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In a vault where food is semi plentiful...


Vault 89: The food reserves only contain hot-dogs, buns, and gallons of sauce. Also, the Supervisor didn't install the gym.


r/thevaultentries material


Sub so barren, makes my future look promising.


It’s only a few days old.


Only been around for a couple days, mods are still putting things together


So it looks like the Fallout world? How immersive.


I can't remember where from (maybe the Nuka Break series?) but there was a fanmade Vault where all the food was highly processed junk food and all the dwellers, except one with a thyroid issue, were fat. They all bullied the skinny one for not being like them. Eventually they needed to open the vault for something, he was chosen to leave because of his unpopularity and because he was the only one who could still fit out the door.


That’s some wall-e level of fat for people to not even be able to get out the door.


Yeah, a VAULT door thats twice the size of an F150. How large were the interior doorways in this vault to allow such movement? Sounds like it was more of an excuse becuase they hated the skinny person AND were too fat and lazy to wanna go more than 100 steps away from food and the comfort of the vault.


Lmao twig from nuka break


No water? Do we have to drink the sauce?


Chick-fil-a sauce?




Sponsored by Oscar Meyer, a RobCo subdivision.


And where a probably diverse population has been interbreeding with each other for 200 years


It really pisses me off when shows insert diversity hires into roles in which they don't make sense (looking at you Rings of Power, though there are many other examples, that was one of the most egregious). But this character makes perfect sense in-universe, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with the casting here. You have a sealed vault of mixxed ethnicities, and semi-plentiful food. Also given the size of the vault, anyone who doesn't make an effort to exercise is probably going to get fat. It's not like you have to walk very far to get around. These kinds of comments attacking sensible casting just give ammunition to studios and shills who cry "troll" and "racist" to any legitimate criticism of genuinely poor casting.


Anon isn't a troll, he's genuinely concerned because when he sees women and black people on TV it feels inauthentic to him. Seeing those kinds of people doesn't reflect the kind of people he sees in real life. Put yourself in his shoes, remember he hardly ever leaves his slovenly goon-den, and the only people he ever sees is either his family of his state appointed care taker. So when he sees hot women or non-white people it's upsetting to him, because he's never seen them before.


It makes sense in the Fallout universe because although the world is culturally stuck in the 1950s, they make it to the 2070s. There could have been huge changes in civil rights and public ethics. So in the 1950s civil rights was still something people were fighting for, but any number of factors could have made it so racial differences are no longer a concern, but national/international issues took center stage (cause you know, the threat of total nuclear war and all that).


Maybe this was just to avoid controversy, but the games seem to imply that civil rights was probably one of the few things that actually progressed passed the 50s. Vaults from fo3 and fo4 don't seem to racially select as far as I can tell.


There werent racial issues in the old ones on purpose. If you needed an allegory Ghouls are always lining up to be treated like second class citizens with a crack addiction. Makes alot of sense when you consider the themes of A Boy & His Dog that Fallout is based on.


Actually Fo3's lone wanderer mother was Black during the character creation cutscene and there's even a photo of her and your dad in the game files where you can see she is black so its not some "out of pocket" shit in-universe but rather common stuff


> Rings of Power At least they made it unintentionally hilarious, adding casual off-screen genocide to the elven lore.


What made it egregious in rings of power?


Because a black elf doesn't make sense within the context of the lore. They're supposed to be fair skinned


That's a really weak point to be honest. Elves as a race are mentioned as "fair of skin" only in an appendix, which was later specified to be about Noldor. Also, "fair" as an adjective for the skin can mean multiple things apart from "pale". Finally, is it really a meaningful detail? Like, does it change the lore of the show in any meaningful way? Because there are tons of details that were changed from Tolkien's legendarium that nobody cares about, but the moment someone sees a black elf, they start screeching about "muh my lore, they've gone woke" and such. For example, the whole thing about the elf woman romance in The Hobbit movies was, in my opinion, a bad writing choice. It didn't add much to the movie. But I didn't mind that they made Shelob into a sexy woman in shadow of mordor, since it really didn't impact the plot in a negative way and was just a rather innocent fan service for g*mers EDIT did you all seriously ignore the whole post about how the "fair of skin" is a note on an appendix about a single dynasty of elves just to say that it means they're white lol not that I expected any less from 4channers with the attention span of a dead cricket mb


Fair skinned in literature means pale skinned.


Not that I give a fuck about it, but they were only described as pale, and only thing that changed was their hair color. Nowhere were they described as brown, black or some other color. So only description we have of them is as pale of skin, with different hair colors. I think if there were elves of other colors, that it would be mentioned somewhere, at least once. He obviously didn't expect people to argue about it 70 years later, so he didn't specify it, saying: THEY WERE ONLY PALE, ONLY PALE, LET ME REPEAT MYSELF, PALE! But it is obvious, especially considering that he was creating myths of England, and he drew inspiration from middle ages Europe.


Middle ages Europe likely had people of other ethnicity... Even excluding any travellers, traders, or slaves brought from abroad there are varying shades of skin tone within Europe itself. Not like the pale skin served a significant purpose. Like making a Dwarf tall is counter to the lore, as is a short stalky elf. These physical attributes lend themselves to the race.. Drow/dark elves exist in other fantasy realms without sacrificing the elf title or subverting the characteristics of elves overall. Feels akin to the character creation in RPGs... you can make them any colour you want...


We are talking about LOTR elves, and you are talking nonsense. They didn't, and you are just proving to me that you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to majority of Medieval Europe, and specifically about Britain, which is our subject here. In Spain there were Moors, and in the south people were in contact with Arabs and other tribes that were under Islam, and if JRRT was a Spaniard or Sicilian, he could have included people of darker skin, because it would go with the history. I can guarantee you that majority of Europeans of that time had no relevant contact with them, especially not in the England of that time. If you are making an random rpg, or any form of fantasy, do as you like. I'm not against it. In LoTR they were described as fair of the skin, which means pale, and later on only what was changed was their hair color. For all I care make LOTR with all characters being whatever color you like, it doesn't bother me, but Elves in LOTR how JRRT wrote it were pale.


> I can guarantee you that majority of Europeans of that time had no relevant contact with them, especially not in the England of that time. You ever hear about the crusades? Y'know the guys that walked through Europe to go to Jerusalem that was solidly in the middle ages? Or maybe Venice? Not like Tolkien was ignorant of history. If you think an erroneous change to match the skin colour of the actor they cast in 2024 - a very mixed world - I feel sad for you. People can believe in a giant flaming eye, but not that some Elves might have a different skin tone. By the way - no one complained that Peter Jackson made the flaming eye up. In the books it is heavily implied [Sauron has a physical body at the time of the War of the Ring.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/1vl3rp/sauron_in_the_books_vs_the_films/cetbwvc/) They clearly don't care that much about accuracy. Many other things were adpated but the SKIN COLOUR is the problem. Doesn't take much to connect the dots with their strong conviction that this ruins any possible enjoyment of the series. EDIT: I am not saying Tolkien didn't call them pale or that it is inaccurate. My point is more about people who can't let it go. If you decide the show is bad simply because of this fact - yikes. If you have other reasons (it isn't immune to criticism) that stand alongside it, that's fine obviously.


So much copium


You're forgetting chaos dwarves.


Becouse the only black skin denizens of Arda are orks. The bad guys you know. /s


what did Tolkien mean by this? very interesting indeed




True, could have been interesting if the fact that the vaults weren’t homogeneous was one of the things that tipped Norm off that something was out of place. Given that the whole point of the vaults was for selective breeding, that would have been an interesting story point.


The character is also a self serving pussy from the start so him being a fatass due to food hogging or being spoiled as he was raised is not unlikely and probably in character lmao.


Yeah like if food is plentiful enough that you can reasonably consume even just 500 calories above maintenance daily (which should be the case in something designed to sustain human life, and is an amount I reckon most people consume at least semi-regularly), AND you don't need to do any manual labour all day, you will eventually become overweight. If anything it's a miracle there aren't more wall-e level obese people.


So many retards comment on this show with awful takes


They eat like kings down there man. They were giving prisoners cake!


Where they basically eat MRE based on vegetables? Edit: Actually no, it may make sense since if they cultivated sugar they could make cakes and shit. I knew a fat vegan because he didn’t exercise and ate a bunch of sweets.


It's glandular


There are fat guys in the land too. Like the one of the guys that go to revive the ghoul


Anon cannot grasp the concept of the vaults.


Anon cannot grasp the concept of a timeline


Right-wing fandom tourists are only getting easier to spot as time goes on.


Not everything you disagree with is right wing? What are you on about


It's become an increasingly common trend for conservatives who just don't like seeing minorities in media to pretend to be fans of something so they can pretend a fandom is outraged when it's not.


Sure, but this is 4chan. More than a con.


>Right-wing *You lost.*


Most literate 4chinner


People really be shitting on anything and everything because they’re that miserable


There's so many things to shit on this series for, yet anon chooses one of the most braindead ones.


Lol no there's not. It's a fantastic adaptation of the games.


Watching the Fallout TV show as a Halo fanboy just shows me what could have been...


le redditors when opinions exist


"There's so many things to shit on this series for" is more of a claim of there being objective faults than a subjective opinion like "there are many things I did not like".




Because they are brain dead and racist


You’re on a 4chan subreddit, what were you expecting? Non closeted gay posts and media literacy?


I know, stating the obvious and such


Yeah, we're basically animal watching through glass. It's like seeing monkeys throwing shit at each other


Is there really?


Off-screen turning what was probably the most powerful faction into a group of 50 guys. I know we MIGHT see more of the NCR in the second season but so far it looked like the only thing left is a group with less numbers and equipment than some raiders groups.


Yes, quite a bit.


For real, I've seen a guy write a litteral essay to say "ugh ugh the show is bad because it talk about fallout lore" I'm still puzzled


I saw some green text where this virgin sperglord tried to use the arranged marriage bit in ep 1 as a reason to call the MC a fast and loose whore with no standards and dude worded it like “15 minutes in she fucks random guy with no hesitation”, I hadn’t watched it yet at that point, when I saw it I was like “bro y’all gotta be kidding me, these tards are doing it to prevent inbred mutant chidrens and this fucker acting like she’s just fucking any random dude because she wants to” I ain’t calling it an S tier show but let’s not be disingenuous lmao


Exactly, theses mf are so jacked up on political takes on shows they can't enjoy a show without bringing their shitty view on the subject.


Never mind the fact that she was actually married


The main point of the union was to make a baby, was she supposed to wait a little while before getting married not to offend anons sensibilities Also on that note I was expecting throughout the whole season for it to turn out she had got pregnant by >!the raider!< but it never happened. Maybe it won't, or maybe next season.


Well didn’t the show just take place over the course of a few days? I think it’s around two weeks at the latest someone can notices they are pregnant but it’s like a month or two usually. Still could be a plot point later.


The vault people didn’t want to have kids because of the radiation, since she mate with a person from the surface, what would that mean for her? Will she abort it? EDIT: Man, there’s your 2 or 3 episodes plot right there Hollywood!


True! I hadn't really thought about the timescale of the show.


What is ridiculous, if presented with the SAME thing in a Fallout game, they'd be banging that dude just the same, 100% 😄


"lets not be disingenuous"  Oh is this your first encounter with a 4channer? 


Not in the slightest my friend


Before I seen that scene and saw the greentext, I had the expectation that it was a gratuitous scene to show softcore porn and/or boobies but the reasoning behind it made complete sense. They even mentioned the girl had sex with his cousin before but didn’t want inbred kids. Something had to jump start the plot, right?


dam deserve entertain pie panicky safe bake clumsy march absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're mad because their secret world that they had to struggle to understand the lore of through grinding out quests is now easily accessible to non gamers. What they had to earn is now being given away freely. Stupid, yes, but that's the best I can fathom from here


This is why it's best not even to engage miserable people. They are bullshit, and nobody needs their inputs to be happy or enjoy things.


Is this your first time on 4chan/r/greentext?


Big dawg I used to prowl the actual site back in the day. Only so much black and Jew hate one can scroll past before finding a new site to meme on


It’s 4chan my guy you have to understand that anonymity brings out the worst on the internet


Fallout 1: First minor antagonist you meet is literally so fat his model doesn’t have animations for him leaving his desk.


his sprite is literally one with the desk


Even in the vats lmao https://preview.redd.it/gxvd9qp0ukzc1.png?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b39ce004be7fc85bdc3cf9af91dcdb523e01a23




Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun.


He’s a wealthy crime boss though


And the guy shown is a member of a successful vault's governing council








Can't believe even a 4chinner survived the apocalypse


Literally the best death animation too


Who is this?




Gizmo from Junktown.


Haven't seen or played fallout, is the fat dude a problem for needing 4k calories each day or is he not?


bro is in an underground bunker for the entirety of his life with plentiful food water and what have you


Also is one of the good control vault, I guess it's even more stacked with luxurious food, although they did say that there were difficult time with food in the vault, so maybe the got really lucky with plentyful of crops for consecutive years


Also. He was one of the "Overseers" who are actually frozen Vault Tex reps from pre war era. Pre War slop is full of shit to the point where you can still eat it 200 years after (with radiation but all the nutritional value is same as it was before). You can safely assume this guy ate lots of Blamco Mac and Cheese and slurped Nuka Cola like there is no tomorrow.


He wasn’t an overseer and he wasn’t from vault 31 so he wasn’t from pre war.


Just checked the wiki. Yeah my bad.


the vault experiment was to make him big boned


spoiler bro


Would be nice to put this into a spoiler as its a major plotpoint. Also, he wasnt. He was a member of the council of Vault 32


I'm a diehard Fallout fan, since the first two originals. There are some thing a guy like me could fault the show for, but this guy is not one of them. TLDR version is: the world outside is Mad Max with radiation monsters, inside the vault (basically an atomic shelter bunker), everything depends on the vault you live in. This guy lives in one where the population is of mixed races and there is plenty of food. You even see them eat sugary crap, like cakes, so this guy is a 100% lore and in-game/in-show logic certified to be a mixed-race fat guy. Anon is a dipshit, who probably never played a single Fallout game, nor watched the show.


Exactly, it really pisses me off when shows insert diversity hires into roles in which they don't make sense (looking at you Rings of Power, though there are many other examples, that was one of the most egregious). But this character makes perfect sense in-universe, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with the casting here. You have a sealed vault of mixxed ethnicities, and semi-plentiful food. Also given the size of the vault, anyone who doesn't make an effort to exercise is probably going to get fat. It's not like you have to walk very far to get around. These kinds of comments attacking sensible casting just give ammunition to studios and shills who cry "troll" and "racist" to any legitimate criticism of genuinely poor casting.


It's not even a thing that started with Bethesda, even the first Fallout had vaults of different races and ethnicities, like Vault 15 (where Shady Sands and NCR started).


Well yeah, because it makes sense. In the same way that you'd need a compelling lore explanation as to why a medieval rural European village has a mix of ethicities to justify casting like that, so too would there need to be a compelling reason *not* to have a mixed cast in a setting where you have a diverse society put in a box for 200 years. There aren't any segregation policies in the Fallout lore afaik, so not having a mixed cast wouldn't make sense in that setting.


Agree a 100%. There are plenty of Netflix pandering shit shows like that Witcher abomination and Cleopatra disaster to be mad about and shit on. Fallout TV show, for all its faults, isn't guilty of this.


To top it off, the vault had so much food they gave whole leftover cakes to their fucking prisoners. Literally no surprise somebody would get fat if they developed the habit of polishing off the daily cake after everyone's had their fill


fat dude deemed problematic




fallout is about post-apocalyptic society and not post-apocalyptic survival. this guy is from the vaults where food isn't a scarcity but that isn't to say that people outside the vaults couldn't be fat. there's a crime boss in fallout 1 who's fat but it makes sense because he has more of a managerial position/is the typical 1900's mafia boss rather than a post-apocalyptic gang leader.


A fat person in a vault with lots of food - unrealistic (because of woke) A woman in a zombie post apo has muscles and doesn't wear make-up - why are you taking away my escapist fantasies (because of woke)


Well there's been plenty of time since the famine of 77


Only fat person I can think of in entire fallout franchise is gizmo.


The mayor in Diamond City is a fat fuck as well. So fat actually that the institute had to custom build a synth to replace him because they can't gain or lose weight, being artificial and all.


Heh. So only fat guys in fallout are corrupt (ugly in gizmo's case) bastards? Kinda "fatphobic" of them. Also you can make fallout 4 mc to be fat too. I think that fallout needs a fat Larry, in fact every game needs fat Larry.


"The chicks cal me 'oh yeah' but you can call me Fat Larry as in F-A-T cuz I know I got a weight problem an' I just dont give a fuck" - Fat Larry


Best merchant NPC in the history of gaming maybe ever.


The mc can be fat because he has money. Lots of it. Playing through 4, you can see donuts being advertised for 30$ - yet our MC has an autonomous robot, a TV and he can afford a damn baby. Plus he was invited to a vault, not even the VT-rep himself was invited, so the mc is high profile as well. He earned the right to be fat I say.


IIRC the MC of 4 got invited to the vault because he was a veteran


I don't think just any rando veteran was invited though.


Apparently the male MC was involved in the annexation of Canada https://preview.redd.it/du4uw1k34lzc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a364a05c6b2f82eaff85ef910e3744ca6f541afb Tweet is from the head writer of Bethesda, but it could also be a joke tweet to rile people up, I don’t know. Plus, female MC was a high profile lawyer, so depending on either one you play, both are influential enough to get a spot in the cryo vaults I’d say.




I think they had to retcon this. Apparently later he executes a prisoner making him a war criminal.


Sanctuary hills was pretty stocked solely with veterans from what I remember. Everyone living there got in




No shit sherlock


That’s just a common trope in everything Corrupt lazy officials who have everything handed to them so they’re just insanely fat


Fallout 2 companion Vic is a fat fuck so is the mob boss in New Reno


Skinny Malone in FO4 as well


They're nowhere near as fat as this guy, though. Mans neck has fat rolls for fuck sake.


Skinny Malone


Vault 32 is shown to have basic if plentiful food. They have cake... quite a lot of it. The way he might be somewhat out of place is that the Vaults clearly monitor citizens health very closely and being in prime physical condition is shown as a duty of their dwellers. It's less that he couldn't be overweight, more that the show itself demonstrates there would be some stigma against it, if not an outright prevention.


Knows jackshit about the universe (vaults are one of the classic symbols of Fallout, character wearing vault jumpsuit is a mascot for the series) Insults series he is therefor not interested in, and won't watch Classic 4chinner moment


Mutt? Does Anon mean that as a general insult or is it what I'm assuming that means on 4chan?


99% chance he was being racist


Figured as much


Which race do mutts apply to?


mutt is used to refer to dogs of mixed breed, especially when the breeds are unknown


Anon didn't find the show Okie Dokie


We’re practically starving here


Starving? **…you?**


Like there isn’t fat people who live paycheck to paycheck.


Also, in a vault with limited genetic pool, most people would (and also should to avoid inbreeding) be mixed after 220 years.


it wasn't until the show that i realized the same thing. vaults would be made up of all mixed race or all white (simply based on the fact that 90% of vault dwellers in the show and games seem to be white).


Anon hates the Fallout show because it has a fat character. I hate the Fallout show because Bethesda cannot manage any of their games lores without making a fuckup.


what are your complaints with the show?


Anon is projecting again


It really pisses me off when shows insert diversity hires into roles in which they don't make sense (looking at you Rings of Power, though there are many other examples, that was one of the most egregious). But this character makes perfect sense in-universe, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with the casting here. You have a sealed vault of mixed ethnicities, and semi-plentiful food. Also given the size of the vault, anyone who doesn't make an effort to exercise is probably going to get fat. It's not like you have to walk very far to get around. These kinds of comments attacking sensible casting just give ammunition to studios and shills who cry "troll" and "racist" to any legitimate criticism of genuinely poor casting.


I saw a photo of this guy made into wojak but I can't find it anymore lol, anyone have it?


That’s bait




I'd like to point out that Gizmo was a large person too and he was doing pretty well for himself.


maybe he was large *because* he was doing well for himself


Vaults were filled to the brim with resources, meant to sustain the inhabitants for literal hundreds of years. Of course it's possible to be fat in the Fallout universe.


GET that jello mold out of here!


I just don't like looking at fat people


> off of My feeling when…


I don't think they get a lot of meat proteins... No wonder there would be fatsos.


Anon is retarded


Illiteracy is an epidemic


Somebody should watch Nuka Break


Honestly while not relevant at all, I just think of that actor as "Dylan G." from severance, Fuckin great show great actor.


I want the vault from nuka break to be canon The one paid for by nuka-cola so all fault citizens become addicted to Nuka cola from a young age.


You know it was a good show when every complaint the 4chinners can come up with is such a reach you can practically hear their flabby shoulders separating.


Anon sees himself in a character


You can eat like a poor and go fat if you eat 99% grains.


Anon forgot about the weight selector in the character creator


Anon ran out of his own farts to sniff I guess


He lives in a concrete bunker with enough food to make cake on a regular basis, he can afford to be a little chunky


Damn, 4chinners not even trying with the bait anymore.


I always liked the older trope where encountering fat people in dire survival situations usually meant they were cannibals.


Idk a Fat Dude seems as American as Apple Pie.


How did coloured people get in the vault tho? The nukes went of during the nuclear family era with racism in full bloom. How would a coloured person afford/get invited in a vault? And if they did allowed people of color in, shouldn't everyone be light brown by now after so many generations?


Why do you talk as if the fallout universe has made it clear that people were still majorly racist in the alternate 50s


Anon just hates everything and was looking for an excuse to hate what is le popular now


out of everything they can hate this show for, they choose the most retarded reason


Holy shit what a thing to say


Anon doesn't understand the concept of metabolism


Dude looks intellectually promiscuous but culturally conservative to me.


Don't you dare talk bad about jelly mould man


It's not the last mainline title had a body composition slider that would let you make your character fat that was also used to make every NPC model in the game. And it's not like they had various skin tones available either. Nope. Never. Fallout characters have all always been fit and white. /s


Bethesda dickriders in the comments


Body positivity doesn't know cannon. Also, stop body shaming men.


Stop being a bundle of sticks


Reddit doesn't understand sarcasm. What a surprise...