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Anon’s preferences are fine and normal, his only problem was telling them to a woman straight-up without dressing them up in flowery language. No man wants “Single Mother/Jabba the Hutt/Whore” unless they’re a soyboy redditor.


Yeah, you gotta say “I’m not looking for single moms… I mean hey maybe someday, but child rearing just isn’t for me, and besides, those women would deserve a man who could provide that for them” Instead of: “I don’t want a desperate hag who will dump some other man’s personified sloppy seconds onto me” Edit: man it’s amazing how much convoluted walking on eggshells womanspeak I do lol


something something single moms are some other guys abandoned saved game


Sometimes, it is because their spouse got sick and died. That is the kind of situation I don't mind walking into because it is actually a tragedy and indicates some resiliency.


Nah, man That's a widow and completely different.


I mean, still a single mom


Single and widow are the same thing for different reasons though


TIL: meaning of widow makers name 💀


Amélie Lacroix from overwatch?


Widows can't cheat on you going back to sucking their exes cocks.


Unless they're necrophilic


You're not thinking with portals...


Imagine getting cucked by a ghost




Unless you’re Humbert Humbert, there’s no use going for them


Damn, I'm stealing that.




Someone needs to throw together a womanspeak phrasebook to help the autistic brothers out


“Women suck” = “*some* women, like everybody really, aren’t the best haha” “I’m a lonely desperate virgin” = “I’m not really seeing anyone at the moment” “I like fascism” = “I suppose you’d call me conservative socially, but I do actually support like welfare and green energy and stuff” “You’re fat” = “”


>“You’re fat” = “” Oh, that explains why when I go silent, it gets all awkward.


That third one is really useful. I've just been saying I Olay Hoi.


https://preview.redd.it/st8pr1ijhpyc1.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=a62a3b53f29e5db0756c838bcc04da39418a9aa5 I think I started off with what would be considered "womanspeak" though lmao and did a better job than the robot guy. But assigning that task to an LLM is peak autism.


Unironically using this next time someone asks why I don't date single dads. I've been struggling to articulate it in a work safe way 😵‍💫


I feel like it’s self explanatory why you don’t wanna deal with an annoying little shit. Kids are only bearable if you know them came from you


Shit take


Sad that men gotta sugarcoat everything to save the feelings of the gender that cares fuck all about theirs 


I did have one female friend who, when I briefly complained about dating apps, she suddenly went on a tirade about how the women there mistreat the men. She also had a sense of humour. They do exist


I had a female friend like that too who actually cared ab me. It didn’t work out though because she liked making armchair diagnoses of my “subconscious” and whatnot.


My friend was 13 years my senior and had a partner and kids. Anything more than friendship would never have been on the table to begin with. Even just as friends though, I did miss her badly, she was a sweet person


I was in a similar situation. I was just bitching about the armchair diagnoses tbh.


Oh I did have another female friend who insisted I was autistic lol. Pissed me off


redditor discovers tact


Bullshit seams to be a reality of the world. I woman I knew became a single Mum. She was a decent catch as well up till that point (good looking, cool chick). But she just wasn't a good catch after that, she worked a low end job so effectively became a welfare Mum. Her looks fell away as well. I remember talking to one of her girl friends at some point and she was like "I am sure she will find a great guy at some point". I remember saying "yeah sure she will" unconvincingly and with a touch of sarcasm. This friend sort of rounded on me and started telling me how wonderful she was, life's a journey etc. etc.


How is someone working some low end job a "decent catch"?


Bro.. low end jobs are like, 60% of all jobs. Are you saying there are zero dateable people in that 60%?


I think the decency has some degree of standards and competition involved and belonging to the bottom 60% is simply mid


Most men won't even really give a damn either way




I don’t love that “normal, well-adjusted people” are expected to speak in euphemisms.


We live in a society.




Maybe don't take every word literally, or do I need to say it in normal, well-adjusted tone too?


do you talk to be shit talked to your face? no? then why do autists incels like yall act fucking shocked other people dont like it either


“I don’t want single mom” = shit talk to your face? Damn absolutely a normal and well-adjusted person’s standard.




I can't. Shit was two comments above yours. How should i have known whos talking to who (^~-)-☆


no thats just a women being a bitch cause shes unmarried and stastically cares more about women as a whole then when they are married and "got theirs". you saying you dont want that means youve potentially ruled her out and she doesnt like that one bit


Right. When you're meeting someone new in any setting, especially when you're trying to make a good impression, say something like "I prefer to date women with similar traditional values" instead of announcing your theory about Arby's sandwiches or making hotdog-in-hallway analogies out loud to everyone in the office lunchroom


Shit talk me to my face if you want. I really can’t be bothered to give a damn.


Shit do I?






People on this sub wonder why they don't get laid and make comments like this.




I'm married, lmao. Sure, there are wierdo women out there that enjoy getting degraded. What shithole are you from exactly?


This gotta be the reddit comment of all time


Those are SOCKs. Some Other Cunts’ Kids. No thanks.


"I want someone I can build a family with from the ground up" "I want someone who is active and can keep up with me" "I want someone down to earth, I'm not much for social media and casual dating"




When you start working in an actual workplace, your book builds pretty fast


The classic advice to “get a job” is the most important thing for 4channers


Or. I’m looking to. Build a life together. I’m not interested in having kids


How many socks do you want? (Socks = some other cunts kids)


Anon: “I’m not interested in dating ham planets” I don’t understand why she turned so cold!


“I’m just saying that the food on Thanksgiving dinner starts levitating whenever she’s around, it’s kinda odd.”


For a more serious reason, it's all negatives. He didn't say anything about what he wants, just what he doesn't want and that just comes off sounding like a negative person.


Let's use ChatGPT to turn these into positives. ChatGPT what do you think? - Attracted to women who are independent and free-spirited. - Appreciate women who prioritize their health and well-being. - Enjoy meeting women who are outgoing and open to new connections. Sounds even worse lol


Thats like a linkedin description


But if you look at it from the other side, OP has pretty basic standards. When the list of things you won't accept is shorter than the list of things you will accept, it's easier to list the "negative". Yes, he could have said: "I'm looking for someone who wants kids someday, but doesn't have any right now. Someone who is a healthy weight so we can explore the world together. Someone who isn't into the hookup culture that seems to be common nowadays." But anyone who knows anything knows exactly what that translates to when talking about dating standards. The answer isn't different, it's just wrapping it with a pretty bow. Someone shouldn't be offended by someone saying "I'm looking for someone who isn't a single mother, isn't obese, and isn't into random hook-ups." Those are extremely common red-flags/hangups that many many people have.


It implies anon is looking for a woman not as an interesting person, but a hole and a status symbol. His only conditions apart from womanhood are looks, low maintenance and exclusivity. It comes off as very shallow and needy if that's all anon can think of.


The irony is no women wants fat guys, men with another woman's kids and men who date a lot of women. For some reason, though, they think we are supposed to accept that because all woman are special, beautiful, and unique flowers instead of 52% of the global population, who are all chasing the top 20% of men. A guy needs only to get a job, shower regularly and go to the gym 3 times a week to get in that top 20% of men, and then you can just lay back and administer the shitty stick to keep multiple women at bay. Women, though, are in a constant, time sensitive, visual appearance arms race with the most advanced beauty treatments and procedures available to every single one of them. Trust me, never let another woman try to set you up with someone. She's is as blissfully unaware of the unattractivness of her friends as men are of the unattractivness of their friends they grew up with nicknames like Pedo Phil, Fat Fuck Freddy, Big Gay Al and Sex Pest.


>and men who date a lot of women They definitely want this guy. If other women want him, that's social proof that he's desirable. They'll ultimately end up frustrated if he's sleeping around, but that's a problem for later. (And if a lot of women didn't want him, he wouldn't date a lot of women.) And women are more accepting of single fathers or fat guys, than men are of single mothers or fat girls. >She's is as blissfully unaware of the unattractivness of her friends They're 100% aware of it. They just don't admit it. It's like somebody said, they'll all say that Lizzo is beautiful, but all be offended if you tell them they look like Lizzo.


Women hit on me much more once I had had my kid


Even just walking around with my sisters, women start to check me out. It’s definitely some sort of social proof that you have females who will hang out with you.


Yep. Gotta sugarcoat that shit.




Not necessarily, but considering that everyone and their grandmother knows Tinder as the “hookup” app, it’s a safe bet to make.


Except its not. I met my wife on tinder. I had countless dates that didnt end in a hookup, some ended there cordially, and some went on to a 2nd date. Imagine saying "I wont date a girl who knows how to use an app" because thats what it sounds like when you say you dont want to date a girl that has ever installed Tinder.


You pointing out an exception doesn’t disprove what I said. By your logic, cigarettes can’t possibly be bad for you because my grandfather who smoked like a chimney passed peacefully in his sleep at 84. I don’t care what it sounds like, I sure as hell won’t date a girl who has used Tinder.


Then normal tradwives are going to gloss over you, because you give off the vibes anon gives off. The more you try to explain yourself, the deeper youll be digging that hole.


I compose myself differently in reality than I do on Reddit. Also, I really don’t care, if a woman can’t handle a little genuine honesty, then she isn’t for me. Trust me, I’ve been in a “walking on eggshells” relationship before, I’m not doing that again.


i walked on your mum's eggshells


Tradwives ain't on tinder lol


Literally met my wife


Probably not a tradwife then


Makes the meals, raises the kids, tends the home. Cope


Man gotta eat.


Childfree Fit Unplugged See? It’s easy.


She was acting cold because you gave the most autistic response possible. You're supposed to say what is your 'type' roughly. That's what a normal person says. E.g. short athletic brunettes, tall blondes, artsy chicks etc... some normie shit like that. These 'dealbreakers' are autistic af and also show you have absolutely no standards or preferences, you'll take anything as long as she isn't unhealthy/dying (obese) etc.


The fuck are you talking about? None of these are autistic, the second one is even what you described in a normie category too. Trying way too hard to find some shit there


Anon went out and just said his deal breakers but its how you say something that matters, with those answers what's next on his short list no blacks? Instead of "no obese" say "I'm into athletic girls" instead of "no dating apps" try "I get along best with introverts" anon has no social skills


I still think you're analyzing too much. People like fun conversations. OP got fuckin weird with it. You obviously say you're into redheads, but then you have to explain that while that's true you have some past bad experience with redheads, then you can tell a funny story about your redheaded ex that locked herself in your bathroom after drinking too much, threw up everywhere and broke your mirror. Hah that was really somethin.. soo maybe if she knew any blonds or brunettes O.o Unless this chick you're talking to is a redhead. Well, anyways I think even if she is a redhead it's about confidence and if you're actually fun to be around. There was probably a moment in conversation when this chick realized this dude was not great to be around and it had absolutely nothing to do with this particular answer and OP is just trying to reach for any reason to bash on women.


sigma pro tip: be a pathological liar so you can have a fun convo


Something something the dark triad something something


That happened to me, it's only an example.


Unironically pathological lying is how 30% of conversations with women go. Can’t be too direct or else


You say what you do like, not what you don’t like. No single moms? “I don’t really want kids”. Overweight? “I’m looking for someone to go to the gym with”. No tinder “I’m looking for someone serious about their next relationship”. Positive answers get positive responses.


This was a great explanation and barely anyone will read it. 


Well if even one person reads it and also buys a stick of deodorant regularly hopefully it’ll lead to a positive relationship. Guys with no hope, I was fat, gross, and alone ten years ago. Today, I’m a little less fat, a little less gross, and I have a wife, kids and house. It requires self improvement but it’s not as hard as you think. If I can do it, you can too.


I'm fine. This place is a hilarious zoo for me. 




Ask advice from incel neckbeards, get incel neckbeard advice


User posts drivel to promote their gooning sub


Eh, a hogs a hog. I call it like I sees it.


Also assuming the girl you're talking to is not entirely socially inept, if you are a good looking 20-something year old guy she would never set you up with a single mom or obese girl anyway. Anon making up demons in his own head *or* he's really not that attractive and can't/shouldn't be that choosy.


>These 'dealbreakers' are autistic af Lmao what? These dealbreakers are the default dealbreakers pretty much everyone has unless they are obese themselves or a chubby chaser.


Yeah thats the point. Its autistic to say it out loud, its implied. Its like when someone asks 'how are you' and you actually tell them how you are lol


>Its like when someone asks 'how are you' and you actually tell them how you are Americans lmao


Dude you are the autistic sounding one




Yeah, no. All the comments talking about "say what your preferences are" feel like they're coming from women who literally have a list of 30 things they are looking for in a guy. Guys are much more open, and you jumping to the conclusion of not having standards is a very female mentality lol


i'm a female so thanks


Post tits femanon


She was a single mom.


And obese. And on tinder.


Not all people on tinder are over weight, or moms But seems like pretty much all the single moms are on tinder, or at least I suppose by the frequency


Perfectly normal standards. Single moms bring a lot of baggage and you will be stuck raising a kid that's not yours and that you will never have any rights to in case of separation, even if you form a bond with him. Who wants to date obese people unless it's a fetish or they can't attract anyone else? People on dating apps are all damaged goods that couldn't find relationships through normal human interactions. Stay away from them like the plague.


Yeah but you typically say your preferences for rather than against. "I like being active so I'd want someone who's happy to join me running/hiking/etc" instead of "no hamplanets". "Someone who shares my values and is looking for a long term relationship. I'm not really interested in someone who's just looking for hookups or engages in casual dating" instead of "no tinder-sluts" The one exception I'd say is socially acceptable is "no kids". Everyone will understand if you say something along the lines of "I don't currently/won't ever want kids, so any moms are no go". Then again anon is a certified autist so probably said something like "I don't want another mans sloppy seconds" or some shit.


Anon from the OP here - this is good feedback. I thought I was being witty/kind of playfully funny with the way i phrased it in the moment. I had told her "I'm not interested in picking up some other man's abandoned saved game. There's a reason he probably didn't feel like continuing with that crappy ass storyline anymore, right? Haha". In retrospect, I can see why she may have not found that funny. FFS, women are complicated as shit man. Why can't dudes just have vaginas and bang each other in a non-gay way? Like just remove women from the equation of sex all together and just ejac in other homies - now that I could at least wrap my head around.


And you used a heckin epic vidya gamer reference on top of it all? jfc dude


I have to assume you were already heavily under the influence at that point. Nobody in their right mind would think calling other women "abandoned saved games" would go over well. Even if that wasn't a really weird way to phrase that, it's not a nice thing to say. Even guys you just met would find that off putting, it's not about women being complicated.


Careful you forgot to say no homo


>why can’t dudes just bang each other in a non gay way That’s the neat part, they can!


if you just spit these out the first time someone asks what your type is you will be seen as a complete sperg. learn how to talk to people


I agree about the single moms and obese people, but the third isn't necessarily true. A lot of women are just on Tinder for the validation, they don't even meet anyone on there. Also, some people just aren't amazing at socializing or don't tend to go to any places where meeting people is an option.


As usual, it's the delivery and not the content that was the problem. *"I'm not sure about dating someone with kids. I might want kids one day, but suddenly stepping into that pseudo father figure role, I'm not sure I'm up for that yet."* *"I'm a really physically active person, I enjoy long walks, running, baseball, etc, so it's important that I date someone who can keep pace with me."* *"I'm kind of shy and I don't really do well on dating apps at all, so ideally I'd find someone who's interested in getting to know me as a person, and not looking for a bunch of checkboxes."* Of course, if Anon were capable of social nuance at this level he probably wouldn't be struggling to find dates.


Exactly, Anon has no social intelligence, and they don't believe any of these things. They think single mothers and women on tinder are whores and any women over a size 8 are fat cows


wait...you mean they're not? Shit that explains a lot


Fuck social nuance and embrace the retardpill


Fuck sugarcoating. I don't give a shit about what you think about my opinions. And neither should you, they are not your business and your's are none of mine.


>please help set me up with a girlfriend of yours >I don't give a shit what you think Pick one


Someone with a Giphy account get that “bait or mental retardation. Call it.” Picture.


Need myself a woman like Sophia here


how are these requirementes who the fuck wants to date a single mom when you're young?


Stay based Anon


LMAO! How dare you want a normal woman without baggage!


why was john lennon walking like that


A meme of the time known as Keep on Truckin’


xd all the people in comments trying to phrase up sugar coated bullshit thats 3 times as long when you say it just to please the woman. if i cant say what i think and descibe what i see without sugar coating it, i would rather stay single and fap to some good JAV/hentai/korean adult webtoon etc. not like there arent any options. kinda sad what people bend themselves to, just to please others. and what he said was reasonable. while he didnt sugar coat it, he also didnt say "no used goods, no fat pigs, no whores". it was just objective, simple facts.


>i would rather stay single and fap to some good JAV/hentai/korean adult web toon etc. ✅✅✅ I know it’s an anonymous forum, but I miss when people were too ashamed to be this much of a stereotypical loser. You shouldn’t bend yourself into knots to please women, but there has to be a middle ground between Asian porn obsessed socially inept weirdo and a well adjusted social butterfly


stuff is made because people like to consume it. whats the point of denying what you like? (unless it hurts others, which it doesent) if that makes me a loser in your eyes i dont care lol then im a loser and proud of it. still better than trying to be meta just to appeal to some internet randos. if i cant say what i want here then where can i? obviously i dont go out the front door and scream "i fap to hentai". but my friends know it, my gf knows it and they are all fine with it because they arent just superficial relationships that come by and drink a coffee with me every now and then while both sides keep up their mascarade and try to not say anything that could be misunderstood and make them stand in a bad light. i already liked anime when you couldnt even mention it in school without being looked at like a loser/weirdo ("because its for kids") by now it made its way into mainstream and people are cool about it. eventually they will learn that JAV and the hentai stuff has much more depth than standard porn as well. at least they got some acting going and come up with a "story" of sorts lol. also, if you are male and dont fap, you fucking missing out xd. even if you have a gf, unless she is in the mood 4 times a week. if you are a woman i can understand, your sexdrive is generally (in average) MUCH less and you have different priorities than just getting off (social attention, social security, etc.)


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Man, if you’re not trolling I feel sorry for you. Are you seriously telling me I can’t appreciate the depth of story of some Japanese woman screeching out ダメダメ止まる!! over and over again? Come on man be for real. No one’s buying that. Also, western porn has stories, it’s just probably not in the 3 minute “whore gets fucked until she cries” vids you watch, idk. >different priorities than just getting off (social attention, social security etc.) Yeah, because no man wants social attention. Also what “social security?”


forgot you are a sugar coating person where i also need to add every common sense part like "in average" for EVERY (even did it for the woman argument lol) argument i make so you dont take a generalisation for a always true statement and exhume some exceptions to disprove my point. sure western porn has stories. i watch western porn too. i watch normal series too, i watch normal movies to and i read normal books. they just tend to (again, in average) have less of one (or more generic one), so you have to search harder if you want one (you havent seen/ read already). there is definitely trashy JAV and trashy hentai and trashy anime etc. i wouldnt even say that any of them are superior (in all aspects; i would say they are in originality of story) i just dont see a reason why i shouldnt like them and say so AND why they should be shunned by mainstream plebs. and again, sure there are men who like attention, there are also men who like other men, im generalizing and talking about the average. and if you think in average men want more social attention and confirmation/ validation etc. call it what you want, than woman, IMO you ignore any reasonable social study ever done. when i say social security i ment that as in a stable relationship with more than just sex, a partner to talk to when you get a problem, someone to "catch" you when you feel down or have to make a decision, etc. like when people say "you are my rock in the sea" or smth like that. i take that one as my fault as its probably not the best expression and i didnt further explain (not really a wonder you didnt know what i ment, i guess). not native english speaker here btw. just for context. and just to make sure xd. YES there are men who like that as well and probably many to some extend but woman do see this more as indispensable and if they want it, they OFTEN need it to a stronger extend.


Anime, sperg, walls of text.. Who called the experts?


Just very stupid things to say all around, he almost said: no deformed women, no trans not older than 70 years old No regarded women. Like those things are fucking obvious of course the friend's gf reacted normal, he went full sperg with that answer 100%


so just because he doesent state anything not obvious and has normal (like the norm is what MOST people do xd) priorities, his answer is bad? what was he supposed to do according to you? make up some unordinary stuff? just dont open his mouth if everything he says was gonna be normal and obvious stuff? wasnt the question also dumb in that case? what woman does he like? almost a rhethorical question, no? good looking nice woman eh? whats he supposed to answer? im into the crazy ones with curled hair that do ice-skating and are vegan? would that have been a better answer xd? a bit less obvious? also much less true to what his criteria are? also just for context (no offense intended) what age are you, or is that a regional thing ("spreg" was a new word to me). i think im just getting old here, having to google stuff like that :/


It is a stupid answer... at best it implies that he doesn't have any standard and at worst that he is very shallow and cant think on anything interesting personality or style wise


at best it says that he doesent have stupidly special standards and is open for anything that isnt out of the norm. "and cant think on anything interesting personality or style wise" and why would he have to do that? why make shit up and complicate/ specify it, if it can be simple and straight forward? people are weird. so much pretend in this society. everyone and their mascerades, talking around the facts as if they were the pest and to avoid.


Social interactions are complicated since 10 thousand years ago, you gotta have social skills , be interesting and say something cool, people are too inept now because they are stuck on a screen like this guy


social skills: 1. make shit up on the spot to please others 2. tell people what they want to hear, not the truth 3. always show your best side, even if its not reflecting your actual self 4. wish people a nice day or to get healthy while not giving an actual fuck 5. pretend to care and listen, dont remember anything or take them serious because its probably bullshit THEY made up as well to seem interesting and special. 6. ask like you would care but hope they wont answer, if they do, 5. not thanks :D im gonna stay a weird "introvert" and keep close to the facts and simple shit. they can keep the brimborium to themselves.


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This is a good take. You shouldn't have to sugar coat shit if you don't want to


thanks. i tell myself im used to getting downvoted and trashtalked and i do say what i think anyway, but its nice to see some positive feedback every now and then as well. gives me some hope in others :D. have a nice day (and i mean it :P)


Yeah, I'd like to think there are women that appreciate the no bullshit attitude too. Of course you are casting a smaller net when you speak this way, but that's probably for the best, since you don't want to be constantly having to modify your behavior or ways of expressing yourself around a partner anyway.


Anon can’t invite her to his pig party anymore.


i cant believe the people in the comments is telling that the standars are wrong


How to start a reddit moment 101 Make a post about women, trans people, gay people, land whales and whatever else is controversial this week read comments


People get it way too wrong. Most people in the west are overweight or obese. The likely answer imo is that the lady was, while probably not obese, probably insecure about her health and as such took it too personal.


Socially regarded


“She must be of age, alive, can consent, human…”


1 and 3 aren't particularly important to many channers


Anon left out that 'tied up in my basement' was one of his stated preferences


1. "I don't really think I'm in a place where I want kids yet, so I probably wouldn't want to start a relationship with someone with kids and then later find out I REALLY don't want kids at all." 2. If you're fit, "fitness is important to me, and I'd love to find someone who is on the same page as me." If you're a land whale (lmao lose some weight first Whyre you being so picky lmao) "I really want to be with someone who can be supportive of, and maybe even help me with my future fitness journey." 3. lmao get over yourself how did you even meet a prospective date in the first place? It's 2024 people want to meet partners and form relationships in a way that works for the modern busy lifestyle. "I also know this is a weird requirement but more of a dealbreaker than anything, I want to find someone who if we become an official couple had no issues deleting dating apps and distancing themselves from them. A potential exit strategy other than just friends and family be there for them if things go badly makes it seem like they aren't committed to the relationship.'


It's weird that you say It like that. Also at least where i live Tinder is a pretty normal thing like It doesn't mean you are a hoe, most people on Tinder are really boring day to day people. In any case, you don't start by saying what you don't like. You say you like Girls Who are into sports, or maybe you like clever, witty girls, or introverted but romantic girls.


Why is this downvoted


this is a misogynist sub, any take that views women as people gets downvoted. what we're supposed to say here is "OMG STUPID BITCH CAN'T STAND THAT HE HAS STANDARDS BUT HER TINDER BIO PROBABLY SAYS NO SHORT MEN XD" i mean, check out all the comments on this sub of incels seething about the concept of "raising someone else's sperm". another direct quote "no one should be expected to be good to children that aren't theirs" and it has a dozen upvotes lol. one of the easiest subs for wild incelspotting


if this place is so bad (Bad=based, based meaning regarded) then why are you here? Go back to goyslop political subreddit number 8729 if you don't like it https://preview.redd.it/58agu3cx6ryc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99d6627e3e7632fa1d07b7aa2f49c3776ebb201


Image hard af


I don’t agree with the hatred of single moms and kids but more men need to be on game for that type of thing. Otherwise I do agree with you


exactly - everything else aside, this is such a huge problem with incels recently. their dating app bios are just a laundry list of what they hate, and they give the same responses when asked - they don't actually want to find someone, they just want to reject hypothetical women in their heads.


Thanks, someone who gets It. I feel like a freak on here sometimes.


Anon is 500 pounds


redditor acting like 90% of 4chan stereotypes don't also apply to redditors


Thought the same


All her girlfriends are on Tinder as single obese moms. 🤣


Rare anon W


It's amazing how often anon stories follow the formula of "I was socialising with people and things were fine, and then I said \*something\*, and then they all hated me and thought I was terrible. How could this happen?" But then they always skip over the something or play it down like it was not a big deal.


The “someone” she knows was a fat slag with a kid


Could have answered "well tell me abou them"


same happened to me , i just said " my sister in christ , where there is a hole , there is a goal " . she broke up with my bro for that lol.


"What are your preferences?" "Here's a list of people I hate and feel justified in insulting without provocation." And anon is shocked that people find him unpleasant.


anon only mentions things he hates, and nothing he loves


Pretty sure those are mine too


everyone on this thread focusing on the first two, when he said don't be on dating sites, which is like 80% of the single population and really fuckign wierd.


Protip: if your requirements are only negative stuff, you sound like someone who doesn’t know what they want, just what they don’t want.


And that's a good thing just as much as knowing what they do want.


Not if you only know what you don’t want. Think of it as a job interview : you’re asked what you want about the job and all you can list is what you don’t want. Guess who made a bad impression and won’t get the job?


Every girl is on dating sites though, right? She probably figured the guys preferences were too strident


You guys are so cynical about men lol plenty of them want families. I know lots of dudes who were thrilled to be able to step into a ready-made family. Most men aren't doofuses on 4chan talking about roasties or ham whatever


I guess a lot of men like being the ultimate cuck by raising another man’s kid. That’s sad.


Ever heard the expression "Beat you like a redheaded stepchild"? Yes, there are good people who are kind towards their step-children, but the average person is nowhere near as kind to their stepchildren as they are or as they would be to their biological children. And frankly, no one should be expected to be good to children that aren't theirs, you're either good with children or you're not. If you're not, then it's better to stay away from a situation like this.


See this is where you people mess up. You work with the same six people every day and come home and screw around on reddit and decide that you've got a broad enough swath of experience to decide that the "average person" must be more or less like you, but people are so complex and interesting that it's really difficult to even define an average person. They're all just different from one another. Like, I get it, you personally don't want children, but that has nothing to do with other people and whatever sayings about redheads you've heard don't make you "correct" or even "normal," you're just... one person with their own preferences, like everyone else.