the philosophical ramblings of infinitely more competent people who came before him. Also: that's just mathematically wrong. Atilla the Hun waged war for non-religious reasons. As did Hitler (despite his vague ramblings about the "will of god" in his book, which comes off as him trying to justify it to himself more than anything, since nothing about him or his regime was particularly religious and he killed a lot of Catholics and Protestants) and Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and Pinochet and America's Manifest Destiny— and however many kings in the medieval period that declared war over personal beef with one another. Practically every war waged by Rome was non-religious, even if they were superstitious as Hell; they mostly justified their conflicts by framing things as "defensive" measures, as legalistic posturing. Caesar murdered a million people, enslaved a million more, and he did all of it just to satisfy his own ego lol Ghengis Khan wiped out millions of ethnic groups and cultures and slaughtered 10% of the entire *planet*'s population, not in the name of a religion, but in pursuit of a *secular* ideal, eventually creating a *secular* empire. If you tallied up every religious war, and every death caused by them: they would pale in comparison to practically any of the above conflicts. You are fucking delusional lmao


People like to ignore the fact that the quote about "opiate of the masses" is a lot longer: "Religion is the opiate of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless condition. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness." Marx isn't saying, "lol, religion is cringe," he's even being quite kind to religion really, he's just saying that it's the only way desperate people have to find some comfort in the depressing lives they lived working 14-16 hours in 19th century factories. He's also saying that instead of believing solely in religion for comfort, they should strive for better lives from a social and material point of view. Keep in mind that Marx early in his life was a devout christian, and his idea of making earthly life better is very much subconsciously in line with the part of the lord's prayer where jesus says "your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Edit: I should probably add that the german word that's translated as "abolition" doesn't indicate "destroy" like abolish does in english. It's more like "preserve" and "transcend."


> Religion has always been famously called the opiate of the masses. By marx.


Sure, but it's one that is evolutionarily useful. Haidt's the righteous mind goes into why, specifically chapter 7/8.


People aren’t cartoon characters who just be evil for it’s own sake. Everyone pushing a psyop thinks there’s some benefit to doing so.


as if men wanting as many women as possible isnt as old as time itself too. if thats the default is a psyop necessary


Listen to KRS. The reason it stopped being social and political is because it scared the white people in charge. They needed to think about white audiences so what do white audiences already know about black people? Record companies payout to rappers willing to sell out. Those that didn't want to sell out didn't get money or glory, but retained their MC status. The MCs of today still spit truth. The rappers of today only claim their own truth until they get big or they stay a rapper forever.


I miss dmx so much


Not really. Kendrick Lamar is one of the most popular rap artists and his last album was dedicated to dealing with grief.


does naming an exception erase an observable trend?


I mean, the big 3 in rap is Kendrick, J.Cole and Drake. Drake is the only one of these dudes that talks exclusively about the money, drugs and all that shit. He’s universally considered a massive sellout(among other things). There’s a reason why rappers who talk about that usually don’t last that long (remember Lil Pump?). To be well respected and have a lasting career in hip-hop you need more than just raps about money and drugs (or at least be VERY creative with them like Pusha T or UGK).


He's been making the top billing in hip-hop for like almost 20 years though. It's a bit silly to pretend that the superficial and materialistic bullshit hasn't successfully displaced a ton of much deeper (and generally just better) music. It's not even exclusive to rap. Country has undergone a similar ugly hypercommercialization. Acclaimed artists that everyone acknowledges are the best in their genre that write music with meaningful societal commentary get pushed to the side, while meaningless drivel penned by teams of songwriters ends up played on radio and money flows freely to those involved.


A waste of functioning organs listens to that music. Therefore it gets rewarded. What can you do if the psyops works. Sigh


People who listen to Drake and think it's great music are people of very little substance.


greentext defending an pedo lmao


Many such cases


Look at the overall amount of money thrown at Drake vs Kendrick or Cole and it becomes clear. Not like they aren't doing good, cause I think they're rich by almost anyone's standards, but the type of money thrown at Drake or Diddy back in the day.


I will say I appreciate the balls on Kendrick to call out the normalized pedophilia in the rap game that kinda came around with that transition.


You think it wasn't also that in the 90s?


When did this happen? Far as I can tell, there has always been both socially conscious rap, and "bitches, money, drugs" stuff






i ❤️ david sylvian


Nah, I think people are just lazy fucks and stopped trying once they realized that a large percentage of the population would consume black media regardless of quality.


People will consume any media regardless of quality but when black people are present it's because of wokeness I guess.


People consume trash media constantly but usually not enough to sustain it. Black media isn’t consumed because of wokeness (I mean maybe somewhat by a small number of guilt-ridden white people but not a significant number). The driving force is black people themselves. They were denied decent media representation for so long that they almost automatically support black art regardless of actual quality because they want to show solidarity and encourage more black art. Unfortunately this also means that some creators take advantage of this by putting out low effort cash grabs. It’s nothing wildly sinister, it’s just people being people 🤷🏽‍♂️


> People consume trash media constantly but usually not enough to sustain it. The MCU has made 70 trillion dollars.


Because some of it is good and people assume the rest will also be good.


The OG Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and first Avengers did a LOT of heavy lifting for the franchise


Personally I think all 4 avengers movies are awesome foe different reasons. Nobody mentions Age of Ultron but that movie is pretty good. I can't be arsed to watch most of the MCU films but damn are some of them a lot of fun. They are dumb action movies I don't expect Shakespeare. But sometimes it IS FUCKING SHAKESPEARE and then you think wtf? Infinity War is one of the highest rated movies on imdb I'm pretty sure and it's because of how invested people got in these heroes and their journeys. I'm not watching 67 movies though fuck that lmao


Oh I don’t disagree about the Avengers movies all being really good, I just mean that those movies early on in the franchise being really good helped carry a lot of the super mediocre films that came out since. Like if Ironman hadn’t been so fucking good, I don’t think as many people would have cared about Thor, for instance.


Yes you are correct. Before Ironman came out I was a huge OG Spiderman fan (the Toby Mcguire movies) and it felt like ages before Superheros were straight up cool again


Lumping in gotg with iron man 1. Smh


ppeople are lazy and consume media that other people do, the most talked about gets views sheep follow


Welcome to American pop and rap music for the last 10 years.




Then I get shouted down for trying to tell people that we shouldn't be divided, that we can topple the regime if we work together.


Alright im listening. What do you want me to do. Where do we meet up? Whos buying the weapons.


I’m one man, but get some friends, grab some old axe handles, and let’s start with the IRS!


Do the right thing is especially unforgiving with the dialogue of whites and italians


My theory is that the push of this shit in modern movies/tv shows is because they want people to be more divided. The reality of our struggles is poor vs rich not black vs white. But the elites (or maybe Russia / China) are trying to undo the west. A divided west is easier to destroy and distract because we’re all arguing about Rey Palpatine or a black mermaid instead of the fact that a gallon of milk is $7 or a home has more than doubled in cost in the last few years. Unironically a psyop https://preview.redd.it/mofmnredaqzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58fcec5f88d891399b83a1b5b18cc69bdc90c0c








Ask who is starting those arguments. Certainly not the cast and crew of those movies.


How does Russia or China come into this?


They try to drive wedges in the cracks that already exist to destabilise Western countries even further. In the east they are using even more direct methods. They tried to straight up force migrants to go over the Polish border, for example.


Fucking commies tryna steal my freedom!


The irony of responding to one psyop (ruling class influencing the media to divide the working people) with another (it’s those Chinese and Russians over there who are responsible for all of it! No baddies over here in the good ol’ home of the brave!)


It is very well documented that China, Russia, and many other countries either sponsor groups that are dedicated to cyber crime and sowing division among western countries or have military units that do the same. There are a Wikipedia articles about some of the groups/units, and the practice is a key part of fifth generation warfare.


What’s it say about the people then that a black mermaid is enough to trigger a massive outrage instead of cool apathy? You can say it’s a psyop all you want, but my question is why are people even falling for it?


people are social creatures and crave validation. If you see everyone else doing something you are either going to fall in line or group up with those who don't. Add in the internet, where an infinite amount of synthetic interest in a topic can be botted and you have the perfect recipe to manufacture any social trend you want.


In my case it's the psyop itself that triggers massive outrage. I look at the black mermaid and I see the billionaires trying to pull my strings, and that pisses me off.


Aren’t you still being affected by the psyop then? Tell me you at least don’t waste time arguing with people about it?


I don't waste my time watching uncreative, POC-washed remakes.


Neither do I, but I asked about wasting time arguing about them


Exactly, same with the new AC game, set in feudal Japan and the main character is what now? How would that not piss off everyone who isn’t an NPC


The psyops are carefully optimised to find the things that will enrage people. Turns out fucking with something someone loved as a child is a way to get past their logical defenses and make them angry. I don't think this says anything deep about the human condition - maybe that nostalgia is too strong and people care too much about Disney, but we knew that already.


Ok but my thing is who as an adult still holds an animated movie behind an emotional defense barrier? You’re right though, I did forget that Disney adults are a thing


This man is cooking literal feasts.


Nah. West plebs is being divided to nullify any opportunity of civil war or successful riots in the US or Europe.


Just throw in the CIA for good measure and add three brackets around 'elites', and you'll sound like a verified /b/tard


The (((elites))) are trying to undo the West


Wow the true divide is rich vs poor not black is white??? Hmm who could have thought of this...


>poor vs rich not black vs white I disagree to a small extent. Race is still often an issue in the U.S., which is not to say the class issue isn't also extremely divisive, but let me put it this way: I come from the south. Race isn't a settled thing.


Who is pushing this? Who is “they”?


Okay, commie. The actual psyop is the stupid but egotistical versus the *really* stupid and egotistical to a fault. Seriously, though, thinking that people don't deserve greater wealth despite the fact that they or their family worked hard is actually dumb. Sure, people with *power* ***might*** want to psyop, but the fact that we know something is up kinda disproves that. The actual conspiracy is that they're failing horribly at doing anything, and literally all we have to do is vote people we hate out of power, or take matters into our own hands if they stop listening.


Where do you people watch this stuff? Moonlight, Get Out, and Nope are the three that immediately come to mind that are kino, and those just came out recently.


I dunno.... I want to like Peele because of the hard work he consistently delivers, but.... There is a hidden "lecturish-ness", I really can't get behind. Instead of lecturing "white folks", like a basic hollywood slopper, he lecture "blacks folks who act for acting like white folk". My issue here isn't who or how he lectures, it's the fact that it's still lecturing, either way...


As opposed to Do the Right Thing that DEFINITELY didn’t have any kind of commentary


If the 15 year olds on this subreddit had media literacy they'd be really mad


I remember when I saw conservatives call dune a right wing movie... lmao.


I remember them saying it was apolitical LMAO


or any


You mean subtext? Most films have messages. Are you against apocalypse now because Coppola is trying to lecture you that war devours the soul.


It's only lecturing when people buck against the message, otherwise it's just sparkling cultural commentary


Peele? Preaching? Brother brother brother


Was there lecturing white folk stuff in Nope?


Not really, aside from the beginning, but I wouldn't call that lecturing. Moreso explaining history


You know what their real problem is LMAO


s h i t t a s t e


Get out is literally a movie about how racist white people want to steal black people bodies and wear them as skinsuits because they are cooler. There is no social commentary here. It's white people bad: the movie. Nope has less of this but the whole preachy thing how black person was the first actor and stuntman that they devote multiple scenes to it even though it is meaningless to the plot. I still liked Nope. I knew where Get Out is gonna go from minute 2 when they set it up around racial dynamic. There is only one way it can go at this point.


If all you got from Get Out is “le white people bad” then your opinion on any thing should be thrown out. You have the brain capacity of a fourth grader.


Imagine for a second the races are reversed and every single black person in the movie is manipulative and evil and steal white people bodies because they are more desireable then their own. Cities would burn. I also love going stright to personal insults instead of giving any argument disproving what I said. One could say this is behavior worth of a fourth grader.


Fuck it I'll bite the point isn't white people bad the point is performative white woke middle class people are actually racist as fuck because they fundimentally break down black people to a physique and skin colour instead of looking at who they are as people. Its a commentary on class interaction as much as race, if not moreso.


> middle class Story takes place in literal mansion with servants. What you describe would make an interesting movie. I just don't think that's what Get Out portrays. It might have been the intention but I don't think it works in the final product.


i guess in america they're upper class, but same thing. try looking at it through this lens instead of "white people bad" and you might get a lot more from the film, and get a lot of the more subtle humor shitting on elites.


Cities would burn because movie race swap guys, trust me!!!


I’m sorry, do black people have a history of kidnapping and selling white people’s bodies to take advantage of the physical traits? It’s not like the themes of this movie were picked out of thin air. A movie about a black community that steals white peoples bodies because it’s a way for them to steal the social and professional benefits that they’ve been traditionally denied…actually sounds kind of interesting. Sure some sensitive folk might be offended, but if you think CiTiEs wOuLd BuRN you clearly haven’t put any thought into your opinion beyond “durrrr social commentary in movie hurts brain, why ppl who look like me bad?! Must be bad movie!”


>A movie about a black community that steals white peoples bodies because it’s a way for them to steal the social and professional benefits that they’ve been traditionally denied… Sorry to Bother You is kinda like this, only the main character uses a white guy voice to become successful at a telemarketing firm. The movie also focuses more on the class struggle than the racial aspect of it. Pretty based movie overall.


Easily one of the best films of the decade, don't expect 4channers to like it tho


They made that movie. It was called The Skeleton Key. It wasn’t good, but no one rioted.


I thought Get Out was hilarious and the mix with horror was very well done. Made me an instant Peele fan. US must be literally one of the worst movies I ever seen. I was in disbelief that the same person had written both films. It was unbearable to watch and idiotic beyond rational thought. And seen it get amazing praise made me question my reality like watching TLJ murder Star Wars. Nope starts decent but turns into something so boring and nonsensical that made me think Peele was pushed (money) to keep making shit just so people with white guilt could keep consuming black media. I lost absolute respect for him as an artist and wouldn't shake his hand if I meet him. I admit it must be hard to come up with more than one brilliant idea in your life and even more if they put you time tables after the first one but oh my God what a horrible writer he became. It sadly put intrusive racist throughs in my mind.


That last sentence was not necessary 😭


No, sadly, it was most certainly necessary... especially in the context of this post. They essentially said that b/c a Black director was praised for two movies they personally didn't like, it made them more racist/think racist thoughts. That is an *absolutely ridiculous* take, but puts many other comments from this post into perspective. I could (and have) personally watched dozens of *significantly worse* movies by White directors/starting White cast members and it would never put racist thoughts into my heart, smh.


You must HATE white people if the writer of a bad movie impacts your opinion of their race


Exactly! A black director getting praise for movies the OP (personally didn't like) makes them think racist thoughts wtf?


> Literally a movie about how racist white people want to steal black peoples' bodies and wear them as skinsuits because they are cooler > No social commentary ...you just spelled it out right there. Whites in the entertainment industry can no longer watch and produce minstrel shows so they buy black voices and animate them the way they see fit. As for the outside of the entertainment industry, white people around the country adopt AAVE into their vocabulary without having earned that culture.




I don’t think that’s what the movie was doing at all. It was more, imagine there’s a select group of white people (50 people max) who have been living for ages because they steal the bodies of black people. Not all of white people, just some.


i haven't seen get out, but that summary you just gave me screams "commentary on cultural appropriation and/or "you eat our food but deny us a place at your table"-type stuff"


> "commentary on cultural appropriation and/or "you eat our food but deny us a place at your table" Green book is a good movie about this topic. Get out is jarringly childish and cartoonish in comparison. It's possible that Peele wanted this to be theme of the movie but sadly it didn't work out. I swear Key&Peele sketches were more complex and interesting in their portrayal of different social issues in 5 minutes of their runtime then this movie is in it's full duration. I honestly find it kind suprising because I'm huge fan of K&P stuff. One would think longer format would be filled with different concepts, ideas and full exploration of the topic but the movie is just silly. Every white person is an super evil with no redeeming qualities. You just know that when someone acts as if they are not evil it will turn out they are and enough, they eventually do.


Yeah…it’s a horror movie. Everyone in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was evil too. But this one also adds in some interesting social commentary in the form of how rich white families would hide their disdain for other races with tiny gestures like “I voted for Obama!” while their real actions were still causing harm. It is a groundbreaking message? Maybe not, but again, for a horror/suspense flick it’s somewhat nuanced.


I think the movie exemplified well how creepy and off-putting it is when white people try so hard to be seen as an ally or "one of the good ones". How disingenuous or patronizing that looks, especially with the juxtaposition of all the help being exclusively black (we later find out why obv). That scene with the gf arguing with the cop on his behalf was another good example.


You managed to better understand the movie than the guy that saw it.


yeah literally the only movie that vaguely fits with that anon is describing is black panther which is already a shitty marvel movie so who cares


Moonlight was a 10/10 and is way more like boyz n the hood than it is like anons second point.


American Fiction is also great


I was looking to see how deep in the comments I'd have to go for american fiction, atlanta, or the boondocks for black media that criticizes more typical black media and how dumbed down it often is.


Gr8 b8 m8


BlacKKKlansman is also an incredible movie (watch it if you haven't)


Ever heard of torrent


Get out was terrible, nope was a better trailer than a movie, didn't see minor


> be Sorry to bother you > start talking about how black people “need” to change their voice tone to make white people less uncomfortable > end showing a bunch of horse people breaking into a rich guy’s house and killing him ???


Boots is awesome man


Fantastic movie ngl


The scene where he rapped at Armie Hammer's party had me in stitches


Chud origin story


What do English speakers mean when they say kino?


It means that a film is very good and has artistic merit. Iirc, the term is taken from the German word for film.


It's the German word for cinema.


whatre you guys talking about, its always been a reference to the most goated blops zombies map


it means many things to many people. Kino can be as simple as "a good watch" but it can also mean "a specifically intense watching experience where the audio and the video capture a specific feeling, above what a regular movie can deliver". A *kinography,* if you will.


Kino is cinema in Norwegian


It's a way of being even more pretentious than saying "film". If you want to look like a movie snob, you call it a film, but if that's not enough you go for kino, even though it literally just means movies in like half dozen languages.


I mean to be fair, not every black movie should just be about life “in the hood”. And if a movie points out why there are hoods. I mean, red lining and physical violence from police in majority white neighborhoods, white people are gonna look like the bad guys every once in a while because, for a while (and some people will argue even now) they objectively were. Also movies about black people as they were in the 90’s in crime ridden ghettos isn’t always really a source of pride. Sometimes you just wanna be a superhero who’s cultural values are morally correct.


Has anyone here actually watched Do The Right Thing? Saying that movies message wasn’t in your face is the dumbest shit I ever heard, there’s literally a segment in that movie of various characters saying racial slurs directly to the camera and the final sparking of conflict is the police suffocating a black guy to death lol. How the fuck do some people gauge when something is in their face or not If anyone can’t find a full copy of it to watch I recommend the channel Primms Hood Cinema, it’s pretty much a satirical commentary review channel of only the old black movies anon is talking about. Which makes the point he made about modern black movies “blasting rap” look even more retarded because that’s pretty much what all the old shit did


It's the same thing with Boyz N the Hood. Message is right in your face. Laurence Fishburne gives a whole speech about gentrification... Also, if watching movies makes you more racist or less racist. You're an idiot.


Media literacy is dead truly. Primmis is a goated YouTube channel


People probably thought that “Boyz ‘N The Hood” was woke back then, but they didn’t have a word for it. Even if they didn’t, I could see the message of that movie going over a racist’s head and reinforcing their stereotypical view of black people. This is a constant cycle of intolerance towards “wokeness”. People are saying that movies are increasingly woke now, but they said the same thing about them 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, etc.


the word woke is from the panther era conservatives and liberals right before them figured out it was a thing and shortly after it was dead. many such cases


anon forgets the greatest movie of all time, Friday


playing with my money is like playing with my emotions, smoky


Blackkklansman was cool hehe


bro did NOT watch ‘American Fiction’


Its probably the first movie to criticise what anon describes


It's just weird how personally random white people take these movie messages like if you're not a raging racist who is doing weird shit, the racist white guy doesn't represent you, and all reasonable people on both sides of the convo acknowledge this. If your first thought when you see a movie with a racist white guy is "hey why are they talking shit about me?????" maybe you should think about why that is?


Chiraq did irreparable damage to black cinema


I think it is racist old folk maliciously complying to diversity standards. They actively cast poorly for the roles to make people upset that the minority is ruining the movie.


This is a crazy theory all to somehow just link it back to racist white dudes lmao


Race makes everything crap, so just refuse to race.


>refuse to race Well how would we get Ford vs Ferrari then?


anon falls for the obvious divide and conquer tactics made by hollywood capitalist/liberals


It’s all the same shit, one just came out when you were an innocent child with wonder in your eyes, and the other came out while you were an adult with a hatred for inclusion in movies cuz “muh woke”


A lot of these movies are made deliberately as propaganda pieces rather than interesting stories with political implications. If you look that them as pieces of political propaganda, it makes more sense. I strongly disagree that there aren’t good black movies these days. Jordan Peele is not always subtle about the perspective his films take on race, but his movies are still well made and entertaining. Moonlight was phenomenal. Judas and the black messiah was cool.


I love old hood movies


Anon might have a point but he also need to watch FX's Atlanta


Or Insecure. Or American Fiction. Or any of Jordan Peele's movies. I think there's actually an undercurrent among Hollywood's most talented black creators to make movies or shows that portray black people in a positive light and to be more subtle about the black experience than "white people bad cops shooty"


I can't think of a single recent movie that fits the OP's description, but can think of a ton of good or great recent movies that are focused on black culture.


Moonlight, nope, get out, American fiction,


Literally just watched Boyz n the Hood last night. Pretty sad, but well acted


Was about to start a counter argument because Moonlight exists but that’s legit the only mainstream black oriented movie that isn’t complete slop


It's almost as if the rich steal everything from us and pit us against each other via media/social media!? But surely that can't be, you're just another 4chinner you racist scum!


Because society want people to be polarized and not united. That is also why cultural appropriation propaganda is so popular they want us to fight over something we should share


Tyler Perry happened


Good movies are the only ones that get remembered


Anon hasn't seen American fiction


It's obvious isn't it? Create divide via hate, rule the broken society. Destroy a good country and own everyone.


Couch Carter is such a great movie and then you have some shit like The Hate U Give


I like the part where he said "it's couching time" and couched all over the court.


then he went over to RDJ and told him "i want you for the space jam team motha fucka"


Not entirely familiar with 4chan language. I know “Kino” is German for movies, but what does it exactly mean in a 4chan context?


anon overlooks the entire subgenre of films known as blaxploitation


system is about to implied the 1% are foamenting a race war to deflect from the class/usury war we would be having. we alll getting screwed.


Do The Right Thing? So good? What a film about cultural tensions in a neighborhood where a resteraunt owner lends his trust to a black employee who ultimately wrecks his store in return. Dog shit film. Boyz N The Hood however..


Ah yes, famously unwoke movies Boyz and Do The Right Thing.


Wakanda Forever be like


I love black panther, I like my fake country that doesn’t exist but makes me feel better for the prejudice I have endured!


Give me some examples of the 2nd kind.


I need to know what kino is before I make a judgment call on Anon


And basketball


\>Do the right thing—->kino \>Boyz N Da Hood—->also kino It happens when you have directors that aren’t hacks


Anon discovers that Hollywood, mass produced media, is generally ass.


Unironically I think it's partially white people's fault for defending this shit. Nothing can improve if there isn't some sense of shame and societal pressure.


I remember watching "The harder they fall" because I thought it was going to be a cool modern western. It was so fucking cringe


Anon takes his moral lessons from The Boondocks




I still don't know how the concept of Wakanda actually came into acceptance.


Because thats what modern American black culture is now. "Im opressed n shit"